Self (archive footage)
영국의 촬영감독 겸 영화감독인 잭 카디프의 일대기를 담은 다큐멘터리.
A rookie cop on the undercover narcotic squad falls for the junkie who can help him nab a ruthless pusher/killer.
형기를 끝낸 로맥스가 자신을 배신한 옛 동업자 샘 폴리를 찾아 나선다. 샘은 젊은 총잡이들을 고용하여 자신의 신변 보호를 하면서도 로맥스를 죽이지는 말라고 당부한다. 분별없는 젊은 총잡이들 때문에 건힐로 가는 길은 멀기만 하다. 로맥스는 도중에 우연히 고아 소녀를 떠맡아 데리고 가게 된다. 그는 교양과 정감을 갖춘 미망인 줄리아나를 만나면서 비로소 인간애를 맛보게 된다. (KBS2)
한 무리의 독일 군사들이 영국군 포로들을 이끌고 토부룩으로 향하고 있다. 그런데 그들의 앞길에 갑작스레 차한대가 나타나면서 무리는 긴장한다. 차를 쫓아가보니 그 곳에는 시체 몇구와 심하게 부상을 당한 듯 보이는 영국의 장교가 타고 있었다. 포로인 영국군 의사 타킹턴은 그를 치료하던 중 그가 꾀병을 부리고 있다는 사실을 알아낸다. 사실 그는 영국 8군 정보 기관의 포스터 대령으로 포로가 된 척 하고 토부룩으로 향하는 이들과 함께 합세하려는 속셈이었다. 영국군 포로들은 그의 지휘 아래 곧 독일 군인들을 제압하고 트럭과 통행증 등을 모두 빼앗고 자신들의 목적지로 향한다. 그들의 목표는 토부룩의 해안으로 상륙작전을 꾀하려 하는 해군들을 돕기 위해 토부록에 있는 대포와 무기들을 모두 무용지물로 만들고자 하는데 있었다. 그들은 완벽한 작전과 몇 번의 행운으로 무사히 토부룩에 도착한다. 이 곳은 유명한 장군 롬멜이 지키고 있는 곳이라 방어책이 만만치 않은 곳이다. 하지만 이들은 우여곡절 끝에 벙커와 대포들, 탱크에 들어가는 원료가 있는 보관소 등을 모두 폭파시키는 데 성공한다. 곧 롬멜 장군과 함께 독일군이 들이닥치지만 이미 너무 늦은 상태. 이 승리를 비롯하여 영국군은 그 때부터 전쟁에서 승세를 잡아가기 시작한다.
미국 서부시대의 옐 카운티. 거리의 부랑자 탐 채니를 따뜻하게 보살펴 주던 로스 가족의 가장 프랭크는 탐과 함께 포트 스미스로 향한다. 그런데 술에 취한 채 도박을 하던 탐이 자신을 말리던 프랭크를 총으로 쏘는 사건이 발생한다. 아버지의 시신을 확인하기 위해 포트 스미스에 도착한 매티 로스(킴 다비 분)는 집으로 돌아가지 않고 아버지의 복수를 다짐한다. 하지만 앳띤 소녀가 거친 무법자를 상대하기는 어려운 일. 게다가 탐은 지방 보안관의 관할 밖인 인디언 보호구역으로 도망친 후였다. 여기저기 수소문 한 끝에 유능한 연방보안관 루스터 카그번(존 웨인 분)을 만나게 된다. 처음에는 매티를 귀찮아했던 루스터였지만 그녀의 끈질긴 노력으로 탐을 잡기로 마음먹는다. 하지만 탐은 서부 최고의 악당 네드 페퍼(로버트 듀발 분)와 함께 행동하고 있어 검거가 쉽지만은 않은 상태. 이때 텍사스에서부터 탐을 쫒아 온 라 비프(글렌 캠벨 분)와 합류하게 된 루스터는 본격적인 추적에 들어간다.
The players in an ongoing poker game are being mysteriously killed off, one by one.
A hunter stalks a killer elephant.
A hunter stalks a killer elephant.
금을 찾는 악당들에게 아버지가 살해당하자, 그들에게 복수하기 위해 추격을 해가는 주인공 맥스의 모험을 그린 서부 영화.
금을 찾는 악당들에게 아버지가 살해당하자, 그들에게 복수하기 위해 추격을 해가는 주인공 맥스의 모험을 그린 서부 영화.
텍사스주의 클리어 워터. 이 곳에서 얼마 전 세상을 떠난 케이트 엘더의 장례식이 거행되고 있다. 어머니의 장례식을 지켜보기 위해 각지로 떠나있던 형제들이 모였는데, 보안관을 비롯한 주민들은 총잡이로 이름이 높은 맏형 존 엘더(존 웨인 분)의 등장에 긴장한다. 특히 엘더 농장을 사기로 빼앗은 총기 제조업자 해이스팅스는 총잡이까지 고용해 엘더 형제들과의 피할 수 없는 대결을 준비하고 있다. 장례식 후 농장 문제를 알아보던 존은 아버지의 죽음에 대해서 듣게 되고, 현재 엘더 농장을 소유하고 있는 해이스팅스를 의심한다. 하지만 해이스팅스 일당은 한발 앞서 존의 동생인 톰(딘 마틴 분)의 수배명단을 만들어 체포하려 든다.사건해결을 위해 보안관 빌리가 엘더 형제를 만나러 가는데, 해이스팅스에 의해 살해당하고 만다. 한편, 말장사로 막내 버드의 대학 등록금을 마련하려던 4형제는 졸지에 살인죄를 뒤집어쓰고 철창에 갇히게 되는데...
Medical student Philip falls in love with Mildred, a waitress. Although she is a flirt, they have a love affair. But when Philip is told about her constant infidelity, they break up. Mildred quits her job and becomes a prostitute. But Philip is still in love with her.
메트는 자신의 옛 애인인 릴이의 딸인 토니를 어려서부터 키워서 진짜 아버지 이상의 애정을 갖고 있다. 모험을 즐기는 매트는 자신의 서커스 단원을 이끌고 유럽 순회공연을 떠나지만 뜻하지 않은 사고로 망해버린다. 하지만 친구의 도움으로 다시 재기하여 이곳 저곳으로 재주있는 서커스배우들을 모으러 다닌다. 유럽에 자신이 사랑하던 릴리가 있는 거슬 알고 우여곡절 끝에 만나지만 릴리는 토니에게 엄마라고 나서지 못하고 옆에서 지켜만 본다. 말광량이 토니는 같은 서커스 단원인 스티브와 사랑에 빠지고 매트는 그 둘을 뜯어 말리느라 정신이 없다. 한편 같이 일하던 토니의 삼촌 알도는 릴리와 매트가 사랑에 빠지자 자신의 형이 릴리때문에 자살한 사실을 토니가 알도록 음모한다. 충격을 받은 토니는 매티와 릴이에게 화를 내고 떠나려고 하는데 때마침 서커스 천막에 불이나 그것을 계기로 그들은 다시 사랑을 확인하게 된다. 릴리와 토니는 서커스의 마지막 순서에 함께 공중곡예로 환호를 받게 된고, 매트도 스티브를 인정하여 네 사람 모두는 무대에서 행복하 찬 모습으로 웃는다.
프레스코드 집안의 아들 제브는 어머니의 반대를 무릅 쓰고 북군에 지원한다. 그는 싸움터에서 남군의 탈주병을 알게 되지만 북군 사령관 샤만 장군은 탈주병이 저격하려 하기 때문에 부득이 대검으로 찌르고 마는데...
알래스카에서 황금을 찾는 사나이들의 모험과 의리, 사랑을 그린 영화.
알래스카에서 금을 채굴하며 큰돈을 번 샘과 조지. 샘은 절친한 친구이자 동업자인 조지를 대신해 그가 3년이나 기다려온 약혼녀 제니를 데리러 시애틀 행 배를 탄다. 샘이 돌아올 동안 조지는 제니와 함께 묵을 신혼 집을 지을 작정이다. 샘은 조지가 말한 대로 제니를 찾아가지만 그녀는 조지를 잊고 이미 다른 남자와 결혼한 상태. 술집에서 ‘엔젤’이라는 이름을 가진 여인 미셸을 만난 조지는 미셸에게 함께 알래스카로 갈 것을 제안한다. 제니의 일로 상심한 조지에게 그녀를 소개시켜 위로해줄 생각이었던 것이다. 알래스카로 가는 날까지 즐거운 시간을 보낸 두 사람. 어느 새 미셸은 샘을 사랑하게 되지만 샘은 여자나 사랑 따위를 믿지 않는 남자이다. 두 사람은 알래스카에 도착하고, 제니의 소식을 들은 조지는 상심하지만 아름다운 미셸을 보고 마음을 돌린다. 그러나 그녀가 진정으로 사랑하는 사람이 샘이라는 것을 알게 된 조지는 두 사람의 사랑을 이루어주려 한다. 샘은 미셸을 사랑하면서도 계속 마음을 속이고, 사기꾼 프랭키는 음모를 꾸며 금광을 통째로 삼키려 하는데...
알래스카에서 황금을 찾는 사나이들의 모험과 의리, 사랑을 그린 영화.
알래스카에서 금을 채굴하며 큰돈을 번 샘과 조지. 샘은 절친한 친구이자 동업자인 조지를 대신해 그가 3년이나 기다려온 약혼녀 제니를 데리러 시애틀 행 배를 탄다. 샘이 돌아올 동안 조지는 제니와 함께 묵을 신혼 집을 지을 작정이다. 샘은 조지가 말한 대로 제니를 찾아가지만 그녀는 조지를 잊고 이미 다른 남자와 결혼한 상태. 술집에서 ‘엔젤’이라는 이름을 가진 여인 미셸을 만난 조지는 미셸에게 함께 알래스카로 갈 것을 제안한다. 제니의 일로 상심한 조지에게 그녀를 소개시켜 위로해줄 생각이었던 것이다. 알래스카로 가는 날까지 즐거운 시간을 보낸 두 사람. 어느 새 미셸은 샘을 사랑하게 되지만 샘은 여자나 사랑 따위를 믿지 않는 남자이다. 두 사람은 알래스카에 도착하고, 제니의 소식을 들은 조지는 상심하지만 아름다운 미셸을 보고 마음을 돌린다. 그러나 그녀가 진정으로 사랑하는 사람이 샘이라는 것을 알게 된 조지는 두 사람의 사랑을 이루어주려 한다. 샘은 미셸을 사랑하면서도 계속 마음을 속이고, 사기꾼 프랭키는 음모를 꾸며 금광을 통째로 삼키려 하는데...
A discredited professor and a sophisticated thief decide to join together and pick a team to pull off one last job--the casino vault in Monte Carlo.
After her husband dies in a fire, a woman (Susan Hayward) is left to tend for her young son and the family farm on her own. Soon, she takes in a drifting handyman, they fall in love, and a resentment begins to build between the son and his new "step-father" who treats the boy harshly on purpose to prepare him for life on the frontier.
The naive cowboy Tod Lohman accidentally kills the son of the powerful land baron Hunter Boyd. Tod runs for his life, pursued by the dead man's vengeful brothers. Tod shelters on the ranch of Amos Bradley and he falls in love with his daughter Juanita. However, Tod is concerned that he'll eventually have to leave when his pursuers catch up with him.
폴 보나드에게 고용된 조는 보나드와 함께 전설 속에 숨겨진 보물을 찾는 길에 동참하게 된다. 절망적인 삶을 살던 창녀 디타도 이 여행에 합류하여 이 두 남자의 생존경쟁을 함께 겪어내며 새로운 인생을 찾게 된다.
폴 보나드에게 고용된 조는 보나드와 함께 전설 속에 숨겨진 보물을 찾는 길에 동참하게 된다. 절망적인 삶을 살던 창녀 디타도 이 여행에 합류하여 이 두 남자의 생존경쟁을 함께 겪어내며 새로운 인생을 찾게 된다.
Philip Hannon, a blind playwright living in London, overhears part of a conversation , that leads him into a desperate race, to find a kidnapped child. When he gets no help from the police, he along with his butler, and his ex fiancée, attempt to track down the crooks.
An alcoholic escaped convict asks his Arizona lawyer brother to help him cross the Mexican border.
An Italian daredevil turns Grand Prix driver and works his way up to Le Mans with his ballerina lover.
전직보안관 후커와 도박사 피스크 그리고 총잡이 테일러등 세 서부사나이는 미모의 부인 리아로부터 금광에 묻힌 남편을 구해주면 사례를 하겠다는 제의에 응한다. 그들은 이 여행이 매우 위험하고 오래 걸릴 거라는 걸 알았지만 거절하기엔 사례금이 너무 매혹적이었다. 악의 화원이라 불리는 인디언 지역에서 그들은 리아의 남편을 구하나 그가 다시 금광으로 돌아오다 인디언의 활에 맞아 죽는다. 험준한 산길에서 인디언의 습격을 받게 되자 피스크는 부인을 데리고 떠나라 하지만 서로 남겠다고 한다. 결국 제비를 뽑아 피스크는 남게 되고 후커는 부인을 데리고 떠난다.
A young Viking prince strives to become a knight in King Arthur's Court and restore his exiled father to his rightful throne.
Ellen Burton arrives in Africa to join Dr. Mary as her nurse, bringing modern medicine to the native peoples. Lonni Douglas, an animal wrangler and fortune hunter, agrees to take her upriver, despite his misgivings about her suitability for Africa. They battle escaped gorillas, hostile natives, infected lion wounds, and hostile witch doctors to reach their destination and on the way, they fall in love. Will their contrasting interests doom their romance?
신혼 부부가 그들이 묵어야 할 방에서 방을 빼지 않고 있는 투숙객 부부의 갈등에 휘말려드는 이야기. 나이아가라 폭포를 배경으로 신혼 부부(케이시 애덤스,진 피터스)가 조지(죠셉 코튼)와 로즈(마를린 몬로) 부부가 경영하는 호텔에 묵게 된다. 그 신혼 부부는 호텔 뿐만 아니라 때때로 작은 오두막집을 빌려 생활하는데, 로즈는 그 점을 이용, 정부의 도움을 받아 남편 조지를 살해하여 나이아가라 폭포 깊은 곳으로 던져 버린다. 이상한 낌새를 눈치챈 신혼 부부는 남편의 실종 사건을 추적하기 시작하고, 로즈는 이를 은폐하기 위해 애쓴다.
오 헨리의 유명한 단편 소설 `경찰관과 찬송가`, `나팔소리`, `마지막 잎새`, `붉은 추장의 몸값`, `크리스마스 선물` 등을 수록한 옴니버스 영화
During the Cold War, diplomatic courier Mike Kells must retrieve a dispatch containing top-secret intelligence. But when he arrives at the meeting point, a train station in Salzburg, his contact turns up dead, and the message is nowhere to be found. With no clear suspect in sight, Kells must sort through his uncertain relationships with two women, while sidestepping the pitfalls of subterfuge, sabotage and spies in his search for the documents.
롬멜(Erwin Rommel: 제임스 메이슨 분)과 다른 동료들은 히틀러의 광기 어린 통치로 인해 조국이 패망의 길로 치닫고 있음을 점차적으로 깨닫게 되고, 나라를 구하는 길은 오직 히틀러를 제거하는 길 뿐임을 인식한다. 롬멜은 서방과의 평화 복원을 위해 총통을 암살할 계획을 세우지만, 계획은 실패로 돌아가고, 이어 대대적인 반역자 색출 및 제거 작업이 뒤따른다. 북아프리카 전선에서 사막의 여우같은 능수능란한 전술을 구사했던 롬멜은 조국을 사랑했던 성실한 군인의 표상으로 묘사되는데, 자신의 상급 지휘관이었던 폰 룬슈타트 장군과 함께 연합군의 노르망디 상륙을 저지하지 못했던 것이 베를린 수뇌부의 적절치 못한 간섭에 기인한 것으로 설명된다. 이를 계기로 롬멜은 히틀러에 대한 암살 가담 결심을 굳히지만 계획이 성공하지 못하자, 베를린 수뇌부에 의해 곧 반역자로 지목되는데...
A young man, morally destroyed by his parents not loving him and by the fear of being not capable to make his girlfriend happy, rises on the ledge of a building with the intention of committing suicide. A policeman makes every effort to argue him out of it.
Not a Rowdy Yates in sight in this western set in a stop over for the California to St Louis mail stagecoach run. The two staff are warned that four dangerous outlaws are in the area, and together with a female stage passenger and her baby they wait patiently for the word to go round that these men have been caught. Can you guess where the outlaws decide to hide out while they plan a large gold robbery? What follows is a film that concentrates on small details (like attempts to slip a warning note to a passing stage, or to reach a hidden gun that the bad guys don't know about) as the captives try anything to get away from the outlaws.
When Lt. John Harkness is assigned as the new skipper of a submarine chaser equipped with an experimental steam engine, he hopes that the U.S.S. Teakettle's veterans will afford him enough help to accomplish the ship's goals. Unfortunately, he finds the crew and its officers share his novice status or only have experience in diesel engines.
In the 13th century, Walter of Gurnie, a disinherited Saxon youth, is forced to flee England. With his friend, Tristram, he falls in with the army of the fierce but avuncular General Bayan, and journeys all the way to China, where both men become involved in intrigues in the court of Kublai Khan.
During a whaling expedition in the late 1800's, the aging Captain Bering Joy (Lionel Barrymore) and his new first mate, Dan Lunceford (Richard Widmark) engage in a battle of wills concerning the education of the captain's struggling grandson.
In 1932, a cop is killed and Frank Wiecek sentenced to life. Eleven years later, a newspaper ad by Frank's mother leads Chicago reporter P.J. O'Neal to look into the case. For some time, O'Neal continues to believe Frank guilty. But when he starts to change his mind, he meets increased resistance from authorities unwilling to be proved wrong.
An ex-con trying to go straight must face a crazed criminal out for revenge.
Bob Sharkey, an instructor of would-be spies for the Allied Office of Strategic Services, becomes suspicious of one of the latest batch of students, Bill O'Connell, who is too good at espionage. His boss, Charles Gibson confirms that O'Connell is really a top German agent, but tells Sharkey to pass him, as they intend to feed the mole false information about the impending D-Day invasion.
Ex-con turned private investigator Bradford Galt suspects someone is following him and maybe even trying to kill him. With the assistance of his spunky secretary, Kathleen Stewart, he dives deep into a mystery in search of answers.
The US Government tries to track down embedded Nazi agents in the States.
A Barbary Coast saloon owner hopes to marry his way into San Francisco's high society. Directed by Henry Hathaway, the film was released in 1945.
'Sparke' Thorton, a lad with a penchant for trouble, is sent to live with his Uncle and Aunt Bolt in Indiana after his Aunt Henrietta Bolt dies. Though he's not happy about the arrangement at first, his love of horses and his affection for a young filly that he plans to race make life bearable. He also finds romance with tomboyish 'Char' Bruce who shares his love for horses.
An aircraft carrier is sent on a decoy mission around the Pacific, with orders to avoid combat, thus lulling Japanese alertness before the battle of Midway.
Two-fisted newsreel photographer Johnny Williams is stationed in Burma and China in the early stage of WW II. Captured by the Japanese, he escapes from a concentration camp with the aid of beautiful, enigmatic 'China Girl' Miss Young. The two arduously make their way back to friendly lines so that Johnny can deliver the vital military information he's managed to glean from his captors.
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Englishmen fighting Nazis in Africa discover an exotic mystery woman living among the natives and enlist her aid in overcoming the Germans.
Young Matt Matthews, an Ozark Mountains moonshiner, hates the father he has never seen, who apparently deserted Matt's mother and left her to die. His obsession contributes to the hatred rampant in the mountains. However, the arrival of a stranger, Daniel Howitt, begins to positively affect the mountain people, who learn to shed their hatred under his gentle influence.
Based on the story of the famous Mormon leader, it follows Brigham Young and his challenge to transport his people across the Rocky mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two fictitious characters, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb and the hardships they have to face along the way.
Wall Street broker Robert Cain, Sr., is jailed for embezzling. His college graduate son Bob then turns to crime to raise money for his father's release. As assistant to mobster Mickey Dwyer, then falls for Dwyer's girl Lucky. He winds up in the same prison as his father.
In the wake of the Spanish-American war, military doctor Bill Canavan (Cooper) arrives at a war-torn Filipino outpost. Infested with cholera and under attack from a vicious local Moro chieftain, the troops are terrified and their commanding officer has all but given up hope. Outnumbered and out of supplies, Canavan decides to trade his scalpel for a rifle and rally the few remaining troops into one last stand before the outpost and everyone inside becomes just another footnote in history.
Two Alaskan salmon fisherman find their friendship at risk when one aligns with Russian fish pirates and the other aligns with local vigilantes.
Michael 'Nuggin' Taylor and Powdah save lives during a sea tragedy in this story about the slave trade on the high seas during 1842.
A tribute to Will Rogers.
Mavis Arden is a sensational movie star. Her following spans the world and her personal appearance tours prove her popularity. On her way home from one such appearance, Arden's car breaks down. She orders her publicity man to find her a place to stay, suspicious that he planned the break down to keep her away from a man. However, she soon finds herself mooning over an attractive repairman in town and listening to his ideas about inventing equipment for film.
A well-established tale of a long-running feud between two mountain clans.
When his mother dies, young Peter Ibbetson leaves Paris and his best friend, Mary, behind to live with a severe uncle in England. Years later, Peter is an architect with little time for women, until he begins a project with the Duke and Duchess of Towers. When Peter and the duchess become great friends, she reveals that she is Mary — but the duke soon suspects his wife of infidelity and challenges Peter to a duel, threatening the pair's second chance.
In the Northwest Frontier of India, the 41st Bengal Lancers leaded by the harsh Colonel Tom Stone are having trouble with the rebellious leader Mohammed Khan. After two casualties, the experienced but insubordinate Lieutenant Alan McGregor receives as replacement, the arrogant Lieutenant Forsythe and the immature son of Colonel Stone, Lieutenant Donald Stone. With the intention to prove that he will not have any privilege in the troop, the reception of Colonel Stone to his son is absolutely cold, but he becomes the protégé of McGregor. When Lieutenant Stone is kidnapped by Mohammed Khan, McGregor and Forsythe disobey the direct order of their commander, disguise as Indian peddlers and go to Khan's fortress to attempt to rescue their friend
Young freewheeling wanderer Jerry Day and his beautiful wife Toni are at odds over their lifestyle. Jerry can't accept responsibility but Toni yearns for a family and a settled life. Then the Days 'rediscover' Jerry's young daughter Pennie, who has been living with his rich deceased wife's family. Pennie appears to be just what Jerry needs to mend his swindling ways and lead a straight life. Despite the responsibility of his new family, Jerry is swayed by the corruptible influence of jewelry thief Felix Evans. When Evans lures Jerry into a job, it puts the continuation of his new family life at risk.
Randolph Scott plays Jim Cleve, one of several volunteers keeping the US-Mexican border safe on behalf of American settlers. Ostensibly the hero, Cleve is actually out-heroed by the film's nominal villain, outlaw leader Jack Kells (Monte Blue). It is Kells who brings about the story's happy ending, sacrificing his own life to ensure the blissful future of young lovers Cleve and Joan Randall (Barbara Fritchie).
Jack Brookfield, a gambler with clairvoyant and hypnotic powers, is able to win at cards through his unique gift. But when he inadvertently hypnotizes young Clay Thorne, Thorne kills an enemy of Brookfield's while under a trance. No one believes Brookfield's protestations that Thorne is innocent of any murderous intent, so Brookfield teams up with retired lawyer Martin Prentice in hopes of saving the young man from the gallows.
"Lucky" Davis, a ladies-man and a devil-may-care U. S. Marine Sergeant, is leading a Marine-squadron on an expedition through a Phillipine jungle where an outlaw bandit is leading a guerilla-war rebellion. Their assignment is to rescue a group of children from an island mission that has been cut off from all communication. It comes as a bit of a surprise when Davis discovers that the "children" are a group of 18-25 year-old girls blissfully bathing in a pool while awaiting rescue.
In Kentucky just after the Civil War, the Hayden-Colby feud leads to Jed Colby being sent to prison for 15 years for murder. The Haydens head for Nevada and when Colby gets out of prison he heads there also seeking revenge. The head of the Hayden family tries to avoid more killing but the inevitable showdown has to occur, complicated by Lynn Hayden and Ellen Colby's plans to marry.
Beasley, who is after Gayner's land, plans to kidnap his daughter. But Dale overhears their plan and kidnaps her himself. When Gayner arrives to retrieve his daughter, Beasley kills him and makes the Sheriff arrest Dale for the murder.
A US marshal goes undercover to bust up a bunch of rustlers.
Western comedy.
A buffalo hunter tries to stop a thief and his minions from stealing hides.
Chane Weymer, an Arizona rancher, goes after a gang that is trapping wild horses by the use of barbed-wire enclosures.
Assistant Director
A former boxer purchases a classy speakeasy and falls in love with a wealthy society girl.
A young man must defend his land from claim jumpers in this adaptation of the popular Zane Grey novel.
Assistant Director
Outlaw Llano Kid poses as a rich Mexican widow's son and falls in love with a cousin.
Assistant Director
A good-natured cowboy who is romancing the new schoolmarm has a crisis of conscience when he discovers his best friend is engaged in cattle rustling.
Assistant Director
In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love and he persuades her to elope with him. After they get married, Sam is torn between his love for Lola and his yearn for traveling.
Assistant Director
Shortly after the United States enters World War I in 1917, a Broadway actress agrees to let a naive soldier court her in order to impress his friends, but a real romance soon begins.
Assistant Director
A French country lass Marie Ducrot, name is "mud" after she is compromised by a German soldier . Turning to religion, Banky becomes one of the "sisters in white" in the field hospitals of World War 1. THE AWAKENING was nominated by the Academy for its Art Direction in the first transitional year of the talkies. A vast number of films from this year are lost and this is no exception. No print or negative materials are known to exist at this time. William Cameron Menzies received his third nomination for this film, having received two the prior year and winning for both.
Assistant Director
The story takes place in Milwaukee during the early 1900s with a bank clerk named August Schiller who is happy with both his job and his family. He is tasked with transporting $1,000 in securities to Chicago. On the train he meets a blond seductress who convinces him to buy her a bottle of champagne, and takes him to a saloon. The next morning he awakes alone in a dilapidated bedroom and without the securities.
Assistant Director
The story of the military unit organized by future U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and its adventures in Cuba during the Spanish-American War of 1898.
Assistant Director
A sexy young manicurist living with her older backwoodsman husband in a small Canadian town finds herself attracted to a young, rich and famous divorce lawyer who comes to town on vacation.
Assistant Director
An American soldier falls in love with a French maiden but their romance is thwarted when the Yanks return home. Years later she comes to America to put on a fashion show and find her long lost lover.
Property Master
Ort Hutchins is a confirmed loafer who spends all of his time fishing while his wife toils over the washtub. One day, while digging for worms, Hutch uncovers a box containing $100,000 in bills, the loot of a bank robbed in the next town. Realizing that he cannot spend the money without arousing suspicion, Hutch resigns himself to taking a job for cover. ...
Property Master
Happy-go-lucky Jim Fenton is in love with Miss Butterworth, the town milliner, who is taking care of little Harry Benedict while his father Paul, an inventor, is in the local insane asylum. Miss Butterworth convinces Jim that Belcher, one of the town's prominent citizens, has incarcerated Paul to steal the patents from his inventions. Jim breaks into the asylum and spirits away the enfeebled inventor......
Property Master
Jubilo, a hobo, witnesses a robbery, finds work on Judge Hardy’s farm, and foils the vengeful machinations of a sinister villain.
Lost film.