Mohd Talib

Mohd Talib

출생 : 2001-12-15, Baherri,Bareilly


Mohd Talib is an Actor, Producer & Casting director. Born on 15th December, at Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh to a typical Indian political family, graduated in medical site and once been a businessman in event management industries. Mohd Talib founded his own production house "Bouncer Production" with his brother Mohd Monish through which he produces his Reality show , series for his YouTube channel & Ott Platform "Bpflixtv". He started modeling carrier with his first fashion show "uttar pradesh runway fashion week" which was released in his Production YouTube channel "Bouncer Production" and his Reality show "Seven Battle Star" and Work as casting director In movie "Attack movie" and most popular Webseries "Tvf Tripling". Mohd Talib became an independent Actor , Producer & Casting director with his original Reality show "Seven Battle Star" and "Uttar Pradesh runway fashion week" which got a good response on YouTube & ott platform "Bpflixtv". You can watch him on many streaming platforms

프로필 사진

Mohd Talib

참여 작품

Code Name: Tiranga
Tasked with capturing a wanted criminal, a fierce undercover agent wrestles with perilously high stakes when her heart is pulled into the mission.
더 테러: 인디아 해즈 폴른
테러리스트를 잡는 특수 요원 ‘아르준’은 공항 테러로 인해 사랑하는 연인을 잃게 된다. 몇 년 후 군인으로 위장한 테러범들의 무자비한 폭격으로 국회의사당이 무너지고 총리가 납치되자, 국가 최악의 비상사태가 선포된다. 이에 ‘아르준’은 자신의 과오를 바로잡고, 모두를 구하기 위해 다시 한번 총을 잡게 되는데…
더 테러: 인디아 해즈 폴른
Production Manager
테러리스트를 잡는 특수 요원 ‘아르준’은 공항 테러로 인해 사랑하는 연인을 잃게 된다. 몇 년 후 군인으로 위장한 테러범들의 무자비한 폭격으로 국회의사당이 무너지고 총리가 납치되자, 국가 최악의 비상사태가 선포된다. 이에 ‘아르준’은 자신의 과오를 바로잡고, 모두를 구하기 위해 다시 한번 총을 잡게 되는데…
Jamei Lee beacher friend
3 men, considered as losers in their lives by the people, plan to get rich along with their girlfriends by fooling 2 gangsters and robbing their money.
Fabulous Fashion week
Fabulous fashion week - presented by Bouncer Production