Rudolf Waldemar Brem
출생 : 1948-01-01, Munich, Germany
사망 : 2016-03-17
Uwe Krollhass
In Matringen, a small Swabian village, everybody knows Uwe, an outsider and notorious barfly. When Uwe witnesses the murder of the local beauty queen Susi Berger, nobody really takes him seriously. Left alone with his suspicion, Uwe starts investigating on his own. Step by step he starts to uncover the dark truths underneath the small-town idyll.
Dr. Burnhardt Reimenschneider
The ensemble film THE GENITAL WARRIORS takes a look at the common past of the three main characters as their memories meet and overlap. The 70-year-old Frank sits in a geronto-psychiatric ward and types a screenplay about his relationship with Lena and Barbara. These two embittered women come together with a magic wand and a shotgun to travel to the past and commit an act of revenge on him.
Manfred Kasunke 'Le Dude'
Five toilets - five stories! This pitch black comedy relentlessly illuminates the darkest corners of society, thereby revealing a colorful potpourri of human perfidy. The five intertwined episodes are staged in the manner of an intimate play, occasionally testing the audiences moral judgment.
Travelling between Germany, France and Morocco, Viola Shafik reconstructs and deconstructs the unknown life story of El Hedi Ben Salem through interviews with his companions and family members as well as archive material. With openness and slight naivety the interviewees explain how “Ali” became an oriental object of projection for the Fassbinder group, while El Hedi Ben Salem, the human being, was overlooked in order to establish the foreigner as “other.” A no-frills examination of a piece of German and Munich film history.
Sepp Kreuzpaintner
Film by Mayerhofer.
Franz, the blacksmith
The 12-year-old Toni, known as "Toni Goldwascher", is an outsider. He lives with his mother Maria in a disreputable house outside the community by the river. The son of a large farmer, Hans Beil, harasses him because he is after Gold Bay. Herbert, the mute Elfie and the chaplain are on his side, but when Toni actually finds gold, the situation comes to a head.
Alfred S
Evil assassins want to kill Daniel Küblböck, the third runner up for the German Idols.
Evil assassins want to kill Daniel Küblböck, the third runner up for the German Idols.
The German composer Valentin Reiner receives a letter from his ex-wife Anna, who now lives in Los Angeles with their 18-year-old son Stefan. In her letter, Anna asks Valentin to come and help her with their son. Stefan is engaged to Leila, a young Muslim woman from Palestine, who is three months pregnant with his baby. They live with Anna and Judge Boccia, who hates black Muslims. Stefan and Leila hate Jews. Together with his buddy Riff Mason, Stefan terrorizes the Jewish community with home invasions, where they paint swastikas on the houses and leave fake anthrax letters. Reiner is determined to expose the fascist group and regain the trust of his son.
A crime comedy directed by Thomas Engel.
This TV-Movie is based on real events that took place in southern Germany in the mid 80's. A policeman tries to build a house for his family while he experiences financial troubles; everything goes tragically wrong from then on.
Karsten Corzelius
KGB Agent (uncredited)
월남전의 경험도 있고 미공군의 비밀부대에서 비행기 조종 훈련을 받았던 미첼 갠트(Major Mitchell Gant: 클린트 이스트우드 분)는 어느날 엄청난 지령을 받는다. 그것은 영국 비밀 첩보국의 정보에 의하면 소련이 대단한 성능을 갖춘 최신 전투기 미그 31을 완성하여 시험 비행을 한다는 것이다. '파이어폭스'라는 이름의 이 미래형 전투기는 마하 6에 레이더에 포착되지 않으며 조종사의 생각대로 움직이는 사고 유도병기 장치 컴퓨터를 정착하고 있는데, 나토 측이 이것에 대항하는 전투기를 만드는 데는 최저 10년 이상을 걸려야 하므로 해결 방법은 그 전투기 자체를 훔쳐오는 것이다. 영국의 헤로인 거래업자로 위장해 모스크바에 도착한 갠트는 그림자처럼 따르는 소련의 감시 요원을 따돌리고, 파이어폭스를 설계한 과학자의 도움으로 전투기의 성능과 그가 변장해햐 하는 그레고리 체코프 대위의 특징을 배운다. 한편 모스크바에서는 감시요원에 의해 갠트의 정체를 알게 되나, 이미 갠트는 파이어폭스를 몰고 미국으로 오고 있었다.
Herr Breitwehr
The Political drama shows the denunciation and persecution of the 19-year-old Sanne in the Nazi state. After she falls in love with her cousin, Sanne is betrayed by her jealous aunt to the Gestapo.
A comedy directed by Ulli Lommel.
Telephone Man (uncredited)
31살(배우는 60살은 되어 보임)의 처녀 마르타는 휴가를 맞아 권위적이고 애정이 없는 아버지와 함께 로마에 머문다. 그녀의 아버지는 스페인 광장에서 심장마비로 갑작스레 죽음을 맞이하고 집으로 돌아온 마르타는 어머니에게서 계속하여 아버지의 죽음에 대해 질책을 받는다. 알코올 중독자가 된 어머니와 살던 마르타는 어느날 지인의 결혼식에서 헬무트를 만나게 된다. 둘은 결혼을 하게 되고 어머니는 그에 대해 히스테릭한 반응을 보인다. 신혼여행으로 이탈리아 해변가로 간 마르타는 선텐을 하다가 화상을 입게되고, 헬무트는 묘한 반응을 보이는데...
A German serial killer preys on boys and young men during the so-called years of crisis between the wars. Based on the true story of Fritz Haarmann, aka the Butcher of Hanover and the Vampire of Hanover.
Professor Gudden
Reflected in an artificial and bombastically staged illusory world with Wagnerian compositions, glossy and satirical time references, 19th century German figures and traditions are stripped of their mythology and interpreted by the Germany of 1972.
일군의 영화촬영팀이 스페인에서 감독과 주연배우, 제작비가 도착하기를 기다리고 있다. 하지만 배우는 도무지 나타나지 않고, 제작자금과 필름 역시 소식이 없다. 팽팽한 긴장 상황이 지속되면서, 촬영팀 내에는 갈등과 좌절, 공격성, 이기주의, 무기력이 팽배해간다. 마침내 주연배우와 함께 도착한 감독이 혼란을 정리해보려 하지만 뒤얽힌 문제는 쉽게 해결되지 않는다. 촬영현장을 배경으로 다양한 욕망의 갈등을 다루며 영화 만들기의 의미를 묻고 있는 영화.
German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder directs the made-for-TV melodrama Pioneers in Ingolstadt, based on the play by Marieluise Fleisser. The film opens as a parade of soldiers are marching through a town square singing patriotic songs. Alma (Irm Hermann) and Berta (Hanna Schygulla) are watching them and musing about their ideas on men and relationships. The soldiers (often referred to as pioneers) have been given the task of building a bridge in the town. Alma seems to understand that the soldiers only want her for short sexual encounters, so she's prepared to live her life accordingly. Meanwhile, romantic Berta falls in love with self-centered soldier Karl (Harry Baer), who all but tells her to get lost. The soldiers get drunk and beat up a random passerby. The women grow to hate Alma for her acceptance of life as a sex object. Naïve Berta is ultimately humiliated.
Michel and Guenther, working in dead-end jobs, are obsessed with going to Peru to find buried treasure, using a map of the Rio das Mortes. Michel's girlfriend, Hanna, humors their plan, but really just wants to get married.
3류 포주 프란츠(라이너 베르너 파스빈더)는 범죄 조직 가입 권유를 받고 이를 거절했다가 조직원들에게 폭력을 당한다. 프란츠는 그를 구타한 조직원 중 잘 생긴 브루노(울리히 롬멜)를 사랑하게 되고, 연인이자 창녀인 요한나(한나 쉬굴라)를 그와 함께 나누고 싶어한다. 하지만 조직은 브루노에게 살인 임무를 맡기면서 프란츠도 동참하도록 계략을 짜고, 결국 이들은 함께 은행을 털기로 한다. 전형적인 헐리우드 범죄영화 스토리를 따르고 있으나, 건조한 캐릭터와 불친절한 내러티브 등 실험정신으로 충만한 파스빈더의 첫 장편 데뷔작.
Erster Holzfäller
Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’
파스빈더 자신의 동명연극을 영화로 만든 작품. ‘카첼마허’는 지중해 연안에서 독일로 이민 온 노동자를 가리키는 말이다. 뮌헨 변두리에서 무기력하게 살아가던 한 무리의 젊은이들은 그리스인 노동자 요르고스의 출현으로 변화를 맞이하게 된다. 남자들은 이방인을 적대하며 요르고스에게 집단폭력을 휘두르지만, 여자들은 그에게 복잡한 감정을 느낀다. 요르고스는 자신에게 호의를 보이는 마리에게 사랑을 느끼고 그녀를 고향에 데려갈 꿈을 꾼다. 뮌헨 변두리를 배경으로 독일사회의 경직성과 활력 없음을 보여주는 동시에, 사랑의 종속-착취 관계를 그려낸 작품. 단조로운 화면과 반복적인 행동, 소통되지 못하는 단속적인 대사들을 통해 위축된 소시민의 삶을 차갑게 그리고 있다.
Three sequences are linked together in this short film by Straub; the first sequence is a long tracking shot from a car of prostitutes plying their trade on the night-time streets of Germany; the second is a staged play, cut down to 10 minutes by Straub and photographed in a single take; the final sequence covers the marriage of James and Lilith, and Lilith’s subsequent execution of her pimp, played by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. "The film is a look entirely at Western decadence" - Jean-Marie Straub.