평화로웠던 마을은 ‘닭이 먼저냐 달걀이 먼저냐’를 두고 격렬히 논쟁하다 분열되고, 영원한 경계선을 긋는다. ‘닭이 먼저’파는 파란마을을, ‘달걀이 먼저’파는 노란 마을을 만드는데, 어느 날 각 마을 수장의 자녀인 알로윈과 베랄린이 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 둘 사이를 갈라놓으려는 주변의 훼방에도 불구하고 그들은 마을을 다시금 하나의 공동체로 합치고자 노력한다. 화합과 공존의 주제를 아름다운 색채와 감각적 음악을 통해 표현한 가나 영화
Aunty Barbara
Jennifer is a British-Ghanaian girl who visits Ghana for the first time and experiences her Aunty Barbara treating the domestic worker Efua very harshly.
Mrs. Bimpong
Inspector Boniface Koomsin, a Ghanaian police detective, embarks on a dangerous, crime-laden journey to recover the one thing he needs to realize his ultimate dream-- to escape the ghosts of his past and return to America.
Nana Ama
A Ghanaian woman, Nana Ama, finds out at airport Schiphol that her papers are false. Her dream to start a new life in the United States falls apart. After escaping the authorities, she tries to earn a living in the Bijlmer in Amsterdam.
Effe, is a pretty young woman who prefers dating much older, and usually married men. Effe leaves her home to escape her mother’s criticism of her behavior and stays with her friend’s family. While at her friend Kate’s house, Effe has an affair with Kate’s father as well and ruins the dynamics of that family
This is a story of two teenage love birds, who defied parental counsel and chose to live their lives as they saw fit. It is a story of youthful exuberance and experimentation with adult lifestyle between young people that ends them in trouble.
The tragic story of a father who wants a "good" man for his daughter who is bent on having her own way and the house boy caught in between.