A relentlessly-paced hybrid of gritty crime thriller and Lovecraftian supernatural horror, "The Devil's Mile" follows a trio of kidnappers who take an ill-advised detour en route to deliver their hostages - two teenage girls - to their mysterious and powerful employer. When they accidentally kill one of the girls during a botched escape attempt, their simmering mistrust explodes into shocking violence. But what they thought was their worst case scenario is only the beginning, as they are engulfed by the hellish forces that haunt the road - a road they realize they may never escape. Now captors and captive must fight together to escape the monstrous forces pursuing them and somehow survive ...
A relentlessly-paced hybrid of gritty crime thriller and Lovecraftian supernatural horror, "The Devil's Mile" follows a trio of kidnappers who take an ill-advised detour en route to deliver their hostages - two teenage girls - to their mysterious and powerful employer. When they accidentally kill one of the girls during a botched escape attempt, their simmering mistrust explodes into shocking violence. But what they thought was their worst case scenario is only the beginning, as they are engulfed by the hellish forces that haunt the road - a road they realize they may never escape. Now captors and captive must fight together to escape the monstrous forces pursuing them and somehow survive ...
A relentlessly-paced hybrid of gritty crime thriller and Lovecraftian supernatural horror, "The Devil's Mile" follows a trio of kidnappers who take an ill-advised detour en route to deliver their hostages - two teenage girls - to their mysterious and powerful employer. When they accidentally kill one of the girls during a botched escape attempt, their simmering mistrust explodes into shocking violence. But what they thought was their worst case scenario is only the beginning, as they are engulfed by the hellish forces that haunt the road - a road they realize they may never escape. Now captors and captive must fight together to escape the monstrous forces pursuing them and somehow survive ...
여학생 기숙학교를 다니는 리나는 6개월 만에 돌아온 집에서 이상한 물건을 발견하고 놀란다. 아버지인 헤미와 어머니 남동생 모두 이상한 종교에 빠져 식인을 하고 있는 것.
살인, 납치범인 리치를 탈옥시킨 지지 일행은 경찰에 쫓기다 한 마오리족 집안으로 숨어 들어 가게 되는데 그 곳은 바로 리나의 집. 지지 일행은 가족을 인질로 잡아 경찰과 대치하려고 한다. 그런데 이 가족의 수상한 비밀이 하나씩 드러나게 되면서 상황은 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가는데... 탈옥범 일행은 인육을 먹는 식인 가족의 집에서 무사히 나갈 수 있을까, 가족들과 대치하는 리나는 과연 어떻게 될까... 감옥으로 끌려가던 동료를 빼내던 중 경찰에 쫓기게 된 어설픈 탄 갱단은 중산층의 마오리족 가족을 인질로 잡고 그들의 집에 숨게 된다. 그런데 이 가족, 심상치 않다. 그들의 냉장고 용기 속에 맛있게 양념 되어 있는 사람 손에 지하실에는 도살장까지. 어리버리 갱단은 이 식인가족의 식탁 위에 오르지 않고 무사히 집을 빠져나갈 수 있을 것인가? 살인 가족과의 코믹 호러 한판승.
(2013년 제17회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Thirteen years after the original Robocop, Delta City, considered to be "The Safest Place On Earth!", has become a futuristic city owned and operated by OCP, and RoboCop, Alex Murphy has begun to feel his age. Murphy finds himself nearly obsolete, and must deal with the fact that his now-grown son James is an OCP executive, unaware that his father is still alive. Also, Murphy's former partner, John Cable, has returned to Delta City as its new Security Commander. But slowly, new enemies arise, and Murphy and Cable begin an investigation into a mysterious villain known as the Bone Machine, unaware that they are coming dangerously close to exposing an evil group of OCP executives known as The Trust... which James Murphy is a part of. Desperate to prevent their sinister plans from being revealed, The Trust programs Murphy to kill John Cable...
A burnt out detective follows the trail of a serial killer who sends him messages about the murders.