Irina Wanka

Irina Wanka

출생 : 1961-06-28, Munich, Germany

프로필 사진

Irina Wanka

참여 작품

Dad Got Grounded
Elke Schmitt
Paul is living the dream. He’s a pilot who gets to fly across the globe, and at home, his beautiful younger wife Susan waits for him. The only catch: he promised to retire early and take care of their 4-year-old son Franz. But when he breaks his word, Susan leaves him… alone with Franz. On top of that, the kids from his two previous marriages appear on his doorstep: lovesick, morbidly shy 22-year-old Jonas, and Tabea, a teenager in trouble. His kids make him face the dire truth: he’s a bad dad. Now, Paul has one week to show he’s capable of being a father, or Susan won’t come back. When Paul reluctantly shows his kids how much he loves them, they finally bond! But is that enough to win Susan back? - BetaFilm
Der große Rudolph
Countess Antzenberg
The fact that Rudolph Moshammer is a dazzling figure and the most prominent fashion designer in Munich is no longer enough for his silent partners and financiers. So it happens that he is looking for a seductive woman to sell and - to the horror of his mother - brings on the young pedicurist Evi from Augsburg, of all places. With Evi's help, Mosahmmer wins the hearts and purses of the truly rich - if it weren't for his mother, who is scheming in the background. A fictional story that tells of beauty and money, but also of the friendship of two outsiders in Munich in 1983.
크라시 테스트 아글라에
Aglaé, a young factory worker, has only one focus in life: her job at a car crash test site. When she learns that the factory is going to be relocated abroad, she accepts, to everyone's surprise, to go to India in order to hold on to her job. Accompanied by two colleagues, she sets out on a perilous road trip to the other side of the world.
V8 - Revenge of the Nitros
Marie Tinkabell
After their glorious win against the Baracudas, the V8 team got closer to a place at the legendary "Castle", where kids get teached in racing. However, Robins father Rasmus V. Eight is hard on their heels. He still wants to get the control over his son and much more to ban the secret racings.Meanwhile, the V8 team has to deal with a new competing racing team, the Crazy Nitros, who kidnap Robin and force him to drive against his own team...
V8 - Start Your Engines
Four very unequal children at the age of 6 until 11 are chosen to become the new soap box racing team to compete at the secret "Castle", where all the world champions of racing have participated, when they were kids. A selective group of boys and one girl have nothing in common but their passion for cars and racing. Their first big challenge is to unite as a team by becoming friends, only then they will have a chance of winning.
Der Winzerkrieg
Johanna Bader
Die Liebe kommt mit dem Christkind
Martin has not worked as a cook since the accidental death of his wife, with whom he ran a restaurant. The single father manages himself and his little daughter Katrin as a taxi driver. When the strict judge Annemarie withdrew his taxi license because of a minor offense, Martin had to hire himself out as Nikolaus at the Christmas market. The picky paragraph rider constantly runs into him. He would love to give her his opinion - instead the spark jumps over. It is well known that love goes through the stomach. But to do this, Martin would finally have to do what he does best: cook.
Ein Paradies für Pferde
Karla Reisinger
Thomas Donnhofer has turned his estate into a therapy center for horses. But some people are a thorn in the side, for example, Mayor Federer, who pursues other plans. Mayor Federer is only too happy to support the interest of a large hotel chain in Donnhofer's estate. Even privately, Thomas Donnhofer has to worry: his relationship is at stake.
Berta Zuckerkandl
세기말의 흥분과 긴장감이 감돌던 1900년. 화려하고 관능적인 아르누보 스타일을 상징하는 클림트의 그림은 고국인 오스트리아 빈에서는 퇴폐적이라는 이유로 혹독한 야유를 받지만 파리는 환호와 찬사를 보낸다. 파리에서 열린 만국박람회에서 철학 이라는 작품으로 금메달을 수상한 클림트는 축하파티에서 프랑스 무희이자 여배우인 레아를 소개 받고 이때부터 그에게 터질듯한 영감과 고통을 동시에 안겨준 레아에 대한 열정이 시작된다. 환상의 뮤즈이자 에로틱한 이상, 육체적 욕망의 현신으로서 그녀는 클림트의 작품 속에 거울처럼 투영되고, 그녀의 아름다움과 여성성은 클림트로 하여금 사랑에 대한 영원한 탐색을 가능케 한다. 하지만 레아와 똑같이 생긴 또다른 레아가 등장하고 의문의 사나이가 자신을 그림자처럼 쫓자 클림트는 점차 환영에 시달리고 그의 정신적, 예술적 방황은 최고조에 이르게 되는데...
Vera Brühne
Sara Weinert
The Woman with the Carbuncle Stones
Anna Pfeffer
지옥에 떨어진 용감한 자들
Lisa Keller
제2차 세계대전이 치열했던 와중, 으로 네오리얼리즘의 계기를 만들었던 비스콘티 감독이 대전 전의 독일을 무대로 나치즘에 의해서 부와 권력을 박탈당해 가는 철강실업가 일가족의 비극을 묘사하면서 역사 그 자체까지 파헤친 집대성이라고도 할 수 있는 작품. 장검의 밤이라는 암호명으로 히틀러에 의해 자행된 SA 대원 학살 사건이 역사적 배경이다. 나치가 대두해 온 33년의 겨울, 루루 지방에서 세력을 가진 철강 왕, 에센벡 가의 모임의 밤, 당사자가 누군가의 음모에 의해서 암살당한다. 이 사건을 계기로 발생하는 일가족의 골육상쟁의 싸움과 그것으로 인해 어부지리를 얻으려고 하는 음험한 나치 친위대의 존재를 묘사해낸다.
Die Abrechnung
Angela Stürznickel