Donald Curtis

Donald Curtis

출생 : 1915-02-27, Cheney, Washington, USA

사망 : 1997-05-22

프로필 사진

Donald Curtis

참여 작품

나이트 페세이지
부모와 형제를 떠나 악의 세력으로 방황하고 있는 아우를 찾아 서부를 아코디언 하나만을 둘러메고 헤메고 다니는 형 ‘그랜트’ 그리고 폐광을 근거지로 삼고 무법자 ‘하빈’의 부두목으로 있는 아우 ‘키드’. 형과 아우는 어려운 조건속에서 서로 만나지만 마음을 돌리고 형을 돕던 동생 키드는 ‘하빈’의 총에 맞아 쓰러지고 총알이 떨어진 형이 절대절명의 순간에 아우는 단 한발이 남은 총을 형에게 건네 주고 눈을 감는다. 한발의 총알로 그랜트는 하빈을 쓰러 뜨리지만 아우 키드는 형 그랜트의 팔에 안긴채 숨을 거두고 만다. 60년대에 최고의 인기를 구가했던 오디 머피가 검은 가죽 점퍼 복장으로 출연해서 장안의 젊은이들의 우상을 다시 볼 수 있게 되었다는 것은 잊혀진 옛 추억의 감회를 다시 새롭게 한다는데 의의가 깊다고 하겠다. 영화 내내 아름다운 산악 풍경 또한 이 영화의 빼 놓을 수 없는 볼거리이고 세인에서 낯이 익은 ‘브란돈 드 와일드’의 모습은 영화내내 오디 머피와 함께 즐거움을 선사해 주고 있다.
7th Cavalry
Lt. Bob Fitch
An officer accused of cowardice volunteers to bring back General Custers's body after Little Big Horn.
이집트의 고센 지방에 자리 잡고 수백년을 살아 온 이스라엘 민족(히브리인)이 나날이 번성해 가자, 이집트의 왕 파라오가 그에 위협을 느끼고 히브리인의 장자를 모두 죽이라고 명한다. 요케벨(마샤 스콧 분)이라는 히브리 여인은 파라오의 명령으로부터 아들을 보호하기 위해 아들을 바구니에 넣어 나일강에 띄워 보낸다. 때마침 강가에서 노닐고 있던 파라오의 딸 비티아(니나 포치 분)가 아기를 발견하고, 모세란 이름을 지어준 다음 자신의 아들로 삼아 키운다. 세월이 흘러 비티아의 오빠 세티(세드릭 하드위케 분)가 왕이 된다. 씩씩한 청년으로 자란 모세(찰톤 헤스톤 분)는 용감하고 품위있는 성품으로 세티의 사랑을 받고, 공주인 네프레티리(앤 백스터 분)의 연인이 된다. 세티의 아들 람세스(율 브린너 분)는 아버지 세티로부터 왕위를 계승받기 위해 안간힘을 쓰며, 모세를 견제하고 모함한다. 어느날 모세는 자신이 이집트 왕족이 아니라 히브리 노예의 아들이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 그는 왕자로서의 부귀영화와 공주 네페르타리의 사랑을 뒤로 한 채 동족의 곁으로 돌아와 이집트인의 노예로서 처참한 생활을 하고 있는 동족의 고통을 함께 나눈다. 400년 간 노예 생활을 해온 히브리인들은 언젠가 하느님이 인도자를 보내 주시어 그들을 이집트에서 구해 내시고 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅으로 인도하리라는 기다림 속에서 살아가고 있었다. 그러던 중 모세가 노예의 아들이라는 사실이 람세스에게 알려지고 모세는 광야로 추방된다. 광야를 헤매던 모세는 미디안에 이르고, 그곳에서 세포라(이본느 드 칼로 분)라는 양치기 여인과 혼인해 아들을 낳고 평화롭게 살아가던 중 시나이 산에서 하느님의 부름을 받고, 이집트로 돌아가 동포를 구해 내라는 명령을 받게 되는데..
지구 대 비행접시
Maj. Huglin, Liason Officer
Test space rockets exploding at liftoff and increased reporting of UFO sightings culminate in a direct attempt by alien survivors of a dead, extra-galactic civilization to invade Earth from impervious flying saucers, using ray-weapons of mass destruction.
천국이 허락한 모든 것
Howard Hoffer
평온한 삶을 살던 여자 주인공이 다른 세계에 소속된 남자 주인공을 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 둘은 결혼하고 싶어하지만 주변 사람들의 만류 때문에 둘의 사랑은 위기에 처하게 된다. 이 영화의 여자 주인공 캐리는 대학생 남매를 두고 있는 상류 사회 출신의 과부이고 남자 주인공 론은 괜히 소로 흉내를 내며 끝도 없이 멋있는 척하는 15살 연하의 근육질 정원사이다.
Flame of the Islands
A café singer buys a gambling casino and several men fall in love with her.
놈은 바닷속으로부터 왔다
Dr. John Carver
A giant octopus, whose feeding habits have been affected by radiation from H-Bomb tests, rises from the Mindanao Deep to terrorize the California Coast.
Rick Vidal
Robert and Nina Tracy were once a happy couple, but eight years of marriage has taken a toll on their relationship. They decide to call it quits and get a divorce. In their ensuing freedom, they are excited to dive back into the world of dating. Nina has a date with a suave actor, and Robert meets a blonde bombshell. However, when their dalliances get complicated, they quickly realize that single life might not be what they bargained for.
Brothers Mike and Tim McCall own a large ranch in Arizona, using the surrounding lands for grazing cattle. Stanley Cox and LeRoy Stanton sell this land to settlers who arrive to find it bone dry, as a dam on the McCall ranch controls the water. Among the settlers are John Dawson and his daughter Connie. The latter goes to the nearest town to take action, but Sheriff Ball tells him there is nothing he can do. Tim falls for Connie but Mike is unimpressed with her charms. While returning from a town dance, Tim discovers Stanton trying to dynamite the dam, and is killed in the ensuing gunfight. Stanton later sends his men to stampede the cattle while he and Cox blow up the dam. Despite the efforts of Mike and Sheriff Ball, the cattle are wiped out and Mike races to the dam and kills Stanton in a gunfight.
The Amazing Mr. X
Paul Faber
On the beach one night, Christine Faber, two years a widow, thinks she hears her late husband Paul calling out of the surf...then meets a tall dark man, Alexis, who seems to know all about such things. After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and younger sister Janet become enmeshed in the eerie artifices of Alexis; but he in turn finds himself manipulated into deeper deviltry than he had in mind...
The Fuller Brush Man
Gregory Cruckston
Poor Red Jones gets fired from every job he tries. His fiancée gives him one last chance to make good when he becomes a Fuller Brush man. His awkward attempts at sales are further complicated when one of his customers is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect.
Night Song
A socialite pretends to be poor and blind in her plan to help a blinded pianist.
I Love Trouble
A wealthy man hires a detective to investigate his wife's mysterious past.
Dangerous Years
Jeff Carter
Jeff Carter has put an end to the town's delinquency with a boys' club. Young hoodlum Danny shows up and influences teenagers Doris, Willy and Leo. They hang out at a juke joint where Eve works. When Jeff tries to stop a robbery planned by Danny, he is killed and Danny goes on trial.
Gallant Bess
Lt. Bridgeman
Marshall Thompson stars in this MGM drama about a young soldier's devotion to a horse he rescues during WWII. (Not to be confused with "Adventures of Gallant Bess", another film released two years later.)
Courage of Lassie
Bill's separated from his litter, making friends with the wild creatures until he's found and adopted by young Kathie. An accident separates him from her, and he's drafted into K-9 duty in the trenches until battle fatigue takes its toll and he turns vicious. And even though he finds his way back home, he may be condemned as a killer.
White Tie and Tails
Nate Romero
When his employer goes to Florida, a butler masquerades as a millionaire and winds up marrying an heiress.
Bad Bascomb
John Fulton
A western bandit is reformed by his love for a little girl.
A Letter for Evie
Capt. Budlowe
Evie's co-workers at the uniform shirt factory, and her almost-fiancée's inability to kiss, inspire her to slip a letter into a size sixteen-and-a-half shirt for some anonymous soldier. It's received by "Wolf" Larson, who immediately throws it away, but his sensitive, dreaming--and short--buddy John McPherson snags it, and begins a correspondence with Evie, pretending to be Wolf. But things get complicated when Evie wants to meet her tall, handsome soldier. And even more complicated when Wolf sees Evie and likes what he sees.
그들은 희생양이다
Lt. (J.G.) 'Shorty' Long
1941년 12월, 일본의 침략에 맞서 필리핀을 방어하기 위해 존 브리클리 중위가 이끄는 어뢰정 부대가 마닐라로 급파된다. 하지만 존의 부대는 환영받기는커녕 주둔 부대의 놀림감이 된다. 작은 어뢰정은 도움이 되지 않는다며 존의 부대를 무시하고, 본부에 구축함을 요청하는 해군의 행태에 존의 부하 라이언은 분노한다. 그러나 일본군이 진주만을 습격했다는 비보가 전해지고, 곧 일본군의 공격이 시작되는데, 전투가 진행될수록 전장에서 효율적으로 움직이며, 효과적으로 적의 배를 공격해 침몰시키는 어뢰정의 활약이 돋보인다. 하지만 전투력에서나 수적으로나 열세였던 미군은 점점 수세에 몰리고, 섬을 일본군에 빼앗길 위기에 처한다. 2차 세계대전 당시 어뢰정(PT boats)을 몰고 참전했던 미 해군의 활약을 그리고 있는데, 제목에서 어뢰정 부대를 해군이 어떻게 생각했는지 알 수 있다. 병사들의 모습이나 전투 장면은 매우 사실적으로 느껴지며, 전쟁이 끝날 무렵 미국이 승리를 앞둔 시기에 만들었음에도 영화 속에는 패배의 어두운 그림자가 드리워져 있다.
그린 매너스 정신병원에서는 원장인 머치슨 박사가 은퇴하고 저명한 정신과 의사인 에드워즈 박사(그레고리 펙)가 새로 부임한다. 그러나 막상 도착한 에드워즈 박사의 모습은 예상외로 젊고 이상한 점이 많다. 병원 직원들의 질문에 모호하게 답하는가 하면 식사 도중에는 포크에 의해 만들어진 자국들을 보고는 극도의 불안감을 보여주기도 한다. 젊고 아름다운 여자 의사인 피터슨(잉그리드 버그만)은 에드워즈와 사랑에 빠지지만 결국 그가 심각한 정신분열증에 시달리는 가짜라는 사실을 알게 된다.
Thrill of a Romance
K.O. Karny
A soldier falls in love with a newly-married woman after her husband abandons her for a business meeting on their honeymoon.
Son of Lassie
Sergeant Eddie Brown
Laddie (Son of Lassie) and his master are trapped in Norway during WW2 - has he inherited his mothers famous courage?
Little White Lie
An orphan is uncertain whether she wants to remain with her adoptive family or return to the orphanage.
This Man's Navy
Operations Officer
During World War II, Chief Aviation Pilot Ned Trumpet is in charge of an airship at Lakehurst, New Jersey naval base. Trumpet orders an unauthorized and premature attack on a German submarine but the bomb misses and the submarine fires back, hitting the airship. Trumpet takes over the controls and sinks the submarine, The pilot faces a court-martial for disobeying orders but the older man takes the blame for his actions. Weaver transfers to the Ferry Command, and while on assignment in Burma, his aircraft crashes in Japanese territory. Trumpet rushes to the scene with a rescue team. Both are successfully brought out and are decorated for their heroism. Afterward, Weaver indicates that he will be returning to the lighter-than-air service in Lakehurst, to reunite with his "father".
세인트 루이스에서 만나요
Dr. Girard (uncredited)
이듬해 봄에 열릴 만국박람회로 떠들썩한 세인트 루이스의 여름. 네 명의 딸과 아름다운 아내를 둔 스미스 씨는 부유한 비즈니스맨이다. 그의 승진과 함께 온 가족이 뉴욕으로 이사를 가야만 하는데, 가족들은 이 소식이 그다지 반갑지 않다. 더구나 몇 달만 지나면 그들이 고대하던 만국박람회가 드디어 열리는데, 이를 놓칠 수는 없지 않은가. 과연 스미스 씨 가족은 뉴욕으로 가게 될까?
Return from Nowhere
Jack Stuart (uncredited)
In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short, a man recovers his lost memories when he is forced to relive events in his dreams.
Patrolling the Ether
Bill Beck
1940. Sixteen year old Phillip is one of a number of amateur radio operators across the US, doing it purely as a fun hobby. He is informed by Bill Beck of the Radio and Intelligence Division (RID) of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that amateur international radio communication is now banned due to spying a result of the war in Europe. Beck, on behalf of the RID, asks Phillip, however, to continue to monitor the airwaves for suspicious activity.
See Here, Private Hargrove
Sgt. Heldon
Journalist Marion Hargrove enters the Army intending to supplement his income by writing about his training experiences. He muddles through basic training at Fort Bragg with the self-serving help of a couple of buddies intent on cutting themselves in on that extra income.
Ditch and Live
Lt. Scott Reynolds is co-pilot on a B-17 bomber. When his ship is forced to ditch at sea, only Reynolds survives. The nine other crew members died as a result of insufficient training in ditching procedure. Sent back to the States and promoted, Captain Reynolds takes command of a new B-17 and indoctrinates his crew carefully in the proper methods of preparation for ditching and for survival at sea thereafter.
Swing Fever
Reporter (uncredited)
Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers.
Swing Shift Maisie
Joe Peterson
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Salute to the Marines
Randall James
It is a comic book propaganda film which has Beery as a retired USMC NCO who, when the Japanese invade the Philippines, leads a heroic defense, first by strangling a Nazi agent, and then dying in his dress blues uniform while blowing up a bridge.
During Japan's invasion of the Philippines in 1942, Capt. Henry Lassiter, Sgt. Bill Dane and a diverse group of American soldiers are ordered to destroy and hold a strategic bridge in order to delay the Japanese forces and allow Gen. MacArthur time to secure Bataan. When the Japanese soldiers begin to rebuild the bridge and advance, the group struggles with not only hunger, sickness and gunfire, but also the knowledge that there is likely no relief on the way.
Law of the Northwest
Frank Mason (as Don Curtis)
Briefly switching gears in 1942 and 1943, western star Charles Starrett made a handful of "northerns" in which he played a Canadian mountie. In Law of the Northwest, Steve King (Starrett) supervises a road-construction project designed to transport war materials to the Aleutians. Problems arise when a crooked contractor decides that his interests are more important than the war effort.
A Tornado in the Saddle
Steve Duncan
A good entry in one of the better B-Western series of the 1940s, A Tornado in the Saddle starred Russell Hayden as the new sheriff of Crestview. Hot on the trail of a gang of claim jumpers led by Dalton (Tristram Coffin) and Slim (Donald Curtis), the novice lawman also has to deal with hotheaded wrangler turned deputy Bob Wilson (Bob Wills), whom he is constantly forced to fight, but only after prudently removing his sheriff's star.
War Dogs
Fred (as Don Curtis)
A young boy donates his pet, a police dog, to the army to be trained as a war dog.
인비저블 에이전트
German Sentry (uncredited)
The Invisible Man's grandson uses his secret formula to spy on Nazi Germany in this comedy-thriller.
Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die
Phineas Clanton
Uneven version of Wyatt Earp vs. the Clanton Gang with a little romance thrown in haphazardly.
In Old California
Pike - Dawson's Henchman
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
Westward Ho
Rick West
The all-purpose title Westward Ho was applied in 1942 to this "Three Mesquiteers" western. This time, the Mesquiteers are Tucson Smith, Stony Brooke and Lullaby Joslin, here played respectively by Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Rufe Davis. Our heroes converge on a small town to solve a series of mysterious bank robberies.
Hello, Annapolis
Chief Petty Officer
Rivals Bill Arden and Paul Herbert enter the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis in order to impress a girl.
Code of the Outlaw
After a payroll robbery the Mesquiteers catch up with the gang. But the members escape, the gang leader is killed, and they end up with only the leaders young son who is quickly sent to a work farm. They adopt the boy hoping to learn where the money is. Just as their kindness is about to pay off a gang member takes the boy away forcing him to retrieve the money. - Written by Maurice VanAuken
Salesman (uncredited)
The Devil works with Adolf Hitler to cause inflation in the United States.
The Royal Mounted Patrol
Frenchy Duvalle
Western star Charles Starrett makes one of his periodic forays into the Great White North in Columbia's Royal Mounted Patrol. When villainous lumberman Frenchy Duvalle (Donald Curtis) refuses to limit his wood-chopping activities, he inadvertently touches off a forest fire. Trapped in the middle of the conflagration, Frenchy's only hope for rescue is mountie Tom Jeffries (Charles Starrett), presently scouring the countryside in his scout plane. Jeffries' reasons for bringing Frenchy out safely are twofold: he must deliver the renegade lumberjack to the authorities, and he happens to be in love with Frenchy's sister Betty (Wanda McKay).
Thunder Over the Prairie
Henchman Taylor
An evil land baron uses the local Indians as laborers and then finds legal methods to cheat them of their pay. The reservation physician Steve Monroe does his best to thwart the villain by peaceable methods.
The Son of Davy Crockett
Jack Ringe
Dave Crockett (Bill Elliott) comes to the aid of ranchers living on the Yucca Strip, who want their area made part of the United States. A greedy land baron, however, wants the property as his own.
Criminals Within
Lt. John Harmon
A young soldier uncovers a ring of spies when he investigates his brother's mysterious murder.
Hands Across the Rockies
Dade Crawley
Wild Bill Hickock and Cannonball help two young people in love and bring the murderer of Cannonball's father to justice.
Secret Evidence
Det. Murphy
A legal secretary with a loving family who is happily engaged to a successful young attorney receives a surprise visit from her bad-news former boyfriend, a jewel thief just released on parole who has no intention of going straight. The visit triggers a series of events resulting in a trial for attempted murder.
The Texas Rangers Ride Again
Ranger Stafford (uncredited)
With thousands of cattle being rustled from White Sage ranch the 1930's Texas Rangers are called in. They manage to get one of their agents into the gang by making them think he is the Pecos Kid on the lam.
The Son of Monte Cristo
Guard (Uncredited)
Rightful owner of the kingdom, the Duchess of Zona, is engaged in a power struggle with the evil General Gurko. Edmond, the son of Monte Cristo, dons many disguises to come to the aid of the Duchess.
Take Me Back to Oklahoma
Henchman Snapper
Storm is out to wreck Ace's stage line. When Tex arrives to help Ace, Storm brings in hired killer Mule Bates. But Tex and Bates know each other and the two devise a plan to fool Storm.
Junior G-Men
Henchman Akin
A gang of urban street kids and a club of suburban would-be federal agents, at first rivals, join forces to rescue the father of one of the kids, the inventor of a super-explosive and its remote detonator, from the clutches of a band of foreign subversives call the "Flaming Torch Gang". A 12-episode movie serial with the chapters: •1. Enemies Within •2. The Blast of Doom •3. Human Dynamite •4. Blazing Danger •5. Trapped By Traitors •6. Traitors' Treachery •7. Flaming Death •8. Hurled Through Space •9. The Plunge of Peril •10.The Toll of Treason •11.Descending Doom •12.The Power of Patriotism
북서 기마 순찰대
Mountie Secretary (uncredited)
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
너트 록큰 올 아메리칸
West Point Football Player (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Tear Gas Squad
Second cadet
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe
Ronal (uncredited)
A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting his plans of conquest.
Emergency Squad
Ambulance Interne
Betty Bryant is an ambitious newspaper reporter in love with Dan Barton, a member of a big-city Emergency Squad who are trained to deal with riots, cave-in, explosions, fires and other emergencies where lives are at stake. Slade Wiley, an unscrupulous tunnel builder, finds that his low bid on the Newford Tunnel project is causing him to lose a lot of money, and has underworld leader Nick Burton set off blasts to frighten the stockholders into selling their shares at a low price so he can buy up the stock. Betty is investigating the deal when Wiley and Burton take her on a "tour trip" to the tunnel.