Wu Kekang

Wu Kekang

출생 : , Changchun, Jilin province, China

프로필 사진

Wu Kekang

참여 작품

Longling Insect Valley
Professor Wang
A mad biology professor, a terminally ill rich man, an adventurer looking for a missing relative, a desperado who only sees money. A group of people with different goals formed an expedition to go to the depths of the insect valley in the southwest of the country to find the ancients that have been sleeping for thousands of years, along with the legend of the insect king. In the face of surging poisonous snakes and scorpions, sophisticated hallucinogens, huge and ferocious ancient insect kings...the expedition team experienced many thrills in the ancient tombs, and launched a life-and-death confrontation with the lost mysterious civilization of the ancient Dian Kingdom. The Dao Dao puzzle set by the ancient Dian King, made the explorers fight back and forth between human nature and desire, and the desperate battle in the secret realm of Insect Valley
봉신: 달기
Mei Bo
꼬리가 아홉 개 달린 여우 부족의 여왕은우아하고 아름답기로 소문이 자자했다. 그러나 어느 날 불행히도 일곱 마리의 괴물 중 무시무시한 원숭이 위안홍에 잡히고 만다. 어차저차해서 강즈야가 그녀를 구했는 데 이 때 강즈야가 꼬리 한 개를 잘라버린다. 그러자 여와 황후가 여우 부족 여왕을 불쌍히 여겨 달기 몸속으로 넣어주자 여우 부족 여왕은 지저우의 후온의딸이 된다. 얼마 지나지 않아, 저우왕은군대를 이끌고 지저우를 공격한다. 달기는 아버지를 위해 전쟁에 나갔지만 결국 저우왕에게 붙잡힌다. 강에서 두 사람은전쟁에 관해서 얘기를 나누고, 왕은 달기의 통찰력에 탄복하고 그녀와사랑에 빠진다. 그날 밤 그 길로 저우왕은 달기에게 청혼했고, 그녀는 상나라의 황후가 되었다. 그녀가 상나라의 황후가 됨으로써 세상의 혼돈이 찾아온다.
Kunlun Labyrinth
Lu Bingzheng
The film tells the story of an archaeological team led by Lu Bingzheng and Chen Youde on an expedition to Kunlun Mountain in the 1980s and was trapped in Queen Niya’s mausoleum. Seven years later, Lu Bingzheng’s son Lu Jiuyi led an expedition to search for the ancient Niya country and the disappearance of his father. The mystery, but found that it has fallen into a deeper vortex
The film tells the thrilling story of Wu Feng, who struggles to find his long-lost daughter and survives multiple deaths in order to faithfully carry out his late employer Sarang's deathbed mission.
Warfare'Genie Brotherhood of Blades
Cai Laode
Luo Lianwu is investigating the death of his godfather Shen Qianzhe, but he finds out about Ji Yuankun's treachery. After the Shen's death, Ji Yuankun is framed to frame Luo Lianwu, and Zhang lets go of Luo Lianwu. The emperor pretends to be sick and the princess leaves the palace, all to draw out the rebellious people in the imperial court, and when the princess leaves the palace, she happens to save Luo Lianwu, who then also saves the princess from the assassin. After returning to the capital, Luo Lianwu reunites with Zhang Jean Lei, but Liang Zhuo discovers him and Liang Zhuo
Wolf Hunting
Head of Information Department