Jean-Claude Bolle-Reddat
출생 : 1949-06-24, Gilley - Doubs - France
Emile Bouchard
In the 1930s in Paris, a young and pretty actress, penniless and without talent, is accused of the murder of a famous producer. Helped by her best friend, a young unemployed lawyer, she is acquitted for self-defence.
Le directeur OMS
At the Mêle sur Sarthe, a small Norman village, farmers are affected by a crisis. Georges Balbuzard, the mayor of the city, is not one to let them down and decides to try everything to save his village ...
1차 세계대전 직후 독일의 작은 마을, 전쟁으로 약혼자 프란츠를 잃고 슬픔에 빠진 안나. 그녀에게 자신을 프란츠의 친구라 소개하는 프랑스 남자 아드리앵이 찾아온다. 안나는 아드리앵에게 마음을 열기 시작하지만, 비밀을 간직한 아드리앵은 돌연 편지 한 통을 남기고 자신의 고향 프랑스로 돌아가는데…
Serial killer Guy Georges' hunt by a female captain who created a DNA database that revolutionized the police methods.
Robert, le père de Laura
클레어는 어렸을 때부터 모든 것을 공유하며 자랐던 절친 로라가 죽은 후 깊은 상심에 빠져 있다. 로라의 아이와 그녀의 남편을 돌보며 슬픔에서 벗어나려 하지만 그마저도 쉽지 않다. 그러던 어느 날, 클레어는 낯선 여자에게서 죽은 친구를 느끼게 되는데…
Le juge
After the death of her mother, Anne makes a shocking discovery: an old photograph casts doubt on her origins and leads her to discover a mysterious uncle who lived with her parents after the war. As she lifts the lid on a long forgotten family secret, the young woman learns that her mother once succumbed to an amorous passion that was as intense as it was short-lived...
Le procureur
A wanderer named Timothee arrives in a French village in 1865 pretending to be deaf and mute. He uses tricks to hypnotize a beautiful young woman named Josephine and takes advantage of her until he is arrested and tried for his crimes.
Le chambellan
언제나 로맨스를 꿈꾸는 오리지널 장화신은 고양이와
방앗간 집 막내아들의 좌충우돌 모험이 펼쳐진다! 아버지에게 유산으로 ‘장화신은 고양이’를 받은 피터.
공주를 사랑하지만 무일푼인 그를 위해 장화신은 고양이는 피터를 ‘카라바스 후작’으로 만들기로 결심하고, 성으로 들어가 왕과 왕비에게 선물을 바치며 호감을 얻는다.
왕비의 산책길을 미리 파악해 피터를 자연스럽게(?) 왕비에게 소개시키는데 성공한 고양이와 피터.
성으로 초대된 피터에게 반한 왕과 왕비는 피터의 성을 방문하기를 원하고,
피터를 시기하는 챔블란은 피터가 후작이 아닌, 보잘 것 없는 방앗간 집 막내아들이라는 사실을 알아내는데… 과연 피터는 위기를 극복하고 무사히 공주와의 결혼에 성공할 수 있을것인가?!
Le journaliste
7살짜리 딸 '리자'와 단둘이 생활하던 싱글맘 ‘케이티’(알렉산드라 라미)는 '파코’(세르지 로페즈)’와 사랑에 빠진다. 이 평범한 두 남녀는 사랑의 결실로 비범한? 아기 ‘리키’를 낳는데… 리키의 비밀… 그리고 리키의 운명은?
The mayor
A successful artist, weary of Parisian life and on the verge of divorce, returns to the country to live in his childhood house. He needs someone to make a real vegetable garden again out of the wilderness it has become. The gardener happens to be a former schoolfriend. A warm, fruitful conversation starts between the two men.
Since her parents passed away, Princess Mona lives by herself in a castle with two hideous, ghastly characters, Goomi and His Lordship. One day her sobs draw the attention of a unicorn, called U, who wants to comfort and protect Mona for as long as she needs. U becomes Mona's companion, her confidant and her inseparable friend. While Mona grows into a beautiful princess, a group of charming, peaceful and fanciful Yeah-Yeah’s settles in the neighboring forest. They have no particular special powers, yet they soon bring about major changes in everyone's lives, especially in Kulka, the dreamy musician.
Gaspard de Besse and his gang of highwaymen escaped the law for years in old monsieur de Morières's jurisdiction in rural, Ancient Régime France. When Gaspard is badly injured trough treason, he escapes after being seen in St.Anne's convent, where he hid, by de Morières's young, unwillingly arranged and unloving wife Anne. Gaspard makes a deal with the traitor to fake his demise. He recruits traveling actor Antoine and trains him like a son.
l'agent immobilier
A story about two couples, longtime friends in which both husbands engage in long-term affairs and, as the title says, ultimately one remains with his wife and one makes a new life with another woman.
A bunch of broke guys rob a rich con artist who has embezzled money from a charity.
Cemetary warden
A collection of artifacts from an archeological dig in Egypt are brought to the famous Louvre museum in Paris, and while experts are using a laser scanning device to determine the age of a sarcophagus, a ghostly spirit escapes and makes its way into the museum's electrical system.
A Mediterranean scrubland. The relentless noise of crickets. In the distance a highway and the procession of lorries travelling through the countryside at top speed. Among the green oaks and thorn bushes the construction of a leisure Centre is nearing completion. On the other side, from the building workers' prefabs can be heard the happy chaos of children shouting, families getting together and Ramadan celebrations. Moving incessantly between the two, are Fabienne, daughter of the manageress of the Centre, and Latifa, daughter of one of the workers. Fabienne and Latifa are friends, they tell each other everything, or almost... When you are 16 there are secrets that you don't share, even with your best friend. Then, there are questions which one would love to be able to answer and mysteries one would love to understand... The Centre's opening day approaches. It is the day of Fabienne's 16th birthday. But why do her mother Anne and her uncle Tom seem to be so fearful of that day?
Embassy Guard
뒷골목의 불량 소녀 니키타는 정체가 분명치 않은 비밀 정보기관에서 전문 킬러로 양성된다. 엄청난 트레이닝으로 인간 병기가 되어 버린 니키타는 이제 조세핀이라는 이름으로 바뀌어 도시에 던져진다. 임무가 주어지면 때로는 조직과 함께, 때로는 홀홀단신으로 양손에 대형 매그넘 권총을 들고 뛰어 들어가 용서 없는 숙청을 감행한다. 그러나 니키타에게 연인이 생기면서 자신의 처지에 방황하며 죄의식을 느낀다. 하지만 조직은 그녀의 변화에 대비해 또 하나의 임무를 하달한다. 그것은 바로 적성국 대사관에 침입하여 비밀서류를 사진으로 찍어 오는 일.. 니키타는 그 최후의 임무를 수행하기 위해 양손에 무기를 드는데…
Adrien does not see eye to eye with his patrician father about much. It is 1912, and the old man still believes in the old rules which strait-jacket "men of class." He believes that the elite have the right to conquer where they can, that they should refrain from publicizing their improprieties, and he is rabidly pro-military. Adrian, kicked out of his military school for his own improprieties (and hiding that from his father), is naturally drawn to Vicky a beautiful divorced woman and friend of the family who is staying at their mansion. The family tutor, a man of ordinary background (with some ideas which seem radical in this household) is similarly smitten. On the basis of their shared attraction, the two men form a friendship. Meanwhile, the object of their affection finds it diverting to toy with them.
le réceptionniste de l'hôtel
Claire Rousset visits her ex-husband Pierre who lives in the Lyon region. For some time now, Pierre's health and that of the other inhabitants of the village has deteriorated to the point of becoming worrying.