Gaby Dohm

Gaby Dohm

출생 : 1943-09-23, Salzburg, Austria

프로필 사진

Gaby Dohm
Gaby Dohm

참여 작품

Ute König
A whole year went by before musician Juliane Hansen was able to put her running shoes back on — a year after her partner, Johann König, took his own life. Although her friend Rieke offers all the support she can, Juliane feels lonely and listless. Now, running and panting, she begins to confront her thoughts, which constantly revolve around Johann, and to allow new vitality to enter her life.
Tanze Tango mit mir
Das Kindermädchen - Mission Kanada
Esther Hunter
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
Sofia Südwein
Der Anfang von etwas
Eva Friesner
잉마르 베리만을 찾아서
Herself - Actress
잉마르 베리만 탄생 100주년을 기념해서 국제적으로 널리 알려진 감독 마가레테 폰 트로타는 베리만의 삶과 작품들을 조명한다. 그와 가장 가깝게 협업했던 이들과 새로운 세대의 영화 연출가들이 그에 관한 이야기를 나눈다. 이 다큐멘터리는 베리만이 남기고 떠난 작품들의 주요 요소를 밝히는 동시에 그의 삶에서 되풀이되었던 주제들의 발자취를 따라나선다.
Der gute Bulle
Edith Bischoff
Rosamunde Pilcher: Erdbeeren im Frühling
Grace Turner
Marie räumt auf
Greta von Schermann
Kubanisch für Fortgeschrittene
Margot Ottersbach
Utta Danella - Lisa schwimmt sich frei
Alle unter eine Tanne
Rosamunde Pilcher: Besetzte Herzen
Kate Hedgeson
Wer liebt, lässt los
Der Doc und die Hexe: Katastrophenalarm
Margot Schöner
Der Doc und die Hexe: Nebenwirkungen
Margot Schöner
Die Schuld der Erben
Thea Asmussen
Franziska Singhammer
Utta Danella - Liebe mit Lachfalten
Maria Wagner
Dora Heldt: Tante Inge haut ab
Tante Inge Müller
Die Liebe kommt mit dem Christkind
Martin has not worked as a cook since the accidental death of his wife, with whom he ran a restaurant. The single father manages himself and his little daughter Katrin as a taxi driver. When the strict judge Annemarie withdrew his taxi license because of a minor offense, Martin had to hire himself out as Nikolaus at the Christmas market. The picky paragraph rider constantly runs into him. He would love to give her his opinion - instead the spark jumps over. It is well known that love goes through the stomach. But to do this, Martin would finally have to do what he does best: cook.
Der Doc und die Hexe
Margot Schöner
Dr. Sophie Schöner is to treat patients in a hospital in Berlin as a trial with traditional Chinese medicine. It quickly comes to a conflict with the local chief physician. The unequal balance of power provides professionally for plenty of controversy. The fact that the two are attractive does not make things easier.
Days of Forgiveness
Shirley Sheridan
Julianne returns to take over the vineyards of her ex-husband. The reunion between the two is tense, but the man has never stopped loving her ... and she don´t stopped to blame he for the death of her daughter.
Urlaub mit kleinen Folgen
A few weeks after the hot holiday flirtation with Spanish confectioner Juan, pretty marketing expert Billie decides she's pregnant, she chooses the kid and a life in Spain. But can Billies and Juan's love also survive in everyday life? Finally, there's Billie's former roommate Kurt, now the proud owner of a small chocolate factory in Barcelona. Billie has no idea that the faithful friend has fallen head over heels in love with her again.
Kein Geist für alle Fälle
Margot von Schönberg-Salchow
Für immer Venedig
Mia Remo
Rosamunde Pilcher: Entscheidung des Herzens
Helen Winston
Zwei Herzen und ein Edelweiß
Oma Sophie
Drei teuflisch starke Frauen - Die Zerreißprobe
Dana Weber
Drei teuflisch starke Frauen - Eine für alle
Dana Weber
Die Rosenkönigin
Katja Reichenberg
The Weidemann have a perfume factory but the business goes bad and blindly trust Marie, a young woman with a gift for the fragrances, to launch a new essence that will save the company. But Marie falls in love with Bernard, the heir of the family that owns the bank continually denied that the appropriations to the Weidemann.
Die großen und die kleinen Wünsche - Amors Pfeile
Astrid Wünsche
Die großen und die kleinen Wünsche - David gegen Goliath
Astrid Wünsche
Hilfe, die Familie kommt!
Susanne Bredemeyer
Was heißt hier Oma!
Juliane Kostner
Die Sturmflut
Karin Abt
Susanne, a meteorologist Hamburg, has detected signs of an incipient sea storm that could devastate the city. Although given the alarm, local authorities do not listen to their warnings. To ensure the magnitude of the tsunami, Susanne decided to move to an oil platform located offshore, which verifies that their dire predictions are to become reality, as the storm will soon reach the coast, threatening the lives of thousands of people.
Drei teuflisch starke Frauen
Dana Weber
Die Schwarzwaldklinik: Die nächste Generation
Dr. Christa Brinkmann
This reunion celebrates the 20th anniversary of the tv series "Die Schwarzwaldklinik".
Heiraten macht mich nervös
Alexandra Becker
Competition rider Nina Becker and movie star Niklas Tremsaal are a happy couple without a marriage certificate. Marrying is not an issue for the two - until the little niece India holds cheap plastic jewelry on Nina's finger for an engagement ring and so gets an avalanche rolling, which can not be stopped. - "Marry makes me nervous" is a joke-staged romantic comedy. Suzan Anbeh plays marrying Nina, who has to choose between her fiancé and her childhood sweetheart.
Erbin mit Herz
Helene Helsing
For more than ten years, the Viennese children's book dealer Felice Frank has not heard from Alexander Helsing, the father of her little daughter Lilli. All the more surprised is the young woman, when she suddenly learns of the death of Alexander. But not only that: at the opening of the will in Hamburg, it turns out that the deceased bequeathed all his company shares in the family large shipping company to his daughter Lilli - and to the age of majority of the child Felice should manage these shares. However, the dead man's conservative family does everything in his power to disgust the unpleasant business partner.
Der Boxer und die Friseuse
Männer im gefährlichen Alter
Agnes Kopelski
Die Jungen von der Paulstraße
Elsa von Eschenbach
When Ruth's husband dies in New York, in 2000, she imposes strict Jewish mourning, which puzzles her children. A stranger comes to the house - Ruth's cousin - with a picture of Ruth, age 8, in Berlin, with a woman the cousin says helped Ruth escape. Hannah, Ruth's daughter engaged to a gentile, goes to Berlin to find the woman, Lena Fisher, now 90. Posing as a journalist investigating intermarriage, Hannah interviews Lena who tells the story of a week in 1943 when the Jewish husbands of Aryan women were detained in a building on Rosenstrasse. The women gather daily for word of their husbands. The film goes back and forth to tell Ruth and Lena's story. How will it affect Hannah?
Die Eltern der Braut
Charlotte Hansen
As a rule, the right son-in-law still has to be baked - especially if he takes half of the family business with the marriage. This is exactly the last will of Charlotte Hansen's just deceased uncle, owner of a thriving Hanseatic tea account. Unfortunately, the heir, Charlotte's daughter Sandra, often makes a bad choice in terms of relationships, according to her mother. So also fits the current friend of her daughter, a windy nightclub owner, so not in Charlotte's scheme.
Herzen in Fesseln
Susanna Hagen
1000 Meilen für die Liebe
Hermine Brehme
Ein Geschenk der Liebe
Renate Reinhard
Der Paradiesvogel
Sabine Bader
Johanna Wiemann
Late Show
Chirurgin in Schönheitsklinik
Der kleine Dachschaden
Annerose Beck
Rosamunde Pilcher: Eine besondere Liebe
Isobel Cameron
Tom Cameron's death after an ailing illness decides his daughter and heir, college librarian Isobel, to leave job and home in search of peaceful Cornish country pleasure. Stumbling upon the house where the Camerons once enjoyed a family holiday, she settles their and concentrates on its marvelous garden and hothouse. She also strikes up friendship with some neighbors, in the case of the castle-inhabiting doctor-financier with an option for love, while scorning the champion shepherd she hires as gardening helper. She also invites the true youth lover she lost trough indecisiveness, but he turns up with a fiancée and a wedding invitation
Drei in fremden Betten
Tödliche Wahl
Simone Kartsen
Der gute Merbach
Helga Lundt
Three short episodes directed by Gedeon Kovacs.
Die Zwillingsschwestern aus Tirol
Barbara Moser
Edited from the first two episodes of the Austrian TV-show "Almenrausch und Pulverschnee".
Das größte Fest des Jahres
Dr. Christa Brinkmann
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Feuerwanzen küß ich nicht
Doctor Faustus
Elisabeth Leverkühn - Adrians Mutter
A musician beds down a prostitute he knows is diseased in order to gain inspiration, an act he later believes to have been a tacit pact with Satan
Hambacher Frühling
Frau Wirth
마리오네트의 생
Frau Anders
성공한 사업가인 피터와 카타리나 부부는 아이도 없고 서로 각자의 생활에 치여 바쁘게 살아간다. 이미 식어버린 아내에 대한 사랑의 돌파구를 찾지 못해 항상 정신적으로 억압된 인생을 살아가는 피터는 아내를 죽이는 꿈을 꾸곤 한다. 정상적인 통로로는 욕구불만을 해소할 수 없게 된 피터는 어느 날 우연히 알게된 사람을 통해 창녀 하나를 소개받고 그녀를 찾아간다. 그녀의 이름은 카타리나. 피터는 창녀의 이름이 자신이 그토록 죽이고 싶어하는 아내의 이름과 똑같는 이유로 감춰진 분노를 표출하며 창녀를 강간한 뒤 살해한다.
Das Veilchen
Fräulein Rakolnoki
베를린의 밤
Woman with Child
1923년 서커스단에서 형 맥스와 함께 공중 곡예사로 있던 아벨은 맥스가 손목을 다치게 되자 서커스를 포기하고 독일의 베를린까지 흘러 들어와 술로 세월을 보내고 있습니다. 그 시절 베를린의 분위기는 극심한 경제난 때문에 아주 음습하고 무거움 그 자체이다. 독일 국민들은 육체적, 정신적으로 피폐해져 있고 마르크화의 가치는 종잇장보다 못했으며 나치즘과 파시즘을 비롯한 여러 공포정치 때문에 아주 어지럽고 복잡한 시절이었다. 그러던 어느 날 맥스가 갑작스럽게 자살을 하자 아벨은 큰 상실감에 빠지게 된다. 더군다나 자신과 아주 조금씩이 나나 관련이 있던 7명의 사람들이 시체로 발견되자 큰 충격과 공포 그리고 의문에 휩싸이게 되는데.. 이에 정신적인 고통에 시달리는 아벨은....
Die Heiratsvermittlerin
Ludwig Thoma- Der Wittiber
Zeichen der Gewalt
Gangsters blackamil an attorney to aide the outbreak of a prisoner. This is entry no.8 into the Derrick TV series.
Cautio Criminalis
Katharina Henot
Maß für Maß
Als Mutter streikte
Doris Bandel
Der Komödienstadel - Die drei Eisbären
A comedy directed by Ernst Schmucker.
Ein Fall für Herrn Schmidt
Marianne Kentrup
Die Herberge
Das Veilchen
Bertha Thuz
Die Mühle von Sanssouci
Der Blinde
Marie Doulet
Der Werbeoffizier
Die fromme Helene
Dorchen Dralle
Meine Nichte Susanne