Adapted from a sensational real-life case in 2013, the intricate story begins when a young man partners with his friend to murder and dismember his parents. Pleading not guilty, the defense attorneys soon turn on each other, as the defendants play the devil and idiot game. Meanwhile, heated debates emerge inside the jury room, where nine jurors grapple with the truth.
Secondary school teacher Mr. Leung meets his student Emily in a classroom after school to talk about her behavioural problems. He is subsequently arrested on Emily’s allegation of sexual assault. Before the trial takes place, Mr. Leung’s colleagues have already decided on his guilt. The school is anxious to brush the matter aside to save its reputation. Ms. Chan has known Mr. Leung for many years and is the only person who believes in his innocence, yet she is criticised and chastised by the others for supporting Mr. Leung. Under pressure from all sides, Ms. Chan hesitates to serve as Mr. Leung’s character witness.
살해된 남자의 머리가 발견된다. 그날 밤, 첼리스트, 자폐증 환자, 경찰관, 매춘부, 교사 등은 모두 ‘G’로 시작하는 키워드로 이어지고 있다. 살인자와 동기를 찾아내기 위한 수사가 시작되면서 거대도시 홍콩에 살고 있는 사람들의 절망, 혼돈, 두려움이 밝혀진다.