John William Galt

John William Galt

출생 : 1940-04-04, Jackson, Mississippi, USA

사망 : 2022-01-29

프로필 사진

John William Galt

참여 작품

Strait & Narrow
A decorated Marine wages war against a Chicago crime lord to protect his ill daughter.
Miracle Dogs Too
Mr. Pauling - Businessman
Zack, a young boy, finds two Cocker Spaniels caged in the woods and takes them home. The animals, Sissy and Buddy, have magical healing powers that change the people of a small town.
포레스트 검프
President Johnson (voice)
불편한 다리, 남들보다 조금 떨어지는 지능을 가진 포레스트 검프는 헌신적인 어머니의 보살핌과 첫사랑 제니와의 만남으로 편견과 괴롭힘 속에서도 따뜻한 마음을 지니고 성장한다. 또래들의 괴롭힘을 피해 도망치던 포레스트는 누구보다 빠르게 달릴 수 있는 자신의 재능을 깨닫는다. 그의 재능을 알아 본 대학에서 그를 미식축구 선수로 발탁하고, 졸업 후에도 뛰어난 신체능력으로 군에 들어가 무공훈장을 수여받는 등 탄탄한 인생 가도에 오르게 된 포레스트. 하지만 어머니가 병에 걸려 죽음을 맞이하고, 첫사랑 제니 역시 그의 곁을 떠나가며 다시 한 번 인생의 전환점을 맞이하게 되는데...
Fugitive Among Us
An increasingly obsessed detective chases an escaped rapist across the Southwest and enters into a complicated relationship with one of the victims.
L.B.J. (voice)
1963년 12월 22일 텍사스에서 케네디 저격사건이 일어난다. 범인으로 체포된 오스왈드는 계속 저격 사실을 부인하다가 경찰에 호송되던 중에 암살당한다. 이후 사건의 수사를 위해 진상조사 위원회가 열리고 오스왈드의 단독범행으로 결론이 내려진다. 그러나 수사방법에 의문을 제시한 많은 사람들 중의 한 명인 지방검사 짐 개리슨(케빈 코스트너)은 각고의 노력을 거듭해 많은 증거를 확보하는데...
쥬니어는 문제아
Ben Healy and his social climbing wife Flo adopt fun-loving seven year old Junior. But they soon discover he's a little monster as he turns a camping trip, a birthday party and even a baseball game into comic nightmares.
7월 4일생
Fat Republican - Miami Convention
론은 전쟁을 동경하면서 자랐다. 그래서 론은 베트남 전 역시 선의의 전쟁이라 믿고 참전한다. 그러나 전쟁의 실상을 목격한다. 전쟁중 동료인 빌리를 쏘게되어 심한 죄책감에 시달리다 그 또한 부상을 당해 불구가 된다. 퇴역한 론은 자포자기한 인생을 살게된다. 어느날 자신이 쏜 총에 맞아 전사한 빌리의 집에 찾아가 그가 죽은 경위를 설명하자 빌리의 부인은 용서를 받는다. 그 후 론은 진정한 삶을 되찾게 되고 어릴적 동경하던 전쟁이 허상임을 깨닫는데...
Rosalie Goes Shopping
Bank President
Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's reduced to stealing from one family member to buy presents for others. It's looking pretty bleak until her daughter pushes her into buying a 'guilt gift' of a PC, complete with modem. Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.
Officer Lloyd
Hairdresser Nadine Hightower wants to retrieve the risqué photos she once posed for, but when she visits the photographer at his office, he's murdered by an intruder. Nadine talks her estranged husband, Vernon, into going along when she returns to the office, where they stumble across plans for a less than legal construction project. But when Vernon tries to turn the documents into a cash windfall, he and Nadine are pursued by goons with guns.
The Return of Josey Wales
In a small, dusty border town, two long-time best friends of the mysterious gunman Josey Wales are brutally murdered by marauding rurales. The rurales, led by the beastial Commandante Escobar, head back to Mexico with gambler Ten Spot as hostage. Told of his friend's peril, Josey sets out on a trail of bloody vengeance.
The Dirt Bike Kid
When his mother sends Jack off with money to buy groceries, he comes home with a magic supercharged dirt bike instead. His mother is furious, but when Jack uses the magic bike to save the local hot dog stand from the clutches of corrupt big business, he becomes the town hero.
With Intent to Kill
Walt Duminal
A high school football hero Bo Reinecker tries to piece together the events leading up to murder of his girl friend Lisa Nolen. Claiming to have experienced a total blackout, Bo is ultimately found not guilty of the murder by reason of insanity and placed in an institution for four years. Meanwhile, the dead girl's father, Tom Nolen, and her sister Wynn, bitterly prepare a campaign to put Nolen away in prison for life. Things come to a boil when Bo is released--and Tom and Wynn take "due process" into their own hands.
Crisis at Central High
Mr. Kirby
The historic federal-state controversy over the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, as seen through the eyes of Elizabeth Huckaby, one of the teachers and girls' vice principal.
Ruby and Oswald
William Whaley
A dramatic re-creation of the four-day span preceding and following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, drawn from authenticated events and eyewitness accounts.