
참여 작품

지금, 오아시스
낡은 아파트의 가장 구석진 계단에서 엄마와 딸이 몇 주에 한 번씩 몰래 만난다. 베트남에서 말레이시아로 온 미등록 외국인 엄마는 딸이 자신과 떨어져 말레이 가족과 함께 사는 것이 딸의 미래를 위해 최선이라고 믿는다. 한 동네에 살지만 평소에는 모르는 사이처럼 스쳐 가는 모녀. 엄마는 생업으로 동네의 여러 가지 허드렛일을 하다가 이민자 단속의 손길을 피해 낯선 노인의 집으로 피신한다.
Can we not be so self-centered and keep our experiences to ourselves? Diasporic Remembrances of Fasia Jansen
We gathered to remember the Black german activist Fasia Jansen. Fasia was born in 1929 in Hamburg as the illegimate daughter of white german maiden Eli Jansen and liberian consul Momolu Massaquoi… Having had to witness the suffering of Jewish Women in the Camp of Neuengamme, where Fasia herself had to do forced labour, Fasia dedicated her life to different political struggles. Fasia Jansen was active in women*-, labour-, anti-atom- and peace movements. Her contribution to these movements is an impressive collection of protest songs. Our longing was to relate to Fasia from a Black queer Perspective, to understand her positionality and hence to negotiate ours. We did so by gathering and re-enacting her songs and spirit. Our choir – the Fasia Jansen Ensemble – is a spiritual invocation.