Set Designer
The story follows Winner, a brilliant young misfit from Texas who finds her morals challenged while serving in the U.S. Air Force and working as an NSA contractor. The film will offer a fresh take on the traditional whistleblower thriller; the coming-of-age story follows an idealistic young woman persecuted for standing by her principles.
Set Designer
A stubborn and hotheaded minor league basketball coach is forced to train a Special Olympics team when he is sentenced to community service.
Set Designer
크리스마스 이브에 부유한 가정에 침입한 용병들이 가족을 인질로 삼아 많은 돈을 요구하지만, 산타클로스의 등장으로 행복한 크리스마스를 지켜내려는 산타의 활약을 그린 코미디 장르의 액션 영화