Assistant Boss 2 (segment "Freedom Teacher")
History in the Making. 10 Directors 1 Inspiration 10 Stories from 1 Devotion Inspirations and Creations from Directors with one devotion proudly present memorable films.
Indian Man
카우는 과거 어린 시절 기억을 상실한 채 친구 페치와 좀도둑 생활을 하는 사고뭉치 청년이다. 어느 날 그들은 경찰로 위장해 불법 통행자들로부터 통행료를 뜯어내던 중 진짜 경찰에게 들켜 도망치게 된다. 그러다 우연히 옛 친구 핌과 창을 만나고 몰라볼 정도로 멋있게 변한 창이 군에 입대한다는 소식을 듣고 카우와 페치도 자극을 받아 자원입대한다. 카우는 마법사 사부로부터 매일 마법을 익히며 심신을 단련시키고 점차 자신의 잃어버린 과거를 되찾아간다. 과거 우타 왕국엔 사악한 마법사 세력을 무찌른 마법사 정예부대 우타마르트가 있었는데 사악한 마법사 무리는 환생해서 현재의 우타 왕국을 다시 위협한다. 카우와 창은 위기에 놓인 왕국과 사랑하는 여인 핌을 지키러 나서는데...
The Four Guardians
After learning the art of muay thai fighting from skilled masters, small town friends Piak and Phao move their passion to Bangkok, where they become active in underground activities that put what they've learned to the test. But in the process of fighting for their lives, they also resurrect the sport and cement the bonds of their lifelong friendship.
Art Direction
Zax gets kicked out from his previous school for being involved in a fight. In his new school he meets Fern, a young and lovely girl, in an aerobic dance class and begins to like her immediately.
A very romantic story about Thai people living in San Francisco. Pimsai went to San Francisco to find her boyfriend. She doesn't know that he went to go be a boy-toy for an old widow. He sold his apartment to John. Pimsai, thinking her boyfriend is still living there, goes to the apartment and sleeps in John's bed. Since she has no place to go or any contact with her boyfriend, John lets Pimsai stay and they become roomates. He takes her to work at a friend's restaurant. That's just the beginning of their story.