Jenny Clève

Jenny Clève

출생 : 1930-04-03, Roubaix, Nord, France

프로필 사진

Jenny Clève

참여 작품

A Mother
Le grand-mère
Marie lives alone with her 16 year old son. She struggles to get by with this teenager who gets deeper and deeper in violence and juvenile delinquency. Speaking sentimentally, things are not going better: the relationship with her lover has come to an end. It may seems depressing, but Marie doesn’t give up, even if love seems to be an inaccessible dream. But love, there is. We can feel the affection of this mother for her troublesome child, thanks to Mathilde Seigner, who gives an astonishing performance. A subtle directing, a strong and captivating story, in short: a must see.
Mémé Gardie
어느 토요일 저녁, 당직 근무를 마친 여 형사 퐁투아즈 앞에 한 여자가 찾아온다. 10년 전 자신의 남편을 8층 아파트에서 밀어서 살해한 범인이 자신이라고 고백하는 여자.. 충격적인 자백 앞에 당시 사건을 되짚어 보던 퐁투아즈는 완벽하게 자살로 종결된 그녀의 남편 사건엔 한 점의 타살의혹도 없었음을 확인하고 여자를 돌려보내려고 하는데.. 하지만 유죄가 분명하므로 체포해달라며 완강하게 주장하는 여자.. 12시간 뒤면 공소시효가 만료되는 시점에서 자신의 유죄를 입증하려는 여자의 이야기가 시작된다. 결혼 생활 내내 툭하면 폭언과 폭력을 일삼았던 남편에 대한 분노.. 아이들과 스스로를 보호하지 못하는 상황에서의 공포와 절망.. 그리고 사건 이후의 죄책감까지.. 그녀의 삶에 대한 이야기를 들을수록 그녀보다 더 그녀를 이해하게 되는 퐁투아즈... 심문이 계속될수록 그녀를 체포하지 않으려는 퐁투아즈와 무슨 수를 써서든 유죄를 입증하고 체포되려는 여자의 팽팽한 심리가 부딪히는데...
Les pieds dans le plat
Suzanne Lagadec
알로, 슈티
Old Lady singing the 'P'tit Quinquin'
울면서 가는 곳, 프랑스 최북단 ‘슈티’?! 매일 바쁜 도시, 지긋지긋한 직장생활, 우울증에 걸린 아내… 우체국장 ‘필립’은 사랑하는 가족을 위해 따뜻하고 여유로운 남부 프랑스로 전근을 계획한다. 하지만, 그가 발령받은 곳은 프랑스 최북단, 일명 ‘슈티’라 불리는 시골 ‘베르그’ 혹독한 추위와 알코올에 중독된 사람들, 알아듣지 못할 방언 때문에 모두가 꺼리는 곳이다. 결국, 기러기 가장이 되기로 결심한 '필립'은 홀로 끔찍한 슈티로 향하는데… 일상에 지친 당신, ‘슈티’에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 마침내 슈티에 도착한 '필립' 생각보다 화창한 날씨와 낮술을 즐기는 여유로운 사람들, 유쾌하고 따뜻한 마을 분위기와 독특하지만 정감있는 방언까지... '필립'은 처음의 날 선 자세가 무색하게 슈티 생활에 재미를 느끼기 시작한다. 이제 남은 일은 슈티에 대한 아내의 오해를 풀어주는 것인데... 지금! 낮술처럼 유쾌한 행복이 시작된다! '슈티(Ch'tis)'란? 프랑스 북부 지역과 그 곳에 사는 사람들, 그들이 사용하는 사투리 등을 통칭하는 단어이다. 특히 이 지역의 언어는 '슈티 프랑스어(Ch'tis-French)' 사전이 존재할 정도로 프랑스 표준어와 많은 차이가 있다.
La grand-mère
It is the end of the judicial control of Thierry Chartier, 18 years old. He was a virgin in Heuzecourt, a small village in the north of France populated by farmers and retired miners, where his paternal grandmother lived. He earns his living by helping out in the fields, he helps his grandmother, and would like to take over the farm. But, following an incident, he is condemned to seven years of criminal imprisonment, for complicity of murder, Thierry leaves on parole with an English diploma and a tattoo. But above all a guilt forever anchored. It is now up to him to rebuild his life.
The Children of the Marshland
The film is set in Marais, a quiet region along the banks of Loire river in 1918. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.
Renée Bourdalou
Tunisian-Jewish businessman Alain Berrebi (Michel Boujenah) courts Ashkenazi princess Arlette Stern (Elsa Zylberstein). Her father David (Maurice Chevit) learns of the death of a rural Auvergne peasant who once hid David and his cousin Nathan (Felix Fibich) from the Nazis. Nathan is now a NYC diamond dealer on West 47th Street. David, Nathan, Arlette, and Berrebi head for the funeral in Auvergne. There they encounter the deceased peasant's son, Jean Bourdalou (Gerard Depardieu), who operates the family's restaurants in Paris. Arlette does a romantic take on Bourdalou, which sends the distraught Berrebi off to cry on the shoulder of his mother Gaby (Gina Lollobrigida). Back in Paris, Bourdalou and Berrebi make plans to open a trendy fashion restaurant in Manhattan.
Marie's Landlord
Marie has had a tough childhood ever since her mother Elisa committed suicide. She has spent most of her life in an orphanage and now makes a living as a small time criminal in Paris. Now she wants to unravel her past and find her father whom she blames for her mother's death.
에밀 졸라의 소설을 영화화했다. 프랑스 제2제정 시대. 젊은 실업자 에티엔느 랑티에(레노드 분)는 광부가 되면서 지옥같은 노동자의 삶에 발을 들여놓는다. 프랑스 북부에서 그는 가난과 알콜중독, 난잡한 성생활, 샤발같이 음탕하거나 투생 마유같이 너그러운 사람들 등 버림받아 고통에 빠진 인간성을 발견한다. 그는 사회주의 운동에 나서지만 광산 책임자로부터 찍히게 된다. 봉급이 깍이자, 대대적인 파업이 일어나고 광부들에게 굶주림과 죽음이 다가온다. 이런 속에서도 에티엔느와 카트린느(주디스 헨리 분)의 사랑은 아름답게 빛난다. 파업은 군대에 의해 진압되지만 에티엔느는 그 모든 피가 헛되지 않았다는 희망을 가슴에 담고 다시 떠난다.
Far from Brazil
Since the departure of her husband, gone to live in Brazil, years ago, Juliette lives alone in a vast Norman property, with Honorine as her sole housekeeper.
IP5: The Island of Pachyderms
la sœur de Léon
Young graffiti artist Tony (Olivier Martinez) and his friend Jockey (Sekkou Sall) jump-start an unexpected adventure on the streets of Grenoble, France, when they steal a car that's already occupied by an older man (Yves Montand) who's been sleeping in the back. Writer-director Jean-Jacques Beineix's foreign-language drama marks the final feature film for renowned actor Montand, who died in the midst of shooting.
Shipwrecked Children
Eight children of a wrecker live together on a strange island, in a supernatural happiness. Until their little paradise is disturbed when an old lady is discovered murdered there. They then embark on the investigation in search of the truth.
The Murdered House
After World War I, a young ex-soldier, Sébastien Monge, returns to his home village. Ignorant of his past, he learns that, 24 years before, his entire family was slain in their home one stormy night. Only Sébastien, then a four-month old baby, was spared. Whilst Sébastien is being seduced by Charmaine, Dupin is killed by someone else. Sébastien’s next victim, the miller Didon Pujol, is also murdered before he has a chance to take his revenge. Sébastien realises that someone is watching his every move and is going to extraordinary lengths to protect him. But who, and why..?
Le Meilleur de la Vie
Adrien's mother
Two quarreling lovers from opposite sides of the economic scale take central stage in this drama about Veronique and Adrien. Veronique is wealthy and from the provinces, Adrien is impoverished and his ancestors come from Brittany. In spite of their different backgrounds, the two fall in love, marry, and eventually have a baby girl. At just about that time, Veronique decides to go back to school, and Adrien becomes both mother and father to their baby. Unable to cope with Veronique's new-found intellectual friends and different lifestyle, Adrien clashes with her, and their arguments lead to a separation for awhile. The two then get back together again, but not for long. It is on a return trip from visiting his mother in Brittany that Adrien's life undergoes a dramatic change, and his story takes an equally unexpected turn.
La garce
Madame Beffroit
A policeman on night patrol picks up a young girl and rapes her. The following day she complains and he is given six years. On coming out of prison he gets work as a private detective, and is hired to watch a fashion seller - who turns out to be the girl he raped, who has never forgotten him.
Hiver 60
Nelly, la mère d'André
킬링 오브 썸머
Mrs. Montecciari, Pin-Pon's Mother
시골 미인대회에서 뽑힌 적이 있는 앨리안느(Eliane: 이사벨 아자니 분)는 마을의 의용 소방대원이며, 자동차 수리공인 홀로리몬도(알랭 수송 분)와 사랑에 빠진다. 앨리안느는 팡퐁(Pin Pon)이란 별명을 가진 홀로리몬도의 계속적인 구애에, 계획적으로 그의 집 곡간에서 하룻밤을 보내고 난 뒤 승리감에 취한 팡퐁의 목을 서서히 조이기 시작한다. 1955년부터 시작된, 일광욕을 하다가 자동 피아노를 가지고 다니던 사나이들에게 당한 윤간의 복수가-현대로 맥이 이어져 진행되기 시작한 것이다. 앨리안느는 오직 복수의 일념 하나로, 몸을 던지어 목적을 향해 간다. 하지만 마지막에 이르렀을 때 범인은 팡퐁의 아버지가 아니라 다른 사람인 것으로 밝혀진다.
Cocktail Molotov
Frederic's mother
"Cocktail Molotov" is the story of the adventures of this threesome, who reach Venice only to learn of the outbreak of the May 1968 disturbances at home. Once again, Anne, Frederic and Bruno realize that the important things of their time are happening somewhere where they are not. Swindled out of their car and virtually broke, they hitchhike back to Paris, hoping to arrive in time for some of the excitement.
Hurricane Rosie
Mother Superior
Raoul has best chances to become next boxing champion in light-heavy weight. For a bet he tries to beat through a door with his bare fist. He wins the bet, but his hand is broken, his career ruined. He starts working on a fair; there he meets Hurricane Rosy the first time. When he sees her the next time, she's star of Mike Fernando's women wrestling show. They passionately fall in love, but their their love must survive her rising fame and his violent jealousy
Dossier 51
French diplomat Dominique Auphal is put under surveillance by an unnamed secret service. They wish to find a weakness in his life in order to control him politically. Auphal becomes "File no. 51": his private life is spied, analysed and commented.
Dossier 51
Agent 747, femme de ménage de 51
French diplomat Dominique Auphal is put under surveillance by an unnamed secret service. They wish to find a weakness in his life in order to control him politically. Auphal becomes "File no. 51": his private life is spied, analysed and commented.
The Night of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
In 1951, in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the private detective Nestor Burma was commissioned by an insurance company to find stolen jewelery. The deal seemed easy and Burma got an appointment with a well-known black trumpet player in the neighborhood who could provide him with information. But the musician does not come and we find him murdered. The investigation becomes more complicated and Nestor must find an alibi so as not to be suspected of the crime.
미스터 클라인
1942년, 나치가 점령한 프랑스 파리에서 로베르 클라인은 성공한 미술품 거래상으로 전쟁 중에도 부유하게 살고 있다. 하지만 사실 그는 유태인들이 어쩔 수 없이 내놓는 미술품들을 헐값에 사들여 되파는 식으로 돈을 벌고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 클라인은 자신이 유태인이라는 오해를 받고 있음을 알게 된다. 그는 자신이 유태인이 아님을 밝히기 위해 조사를 시작하지만, 점점 위기에 몰리게 된다. 미국 출신으로 구 소련, 영국 등에 걸쳐 활동했으며, 사회파 감독으로 불리는 조셉 로지의 대표작. 인간의 이중성과 복잡한 내면을 탁월하게 묘사하여 세계적 절찬을 받았고, 신분을 입증하기 위해 분투하는 클라인 역의 알랭 들롱은 직접 제작에도 참여했다. (시네마테크부산 2010 - 알랭 들롱 & 이브 몽땅 특별전)
F as in Fairbanks
La grand-mère
André Fragman, nicknamed "Fairbanks" after his childhood idol by his film projectionist father, returns home from military service. He meets and falls in love with Marie, an aspiring actress who is rehearsing for a stage production of 'Alice in Wonderland'. All his attempts to find a job and a way out end up in failure, his friends Étienne and Jean-Pierre are powerless to help him, and the dreamy yet desperate hero loses his mind.
Femmes Fatales
The guardian who calls the women
Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.
Doctor Francoise Gailland
Denise Fourcade
Dr. Françoise Gailland has a hectic schedule, which causes her to have little time to spend with her family, which consists of her husband Gérard, her pregnant teenager daughter Élisabeth, and her sullen son Julien. However, she does manage to find the time to spend with her lover, Daniel Letessier. While her life in such disarray, she learns that she has cancer. Françoise tries to put a brave face on it, and is determined to face the life-threatening disease with courage.
Love Brides of the Blood Mummy
The Farmer
A revived mummy needs the blood of young women to slake his thirst.