Thomas Schmauser

Thomas Schmauser

출생 : 1972-11-30, Burgebrach, Germany

프로필 사진

Thomas Schmauser

참여 작품

Gier nach Gold
Hubert Höllrigl
Die Bestatterin - Die unbekannte Tote
Jörg Waibel
Schwarzach 23 - und das mörderische Ich
Herrmann Böhm
Der große Rudolph
Rudolph Moshammer
The fact that Rudolph Moshammer is a dazzling figure and the most prominent fashion designer in Munich is no longer enough for his silent partners and financiers. So it happens that he is looking for a seductive woman to sell and - to the horror of his mother - brings on the young pedicurist Evi from Augsburg, of all places. With Evi's help, Mosahmmer wins the hearts and purses of the truly rich - if it weren't for his mother, who is scheming in the background. A fictional story that tells of beauty and money, but also of the friendship of two outsiders in Munich in 1983.
Come What May
In may 1940, the German troops enter France. Frightened by the progress of the enemy, the people of a small village of Pas-de-Calais decide on the recommendations of the prefecture, to give up everything to go on the road, fleeing to the coast.
Schwarzach 23 - Und die Hand des Todes
Hermann Bohm
As a junk dealer Anton is found dead, a case develops in which each of the Germingers is involved: the law-abiding Commissioner Franz Junior, his rebellious sister Anna, ex-policeman Franz Germinger senior and his wife Erika. Who could have wanted Anton? Commissioner Franz Germinger Junior first taps in the dark. His sister Anna is sometimes ahead of him in some situations, which may be because she likes to exceed her competencies. Even more annoying the junior but his father Franz Germinger senior, who can not refrain from finding.
Die Frau aus dem Moor
Karl Bauer
Matthias and Nelly live in a village in the Bavarian Alpine foothills. The couple could not be more different. When Matthias discovers a bog body in the lake, everything changes.
Bamberger Reiter. Ein Frankenkrimi
Kommissar Peter Haller
Lena Fauch und die Tochter des Amokläufers
Reiner Karlstadt
Mein Leben im Off
Räuber Kneißl
Gendarm Förtsch
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
Freiwild - Ein Würzburg-Krimi
Peter Haller
Benno Dargatz
A murderous community of heirs is looking forward to big money too soon. After a long time, the Dargatz family meets again for the grandmother's funeral on her farm. Leo, the local priest, is entrusted with the regulation of family affairs and the opening of the will. What begins as a harmonious family gathering is slowly becoming a drama about hidden passion, greed and lust for murder. And the devout Leo must learn that not everything that is meant well ends well.
Fed Up!
Kaminsky is a long-distance driver disappointed both in life and other people. His last duty as a drives takes him to Estonia where he decides to fulfill an old promise. By chance, Kaminsky meets an Estonian cellist Stella on his road. Her career in Germany has ended already before it ever started. Kaminsky's trailer truck is being steadily followed by a catafalque where an Estonian beginner bank robber Wolf is chasing his eluded prey. Undertaker Manfred with dark past tries to lead Wolf closer to God. In Estonia, everyone's wishes will come true, even if not exactly the way they ...
In Liebe eine Eins
Hagen Frey
메리 크리스마스
The Crown Prince
1914년 제 1차 세계 대전 중 프랑스 북부 독일군 점령지역에선 100m도 안 되는 거리를 사이에 두고 독일, 프랑스, 영국군의 숨 막히는 접전이 일어나고 있었다. 크리스마스 이브 영국군은 백파이프를 연주하며 잠시나마 전장의 긴장을 늦추고 이에 뒤질세라 독일군은 노래로 화답하며, 크리스마스 단 하루를 위한 휴전 협정을 맺는다. 불과 몇 분 전까지만 해도 적이었던 그들은 서로를 향해 겨누던 총을 버리고 ‘메리 크리스마스’를 기원한다. 더 이상 적이 아닌 친구로 변해버린 그들.. 과연 이 전쟁을 계속 할 수 있을까?
Und die Braut wusste von nichts
Alex Reutermann
Auf Herz und Nieren
Ufos über Waterlow
Gefreiter Asch
It's a Jungle Out There
Anna, 17 years old, is happy to throw her first big birthday party without her parents, but some of her guests are so stoned that they leave a big chaos and, even worse, destroy the favorite record of Anna's father. After the return of her shocked and angry parents, Anna runs away to Munich with her admirer Simon. They discover the nightlife jungle and get to know some typical urban guys. Meanwhile, Anna's parents get in touch with Simon's and try to find their children. On the way across Munich, they remember their own wild and restless youth…