Prince Thompson Iyamu

Prince Thompson Iyamu

출생 : 1968-10-22, London, United Kingdom


Prince Thompson Iyamu also known as " P Tee Money" is an Actor, a royal Prince from Benin Kingdon in Edo state Nigeria. Was born in London, England and studied Aeronautical Engineering in the military. He is also an English DJ/Producer/EDM electronic Music artist by the name "P Tee Money." His productions cross a wide range of electronic music styles, from House, deep house, Afro-beat, indie-dance, progressive future and Tropical pop. Despite being a Music artist and an actor, he is also a published author and has written multiple books. He has also worked alongside Erifili Davis a movie director in producing a short film called Connection (2019) which is streaming through Amazon Prime Video. He also worked alongside Alexandre Alonso a film director and the founder of ACAFilms working on multiple projects. Prince Thompson Iyamu began his career as a DJ in the early 90s playing in nightclubs and other small gigs, where he later teamed up with a female Rap artist called 'The Weird MC" aka "The Rappatainer" and was making waves all over the UK for a couple of years as a dynamic duo. In the late "90s" early "2000s" Prince Thompson Iyamu put his DJ/Music career on hold and went into acting. In addition to his music career, He has been featured in numerous commercials and has appeared as a model in magazines such as FHM. He also got featured in Stephen Sommers Project in Universal's blockbuster movie The Scorpion King (2002), which stars Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) and Michael Clarke Duncan, and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) which stars Angelina Jolie. He was also featured in a British gang star movie I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003), which stars Clive Owen, he combined his acting abilities in the electrifying role of the street pimp. In 2015 he launched his first book called "The Players Code" which was a huge success. Since then Prince Thompson Iyamu has authored multiple books and counting. Aside from writing, he has gone back to his passion (Music). Having spent many years playing at all types of gigs, playing in special events and promoting his own shows, Prince Thompson Iyamu has had a lot of time to develop his sound. For him, it's all about mood and a deep, hypnotic groove... playing those tracks that get you tapping your feet and nodding your head without you realising it, regardless of genre, tempo, style, or release date. With constantly evolving sounds, Prince Thompson Iyamu loves to experiment with and cross over into various musical genres. He has also produced a number of Remixes winning positive attention from the masses.

프로필 사진

Prince Thompson Iyamu

참여 작품

스콜피온 킹
Ambush Bandit (uncredited)
5000년 전, 악한 통치자 멤논은 소수 민족을 말살하고 새로운 제국을 건설하려 한다. 자신에게 주어진 운명이 소수 민족들을 정복하여 새로운 제국을 건설하는 것이라 믿는 멤논은 그의 강력한 군대와 마법사의 예지를 이용해 모든 사막과 평원을 차례차례 정복해 나간다. 그에게 굴복하는 종족은 노예가 되었으며, 반항하는 종족은 무참히 몰살을 당했다. 생존을 위해 각 유목민 부족들은 하나로 뭉치게 되고, 멤논에게 대항하고자 한다. 멤논 군대의 마법사가 신통력으로 미래를 볼 수 있으며, 그 환상에 따라 공격을 하여 결코 패하지 않는다는 것을 알게 된 부족 대표들은 그들의 유일한 희망이자 구원의 전사인 마테유스를 악명높은 도시 고모라로 보낸다. 마테유스의 임무는 이 악의 힘을 지탱하는 마법사를 제거하는 것이다. 고모라로 잠입한 마테유스는 곧 이 마술사가 아름다운 여성 카산드라임을 발견한다. 카산드라에게 반한 마테유스는 그녀를 죽이는 대신 납치하여 사막의 불모지, '죽음의 계곡'으로 데려간다. 이에 분노한 멤논은 토벌군을 보내고, 드디어 죽음의 계곡에서 목숨을 건 전쟁이 시작된다. 한편, 카산드라는 그녀의 신통력으로 마테유스가 멤논과의 전투에서 전사하는 환상을 보고 마테유스를 만류하지만, 마테유스는 자신의 운명을 개척하고 지배하는 자만이 진정한 전사라는 말을 남기고 죽음의 계곡으로 향하는데.
툼 레이더
Special Forces Team Member (uncredited)
고고학자였던 아버지가 실종된 몇 년 후, 라라 크로프트는 아버지가 숨겨놓은 유물 중에 시간과 우주를 여는 열쇠가 있음을 알게 된다. 그리고 이를 이용해 우주를 정복하려는 비밀 조직에 대항하기 위해 라라는 그들보다 먼저 미스터리를 풀고 우주를 구해야만 하는데.