Luis de Pablo

참여 작품

Solo Luis de Pablo
Él mismo
Compañero de viaje
A tale of hate in a town in the Venezuelan Andes where the conflicts and passions of those who live enclosed in the mountains make violence an inevitable destiny.
What's a Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
Persecuted by her controlling ex-husband, Rosa plots an escape
To an Unknown God
Original Music Composer
José, a fifty-year-old homosexual magician, feels the need to return to Granada, the place where he spent his childhood, perhaps to embrace the painful memory of tragic experiences, perhaps to bury it definitively.
The Carrot Queen
Ursula Alejandra Nicholson, the Carrot Queen, an extravagant American millionaire, arrives in Spain. J.J., a suave and ambitious executive, decides to become involved in the American carrot industry. To do so, he will take advantage of an unhappy bookseller, pulling him into a delirious misadventure that serves as a political satire.
파스쿠알 두아르테
Original Music Composer
In Extremadura, Spain, Pascual Duarte, a humble, simple and ignorant peasant, condemned to a boring and humiliating existence with no future, commits a horrible act during a day of such heat that enervates his disturbed mind and his anger, which he will not be able to calm down until, after following a bloody path of senseless violence, he faces his own tragic destiny.
¡Arriba España!
안나와 늑대들
Original Music Composer
영국인 여자 가정교사가 어머니가 지배하는 어느 집안에서 세 아들의 희생물이 된다. 그 젊은이들은 각각 군사적 탄압, 성적 폭력, 그리고 교회를 상징한다. 깐느 영화제 심사위원 특별상.
벌집의 정령
Original Music Composer
1940년, 스페인 카스티야의 작은 마을, 다섯살 소녀 아나는 일곱살인 언니 이사벨과 함께 마을회관에서 상영하는 을 보러 간다. 아나는 착한 괴물인 프랑켄슈타인이 여자 아이를 죽였을까 궁금해지고 그것을 언니에게 물어본다. 언니는 "영화에 나온 건 모두 거짓말이야. 괴물은 아이를 죽이지 않았어. 괴물은 아직도 세상 어딘가에 돌아다니고 있어. 아무도 괴물을 죽일 수 없어. 난 그 괴물을 봤어."라며 거짓말을 한다. 언니의 말을 들은 아나는 괴물을 찾으러 집을 나서는데...
Yankee Dudler
Original Music Composer
After years in prison, a gang of criminals are deported from Bavaria and arrive as free immigrants to America. They kill an Indian by accident and do different jobs such as cleaning latrines, until they get installed in an abandoned house next to an Indian woman. One day someone will propose to perpetrate a robbery ...
Love Letter of a Murderer
A man (José Luis López Vázquez) walks into a bar and shoots four people dead. Next day everybody is talking about the murders. The police know who the killer is and have his photo, but the man himself remains at large. Blanca (Serena Vergano), a lonely librarian, receives a letter from him, declaring his love for her. Apparently he has been a regular at the municipal library, although Blanca denies ever having noticed him.
The Garden of Delights
Organista (uncredited)
The greedy relatives of a paralysed 45-year-old amnesiac millionaire go to extreme lengths to help him recover his memory.
The Garden of Delights
Original Music Composer
The greedy relatives of a paralysed 45-year-old amnesiac millionaire go to extreme lengths to help him recover his memory.
Las secretas intenciones
Miguel is a married architect with children; Blanca, an attractive young woman who has attempted suicide by cutting her veins. The relationship between them develops through continuous persecutions, first of him to her and then to him. In their meetings, they reflect on their empty lives, loneliness, boredom and obsession with death.
Original Music Composer
Teresa and Peter settle down in their new home after the wedding. Things are going well until her childhood furniture arrives, sending Teresa into horrible flashbacks of turmoil from memories of her youth.
Peppermint Frappe
Original Music Composer
Julian, a middle-aged single doctor, meets his childhood friend Pablo again. The latter is back from Africa and has just married a beautiful young blonde, Elena. Julian falls in love with her and tries to seduce her, but she mockingly pushes him away from her. He then finds that Ana, his nurse, bears a troubling resemblance to Elena. He decides to gradually transform Ana into Elena…
Peppermint Frappe
Julian, a middle-aged single doctor, meets his childhood friend Pablo again. The latter is back from Africa and has just married a beautiful young blonde, Elena. Julian falls in love with her and tries to seduce her, but she mockingly pushes him away from her. He then finds that Ana, his nurse, bears a troubling resemblance to Elena. He decides to gradually transform Ana into Elena…
Sound of Horror
Original Music Composer
When a group of isolated people in the Greek mountains set off a cave explosion, they are menaced by an invisible shrieking dinosaur that had been buried for eons
De cuerpo presente
After seeing that Nelson kisses his lover, Barlow poisons him. But it turns out that Nelson comes back to life when he was about to be buried. From that moment, Barlow does not stop chasing him to finish his work.
Next Fall
Filmed in 1963, but not released in Spain until 1967, the film depicts the failed romance between a bourgeois french tourist girl and a spanish working class boy.
Los amores difíciles
The Last Meeting
A flamenco dancer (Antonio Gades) reflects on his life and career when he is surprised to be honored on a television show telling his life story. The memories stir up controversy as and old friend seeks retribution because Antonio had once stolen his girl.
Javier y los invasores del espacio
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
이 영화가 발표된 1965년은 스페인의 프랑코 독재가 계속되던 때였다. 스페인은 군인들의 통제하에 있었고, 민병대들은 소형 기관총을 가지고 모든 중요한 도시 길모퉁이를 지키고 있었다. 이 작품은 군부 독재의 사슬에 묶인 스페인 중산층의 정신분열을 견고한 형식미 속에 담긴 폭력미학으로 담아내고 있다. 베를린 영화제 은곰상 수상작 사업가인 호세는 스페인 내전에 참전했던 경험을 갖고 있다. 호세는 역시 참전용사이며 사업을 하고 있는 친구 빠꼬와 호세의 사업협력자이자 과학소설 애호가이기도 한 루이스, 그리고 젊은 엔리께를 자신의 사냥터로 초대해 함께 토끼 사냥을 하자고 제안한다. 그렇게 네 명의 남자들이 스페인 내전의 전쟁터이기도 했던 곳에서 그들만의 사냥을 시작한다. 자기만의 총을 갖고, 언덕에 야영천막을 친 그들은 찌는 듯한 더위와 목마름 속에서 알 수 없는 광기를 발산하기 시작한다. 세 명의 백발의 용사들 사이에 긴장감이 돌기 시작하고, 토끼들은 사냥꾼들에게 정면으로 맞선다. 토끼들은 무자비하게 살육되고, 어린 엔리께는 두려움에 떤다. 그리고 그들의 광기는 또 다른 사냥꾼의 죽음으로 연결된다.
El misterioso señor Van Eyck
A treasure sinks into the sea with the body of Charles Van Eyck, killed during a fight on a yacht by one of the sailors.
Double Edged Crime
Original Music Composer
Andrés, son of a famous pianist, discovers the corpse of a tuner killed in his shop, located in the basement of his house. Then a suspect leaves, but in the fear of possible reprisals he doesn't tell anything to the police, only to his wife Laura. From that moment on, Andrés feels threatened and persecuted.
A través de San Sebastián
Original Music Composer
A peculiar walk through the Basque city of San Sebastián along twisting roads never traveled by guidebook users.