Wyatt Werneth

Wyatt Werneth


Wyatt Werneth is a stunt performer, safety diver, water safety expert, and actor, as well as former US Navy and US Coast Guard. He is a former US Navy communications/signalman specialist who after completing eight (8) years active duty started a career in Public Safety. During his career as a Fire/Ocean Rescue Chief, he reenlisted to the USCG with college under his belt and ambitions to become an officer. He served six (6) years in the USCG as boat coxswain/SAR, and a Port security unit boarding officer before deploying overseas to Iraq and Afghanistan as a military contractor/officer to provide military and local national training programs in a tactical/security role, Drone/TCOM pilot/payload operator, Intelligence reconnaissance and surveillance (ISR), Tactical Law enforcement, and medical fields. In 2007, Brevard County (FL) had been identified as Forbes magazine’s most dangerous beach and Werneth was determined to do something about it. He stated that there was 10 drowning fatalities that year because Brevard County didn’t have adequate protection on the beach - Brevard had only part-time seasonal lifeguards at that time. To bring awareness to the problem, Werneth literally challenged the record books, and in an incredible feat of human endurance, became a Guinness World Record holder for prone paddleboarding. His journey took him a grueling 345 miles on his paddleboard, from Miami to Jacksonville, propelled only by his arms. As a result of Werneth putting his own safety at risk in order to raise public awareness for beach safety – and the need for more LIFEGUAR.ds up and down the coast – numerous lifeguard towers have since been added, which have and will save many lives in years to come. HE is also an accomplished physique athlete, having won the 2018 Space Coast Bodybuilding Championships title

프로필 사진

Wyatt Werneth

참여 작품

While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.
더 메뉴
커플인 마고와 타일러는 까다롭기로 유명한 셰프, 슬로윅의 초청을 받아 어느 외딴섬 레스토랑의 저녁 식사에 참석하게 된다. 평소 슬로윅을 존경해왔던 타일러는 들뜬 마음으로 여러 유명인사들과 함께 섬으로 출발하는 배에 탑승한다. 레스토랑에 도착한 손님들은 슬로윅의 화려한 환대에 탄성을 자아낸다. 하지만 ‘음식은 또 다른 예술’이라는 슬로윅의 기괴한 집착에, 좋았던 분위기는 점차 이상한 방향으로 흐른다. 뭔가 심상치 않음을 감지한 마고는 이의를 제기하려 하지만, 이미 슬로윅의 음식에 푹 빠져버린 타일러에게 그녀의 제안은 안중에도 없다. 그런 와중에 슬로윅의 기괴한 집착은 점점 선을 넘기 시작하는데...
지. 아이. 제인
Trainee (uncredited)
해군 정보군의 중위인 조단 오닐(데미 무어)은 뛰어난 정보 분석력과 판단력을 갖추었지만, 단지 여자라는 이유로 번번이 무시당하기 일쑤이다. 조단 오닐은 걸프전이 발발했을 때에도 참전을 신청하지만 거절당한다. 군대에서 여자가 인정받기란 매우 어려운 일인데 어느날 그녀에게 네이비 씰 특전단 훈련에 참가할 수 있는 기회가 주어진다. 그것이 비록 정치적인 목적으로부터 나온 것이긴 하지만 그녀에게는 평생의 소원을 이룰 수 있는 기회가 온 것이다. 남자라는 자존심으로 가득찬 훈련생들과 교관들의 멸시를 이겨내고 그녀는 남자와 똑같은 조건에서의 강훈련을 무사히 견뎌내려 하는데...