Production Secretary
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
Still Photographer
페루자에서 여학생들을 교살하는 연쇄살인 사건이 일어난다. 사건을 담당한 마르티노는 검정색과 붉은색이 섞인 스카프를 결정적인 증거로 잡고 탐문 수사를 해보지만 스카프 상인인 지아니에게서 아무 정보를 얻지 못한다. 그러나 사실은 그 스카프를 기억하고 있었던 지아니가 범인을 눈치채고 협박하다 살해당하고 만다. 한편 대학생인 제인과 다니엘라, 카티아, 우르술라는 교외의 외딴 별장으로 휴가를 떠나기로 한다. 하지만 불행히도, 연쇄살인범은 이들을 쫓아가기로 한다.