Robert R. Shafer

Robert R. Shafer

출생 : 1958-04-10, Charleston, West Virginia, USA

프로필 사진

Robert R. Shafer

참여 작품

Officer Ganser
정신과 의사 할로우는 아내 앰버를 죽였다는 이유로 무기징역을 선고받고, 독방에 일주일 동안 수감된다. 악명높기로 소문난 색스 교도관은 할로우가 유죄라 확신하고 각종 이유로 할로우의 독방 생활 기간을 연장한다. 옆방 죄수의 자살과 길어지는 독방 생활 중에도 무죄를 확신하며 억울함을 호소하던 할로우는 자신이 몰랐던 아내의 죽음에 대한 어두운 진실이 있음을 알게 되고…. 최후의 순간! 그에게 주어진 시간은 단 1분. 과연 할로우는 그날의 진실을 마주할 수 있을까?
Direct to Video: Straight to Video Horror of the 90s
A documentary about the direct-to-video horror hits of the 90s.
They Want Dick Dickster
Dick Dickster
Hollywood movie director, Dick Dickster, is a drunk hack with a big ego and a bad attitude. He's broke, in debt, and unemployable. His manager, Sammy Davas Jr. wants to dump him as a client. His wife, Hardy, is divorcing him and wants alimony. Dick owes the mob fifty grand and hit man Tony Baritoni has been sent to collect. And District Attorney Ed Lawler is re investigating statutory rape charges against Dick from his cult movie: Cult of Doom. A film school student, Tim Meeks begins filming a documentary about Dick. They interview producers, directors and actors about their bizarre encounters with The Dickster. Then a mysterious XXX producer, Coco Hart, offers Dick 100-K to turn Cult of Doom into: Cult of Poon. Dick can't say no.
They Want Dick Dickster
Hollywood movie director, Dick Dickster, is a drunk hack with a big ego and a bad attitude. He's broke, in debt, and unemployable. His manager, Sammy Davas Jr. wants to dump him as a client. His wife, Hardy, is divorcing him and wants alimony. Dick owes the mob fifty grand and hit man Tony Baritoni has been sent to collect. And District Attorney Ed Lawler is re investigating statutory rape charges against Dick from his cult movie: Cult of Doom. A film school student, Tim Meeks begins filming a documentary about Dick. They interview producers, directors and actors about their bizarre encounters with The Dickster. Then a mysterious XXX producer, Coco Hart, offers Dick 100-K to turn Cult of Doom into: Cult of Poon. Dick can't say no.
They Want Dick Dickster
Hollywood movie director, Dick Dickster, is a drunk hack with a big ego and a bad attitude. He's broke, in debt, and unemployable. His manager, Sammy Davas Jr. wants to dump him as a client. His wife, Hardy, is divorcing him and wants alimony. Dick owes the mob fifty grand and hit man Tony Baritoni has been sent to collect. And District Attorney Ed Lawler is re investigating statutory rape charges against Dick from his cult movie: Cult of Doom. A film school student, Tim Meeks begins filming a documentary about Dick. They interview producers, directors and actors about their bizarre encounters with The Dickster. Then a mysterious XXX producer, Coco Hart, offers Dick 100-K to turn Cult of Doom into: Cult of Poon. Dick can't say no.
어웨이큰 더 섀도우맨
After the mysterious disappearance of their mother, estranged brothers reunite and discover an unknown supernatural force.
Habeas Corpus: The Making of 'Psycho Cop Returns'
Retrospective documentary on the making of the low-budget horror slasher film Psycho Cop Returns (1993).
피위의 빅 홀리데이
Construction Worker
미스터리 훈남(조 맨가니엘로)과의 우연한 만남을 계기로 피위는 운명 같은 그의 생애 첫 휴가를 떠난다.
Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves
Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves tells the shocking story of how a group of Nightwolves terrorized a tiny village taking people's hearing and eye sight... and the one woman who fought back.
어느 주말, 메리, 조, 그리고 젠은 남자친구들과 함께 호수 별장을 찾는다. 첫날 밤, 젠은 샤워를 하는 도중 비버의 공격을 받게 되고, 남자친구인 톰은 그녀를 지키기 위해 비버를 죽여 버린다. 다음 날, 갑작스러운 비버의 복수가 시작되고 외부와 고립된 상황에서 비버들의 무차별적인 공격이 펼쳐지는데…
Old friends reunite to accompany a friend on a road trip to rehab.
코어 임팩트: 행성 충돌
Lt. Rouse
어느 날 새벽, 천문대의 '텔리'는 거대한 운석이 지구를 향해 급속도로 다가오고 있음을 알게 된다. 시간당 7백만 마일의 속도로 떨어지고 있는 운석은 중력 때문에 이미 엄청난 가속까지 붙은 상황. 공군 소속 '마스터슨' 장군은 텔리의 무모하지만 반짝이는 아이디어를 받아들여 지구의 위치를 바꿔 운석을 피하려는 계획을 세운다. 그리고 마스터슨 장군의 부름을 받아 미 핵잠수함에 도착한 해군 '체이스'와 물리학자 '마리사'는 핵폭탄을 터뜨리는 계획을 실행하려고 한다. 그 동안 운석이 떨어지는 속도는 더욱 빨라지고, 홍콩과 중국에는 운석 파편이 떨어져 모두가 공포에 떨게 되는데...
Abner, the Invisible Dog
A bullied teen stumbles into possession of a top-secret government formula that turns his dog invisible and gives it the power of speech.
James Cooper
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
슈퍼 샤크
Commander Williams (as Bobby Ray Shafer)
어느 날, 캘리포니아 연안의 한 석유 굴착 장치가 붕괴되는 사고가 일어난다. 이 일로 굴착 장치의 소유사인 '트레이마 공업'은 세간의 주목을 받으며 논란의 중심에 서게 되고 책임자인 '로저'는 굴착지 붕괴로 인한 생태계 피해는 없을 거라 주장한다. 한편 '척' 앞에 자신을 해양 수사국의 박사라 소개하는 '캣'이 나타난다. 그녀는 돈을 지불할 테니 척에게 그의 배로 굴착지가 붕괴된 곳으로 가 달라는 부탁을 하고 척은 미심쩍어 하며 사고 지역까지 그녀를 데려간다. 사고 지역에 도착한 캣은 뭔가 이상함을 느끼고 로저를 찾아가지만 원하는 대답은 듣지 못한다. 그리고 단서를 얻기 위해 찾아간 생존자에게서 트레이마 사가 시추를 위해 불법 화학 물질을 쓰고 있었다는 사실을 알게 되고 붕괴 사고의 원인이 거대 상어였다는 믿지 못할 얘기를 듣게 된다. 캣은 상어에 대한 생존자의 얘기를 믿지 않지만 굴착지 근처에서 직접 거대 상어를 목격하게 되고 그의 말이 거짓이 아니었음을 알게 된다. 한편 거대 상어에 대한 소문이 퍼지면서 해변가에는 주 방위군이 배치되고 캣은 군의 책임자를 찾아가 자신이 알아낸 상어에 대한 정보를 알려주며 놈을 없애기 위한 준비에 들어가는데...
On Christmas Eve, two sisters sharing a Venice apartment discover their home is the final target of a brutal gang of criminals led by Jess and his sadistic sister Lorraine.
메가 파이톤 VS 게토로이드
미국 플로리다의 에버글레이즈 국립공원. 어느 날 극렬 환경운동가 니키 라일리가 그곳에 대형 파이톤을 방생한다. 파이톤이 악어 등 공원 동물들을 해치자 악어에게 스테로이드를 먹여 파이톤을 제거하고자 하는 공원 순찰대원 테리 오하라. 하지만 스테로이드는 악어 알을 잡아먹은 파이톤에게도 효과를 미치면서, 결국 악어와 파이톤 모두 거대한 몸집을 갖게 되고 나아가 도심을 공격하기에 이르는데...
메가샤크 VS 크로코사우러스
Charlie Ross
괴수 영화 시리즈의 두 번째 작품으로, 괴물 상어의 맞수로 전편의 거대 문어에 이어 악어가 등장한다. 괴물 악어가 콩고의 한 탄광을 습격하고 괴수 사냥꾼 나이젤이 이를 생포한다. 하지만 배로 악어를 이송하던 중 괴물 상어의 출몰로 악어를 놓치고 배는 난파당하는데. 한편 문어와 함께 사라진 줄 알았던 괴물 상어가 다시 출현하면서 해군은 경계 태세에 돌입하고, 수중음파연구가 맥코믹과 나이젤이 괴수 사냥에 동원된다. 악어의 습격과 상어의 출몰은 악어 알을 둘러싼 쟁탈전에서 비롯된 것으로 밝혀지고, 미 동부해안 곳곳이 습격 당하는 가운데 핵발전소의 전기 불꽃과 파나마 운하 등을 이용한 괴수 소탕 작전이 펼쳐지고 마침내 해저 화산 지대로 유인해 폭파시키는데 성공한다.
Turbulent Skies
When a new airplane that's equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn't bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can't be shut down. When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it's over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board. But what he didn't know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there's no one who can fly the plane.
Heat Wave
Roy Rogan
When a sudden, unexplained rise in local temperatures threatens to turn Los Angeles County into a parched, lifeless desert, one scientist must put her theories to the test in a desperate effort to prevent the catastrophe.
A former FBI profiler, now a sheriff of a small town and a single parent of a high school aged daughter, begins to profile a series of unexplained murders only to learn that the monster he's profiling may be himself.
The Gold Retrievers
Sherrif Mike Denton
A boy and his dog must go in search of a fabled local treasure in an effort to save the family house from foreclosure.
The Scenesters
George Porter
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
Dark Honeymoon
Sheriff Fields
Dark Honeymoon follows a man who marries a seductive woman after a brief and passionate relationship. During their honeymoon, on the Pacific coast, terrible truths unfold as those around them die mysterious deaths.
The seemingly random killings of an assassin puzzle her former lover, a wealthy Greek crime boss whose organization is jeopardized by his love for her, and the detective following her rising body count
M-16 Man
"Slip" is the story of Sarah, a young woman who witnessed her mother's murder as a child. Now grown, Sarah is haunted by her mother's memory, her restless soul, opening a gateway for the spirits of the recently departed. Sarah is compelled to do their bidding so their souls may rest in peace. One of these souls leads her to Cal, a young car thief who is one car away from going legit. Unfortunately, Cal is wrongfully accused of stealing from his partners and now they want him dead.Sarah, drawn by the spirit of Cal's murdered nephew, becomes an avenging angel, awakening a dark spirit of her past while risking all to save a total stranger. Now in a race for their lives as well as their souls, Cal and Sarah soon discover that there are far more fearsome things than men with guns.
Lt. Clark
They Are Here....Hud Masters (Paul Sloan) a serial killer on death row has his execution faked by a clandestine government organization in exchange for an extension on his life. Hud is injected with an alien fetus enabling him to find hunt down and kill a rogue alien race that have deserted their world and have inhabited human hosts to stay alive. With the help of Special Agent Logan (Colleen Porch) and the Alien police Hud must race against time - and his inner demons - as he defends the human race from aliens who themselves must fight against extinction.
Monster Man
Police Officer
Two guys and a female hitchhiker are terrorized by a monstrous looking man driving a giant monster truck.
The Corporate Ladder
Jack Sherman
A new assistant to a powerful executive wants more than just to do a good job, she wants to run the company! And she'll do anything to get to the top, even murder.
Mr. Atlas
Wilshire Frodden
A young boy accidentally falls into a deep hole and finds himself face-to-face with the Greek god Atlas.
A Brilliant Disguise
Jimmy Brennan
A beautiful and talented woman with highly contrasting multiple personalities draws a hotshot sportswriter into a web of murders.
Psycho Cop Returns
Officer Joe Vickers
A group of office workers decide to have a party in the office building. Among other things, they want to have some drugs there. Their conversation on the subject is overheard by Joe Vickers, which is rather unfortunate for them, since Joe Vickers is a policeman. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Vickers is also an undead psychotic satanist, and instead of arresting them, he will make sure that nobody leaves the party alive...
Psycho Cop Returns
A group of office workers decide to have a party in the office building. Among other things, they want to have some drugs there. Their conversation on the subject is overheard by Joe Vickers, which is rather unfortunate for them, since Joe Vickers is a policeman. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Vickers is also an undead psychotic satanist, and instead of arresting them, he will make sure that nobody leaves the party alive...
Inside Out
Cuddy Dalton
Softcore anthology film containing stories: "Brush Strokes"; "Shrink Rap"; "Doubletalk"; "The Leda"; "My Secret Moments"; "Life Is For The Taking"; "The Diaries"; "Love The One You're With"; and "My Better Half".
Psycho Cop
Officer Joe Vickers
Officer Joe Vickers would probably make a good policeman if it weren't for his two nasty habits. Firstly, he is a devoted satanist; secondly - he likes to kill people. When he meets a group of teenagers spending their vacation in a wood hut, he decides to investigate...
Echo Park
Commercial Director
In the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, everybody is somebody else. May, a single mother who delivers strip-O-grams, dreams of being an actress. She rents one of her rooms out to a pizza-man cum songwriter named Jonathan. Meanwhile, in the next apartment, August, an Austrian bodybuilder, fancies himself the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. As the pressures of everyday life in LA mount, Jonathan and August vie for May's love.
The Rosebud Beach Hotel
After taking over a failing Miami hotel with her workaholic fiancé, Elliot, Tracy thinks Liza has seduced her better half-to-be. She then tries to have an affair of her own, and arranges for hookers to become bellhops. Meanwhile, her rich daddy hires an inept arsonist to blow up the place.