뉴욕에서 활동하는 영화 배우 잭 노아는 스타덤에 오르고 싶은 욕망을 갖고 있는 평범한 사람이다. 그는 어느날 중남미 카리브해 연안의 파라도로 촬영을 떠나게 되는데, 이 영화 촬영을 이 나라의 대통령이 시찰하게 된다. 잭은 본의 아니게 그의 모습을 그대로 흉내내게 되어 대통령을 비롯 많은 사람들의 감탄을 자아낸다. 그러던 중, 이 독재자가 심작발작으로 갑자기 죽자 그 뒤에서 실제 권력을 행사하던 로버타는 잭 노아를 변장시켜 독재자를 시키게 하는 것이었다. 물론 불응시에는 생명이 위험하게 되자 잭은 어떨 수 없이 관중 앞에서 첫 연설을 하게 되는데, 결과는 그야말로 그 이상이었다. 그러던 어느날 하류층 출신의 독재자의 정부였던 마돈나는 그의 편에 서서 그가 가야할 길을 제시해주고 어느덧 두사람은 사랑에 빠진다. 그렇지만 독재자에 대한 불만이 커진 공산 게릴라들은 급기야 폭발 테러를 일으켜 큰 위험도 겪는다. 이것에 자극을 받은 잭은 로버토로부터의 위험을 무릅쓰고 급개혁을 단행하게 되고 자신을 노렸던 게릴라들과도 협상을 제시하는 등 그의 인기는 날로 치솟는다. 하지만 잭은 연기자의 생활로 되돌아가 뉴욕으로 가고 싶어한다. 그러던 중 꼭 1년이 되어 자신과 똑같이 파라도로 로케를 온 영화촬영팀에서 특수효과 전문가를 만난다. 그리고 그와 함께 연설 중 자신이 총에 받아 암살되는 계획을 세운다. 그것은 완벽하게 성공하여 그는 죽기전 로버타를 살인자로 지목하고 죽는다. 로버타는 성난 군중에 쉽사여 죽게 되고, 깨어난 잭은 마돈나와 아쉬운 이별후 파라도를 탈출한다. 뉴욕에 돌아온 잭은 파라도가 혼란이 끝나고 마돈나의 주도하에 자신이 못다한 대대적인 개혁 작업이 단행되고 있음을 보면서 흐뭇해하는데...
Le trafiquant
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend who is investigating some illegalities in the transportation industry. After Edith arrives, her friend leaves for Berlin, so Edith goes to stay at the house her friend shares with a second-generation German-Turkish woman. Meanwhile, Gordon (Bruce Thurman) is out photographing some journalists armed with video cameras who are spying on a wealthy honcho in the trucking business. He accidentally follows Edith and photographs her, then ends up saving her from some attackers. The dramatic action intensifies as questions arise about what certain trucks are carrying into Germany, what Edith's friend has to do with exposing the cargo on those trucks, and whether or not Edith will remain an unscathed, innocent by-stander.
Man Under Suspicion (German: Morgen in Alabama) is a 1984 West German film directed by Norbert Kückelmann.
1944. Lucien, a fighter in the Free French Forces, is taken prisoner by the Germans. He is sent to a prison camp and then becomes a pianist in a palace.
An American Actress with a penchant for lying is forceably recruited by Mosad, the Israeli intelligence agency to trap a Palestinian bomber, by pretending to be the girlfriend of his dead brother.
Eugene Schneider
Although based on a novel by Georges Simenon, director (and songwriter) Serge Gainsbourg has superimposed several dark emotions and a subtle brutality over the weak plot about a man's trip to Africa and his unfortunate passion for a murderess whose amorality sends the disillusioned fellow back to Europe. Sometimes described as frustrating and self-centered, reactions to this film swing across a broad spectrum of complaints -- not the least might be whether or not Gainsbourg is using a clichéd and stereotypical view of "dark Africa" to convey what he sees in his characters.
Lt. Rossmore
A teenage girl whose inaction caused her mother's death arranges a similarly gruesome fate for her stepmother and brother.
General von Hermsdorf
Herr Kulicke
Ernst Moritz Arndt
Max, Cillys Agent
After World War I, a war hero returns to Berlin to find that there's no place for him--he has no skills other than what he learned in the army, and can only find menial, low-paying jobs. He decides to become a gigolo to lonely rich women.
Colonel Martin
The "Bulldozer", a former football star, is now working as a fisherman. As a group of street-people arranges a football match against the local Armybase, he is asked to be their trainer. His boat was damaged by a submarine and he currently has no work, so he agrees.
Jess Harders
SS-Sturmbannführer Geisman
The lives of Erik Lanshof and five of his closest friends take different paths when the German army invades the Netherlands in 1940: fight and resistance, fear and resignation, collaboration and high treason.
Le banquier Feldman
무일푼에서 시작하여 10년 동안의 심고로 지금은 지위 부 명성을 그 손아귀에 넣은 실업가 쟈크 바트킨. 그러나 아들이 어느 날 퇴폐적인 파티에 참가한 별장에서 오발 사고로 경관을 살해한데서 부터 생각지 않은 곤경에 부딪친다. 아들에 대한 깊은 애정과 아버지에 대한 아들의 믿음 그러나 매스컴은 이 유망 실업가의 신상에 일어난 스캔들로 요란하게 보도할 뿐 아니라 이 실업가의 전신을 캐어내 드디어는 깽의 보스였던 저주스러운 과거를 폭로 이로 인해 아들이 극형을 면할 수 없는 사태에 이르렀을 때 이 실업가는 옛날의 친구들과 함게 죄수 호송차를 습격 아들을 힘으로 탈원하고 스스로는 옛날의 깽 세계로 돌아간다. 지위도 부도 내던지고 오직 아들과 함께 이태리 국경으로 도망가는 막다른 골목길의 부성애 자크는 죄수 호송차를 길 가운데 몰아 넣고 경관을 협박 에디를 구출 비행장으로 향한다. 허나 거기에는 이미 비상선이 처져있어 바트킨 부자는 짚차로 쌍마르땅 산악지대인 이태리 국경으로 도망간다.
Herman Fleischer
모잠비크의 잔지바르 지방은 독일군이 식민통치를 하고 있는 지역이다. 술고래인 미국인 상아 밀렵꾼 플린은 영국 상류층 출신인 올드 스미스를 끌어들여 독일군 점령지 내에서 현지인을 매수해 코끼리 밀렵을 한다. 올드 스미스는 플린의 딸 로사와 가까워 결혼해 딸을 낳는다. 그런데 독일군 행정관은 점령지 내에서 벌어지는 외부인들의 활동을 저지하기 위해 플린 일행을 공격하여 죽음 직전까지 몰고 간다. 이 사건을 계기로 독일군과 플린 일행은 두 진영은 적대적인 관계에 놓이게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 우연히 서로가 상대방의 본거지를 기습 공격하게 되고 이 과정에서 딸을 잃은 로사는 독일 행정관에 대한 복수를 다짐한다. 때마침 영국해군이 이 지역에 익숙한 이들을 이용해 근처에 정박 중인 독일군 전함을 파괴하려고 협조를 요청하고, 올드 스미스는 이를 복수의 기회로 삼는다.
쓰레기 수거장의 건달들과 쥬스카페의 소녀 죠니의 목적없는 사랑앓이. 죠니는 동네사람들로부터 호모라고 따돌림당하는 건달 크라스를 사랑하지만 크라스에게는 파도반이라는 남자애인이 있다. 권태로운 생활을 불꽃처럼 뜨겁게 바꿔버린 사랑에 달뜬 죠니는 난생 처음 사랑에 열중한다. 그러나 파도반의 질투로 생명의 위협을 당하게 된 죠니는 크라스에게 구원을 청하지만 그의 사랑은 단지 육체의 쾌락을 추구하는 것임을 알게된다.
Fleischer, Gestapo (as Rene Kolldehoff)
하이드리 힐을 암살하려는 첫번째 시도는 실패하였지만, 주인공 일행은 결국 하이드리 힐을 저격하는데 성공한다. 그러나 동료 중 한명의 밀고로 인해 나치로부터 집요한 추격을 받게 되고, 마침내 성당의 지하실에서 마지막 대항을 시도한다. 7명의 대원중 다섯은 전투 중 사망하고 최후의 2인이 남았을 때 나치는 지하실에 호수물을 채우기 시작한다. 최후의 2인은 물이 점점 차오르고 도저히 살아날 방법을 찾일 수 없게 되자, 무언의 대화를 나눈 후 서로를 포옹한 채 상대방의 머리에 총구를 겨눈다. 새벽의 창공을 가르는 총소리가 울려퍼진다.
What is real and what is fiction? Faced with writer's block with his novel, Lewis Fielding turns to a film script about a woman finding herself after his wife Elizabeth returns from Baden Baden. She didn't quite find herself there but had a brief encounter in a lift with a German who says he is a poet. Now the German is in England, gets himself invited to tea where he claims he admires Fielding's books. Which one does he like the best? "Tom Jones." Amused at being confused with the other Fielding, the novelist works the German into the plot.
Dr. Felix Crohnen
1934년, 마르세이유. 전편에서 죽은 벨몽도의 장례식에 마피아 패밀리들이 모인다. 친구인 프랑수와 카펠라의 복수를 다짐한 로슈 지프레디(알랭 들롱 분)는 결국 도시 전체를 장악하게 된다. 뮤직홀을 경영하기도 하던 알카자라는 서서히 복수를 시작하고, 새롭게 마르세이유에 뿌리를 내리려던 지오반니 볼폰의 심복인, 친구 카펠라의 살인자를 처단한다. 새로운 긴장이 도시를 감싸고 결국 두 집단 간의 물러설 수 없는 대결이 벌어지는데...
French Lawyer
An Italian prison official's wife is kidnapped, and the kidnappers demand that a notorious prisoner be released in order for the man to get his wife back. He gets the man released - but then kidnaps him himself, in order to ensure that the man's colleagues don't kill his wife. Enraged, the gang sets out to free their compatriot and kill the man who took him.
Marquis de Chatelot
Sergeant Brent
A dishonored Union Army officer (James Coburn) leads a group of convicts to retake Fort Holman from the Confederate Army.
Mr. Ears
폴리타와 샐루드는 아마존 숲 위를 불꽃에 아랑곳없이 유쾌하게 날으는 불타는 비행기를 타고 있다. 이 비행기는 이륙하는 제트기와 기적적으로 충돌을 피하고 정글 속으로 곤두박질한다. 그러나 그들은 기적적으로 다치지 않고 에메랄드를 캐는 광부들의 캠프에 도착한다. 광산에서는 이어스가 이끄는 일행이 광부들에게 아주 즐겁게 웃고 있었다. 노인은 도시에서 즐길 결심을 하고는 폴리타와 셀루드에게 그의 광산의 정확한 위치를 가르쳐 주고 죽는다. 그들이 이제까지 못 보았던 커다란 에메랄드를 손에 쥐고 광산은 존재한 것이다. 보석을 값의 절반도 안 되는 값으로 팔도록 강요한다. 무법자들은 그드르이 친구인 매로를 심하게 괴롭히고 위협하나 굴하지 않는다. 폴리타와 샐루드는 악당들을 꼼짝 못하게 혼내준다. 매로는 폴리타와 샐루드에게 소원 하나를 이뤄달라고 부탁한다. 그 소원이란 도시를 다시 한 번 보는 것이다.
Detective Hoffman
A master thief, just out of prison, concocts a risky final score that would net him over a million dollars.
The life of peaceful rancher John Benedict is torn apart when his family is massacred by a gang of marauding outlaws and his farm is destroyed. He assembles a team of mean, lawless convicts to act as his posse as he pursues the gang responsible for the deaths of his loved ones.
Ober Leutnant
The story of an apartment in Paris and the various people that occupy it over the years.
Chief of Police
When a journalist is murdered Inspector Micheli begins to investigate. Although someone comes forward to confess to the crime, Micheli doesn't believe he acted alone and keeps investigating despite coming under pressure to close the case.
Pfarrer Leonard Vavra
Pollution, disaffection, moral decay and social unrest surround a church and its pastor's family heading toward a celebration over the return of its bells.
Mathieu Weber
Herr Kleinschmidt
1944. Léon Duchemin owns a restaurant with his sister. His clients are Germans, Résistance et black marketeers. Léon unwillingly joins the Résistance when a British pilot is shot down and hides in his attic and, through a series of mishaps, he accidentally steals the plans for Hitler's V1 missiles.
Kommissar Mungowski
A white-robed preacher wanders and sermonizes across African lands; European communists and CIA spies conspire out of mutual self-interest to engineer the appointment of an African bourgeois to a puppet government presidency; and a revolutionary group marches in exile.
Auguste Maroilleur, an elderly farmer, exploits 400 hectares of crop land with the help of his family, over which he rules with an iron hand. Things go awry the day he discovers one of his grandsons is involved in drug traffic. To make matters worse, the reckless youth has hidden the white powder in the Maroilleur farm. Without a moment's hesitation, Auguste gets rid of the toxic substance but, of course, the mob has different views...
Spy suspense drama set in 1960's Berlin. Intrigue and double-cross lead Killian on a twisting path through love and loss.
Konstantin von Essenbeck
제2차 세계대전이 치열했던 와중, 으로 네오리얼리즘의 계기를 만들었던 비스콘티 감독이 대전 전의 독일을 무대로 나치즘에 의해서 부와 권력을 박탈당해 가는 철강실업가 일가족의 비극을 묘사하면서 역사 그 자체까지 파헤친 집대성이라고도 할 수 있는 작품. 장검의 밤이라는 암호명으로 히틀러에 의해 자행된 SA 대원 학살 사건이 역사적 배경이다. 나치가 대두해 온 33년의 겨울, 루루 지방에서 세력을 가진 철강 왕, 에센벡 가의 모임의 밤, 당사자가 누군가의 음모에 의해서 암살당한다. 이 사건을 계기로 발생하는 일가족의 골육상쟁의 싸움과 그것으로 인해 어부지리를 얻으려고 하는 음험한 나치 친위대의 존재를 묘사해낸다.
Herr John
알베르트는 프란체스코회 수도사이자 프랑스의 한 수도원에서 의료 봉사자로 일하고 있습니다. 독일인이지만 친절한 수도사로서 프랑스 저항군을 숨겨주는 일을 돕습니다. 알베르트는 전쟁으로 고통받는 사람들을 돕고 정치적 이데올로기에 휘말리지 않음으로써 전쟁 중인 진영 사이에서 미묘한 균형을 유지하려고 노력합니다.
In order to bring a police commissioner under control, the criminal group that controls a notorious club that specializes in underage strippers, targets the young teenage daughter of the commissioner who is attempting to become independent by going out at night against her mother's wishes.
Anton Jugov
German Businessman (as Reinhart Kolldehoff)
파리에 온 비즈니스맨 윌로 씨는 무표정한 사람들과 고층건물 그리고 낯선 공간 때문에 어리둥절하기만 하다. 마침 미국인 단체 관광객과 여기저기서 마주치던 중 그는 새로 개업한 '로얄 가든'이라는 레스트랑에서 만난 관광객 바바라와 친해진다. 처음 만나 어색했던 둘은 윌로 씨의 유쾌한 행동으로 즐겁고 로맨틱한 파티 무드가 밤늦게까지 계속된다. 이튿날 아침, 관광객들은 모두 공항으로 향하고 그녀는 윌로 씨로부터 작은 백합 꽃다발을 건네받는데...
A German corporal at the search
1941년, 나치 점령하의 프랑스. 임무를 수행하고 돌아가던 영국 공군의 비행기가 독일군 대공포를 맞아 추락한다. 영국군 조종사 레지널드, 피터, 앨런은 낙하산을 타고 간신히 탈출해 목숨을 건진다. 셋은 도장업자 오귀스탱, 인형극을 하는 쥘리에트, 오케스트라 지휘자 스타니슬라스의 도움을 받게 되는데, 독일군 장교 아흐바흐는 이들을 붙잡기 위해 추격을 멈추지 않는다. 나치 점령기를 배경으로 한 코미디로, 오랜 세월 동안 깨지지 않은 흥행 기록을 세우기도 했다.
Schmutz (uncredited)
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
Schmutz (uncredited)
Le chef de la Gestapo
A troupe of French actors on tour in Normandy become involved in the events of WWII.
le Major von Pritsch
Line of Demarcation. is a 1966 film written and directed by Claude Chabrol. Its title in French is La Ligne de démarcation. It is based on upon the memoir Mémoires d'un agent secret de la France libre et La Ligne de démarcation by Gilbert Renault under his pseudonym Colonel Rémy. A small village in the Jura is split by the river Loue which creates the line of demarcation between Nazi occupied France and freedom. A French officer, Pierre (Ronet), is released by the Nazi soldiers to find his chateau converted into a German command centre. Whilst he is obliged to co-operate with the enemy, his wife Mary (Seberg) supports the resistance movement and is willing to risk her life for it. The Nazis step up their activity against the resistance, insisting that any who attempt to cross the line of demarcation will be shot. When his wife is arrested, Pierre decides to switch his allegiance.
Nick Collins
An American spy travels to Beirut where he's attacked by agents seeking a valuable microfilm.
젊은 나무꾼 르 베송이 벌목을 위해 산으로 올라간지 수개월이 지나도 소식이 없자, 아버지 마틀로(샤를르 바넬 분)는 친구이자 강의 사나이인 안토니오(하디 크루거 분)와 함께 아들을 찾아 나선다. 그러다 숲에서 아기를 낳은 장님 클라라(카트린느 드뇌브 분)를 만나게 되는데, 안토니오는 절망에 가득한 그녀의 커다란 눈을 바라보며 마음이 흔들리지만 르 베송을 위해 클라라를 버리고 떠난다. 한편 고원에서는 모드뤼가 목동들을 앞세워 르 베송과 전쟁을 치르는데, 르 베송은 모드뤼의 외동딸 지나와 사랑에 빠지고, 지나와 정혼한 모드뤼의 조카는 르 베송과 결투를 하게 된다.
Wilhelmus Rootmaen
Captain Jan Hendrik DuPlessis
Lotus (voice)
The evil Dr. Mabuse develops a death ray with which he threatens the world.
Mr. Wright
Leon - Kutscher
George Waddy
Blacklisted in modern day WW2, a Swedish oil trader opts to assist British Allies, by means of infiltrating and surveying Nazi Germany.
Thomas Lieven is a German secret agent trying to leave that profession, to live a peaceful life. Adventure is too strong an appeal, he starts working again, and soon it's difficult to say if he is doing his job, or turned out as double agent for England, France or even communist Russia! To save his skin, he'll do - almost - anything, to anyone...
A German expedition is in the African jungles on an unidentified misson. During this mission one of the German explorers, Thoren, is attacked and captured by the local natives called the Botos.
Butler John Addams
Strange fortune hunters are behind a girl's murder in this Edgar Wallace tale.
The Count's Man
Vienna, 1956. After Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, soldier-of-fortune Michael Reynolds is hired to help a threatened Hungarian scientist escape from Budapest.
Jimmy Farrell
Paul Bauer
A reporter is murdered while driving to his job. The Police are contacted by a clairvoyant who saw the death in a vision, but some dark force is preventing him from seeing the man behind the crime...
Von Sullock, the German commandant of the camp
End of WW2 : the German officers lock all the men between 18 and 65 into the "Fort National" on an islet in Saint-Malo.
a movie by Heinz Paul
Herr Altmann
Both Scotland Yard and an amateur American sleuth are tracking a master criminal known as The Frog. This moniker refers to the bulging-eyed mask worn by the evildoer, and is reflected by the frog icons painfully tatooed onto the forearms of his henchmen. The trail leads to the country manor of an enigmatic, steely-eyed nabob, whose repressed son has eyes for the artistes at the Lolita cabaret, and whose lovely daughter captures the fancy of both the American playboy and the villain himself. Murder, kidnapping and seduction ensue.
Herr Müller
Intended as a light farce this comedy by Luigi Commencini is a little plodding in its story about a bank manager who has had it with his buttoned-down, boring job. One Monday he can no longer face the tedium of both his work and his life and so he stays home and rebels by playing with toys and joining in on a radio concert with his own instruments. His erratic behavior does not go unnoticed and soon a winsome psychiatrist whom he knows and secretly admires, is right there trying to help him. The newly liberated bank manager logically grasps this opportunity to press forward his innermost feelings.
In this war drama, three Nazi survivors are rescued after their battleship sank. Initially they are given heroes' accolades for their courage, but then it becomes apparent that these men actually jumped ship three hours before the boat sank. The men are tried and subsequently executed.
Van Dorfelt
Martine runs a sports center for women ,but they are short of the readies. To avoid seizure,she turns her health club into a nightclub with plenty of whiskey and wild women.
Almeida's Assistant
A bunch of losers who can afford the price of the boat travel to Marseille are hired by a blonde woman for a mysterious mission in the jungle.
Otto Friedrich Dennert is a celebrated veteran of the Essen police force. While investigating a series of killings of women he reaches retirement age. The case is taken over by a new team, including Dennert's son Harry. Convinced that they have arrested the wrong person, Dennert begins investigating by himself with assistance from the criminal underworld.
SD-Mann Biener
Paris, 1944. With France under Nazi occupation, General Quade entrusts an important mission to Furstenwerth, the commander of the Wermacht: to secretly transmit secret documents to the Allies. While carrying out this mission, the commander falls under the spell of a young French resistance fighter, Yvonne. He is discovered and arrested by the Gestapo. Yvonne and her group of resistance fighters will do everything to free him.
Zirkusangestellter Kuhlmann
In 1920, an unknown 24-year-old woman was fished out of Berlin's Landwehr kanal after a suicide attempt. Since she has no papers and no answers to any questions, they soon assign them to the insane asylum Dallendorf. A co-patient believes she recognizes the Czar's daughter Anastasia Romanowa - who apparently was the only one who survived the murder of the tsar's family in 1918.
The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.
1. Revolutionär
A love story between a German soldier and a young Flemish woman amidst World War I.
Otto Sasse
In Germany during World War II, a well-known psychic decides to collaborate with the Nazis.
Spediteur Süßkind
A remake of the 1940 film of the same title. It was shot on location in Brazil with separate German and Italian versions.
A group of nuclear scientists try to make sure top secret information about atomic weapons does not fall into the wrong hands.
A man who owns a diamond importing business goes out for a night on the town with his girlfriend, her brother and her brother’s fiancé. The group stops by a circus to see the act of a trapeze artist who’s a friend of the man’s girlfriend. The performer suggests that all the men go out for a few drinks, and the next thing the businessman knows, he’s waking up in his apartment with a terrible hangover and a dead body in his room.
A Russian army officer is haunted by the memory of a girl he met during the war.
Kapitän Reimann
Anthology film with three shorts each featuring a famous detective: Monsieur Wens, Lemmy Caution and Maigret.
Refugees from East Germany try to make a living in the west.
Funker der Orplid
The reporter Peter Zabel stumbles upon the sinking of the luxury yacht Orplid in Hamburg on August 14, 1949. The ship went down with a wedding party run by artists on a pleasure trip from Hamburg to Scotland . In spite of good weather and no technical problems. Out of personal curiosity, Zabel starts researching. Could the sinking of Orplid have political reasons? A German political thriller and film noir inspired by Carol Reed's "The Third Man".
Jupp Ucker
A novelty in German post-war history: a young woman (Eva Rimski) becomes mayor in a village. She is efficient and enjoys respect, but soon enough two villagers disagree with her work. In her predecessor, a prominent farmer (Arno Paulsen), she has a bitter enemy. But even her boyhood friend (Reinhard Kolldehoff), who wants to marry her as he returns home from captivity, can not accept that his future wife holds such an office.
A story about a family after the Second World War. The petty bourgeois cashier Karl Weber of Berlin observes from a distance how his son Ernst participates in the building of a new socialist society. Karl does not understand Ernst's visions, instead he confides in his other son Harry. However, Harry becomes involved in illicit business and Karl quickly realizes that it would be best to join his son Ernst in the citizen-owned factory.
Rudi Wille
The mechanic Behnke wants to join the Nazi party to secure a good living. However, after his Jewish neighbors have been taken away, he changes his views. Trying to remain "a non-political man," he withdraws from reality and becomes a Nazis laborer.
A wayward young woman running from her past is reunited with her sister after they became separated during the war. While she worked on the streets, the sister established a professional career as a psychologist.
Anne Treibel owns a small house that is home to four women and one man, Martin, a badly injured war veteran. All the women are interested in Martin, but he knows that only Anne truly loves him. When Helga asks him to get a surgery that could save his life, he does it for Anne. Fortunately, the attention of the other three amorous women is diverted when three suitable men happen to show up!
Dr. Blum, a Jewish manufacturer, is falsely accused of a murder. Even when the real killer’s identity becomes evident, the state prosecutor refuses to accept Blum’s innocence.
Erster Polizeibeamte
A man comes into money unexpectatly. That's when the trouble starts.