A short based on the popular children's book.
In this Chinese version of the classic fairy tale, a mother leaves her three children home alone while she goes to visit their grandmother. When the children are visited by a wolf, pretending to be their Po Po, or granny, they let him in the house, but ultimately are not fooled by his deep voice and hairy face. Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of watercolors and pastels, this powerful story brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation.
Come along as Hermit Crab makes his new house a home.
Original Music Composer
William Pierce (Nelson Franklin) is a practical, rational man who suddenly finds himself face to face with the paranormal when he starts receiving phone calls from the dead on the cell phone his recently-deceased fiancée (Melissa Ordway) left behind.
When Marisol sets out to create a sky for the class mural she discovers the blue missing from her paints. This story celebrates the creative process and what it means to be an artist.
Original Music Composer
When leading marriage counselor Annie Morgan is offered an opportunity to host a relationship talk show, she jumps at the chance. But fearful that being single might ruin her big break, she conspires with an old college friend and recent widower to pose as a married couple with kids.
Robot Zot is a fearsome and fearless robot from a planet far away. He comes to earth to crush and conquer. He is powerful, relentless, and smaller than a toaster. Robot Zot destroys all in his path until he meets the beautiful queen. Battling with an emotion he has never felt before, Zot begins the biggest rescue of his life. Will he save his queen and conquer the earth?
Alice Lee Roosevelt was hungry to go places, meet people, do things. Father called it running riot. Alice called it eating up the world. Brimming with affection and wit, this spirited biography gives readers a peek into family life inside the White House.
Original Music Composer
"Front of the Class" is based on the true story of Brad Cohen -- played in the movie by Jimmy Wolk -- who, after being challenged by Tourette's syndrome from a very young age, defies all odds to become a gifted teacher
Original Music Composer
It sounds like a budding writer's dream: a bestselling first novel, a luxurious house in Malibu, and a trophy wife... But it all unravels when writer's block and a failed marriage send Richard McMurray out into the streets.
Wallace, a mouse, can do almost anything, as long as he has a list. Then he meets a new neighbor, Albert, who loves music and adventure, and Wallace discovers a wonderful world that he and his lists had not anticipated.
A suspiciously magical Christmas Eve snowstorm blows some small miracles into the lives of people around the country.
Joe, an overwrought rancher is striving from his harsh upbringing, trying make a better life for his family. When his business falters, Joe fears his son, at the age of 15, will follow in his footsteps, and decides to drive him from home.
Original Music Composer
The story of the 10-year rocky relationship between Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
A pair of young lovers, one depressed, decide to end their lives together in a suicide pact.
Original Music Composer
Laura, her husband Almanzo and their daughter Rose leave South Dakota and head for Missouri in search of a better, more financially stable life. It's a daunting journey, but they're sustained by their resolve. However, they're faced with an even greater challenge after their arrival: an ailing and bedridden Almanzo is unable to tend their new land. With winter fast on its way, Laura attempts to clear the land herself and plant the acres of apple trees that they hope will ensure their future.
Original Music Composer
Already an outcast for crimes she did not commit, a woman struggling to raise her two children in a small village during World War II is suspected of being a saboteur.
The true story of two murders that shaped the lives of several college students who went on to become some of the most influential writers of the "Beat Generation."
Original Music Composer
1846년의 미국, 멕시코 국경지대에서의 잦은 마찰은 전쟁이라는 극당적인 사태로 치닫고, 사방은 온통 총알이 난무하는 무법천지로 바뀐다. 미국의 전투로 인해 아일랜드에서 징집되어온 몇명의 병사들은 단지 종교가 다르다는 이유로 같은 부대 내에서도 미국인들에게 박해를 받는다. 자신 역시 아일랜드인인 소대장 존(John Riley: 톰 베린저 분)은 미국인들이 아일랜드 병사들을 고문하는 모습을 보고 격분, 내란을 일으키고 몇몇 아일랜드 병사들을 이끌고 부대를 이탈한다. 미국 병사들은 곧 이들을 추격해오고 존의 부대는 멕시코를 넘어 자유의 땅으로 탈출을 시도한다. 하지만 불행히도 이들은 멕시코 국경을 넘어보지도 못하고 멕시코 병사들에게 발각되고 만다. 치열한 전투 끝에 멕시코인들의 포로가 된 존의 부대원들. 하지만 멕시코인들은 이들이 미국을 이탈한 부대란 것을 알고 미군들과 싸우고 있는 자신들을 도우면 이들을 자유의 몸으로 만들어 준다고 약속한다. 존은 이들의 조건을 수용, 멕시코 부대를 도와 미군과 격렬한 전투를 준비하기로 하는데...
Original Music Composer
A lonely teen troubled by a past family tragedy is suspicious of his sister-in-law, believing she is being unfaithful. His confrontation with his brother sets off a series of tragic events.
A military woman and a worried mother travel overseas and to New Mexico to investigate a deadly virus.
This is a story about a Police Officer who tries to get children to stay safe. No-one listens to him, but then he gets a police dog who listens to him.
In this charming classic story, Harry runs away before bath time and plays outside until he changes into a black dog with white spots. Back home again, he must use all his wits and tricks to convince his family who he really is
Drama about a young man who defies his parents by dropping out of college to pursue his dream of owning a fishing boat, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.
고색창연한 성으로 이사 온 가족. 한데 이 가족 뭔가 이상하다. 유령이 나와도 당최 무서워하지 않는 데다 딸의 장난이라 여기기까지! 그러던 중 딸이 진짜 유령을 만나면서 그 비밀을 알게 되는데. 유령이면 어때, 내가 도와주겠어!
Mary Ingles is pregnant when she and her two sons are captured from their homestead in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains by Shawnee Indians. Her husband, Will, narrowly escapes death during the attack. Impressed by her grace under the pressure of captivity, Wildcat, the Shawnee chief, confers special privileges on Mary and her children, eventually proposing that Mary become his mate. Surprised by her attraction to the handsome brave, Mary nonetheless opts to remain faithful to Will and engineers a plan for her escape. Separated from her children, Mary joins another female settler, and together they embark on a harrowing homeward trek. Her odyssey comes full circle more than a decade later when she is finally reunited with her long-lost children.
Original Music Composer
NOISY NORA (Written and illustrated by Rosemary Wells, narrated by Mary Beth Hurt) What's a wee little mouse to do when little brother and big sister take up all of Mom and Dad s time? Make noise! EMILY S FIRST 100 DAYS OF SCHOOL (Written and illustrated by Rosemary Wells, narrated by Diana Canova) As the days and weeks of school go by, Emily and her classmates learn new ideas, expand their world, and grow closer together one day at a time. VOYAGE TO THE BUNNY PLANET (Written and illustrated by Rosemary Wells, narrated by Maggie Gyllenhaal) Three bunnies are whisked off to the gentle Bunny Planet -- a place that lies far beyond the moon and stars. DVD Features - 4 Stories on One DVD Plus: Spanish Version of Noisy Nora; Rosemary Wells Interview: Voyage to the Bunny Planet; Read to My Bunny Music Video; Read-Along; Talk About the Stories
The animated story of a boy who disguises himself as a shark to frighten off other people so that he will have the beach all to himself.
Red Riding Hood is "kind and considerate" to a wolf with charming manners who has designs on her, and her book-toting granny.
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.
Three pig brothers set out on their own, but only one manages to survive his encounters with a hungry wolf. Based on the children's book by James Marshall.
The littlest mouse disappears on the way to a family outing, temporarily putting a damper on the fun and games.
Original Music Composer
네바다주 사막 한 가운데 있는 작은 마을에는 20명도 안되는 주민들이 서로 도우며 살고 있다. 심부름 센터에서 일하는 발렌타인(Valentine McKee: 케빈 베이컨 분)과 얼은 농장의 선반을 만들어 주고 다음 일터로 가려고 황량한 사막길을 가던 중 론다(Rhonda LeBeck: 핀 카터 분)를 만난다. 그녀는 지진학을 전공하는 대학원생으로 한 학기 동안 이 마을에서 지진학을 연구하고 있다. 그녀의 지진계에서는 수 일 전부터 이상한 진동이 기록되고 있다. 마을에서 다른 일을 하다 자신들의 처지헤 와가 난 발렌타인과 얼(Earl Bassett: 프레드 워드 분)은 직업을 바꾸기 위해 이사를 하기로 한다. 새로운 일터로 향하던 그들은 고압 철탑에 매달려 죽은 에드거(Edgar: 선샤인 파커 분)를 발견한다. 이어서 소가 없어지고 전화선이 끊기는 등 이상한 일이 계속되고 마을은 고립된다. 발렌타인과 얼, 론다는 지금가지 일어난 일들의 원인이 사물의 진동을 느기고 공격하는 거대한 뱀의 돌연변이 트레모어스임을 알아낸다. 마을 사람들이 모두 괴물퇴치작전에 앞장서는 가운데 이들은 끝까지 침착함을 잃지 않고 괴물을 퇴치한다.
Hippo promises not to eat Ngai's little fishes in exchange for being allowed to live in the cool water instead of on dry land.
Mufaro's daughters are tested unknowingly to reveal which one is worthy enough to marry the king in this award-winning production, lush with Steptoe's magnificent paintings and a rich musical score.
Grandpa tells his two young houseguests about the time he was afraid of the dark and about other figments of his imagination.
로져와 덕은 강력계 형사의 절친한 파트너다. 어느날 보석강도 사건의 범인들과 무수한 총격전을 벌이나 범인들은 수없는 총격을 받고도 죽지않자 그들이 소지한 수류탄을 폭발시켜버린다. 죽은 갱의 시체를 조사하던 LA 범죄연구소는 그들이 재생인간임을 알게 되는데....
Andy Colby is doomed to another typical day of babysitting. But this day is anything but typical when Andy's little sister is pulled through the TV and Andy is sent on an incredibly awesome adventure to save her!
The Whitmore family's cozy home life is disrupted one dark evening by a group of bizarre characters seemingly acting under the spell of their leader. This brutal gang takes possession of their home and forces each family member to take part in eerie rituals designed to feed the leader's apparent death wish.
Original Music Composer
고고학자인 사이몬(Cecil/Simon: 하비 코먼 분)은 아들 폴(Paul: 찰스 스트래톤 분)과 함께 페루의 마치피추에 갔다가 그곳 동굴에서 한 신기한 생물을 발견한다. 그것이 외계인이라고 믿은 사이몬은 그 생물을 집으로 데려온다. 사이몬은 아들 폴과 그의 애인 신디(Cindy: 나딘 반 더 벨드 분)에게 그 생물을 맡겨놓고 고고학 권위자인 크라우더 박사(Doctor Crowder: 폴 바텔 분)를 만나러 캘리포니아 대학으로 간다. 폴과 신디는 그 생물에게 악다귀라는 별명과 함께 아놀드라는 이름을 지어준다. 한데 둘이 잠깐 한 눈을 파는 사이에 욕심많은 사이몬의 쌍동이 동생 세실(Cecil/Simon: 하비 코먼 분)이 양아들 듀드(Dude: 존 스테포드 분)와 함께 나타나 아놀드를 납치해 간다. 세실은 듀드에게 아놀드를 잘 감시하라고 이르고 외출하는데, 그 사이 듀드와 아놀드 사이에선 싸움이 벌어진다. 화가 난 듀드는 칼로 아놀드의 몸을 동강내 버린다. 그러자 아놀드는 네 마리로 분열해 듀드를 죽여버린다. 한편 아놀드가 없어진 것을 안 폴과 신디는 세실의 집앞에서 악다귀들을 만난다. 악다귀들은 이들에게 총질을 하고는 듀드의 차를 타고 달아나버린다. 폴과 신디가 이들을 추격하는 사이 집에 돌아온 세실도 아놀드가 듀드를 죽이고 사라진걸 알고 뒤를 쫓는다. 경찰관인 빅에드(Big Ed: 하디 롤스 분)와 에디(Eddie: 찰리 필립스 분) 부자가 이에 가세한다. 악다기들은 차를 타고 가며 못된 장난을 다 저지르다가 결국은 세실이 새로 개장한 골프장에 침입한다.
Dotty had the most beautiful feathers. Stalky had the most beautiful legs. And Plumy had the most beautiful crest. But which of them was the most beautiful? The three hens went to the king. "Whichever one of you lays the most wonderful egg I will make a princess," he proclaimed. And so the contest began...
A little bear wants to give the moon a birthday present, but before he does, he needs to find out what the moon wants. He then makes the journey across the river, hikes through the woods, and up into the mountains. The little bear feels that the closer he is to the moon, the better the moon can hear him. The little bear begins to talk with the moon by interpreting the moon's response through his own echo. Eventually, he buys the moon a hat, because that's what the little bear said he wanted...
A kind-hearted mouse dentist and his wife find a clever way to treat a crafty fox who comes to them with a sore tooth in this Oscar nominated short, adapted from William Steig's children's book.
A soldier, returning home from war, chances upon a stranger who offers to buy his violin, the stranger is none other than the devil
On a winter's night under a full moon, a father and daughter trek into the woods to see the great horned owl. An adaptation of the book of the same title by Jane Yolen; illustrations by John Schoenherr.