Agnes Chan

참여 작품

호저의 하늘
Xin Lan
일란성 쌍둥이 남매인 소라(이태경)과 카이(이태경)는 일본인 아버지와 한국인 어머니 사이에서 태어났다.현재는 일러스트레이터로서 상하이에서 사는 소라는 출판사에서 일하는 모치즈키(아베 지카라)와 만나 서로 타향에서 사는 사람들끼리, 둘의 관계는 친밀한 것으로 발전해 나갈 예감을 간직하고 있었다.그러던 중 성전환 수술을 받고 여성으로 이름을 '카이'에서 '우미'로 바꾼 쌍둥이 동생이 소라를 찾아온다.
Gift from Agnes
"Gift from Agnes" is a movie that was shown at the "Toho Champion Festival" on March 15, 1975. It's more like a promotional video for an idol singer Agnes Chan, incorporating her poems. Finger 5's short film "Hello! Finger 5", which was screened in the previous year (1974), was well received, so Agnes Chan, who was a popular idol at the time, starred in the second one. However, this was the last time an idol short film was screened in the "Toho Champion Festival".
Gift from Agnes
"Gift from Agnes" is a movie that was shown at the "Toho Champion Festival" on March 15, 1975. It's more like a promotional video for an idol singer Agnes Chan, incorporating her poems. Finger 5's short film "Hello! Finger 5", which was screened in the previous year (1974), was well received, so Agnes Chan, who was a popular idol at the time, starred in the second one. However, this was the last time an idol short film was screened in the "Toho Champion Festival".