Kevin Allen

Kevin Allen

출생 : 1959-09-15, Gosport, Hampshire, England, UK


Kevin Allen is an English-born Welsh screenwriter, film director, film producer and actor. In 1997 he directed and wrote the cult Welsh black comedy feature "Twin Town". He also directed the films "The Big Tease" and "Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London" and hit TV series "Benidorm". He is the younger brother of comedian and actor Keith Allen and uncle of singer Lily Allen . Allen first came to national prominence in 1990 when he documented an England fan's eye view of the 1990 FIFA World Cup Finals in Italy with his camcorder for the BBC series "Video Diaries" in an episode entitled "On The March With Bobby's Army". Kevin's first acting roles came by way of "The Comic Strip" and progressed to the BBC sitcom "The Thin Blue Line" and many other theatre and TV roles. He also wrote and directed several documentaries for the BBC in the 1990s.

프로필 사진

Kevin Allen

참여 작품

Save the Cinema
The true story of Liz Evans, a hairdresser and leader of a youth theatre in Carmarthen, Wales, who began a campaign in 1993 to save the Lyric theatre from closure. Alongside then Mayor of Carmarthen Richard Goodridge, they enlisted the help of Steven Spielberg, securing a special premiere of Jurassic Park.
La Cha Cha
Solti Buttering (Liam Hourican) is on a road trip to scatter his grandfathers ashes. Finding everywhere closed, he stumbles across La Cha Cha, a holiday park with a community of retired characters, living off grid and having the time of their lives. He soon discovers that feisty owner Libby Rees (Ruby Ashbourne Serkis) and her brother Damien (Sonny Ashbourne Serkis) are struggling to keep the place, and community, going. But they have a very unusual plan.
La Cha Cha
Solti Buttering (Liam Hourican) is on a road trip to scatter his grandfathers ashes. Finding everywhere closed, he stumbles across La Cha Cha, a holiday park with a community of retired characters, living off grid and having the time of their lives. He soon discovers that feisty owner Libby Rees (Ruby Ashbourne Serkis) and her brother Damien (Sonny Ashbourne Serkis) are struggling to keep the place, and community, going. But they have a very unusual plan.
Under Milk Wood
Two versions of Dylan Thomas' classic play "Under Milk Wood" were shot, with the same cast, one in Welsh, "Dan y Wenallt", and one in English. Directed by Kevin Allen, narrated by and starring Rhys Ifans, the films were shot largely in the Pembrokeshire village of Solfa during the summer of 2014. This surreal and erotic interpretation of Dylan Thomas' work is the first theatrical production of the brilliant, haunting radio play since Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton's 1972 film. Certain to astonish and excite in equal measures, this production reunites director Kevin Allen with actor Rhys Ifans over 15 years after the release of their cult classic "Twin Town". An ensemble Welsh speaking cast of familiar faces is led by Ifans as First Voice and Captain Cat, with Charlotte Church as Polly Garter.
Under Milk Wood
Two versions of Dylan Thomas' classic play "Under Milk Wood" were shot, with the same cast, one in Welsh, "Dan y Wenallt", and one in English. Directed by Kevin Allen, narrated by and starring Rhys Ifans, the films were shot largely in the Pembrokeshire village of Solfa during the summer of 2014. This surreal and erotic interpretation of Dylan Thomas' work is the first theatrical production of the brilliant, haunting radio play since Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton's 1972 film. Certain to astonish and excite in equal measures, this production reunites director Kevin Allen with actor Rhys Ifans over 15 years after the release of their cult classic "Twin Town". An ensemble Welsh speaking cast of familiar faces is led by Ifans as First Voice and Captain Cat, with Charlotte Church as Polly Garter.
Y Syrcas
A welsh film about a circus
Flat Lake
A new comedy horror film set in the vein of old 1950’s and 1960’s movies of this popular genre. Co-written by IFTA award winning writer Pat McCabe (Breakfast on Pluto, The Butcher Boy) and British writer and director Kevin Allen (Twin Town), Flat Lake is currently in pre production in Co. Monaghan, Ireland. "Flat Lake" follows the peculiar activities of Sir Charles Wimsgrove who has hatched an eccentric plan to convert the entire area into some sort of crazy Eden-like paradise. However, his plan is thwarted by local journalist Sinead McSwain, who, with the help of Historian, Doctor Guy Bensley, discovers her own unique other-wordly powers that ultimately enables her to put a stop to Wimsgrove's lunacy.
Flat Lake
A new comedy horror film set in the vein of old 1950’s and 1960’s movies of this popular genre. Co-written by IFTA award winning writer Pat McCabe (Breakfast on Pluto, The Butcher Boy) and British writer and director Kevin Allen (Twin Town), Flat Lake is currently in pre production in Co. Monaghan, Ireland. "Flat Lake" follows the peculiar activities of Sir Charles Wimsgrove who has hatched an eccentric plan to convert the entire area into some sort of crazy Eden-like paradise. However, his plan is thwarted by local journalist Sinead McSwain, who, with the help of Historian, Doctor Guy Bensley, discovers her own unique other-wordly powers that ultimately enables her to put a stop to Wimsgrove's lunacy.
퍼시픽 모비딕
Seahawk Pilot
“고래는 가면일 뿐이야. 내가 찾는 악마는 그 가면 뒤에 숨어있다고!”음파 발생기를 이용해 고래를 쫓던 ‘미쉘’박사는 갑자기 망망대해에 나타난 미 해군전함 ‘피콰드’호에 납치된다. 그곳에서 그녀는 트롤선과 석유시추선, 유람선 등을 습격해 수많은 인명을 앗아간 살인고래 ‘모비딕’ 대한 이야기를 전해 듣게 된다. ‘피콰드’호의 ‘에이햅’ 함장은 과거 잠수함 군사작전 도중 자신의 다리를 앗아간 ‘모비딕’에 대한 복수심을 전하며 함께 고래를 추적해줄 것을 강권한다. 한편, 미합중국 함대 사령부에서는 일련의 침몰사건에 ‘피콰드’호가 관여되어 있음을 감지하고, ‘피콰드’호를 괴멸시키기 위해 헬기와 잠수함을 급파한다. 그러나 ‘피콰드’호를 추적하던 또 다른 전함 ‘엑섹스’호가 ‘모비딕’의 공격으로 수장되고, 마침내 마주하게 된 ‘에이햅’ 함장과 ‘모비딕’의 피할 수 없는 숙명적 대결이 펼쳐지는데…
에이전트 코디 뱅크스 2
10대 CIA 엘리트 요원 코디의 훈련을 담당하던 디아즈 사령관이 마인드 컨트롤 프로그램을 훔쳐 달아난다. 코디는 이 프로그램을 회수하겠다고 자원했지만 불지도 못하는 클라리넷을 연주하는 학생으로 위장해서 런던의 음악 학교 여름 학기를 듣게 될 줄은 꿈에도 몰랐던 것! 런던에서 새로 만난 교관과 함께 디아즈 추적에 나서는 코디의 좌충우돌 모험담...
Sturtevant Security Guard
예일대 4학년이자 조정팀 주장인 루크 맥나마라(조슈아 잭슨)는 예일의 비밀 모임 중 최고 엘리트만 모이는 클럽에 회원으로 들어 간다. 회원 가입은 성공의 지름길처럼 보인다. 회원만 되면, 로스쿨의 학비에다 동부의 권력 중개인과 연줄도 얻을 수 있다. 하지만 이 모든 것은 루크의 룸메이트이자 가장 친한 친구인 윌(힐 하퍼)-비밀과 엘리트에 대해서 경고를 한 바로 그 사람-이 의문의 자살을 하게 되자 일이 틀어지는데...
Toy Boys
Scrabble Man
Middle-class parents face difficult decisions if they want their sons to go to the “right” school.
빅 티즈
스코틀랜드의 미용사 크로포드 맥켄지. 그는 자신의 스코틀랜드 최고의 미용사라고 자부한다. 그러던 어느날 그에게 미국에서 벌어지는 국제 미용사 대회에 참가해달라는 초청장이 온다. 자신의 실력을 전세계에 알릴 절호의 기회라고 생각한 크로포드는 자신의 활약을 찍을 다큐멘터리 스탭까지 이끌고 미국 로스엔젤레스에 도착한다. 그러나 그가 단지 참관인 자격으로 초청된 것임을 알게된 크로포드. 미용사협회는 그의 오해를 바로잡아주기 대회장 맨 앞좌석 자리까지 내주며 그를 달래보지만 크로포드의 고집은 완강하다. 자신은 이곳에 빗질과 헤어컷과 드라이를 하기 위해서 온 것이지 단지 구경하기 위해 온 것이 아니라고 하면서. 이제 그는 그의 가장 강력한 적인 헤어드레서 스티그 루드빅슨과 겨루면서 협회까지 설득시켜야만 하는데...
스파이스 월드
TV Director
영화의 시작은 스파이스 걸스가 1집의 대대적인 성공으로 인해 상대적으로 팬들과 매체들로부터 받는 부담감에 힘들어하는 모습을 보여준다. 한편, 그녀들은 'Daily Event'라는 타불로이드 기자의 표적이 되고 있는데 이 신문은 스타들의 광적인 팬이나 파파라치들과 연계해서 기사를 쓰기도 하고 라이벌끼리의 경쟁을 부추겨 이슈화하기도 한다. 스파이스 걸스의 다큐멘터리를 제작하기로 한 제작사 사장과 감독 스리스, 그리고 사악한 근성을 보여주는 편집장 마틴을 비롯한 카메라맨 케빈은 그녀들의 어두운 면까지 들춰 내려고 뒤를 밟는다. 사진과 비디오 촬영, 음악 녹음 장면과 TV쇼 출연들을 통해 우리는 그녀들을 좀 더 자세히 들여다 볼 수 있으며 전혀 예상치 못했던 생각과 행동으로 놀라기도 할 것이다. 이 영화에서 보여주는 에피소드 몇 장면을 살펴보면 MEL B가 TV쇼를 통해 자신이 꼭두각시처럼 비춰지는 것에 대해 강한 반발을 보여 다시 한번 걸 파워의 의미를 되새기게 했으며 GERI는 가구를 개조시켜 주겠다고 찾아온 덩치 큰 낯선 사내들의 위협을 피하느랴 고통스런 시간을 보내는 이야기도 나온다. 'BABY SPICE'라고 불리우는 것에 불만을 품은 EMMA가 섹시한 스타일로 변신하려고 노력하는 과정과 엄청난 스피드로 달리던 모터 보트 사고로 VICTORIA가 죽은 척 가장하는 연기, 그리고 MEL C가 황당하게도 축구 선수로 활동하는 꿈도 꾼다.
Twin Town
Television Presenter
Jeremy and Julian Lewis, the "Lewis Twins", are two unruly brothers who terrorise the city of Swansea from the caravan park where they live with their family. When their father, Fatty, is injured while working on a roof for local kingpin Bryn Cartwright, they try in vain to claim compensation. Thus begins a campaign of terror, which local policemen Terry and Grayo are ill-equipped to prevent, involved as they are in a drugs deal with Cartwright.
Twin Town
Jeremy and Julian Lewis, the "Lewis Twins", are two unruly brothers who terrorise the city of Swansea from the caravan park where they live with their family. When their father, Fatty, is injured while working on a roof for local kingpin Bryn Cartwright, they try in vain to claim compensation. Thus begins a campaign of terror, which local policemen Terry and Grayo are ill-equipped to prevent, involved as they are in a drugs deal with Cartwright.
Twin Town
Jeremy and Julian Lewis, the "Lewis Twins", are two unruly brothers who terrorise the city of Swansea from the caravan park where they live with their family. When their father, Fatty, is injured while working on a roof for local kingpin Bryn Cartwright, they try in vain to claim compensation. Thus begins a campaign of terror, which local policemen Terry and Grayo are ill-equipped to prevent, involved as they are in a drugs deal with Cartwright.
Different for Girls
PC Alan
Paul reunites with his schoolmate Kim, and finds out she's actually a woman who has transitioned since they last met. She has no desire to stir up the past and they start to fall in love, but Paul's immaturity gets them in trouble.
Different for Girls
Paul reunites with his schoolmate Kim, and finds out she's actually a woman who has transitioned since they last met. She has no desire to stir up the past and they start to fall in love, but Paul's immaturity gets them in trouble.
스코틀랜드 에딘버러의 뒷골목에 살고 있는 렌튼, 스퍼드, 벡비, 식보이, 토미는 아무런 희망 없이 하루하루를 살아간다. 이들에게 있어 유일한 즐거움은 마약을 하는 것이다. 이들은 마약을 사기 위해 강도 행각을 벌이고, 아기가 마약을 먹고 죽는 상황까지 벌어지게 된다. 그 후 백화점을 털던 스퍼드는 실형을 선고 받고, 렌튼은 끔찍한 과정을 거쳐 마약을 끊고 취직을 한다. 건실하던 토미는 에이즈로 죽고, 벡비는 장물아비로, 식보이는 포주 노릇을 한다. 하지만 이것도 잠시, 이들은 다시 모여 마약을 팔아 큰 돈을 챙기고 렌튼은 친구들이 잠든 사이에 돈가방을 들고 혼자 달아나는 사건이 벌어지는데...
Bernard and the Genie
Bernard Bottle, a mild mannered art buyer, is fired by his greedy boss, abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle. The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side.
The Trials of Oz
Felix Dennis
Dramatization of the famous 1971 trial in which the editors of the British underground magazine "Oz" were charged with obscenity.
Les Dogs
Les Dogs Leader
Les Dogs are the band playing in a large marquee to celebrate the wedding of Geoffrey and Angela. During the reception, the fathers of the groom and bride exchange insults and a gun battle ensues in which many guests - and Les Dogs - are casualties though the happy couple escape. Victor, who has wandered in on the scene, is asked to take wedding photographs and has a series of dreamlike fantasies all based around his infatuation with Angela.
He's Asking For Me
After a sheltered upbringing in St. Helena, Norah arrives in England and goes to live in London, taken under the wing of her Uncle and his business associate Andy. She works for the latter and falls in love with him, but he refuses to reciprocate her feelings. When she starts receiving a series of obscene phone calls and letters at home and work, she is determined to identify the caller, and strongly suspects Andy
GLC: The Carnage Continues
Nick/London Transport Man/2nd Soldier/3rd Workman
The Greater London Council fight to save the capital against the wicked Ice Maiden.
The Firm
A seemingly respectable estate agent leads a double life as the head of a vicious, well-organised gang of football hooligans.
The Angry Earth
About the oppression of the Welsh coal miners during the 19th century and early 20th century as seen through the the eyes of Gwen, a 110 year old woman.
The Love Child
When he was a little boy, Dillon's rock musician father and hippie mother died in a traffic accident. Now in his twenties, Dillon wants nothing more than a normal, responsible life, working in an office and taking care of the grandmother who raised him. But his grandmother has other ideas, and Dillon finds himself lured into an alternate lifestyle of art, pleasure and rebellion.
Didn't You Kill My Brother?
Party Guest
Carl Moss leaves jail,where he has taken the rap for his evil twin Sterling,and has been declared a model prisoner. Pauline Sneek,his probation officer - and girlfriend - gets him community work teaching youngsters how to lead law-abiding lives. This displeases Sterling,as he needs the young delinquents for his bicycle stealing ring.
Eat the Rich
Waiter 1
Alex is a disgruntled waiter at a snobby exclusive restaurant who falls on hard times. Forced to deal with the contempt and disgust of the upper class, Alex & cohorts attempt to go on a rampage. Meanwhile, General Karprov and Spider plot to involve the inept anarchists into their plans to derail the prime-minister-to-be's campaign.
The Supergrass
Shop Assistant
While taking a holiday in the country with his mother, Dennis hits on a scheme to impress a girl so that she'll go away on a trip with him as his girlfriend. Although he fails to gain any interest from the girl, the police take a great interest in his story. From this point on, Dennis digs a deeper hole for himself at every turn
TV Crew
A farmer becomes an unintentional celebrity when, because of a strike, he has to walk his 5000 geese 100 miles to market.
우주 괴물 엑스트로
Joe’s Assistant (uncredited)
자신의 농장에서 아들과 있던 샘은 갑자기 나타난 ufo에 납치 당한다. 3년후 샘의 부인은 다른 남자와 동거 중이며 갑자기 엑스트로라는 외계인이 지구에 내려와 낮선 여인을 강제로 임신시키며 태어난 사람이 바로 샘이었다. 다시 살아난 샘의 존재에 가족들은 당황하고 샘은 엄청나고 잔혹한 비밀을 가지고 있었는데...