A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
잘못된 시간, 잘못된 장소에서 만나 쉽사리 인연으로 이어지지 못하는 두 남녀. 설렘, 황당, 어색한 순간이 반복적으로 교차되는 이들의 사랑은 과연 이루어질 수 있을까? 신이 장난이라도 치는 듯, 말도 안 되는 혼란스러운 상황 속에서 펼쳐지는 매력 넘치는 여주인공과 순정남의 사랑 이야기.
Project Manager
When a world champion of sport stacking is dumped by his long-time girlfriend, he has to learn basic adulting skills in order to live alone and take care of himself.
Line Producer
Ruja inherited a collection of paintings from his father painter. She has to hurry and repair the images for resale. Then bring money to keep the eyes of Rachel's daughter, with young artist Tim in charge of repairing the cracks that appear on the paintings. But as the two got closer to the painting The terrifying experience threatened them even more. Or this priceless piece of art will come with priceless something?