Catherine Samie
출생 : 1933-02-03, Paris, France
Catherine Samie (born 3 February 1933) is a French actress and member (sociétaire, doyen) of the Comédie-Française from 1962. On 14 July 2011 she became Grand Officier of the Legion of Honor. She is a Catholic.
Source: Article "Catherine Samie" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Marion is a charismatic fifty-year-old French woman who was born with an attention disorder. Rob is a desperate and mysterious thirty-year-old American man. In the wilderness of Canyonlands, Utah, they meet.
Clémentine Fabre (2014)
A French teacher makes a startling discovery while on a trip to Buchenwald.
Philippe's Mother
Philippe Mars wants to please everyone. He wants to be a good father, a friendly ex-husband, a helpful colleague and an understanding brother. Unfortunately, his little world goes out of its planned orbit. His son becomes a hardcore vegetarian, his daughter a compulsive swot, whilst his sister exhibits giant paintings of their naked parents. At the office he must face the rampages of his mentally unstable colleague Jerôme who one night turns up at his door with a young woman in tow who has just been released from a clinic.
Maryvonne Levasseur
Stella Matteï
냉혹한 마피아 대부 ‘찰리’22발의 총성과 함께 평온했던 삶은 산산조각 나고,죽음으로부터 기적적으로 살아난 그는 임모탈(불사조)이라 불리게 된다.하지만 그를 노리는 배신자들은 친구와 가족까지 위협하며 더욱 거세게 숨통을 죄어오는데…
La mère de Madame
Haiti, a lonely forgotten black island abandoned to its poverty and misery. A white woman, Madame lives in a fantasy in which she helps to teach, inspire and feed the retched masses of the world. She is in fact completely cut off from them – a continent away. The awakening of desire between Madame and her black servant boy, Patrick, will lead her from her isolation out into the real Haiti, where she will for the first time see and hear the land and its people, discover the reality of her own body, her identity and come face to face with her own mortality.
la psychanalyste
Victoire is sweet, sensitive, nice and understanding. She leads an existence which doesn't leave her much time to wonder.
The lives of the residents of a small French town are changed when thousands of the recently dead inexplicably come back to life and try to integrate themselves into society that has changed for them.
Madame Florian
생기 발랄한 아메리칸 레이디 ‘이사벨’은 둘째 아이를 임신한 언니 ‘록시’를 돌봐주기 위해 파리로 향한다. 새로운 경험에 대한 기대로 부푼 채 파리에 도착한 이사벨. 하지만 그녀는 안타까운 현실과 맞닥뜨린다. 형부인 샤를르 앙리가 다른 여자와 사랑에 빠져서 도망치듯 수시로 집을 나가더니, 급기야 록시에게 이혼을 요구하고 재산 분할까지 강요하는 것이다. 만삭의 몸으로 홀로 된 록시의 절망은 깊어진다. 파리에서의 첫 날을 실망스럽게 시작했던 이사벨. 하지만 록시와는 대조적으로, 매력적인 파리지앙과 로맨스를 만들고 상류사회의 화려한 생활을 만끽한다. 그녀가 찾은 사랑은 대단한 재력을 갖춘 외교관이자 형부의 삼촌인 에드가. 그의 색다른 제안을 받아들인 이사벨은 에드가와 대담한 연애에 빠져든다. 그리고 에드가의 사랑의 증표인 고가의 ‘에르메스 켈리 백’을 시도 때도 없이 메고 다니며 그와 함께 하는 장미빛 미래를 꿈꾼다. 이사벨이 서서히 프랑스 문화에 적응하면서 파리지엔느로 변해가는 동안, 록시는 복잡하고 지루한 이혼 소송에 얽매이게 된다. 그녀가 결혼할 때 미국에서 가져온 그림이 중세 시대의 유명 화가가 그린 진품으로 밝혀지면서 공동소유권을 주장하고 나선 프랑스 시댁과 미국의 친정 식구들 간에 일대 마찰이 벌어지고, 급기야 록시의 가족들이 파리로 출동하면서 사태가 더욱 심각해진 것이다. 이런 와중에 이사벨과 에드가의 밀애 사실이 양가 가족에게 들통난다. 두 사람의 관계에 대해 고민하는 이사벨. 그런 그녀에게 결별을 의미하는 에드가의 선물이 전해지는데…
Anna Semyonovna
Locked away in the Jewish ghetto of an occupied Ukrainian town in 1941, a mother revisits her life in a last letter to her son.
Tante hannah
In Paris in 1935, a young Jewish woman married to an anti-fascist activist befriends her neighbor who is dating a far-right supporter.
Theater play "L'école des femmes" played by the "Comédie française" in 1999.
Michel, a children's book author, has always been successful in life until the day his wife leaves him for a Chinese person. Planning on killing his rival, he starts looking for them.
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
Theater play "Les précieuses ridicules" played by the "Comédie française" in 1997.
la grand-mère
Bernie, a 30 years old orphan, decides to leave his orphanage and find his parents. After an investigation, he meets Marion, a young heroin addict and falls in love with her. He believes that his family was victim of a plot and this is why they deserted him.
La femme sage
호수와 초원이 끝없이 펼쳐져 있는 축복받은 별 '뷰티풀 그린'. 지구인들보다 200년 앞선 지능과 초능력을 가졌음에도 불구하고 물질문명을 거부하고 자연과 더불어 요정과 같은 생활을 즐기며 사는 뷰티풀 그린의 사람들은 일년에 한 번씩 모여 그 해의 중요한 일을 의논한다. 이번 회의의 가장 중대한 주제는 지구 여행단을 뽑는 것. 지구에서 벌어지는 일들을 체크한 후 온갖 공해와 스트레스에 지친 친구들에게 도움의 손길을 주기 위해서이다. 그러나 지난 200년동안 그래왔듯이 올해도 지원자는 한 명도 없다.
그러던 중 자신의 엄마가 지구인이었다는 사실을 알고 있는 밀라가 지구행을 자청한다. 그녀의 아버지는 마지막 지구 여행단이었고 그때 지구 여인과 사랑에 빠져 밀라를 낳았던 것. 인간들의 그릇된 인식과 잃어버린 순수함을 되찾을 수 있도록 교화시키는 강력한 텔레파시 프로그램을 입력시킨 밀라가 드디어 파리에 도착하는데...
Mme Wix
Paris during the 1920s. Ever since her parents' separation, ten-year-old Maisie has been travelling to and fro between her father Beale Farange and her mother Ida. She spends half a year with each one alternately. But neither parent can provide Maisie with the warmth and affection she so desperately needs.
부동산 중개업을 하는 로랭(알랑 샤바)과 결혼한 롤리(빅토리아 아브릴)는 그럭저럭 만족해 하며 살고 있다. 물론, 남편 로랭이 끊임없이 바람을 피우고 그녀를 속여왔다는 걸 안다면 행복 끝, 비참해질 것은 당연지사!
한편 로랭은 자신의 외도를 숨기고 아내가 모르게만 한다면 평화스런 결혼생활을 유지할 수 있으리라고 장담하고, 수많은 유부녀를 만나면서도 정작 자신의 아내만은 그런 외도를 꿈도 못 꾸는 스타일이라고 자신하며 지낸다.
그러던 어느날, 롤리의 집 앞에 트럭 한 대가 멈추고 마리조(조지안 발라스코)가 전화 한 통을 부탁하며 집 안으로 들어온다. 그때 마침 하수구가 막혀 쩔쩔매고 있던 롤리의 일을 마리조가 도와주게 되고, 둘은 놀랍도록 금새 친해지는데 롤리는 이 건장한 레즈비언에게 강력하게 매료당해 버린다. 마침내 롤리는 마리조와 동침하게 되고 그녀를 자신의 집에 머물게 한다. 이로 인해 정신을 못 차리고 당혹스러워 하던 로랭은 우연하게 자신의 외도를 들키게 되는데...
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
Flo Lemonier
The naive and self-conscious Leah mistakenly signs a pact with the devil Abargadon. But she's on Heaven's hit list, so the Archangel Gabriel intervenes to bring about the demon's demise. But Leah begins to find Abargadon attractive and not so bad. She decides to save his soul.
Six-years-old and terminally ill, Felix dreams of meeting an extra-terrestrial. Hearing this his Dad decides to make his dream come true by finding a 'saucer' and playing the part by dressing up as an alien.
In the 18th century, English aristocrats had, among their better known strange customs, one really strange one: they kept "ornamental hermits" for their gardens. These were actual people who were willing to live in squalid conditions and serve as something like museum exhibits for the amusement of the wealthy. This movie takes that notion and transfers it to 18th century France. In the story, an English hermit Rupert Everett) has somehow been brought to France in the period following the French Revolution, and prior to the Napoleonic Era, a period (1795-1799) known as "The Directory." He eventually comes down out of his tree into a chateau owned by an Italian nobleman (Ugo Tognazzi) and his wife. Before long, the hermit has washed and bathed and become quite presentable, even charming. However, his appearance in their midst is like a sentence of death for many of those who associate with him.
Focuses primarily on three women and the (unseen) man who goes in and out of their lives. One member of this trio is a saleswoman with an open relationship that suddenly closes when she learns that her lover has been unfaithful. It seems that he has dallied with a book-dealer (her nemesis) who ultimately does not propose as much of a threat to the disillusioned saleswoman as a certain actress. Along with these three are several other females who interact with the main protagonists. Set up more in the manner of a stage play with changing scenes and acts.
Vincent is the victim of an assassination attempt carried out by a young woman who wants to avenge her sister. Albert, the childhood friend of Vincent, wants to help and begins to investigate the woman, but he realizes that Vincent is perhaps not the person he seems to be.
Mrs. Pernelle
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
La Môme Crevette
Mrs. Brochard (uncredited)
François, a miserable football player, becomes a town hero after bringing victory in an extremely important game. He uses his fame for revenge on the team star for the previous mockeries.
Le gynécologue
Tired of being a housewife, Annie wants to work. Between her professional life and her responsibilities as a parent, she can no longer cope. She decides to leave and starts writing a memoir of her life...
Dame Pluche
While Camille refuses Perdican's advances, she takes offense when he courts Rosette. Then begins a confrontation of pride, where each seeks to establish his ascendancy over the other in the name of love.
A bored undertaker, married to an ex prostitute, falls in love with a transsexual.
Rosemonde, hailed as "the Princess" reign over a slum in the Paris suburbs. Herbert, a reporter who came to investigate on the pollution, ends up in a grinding machine of her invention. Rosemonde resells the bones to the church authorities who use them as holy relics. Inspector Adrian Bondu is handling the case... But a young hippie who looks like Jesus will have Rosemonde suddenly feel very earthly feelings...
Muriel is a shy woman who bluffs and blusters around in order to hide her shyness and to protect her loneliness, even though she longs wistfully for a companion of some sort. She has been lonely so long that now she is an old maid and has never been wooed. In this gentle French film, Muriel gets a glimpse of romance when Gabriel walks into the seaside hotel she is vacationing in. His car has broken down, and he has to stay there for a few days while it is repaired. Hers is the only dinner table with room at it, and Gabriel cannot prevent himself from charming women. She is stiff with him at first, but soon they develop a friendship.
Clarisse Guiton
A comedy about an absent-minded man who works at a advertising company and topples from one problem to another.
François Toledo, married businessman and father, falls head-over-heels in love with Janine, a work colleague. However, he is soon found out: after three dates, he strangles some prostitutes, when, the victim of blackmail, he becomes dishonored. He is taken to court, and sentenced to be killed by a guillotine.
Seven mini-stories of adultery: "Funeral Possession," a wayward widow at her husband's funeral; "Amateur Night," angry wife becomes streetwalker out of revenge; "Two Against One," seemingly prudish girl turns out otherwise; "Super Simone," wife vainly attempts to divert her over-engrossed writer husband; "At the Opera," a battle over a supposedly exclusive dress; "Suicides," a death pact; "Snow," would-be suitor is actually a private detective hired by jealous husband.
Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital.