Bryan Russell

출생 : 1952-12-03,

참여 작품

Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar
A heartwarming Disney classic in which a cougar, who was rescued as a cub and raised by a group of loggers in the Pacific Northwest, reverts back to his natural instincts, leading to hilarious (and dangerous) consequences.
어드벤쳐 오브 불휩 그리핀
Jack Flagg
To restore his family's lost wealth, a young Boston lad stows away on a ship bound for the California Gold Rush. When their very proper butler gives chase, all roads lead to nonstop adventure, wild and woolly characters, and a lucky punch that leads to a bonanza of belly laughs!
에밀과 탐정들
Emil Tischbein
When Emil travels by bus to Berlin to visit his grandmother and his cousin, his money is stolen by a crook who specializes in digging tunnels. Emil must get the money back as it is for his grandmother. While following the thief, Emil runs into Gustav, an enterprising young boy who gathers up all his friends to help Emil find the money. Emil's cousin also gets involved and they get into more trouble than they bargained for when Emil's pickpocket turns out to be mixed up with a couple of notorious bank robbers.
The Adventures of Gallegher
An energetic newspaper copyboy in 1889 wants to become a reporter, and he is soon more deeply involved in his stories than he had expected. When he discovers a bank robbery, he helps the reporter, Brownie, to apprehend the four-fingered culprit. Later he helps the police chief who has been framed, and tries to convince the authorities that he has discovered a wanted felon in town.
A Ticklish Affair
Luke Martin
A young widow Amy Martin with three young boys is investigated by the Navy after one of her children inadvertently sends out a distress signal in Morse code by the blinds on his upstairs bedroom window. Commander Weedon and crew observe the signal from their ship and investigates. He falls for the young mother and proposes marriage. However, she is reluctant to have her family live out of a suitcase and initially declines. Gramps tries to bring her on board to sail the sea of love with the commander.
바이 바이 버디
Randolph McAfee
징집 영장을 받은 록스타 콘라드 버디(Conrad Birdie: 제시 피어슨 분)는 마지막 순회공연을 하게 된다. 버디를 위해 작사와 작곡을 하는 피터슨의 비서이자 오랜 연인 사이였던 로지(Rosie DeLeon: 자넷 리 분)는 피터슨이 버디를 위해 마지막 작별곡을 쓸 거라 확신한다. 순회 공연 도중 중서부의 작은 도시에 도착했을 때, 사람들은 버디에게 열광하고 그 결과 작은 도시 전체가 큰 혼란에 빠진다. 그러나 사실 그 혼란은 버디가 군대에 가게 된 후의 자신의 미래를 걱정한 피터슨(Albert Peterson: 딕 반 다이크 분)이 부추긴 것인데...
서부 개척사
Zeke Prescott (uncredited)
프레스코드 집안의 아들 제브는 어머니의 반대를 무릅 쓰고 북군에 지원한다. 그는 싸움터에서 남군의 탈주병을 알게 되지만 북군 사령관 샤만 장군은 탈주병이 저격하려 하기 때문에 부득이 대검으로 찌르고 마는데...
더 원더풀 월드 오브 더 브라더스 그림
Friedrich Grimm
The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."
Safe at Home!
Hutch Lawton
A Florida boy (Bryan Russell) tells his Little League buddies that his father knows two New York Yankees (Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris).