Yoshi Nurijumi

참여 작품

Ghosts and the Afterlife
Ghost Hunter
Described as the definitive documentary on the subject of the afterlife based on all currently available scientific and historical evidence and has taken 12 years of in-depth research and investigation to complete. The feature-length film explores the paranormal and the relationship of life after life to science. Various religious and scientific perspectives are examined through interviews with some of the preeminent experts in their fields asserting that "death is not the end."
Security Guard / End Party
벨라 체리는 포르노 영화 배우의 꿈을 안고 로스앤젤레스에 도착하지만, 그녀는 그녀의 야망과 교활함을 활용하여 이 매혹적이고 독특한 세계의 정상에 오르기 위해 노력하지만 그런 명성이 쉽게 오지 않는다는 것을 곧 알게 된다.
A young girl meets a MMA coach and they quickly form a bond based on their mutual struggles with their own addictions.