Wardrobe Coordinator
Madagascar, at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. On an air base of the French army, the soldiers live the last carefree years of colonialism. Influenced by his readings of Fantômette, Thomas, a child who is not yet 10 years old, gradually forges a look at the world around him.
Wardrobe Supervisor
람세스는 ′구뜨 도르′ 구역에서 활동하는, 약간 교활하고 사기꾼 기질도 있는 심령술사다. 돈벌이는 좋지만 그의 일은 합법과 비합법의 경계에 놓여있다. 이 깨지기 쉬운 균형은 탕헤르에서 온 소년들이 동네에 좀도둑질하러 왔을 때 위태로워진다. 람세스는 청소년들에게 좀 더 가까이 갈 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 영매이기 때문이다.
Wardrobe Coordinator
Youssef Salem, 45, has always managed to miss his writing career. But the trouble begins when his new novel becomes a success because Youssef couldn't help but be inspired by his own, for better or worse. He must now avoid at all costs that his book falls into the hands of his family.