Ondina is a radiant, happy young woman. She lives with Alexia, they are in love. Their relationship is passionate and sensual. But one day, Alexia flies to her native Greece and does not return.
During the months of the pandemic, the group of inmates and the theater company began an epistolary correspondence, in the course of which the text that was supposed to be their next performance, based on a fairy tale from Basile's collection Lo cunto de li cunti, became the fantastic echo of a slow and difficult transformation that affected everyone. Thus, the film is about metamorphosis and tried to do so by putting the world of fairy tale in constant dialogue with the world of reality.
Commune Member
참전을 눈앞에 둔 1914년의 이탈리아. 카프리섬의 순박한 양치기 소녀 루치아는 카프리에서 이상향을 만들고자 하는 코뮨과 가까워지며 자유와 주체성에 눈을 뜨기 시작한다. 아름다운 카프리의 풍광을 배경으로 중견거장 마리오 마르토네의 카메라에 담긴 20세기 초 격동의 이탈리아.