찢어진 입을 하고 “나 예뻐?”라며 묻는다는 ‘빨간 마스크’, 주문을 외우면 정확히 4시 44분에 나타나 주문을 외운 사람을 죽인다는 ‘4시 할멈’, 적당한 대상을 찾아 빙의후 식량으로 쓸 사람들을 찾아나선다는 ‘작은 아저씨’, 허무맹랑한 이야기로 치부하는 그들에게 현실로 다가오는 일본 도시전설.
In October 2013, several video cameras and 8 bodies of men and women were found in the mountain known as "Mount. Nabi" located in the Chubu region of Japan. Many of the investigators fainted at the scene as the bodies were gruesomely decapitated by the wild animals. A police investigation was carried but the killer was never found till this day. What happened in the depth of a mountain?