Walter Sittler
출생 : 1952-12-05, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Hermann Weber
Marc Aurich
Carolinas, summer in Antwerp will be different from what she thought. She actually wants to found a new fashion label with Johann in Hamburg. But Mathis turns her life upside down.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
2015년 가을, 시리아 내전으로 인해 전례 없는 숫자의 유럽 난민이 발생하자 난민에게 독일 국경을 열겠다는 메르켈 총리의 전격적 결정은 국내외에서 찬사와 지지를 얻었지만, 한편으로 엄청난 시위와 가혹한 비판에 직면해야 했다. 놀라운 역사적 결정의 막전막후를 다룬 로빈 알렉산더의 논픽션 책을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 당시 전 유럽의 지도자들과 메르켈 사이에 벌어진 긴박한 상황을 정치스릴러의 문법을 차용해 묘사한다. (평창국제평화영화제)
What does the simplest of phrases “going to school” mean for children in different places of the world? What do they see and what do they experience? The everyday “journeys” to school around the globe are fascinating and full of surprises. An international documentary series that follows children at the four corners of the planet on their way from home to school. Their personalities are as varied as the landscapes in which they live. These children guide us through the endless diversity of landscapes across various continents and share their dreams, as well as their fears – of child labor, war, and delinquency – while praising the beauty of nature and the importance of friendship. We see the world through their eyes.
Matthias Winter
Matthias Winter
Matthias Winter
Andrew Freeman
Hartmut Sprenger
Five years ago, the highly paid marketing chief Hartmut Sprenger was fired from his job by the new personnel manager Lorenz Hoffmann - without a word of notice, anonymously, without a personal conversation. But today - Hartmut is a casual jobber and embittered, Lorenz in the middle of the mid-life crisis and just before the burnout - fate brings the two men together and sends them on a turbulent ride through Germany.
Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?
Graf von Rennitz
Vormärz in Germany: Gisela and Walther, a maid and a servant - a predestined path of life, which Gisela rebels against. Her free-thinking spirit puts her in great danger. Is Walther going to join her on this dangerous path?
Gordon Marks
The air has been sweaty forweeks in the conference center of Baguio City (Philippines) where the new chess world champion will be determined in the broiling summer of 1978. Viktor Kortchnoi (47) and Anatoly Karpov (27) are facing each other in a match that will decide who is going to take the title home. Karpov back to Russia and Kortschnoi, well, that ́s a controversial matter...
Philip Kreuzer
Christoph Balthus
Christiane runs a Engineering office, is 60, in top shape and single. When her assistant Iris hooks up with a 30-year-old millionaire, Christiane makes him bad and hisses at him - but Iris has hardly left for a job in Dubai when Christiane realizes that Christoph is not too bad ...
Albert Finck
Bonn 1948. The member of parliament and lawyer Elisabeth Selbert fights tirelessly for the inclusion of the sentence "Men and women have equal rights" in the Basic Law of the future Federal Republic of Germany. Despite the opposition she encounters during sessions in the Parliamentary Council , there is _she does not stop and stubbornly sticks to her plan . Selbert experiences a grandiose triumph when her application is included in the new Basic Law under Article 3, Paragraph 2 . In doing so , she lays the foundation for what has now been a 65-year political and social debate on the subjectEqual rights.
Rochus von Donnersberg
Franz Ferdinand von und zu Donnersberg is a charismatic, well-bred and handsome young man from a very wealthy family who sees his future in politics. His childhood friend Max Drexel is quick-witted, ambitious, quick-witted, but comes from a humble background and doesn't like to be in the foreground. But together they make an unbeatable team, as Max runs his office and writes him the tangled and grandiose speeches that Franz Ferdinand gets so much applause and recognition for. But Chancellor Angela Murkel eyes the young MP with great skepticism. Franz Ferdinand realizes that he could improve his reputation with the chancellor with a doctorate
Georg/Günther Sänger
Sebastian Gerber
터키에서 독일로 온 ‘후세인’은 백만 첫 번째 독일 이주 노동자이다. 이주 45년 만에 시민권을 얻은 ‘후세인’은 손자, 손녀들이 모인 가족식사 자리에서 모든 가족이 휴가 때 터키로 여행을 가자고 제안한다. 터키로 향하는 차 안에서 심심해 하던 ‘후세인’의 막내 손자 ‘첸크’에게 사촌 누나 ‘캐넌’은 파란만장 가족의 옛날 이야기 보따리를 하나, 둘 꺼내 놓는다. 과거와 현재를 오가며 펼쳐지는 가족의 사랑스러운 이야기와 함께 터키행 여행은 가족들에게 소중한 추억을 선물하는데…
Florian Droste
Sebastian Gerber
Jörg Wiedemann
Max Kerner
Stefan Herrlich
Thomas Wünsche
Fabian Schlüter
Max Kerner
Max Kerner
Max Kerner
Gerhard König
Robert Petersen
Wolfgang Kleinert
Mike Duerst gets dumped by his girlfriend, because she is pregnant by her former boyfriend. In his despair Mike gets in contact with Gregor Frank, a psychologist, who, in his radio show, claims to know all about women.Gregor promises Mike to find the perfect woman, if he agrees to be the subject for his upcoming psychological advisory book. Mike accepts. So Gregor explains Mike the typical patterns of women's behavior.
Johannes Martin 'Johnny John'
When little Tim learns that his mom is about to marry the boring Peter Pfefferle, he asks God to send him an angel and he is already in sight, as the fleet lawyer Johannes Martin before the little Tim protected from the attacks of some hooligans. A charming love comedy starring Walter Sittler and Suzan Anbeh.
Max Czerlitzky
Sebastian Sand
Max Kerner
Max Kerner
Mieke's Father
고등학교 졸업과 동시에 여자친구에게 채인 스콧 토마스. 수년 간 이메일과 채팅으로 사귀었던 자신의 독일어 과목 공부를 도와준 독일 친구가 남자가 아닌 아리따운 여성임을 알게 되자, 세 명의 친구들과 함께 그녀를 만나러 유럽 여행에 나서면서 갖가지 소동이 벌어진다.
Stefan Herrlich
Philip Winter
Der Templer
A short directed by Sebastian and Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.
German Diplomat
1934년 차트웰, 정계에서 거의 쫓겨나다시피 한 윈스턴 처칠은 선조인 말버러공작의 전기를 쓰고 신문기고를 하며 조용히 야인생활을 하고 있다. 하원의원으로서 가끔 런던에 올라와 의회연설을 하지만 인도 독립 반대와 독일의 재무장위험 등을 주장하면서 같은 당인 보수당의원들로부터도 야유와 비난만 받는다. 경제적 어려움과 정치적 소외로 어려움을 겪던 처칠은 아내인 클레멘타인마저 장기간 여행을 떠나자 몹시 외로워한다. 그러나 독일의 재무장을 염려하던 외무부 관리 랠프 위그램이 처칠에게 극비정보를 제공하면서 영국이 전쟁에 대비해야 한다는 처칠의 주장이 점차 설득력을 얻고 아내 클레멘타인도 돌아온다. 그리고 마침내 독일의 폴란드 침공으로 영국이 독일에게 전쟁을 선포하면서 윈스턴 처칠은 해군장관에 임명돼 다시 정계로 복귀한다. (KBS) 영어원제는 Gathering Storm(여기서 storm은 2차대전의 전운을 뜻함)으로 BBC와 HBO가 2002년 TV영화용으로 제작했고 2009년 후편인 Into the Storm이 방영됐다. 2차대전을 승리로 이끈 영국총리 윈스턴 처칠의 회고록 6권 가운데 첫 권과 같은 제목으로 1934년 선조인 말버러공작의 전기를 쓰며 은퇴생활을 하던 처칠이 외무부관리 랄프 위그램의 제보로 독일 공군력의 증가와 전쟁야욕을 의회와 세상에 알리면서 1939년 정계로 복귀하기까지의 과정을 담고 있다. 2003년 골든글로브 수상(TV부문 작품상, TV부문 남우주연상)
Those who follow a voice aren't crazy. They're in love.
Dr. Robert Thelen
Karl von Rhaunstein
Tyrone Ross
The spoiled Leonora swears eternal revenge on her classmate Cassie out of jealousy and ensures that the orphan girl flies from boarding school. Years later, Cassie marries the stud owner Tyrone, the ex-lover of Leonora's mother. Leonora has an intrigue that nearly ruins Tyrone and puts a strain on his marriage. Cassie is miscarrying. After the accidental death of Tyrone she challenges her rival to an all-important horse race.
Dieter Hermann
Lilly's Vater