Paola Pitagora

Paola Pitagora

출생 : 1941-08-24, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

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Paola Pitagora

참여 작품

L'età giusta
황혼기로의 여행
한 가족의 풍경을 들여다보는 일은 동시에 그 사회와 시대를 살펴보는 작업이기도 하다. 은 마르코 벨로키오가 연출했던 작품과 그의 생각을 통해 60~70년대 이탈리아 사회의 풍경을 기억한다. 혁명, 공산주의, 산업화, 카톨릭, 무신론이 혼란스럽게 섞인 풍경 속에서 감독과 출연자들은 복잡한 기분에 사로잡힌다. 2021년 베니스영화제 비경쟁부문 상영.
Bread from Heaven
Homeless veterans Lilli and Aníbal find a baby in the dumpster on Christmas Eve. Although he looks healthy, they decide to take him to the nearest hospital, where they discover that no one else can see him.
Gli anni spezzati
Non con un bang
Gli assassini vanno in coppia
Aiutami a sognare
In 1943, during the war, Francesca, widowed, moves with her three daughters to her country house, to get away from the bombing of Bologna. In the villa she finds her childhood friends and her old love Guido, who has not forgotten her. Francesca has a passion for everything that comes from America, like music and cinema. She even tells her daughters that her husband who died in the war would actually leave for the USA, where he would live.
Naples: A Story of Love and Vengeance
A robbery at a nightclub goes wrong.
The Devil's Advocate
Nina Sanduzzi
A dying priest is commissioned to investigate the deeds of Giacomo Nerone, a dead wartime partisan, and find out if he truly is worthy of being canonized.
An Italian prison official's wife is kidnapped, and the kidnappers demand that a notorious prisoner be released in order for the man to get his wife back. He gets the man released - but then kidnaps him himself, in order to ensure that the man's colleagues don't kill his wife. Enraged, the gang sets out to free their compatriot and kill the man who took him.
The Serpent
Jeannine Santelli
Vlassov is a Soviet spy who defects in France. He is whisked to the U.S, where Allan Davies takes over the case. After polygraph tests and cross-examinations, Vlassov names several Western European agents who are also spying for the Soviets. Davies wants to take the listed agents into custody; meanwhile, those on the list start dying under mysterious circumstances.
Un amore così fragile, così violento
Assunta Pelus
From the homonymous novel. Rejecting the consumer society, a young man abandons the profession of architect and retires to live in a South Island.
The Union
A Sicilian worker, a member of the internal commission in a factory in Bergamasco, believes he has won it over the owner because he has obtained important improvements, but the astute employer sells the company to a multinational company.
The Hassled Hooker
Luisa Santini
Luisa Latin, betrayed by her husband, is imprisoned for the murder of her husband's mistress - who is still alive. When Luisa is released from prison, she kills her.
One Way Ticket
After a bank robbery gone wrong, a crook goes on the run across Belgium to escape the police, clear himself of a crime that he did not commit, and protect his girlfriend from a shady lawyer.
Law Breakers
A judge investigating police corruption finds that the deeper he digs, the more roadblocks he finds.
Psychiatrist takes young man to castle owned by strange woman, where the latter discovers he's the incarnation of a dead man.
Stop the World... I Want to Get Off!
This lysergically madcap Italian flick largely eschews any traditional plot. The most noticeable thread involves ventriloquist Ricky becoming a TV star, dressed up as a superhero with an “impish robot” dummy.
Disperatamente l'estate scorsa
Lisa, a widow on vacation with her son, meets Alessandro and falls in love. The man is actually a former agent of the communist Germany who escaped from Berlin and is pursued by some former colleagues.
Without Knowing Anything About Her
Cinzia Mancuso
Tells a dark story about a young lawyer that falls in love with a strange girl with an unknown past.
In Search of Gregory
Young Catherine Morelli, who lives in Rome, goes to Geneva to find romance at her father's wedding. There she begins a near nymphomaniac pursuit of a mystery man called Gregory.
Psychout for Murder
Mario consigns his girlfriend Licia to a whorehouse for an evening in order to get the photographic goods to blackmail her father with. To get her out of the way, Licia is then consigned to a mental hospital by her father.
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No
Childhood friends Franco and Jolanda accidentally meet again after 15 years and both know it is love. This comedy traces their troubled relationship.
Death on the Run
On the run from the police in Athens, a man named Jason has in his possession a microfilm eagerly sought by both criminal gangs and government agencies.
Les compagnons de la marguerite
Martine Leloup
Jean-Louis Matouzec works for French National Library as an expert looking after the restoration of old manuscripts.He falsifies marriage certificates as his wife refuses divorce.
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
Valeria Conforti
A successful fifty-year-old entrepreneur, Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided between numerous lovers.
Fists in the Pocket
Ale, a deeply disturbed young man subject to seizures, benignly decides to murder members of his dysfunctional family for altruistic reasons.
All About Loving
Serge follows Hélène in the crowded streets of Paris and manages to seduce her. Werther takes Sophie to her dentist, Raoul, who tries to seduce her too.
The Carpet of Horror
An evil genius uses poison gas to avenge himself on his enemies.
바라바는 예수 대신 석방되어 도적질과 폭력으로 가득했던 예전의 삶으로 돌아간다. 그러나 그가 총애하던 창녀 라헬은 기독교도가 되었다 돌에 맞아 죽는다. 사람을 죽이고 도둑질을 일삼는 삶을 계속하던 바라바는 다시 체포되어 평생 동안 광산 노역을 선고받는다. 바라바는 광산에서 기독교도인 사하크를 만나고, 바라바를 알아본 사하크는 그를 공격하려 들지만 둘은 얼마 안 가 친구가 된다. 바라바는 광산에서 20년을 일하며 죽음을 선고받았던 때의 고통과 예수의 희생에 대한 기억으로 고통받는다. 바라바와 사하크는 광산의 매몰에서 살아남아 로마 콜로세움으로 가게 된다. 둘은 그곳에서 검투사로 훈련을 받지만 사하크는 죽음을 당하고, 바라바는 사하크의 복수를 감행한다. 기독교도인 사하크의 시신을 기독교 모임으로 옮겨간 바라바는 섣부른 신앙을 내보였다가 그곳에서도 배척받는다. 신의 말씀을 잘못 이해한 바라바는 로마의 대화재에 가담하지만, 결국은 순교자가 된다.
Cronache del '22
나쁜 경로
The death of a wealthy patriarch in 1885 sets off an interfamily power struggle. Son Ferdinando buys out his other relatives in order to gain full control over the dead man's property. But Ferdinando's nephew Amerigo holds out. Amerigo's stance is weakened when he heads for Florence and meets prostitute Bianca.
제2차 세계대전 당시, 부모와 함께 강제수용소로 보내진 유태인 소녀가 살아남기 위해 신분을 위장하고 카포로 살아가는 처절한 운명을 그린 이야기.
ancella torturata
Messalina was the Roman noblewoman who inveigled ageing emperor Claudio into marriage. Once ensconced on the throne, Messalina launched a reign of terror that shook the empire to its very foundations. The subject of countless film treatments, Rome's most villified empress is herein played by British actress Belinda Lee.