Dietrich Hollinderbäumer

Dietrich Hollinderbäumer

출생 : 1942-08-16, Essen, Germany


Dietrich Hollinderbäumer (born August 16, 1942 in Essen) is a German-Swedish actor. Hollinderbäumer studied at Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. From 1968 to 1972 he worked for Westfälisches Landestheater. From 1978 to 1983 he worked at Theater & Orchester Heidelberg. From 1983 to 1988 he worked at Burgtheater in Vienna. He worked as actor in German films and television programs. Hollinderbäumer has two children. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Dietrich Hollinderbäumer

참여 작품

Überleben in Brandenburg
Fritz Meisel
Abt Eligius
In this case, Sascha Bergmann from LKA Graz and his colleague Anni Sulmtaler investigate the death of a young woman who is found by the novice Clemens at the foot of a staircase in the monastery library.
Helene, die wahre Braut
Helene is forced by her wicked stepmother Gertrud to do works impossible to done. When she builds a castle for her with the help of the fairy Cleo, there is only room for Helene, in the cellar. One day, Prince Lassmann ride near the castle.
Fenster Blau
Randolph Tiefenthaler and his wife Rebecca have bought a beautiful 1920s house and move in with their children. The only condition for the sale was that the former owner's brother would be allowed to continue living in the basement.
One house, three apartments and three friendly couples, who have to put their relationships and life concepts to the test. After 20 years of marriage, Anne and Martin are close to separation. Eva and Thomas are freshly in love and want to do everything right. The relationship between Saskia and Kai gets into a crisis when she returns to work and takes care of the daughter.
It’s Your Turn, Honey!
Head Physician
Toni and Marc want to divorce, because the great passion seems to be extinguished after 15 years of marriage. It should be a consensual separation, but the new beginning is not so easy: Both have just the chance of a job abroad.
Handwerker und andere Katastrophen
Katie Fforde - Warum hab ich ja gesagt?
Richter Huxtable
New York lawyer Alicia Charles is about to get married to smart John when her family of choices, consisting of musician Will and little Linus, thwart her plans. Alicia's mother Jackie appears unexpectedly, with whom Alicia never wanted to have anything to do again. Jackie is looking for reconciliation - and needs Alicia's help as a lawyer. With a motherly look, she realizes that Alicia's heart is not only beating for her fiancee John.
Hubert und Staller - Unter Wölfen
Manfred Kröpf
Katie Fforde - Das Weihnachtswunder von New York
Richter Huxtable
In the second part of the "Katie Fforde" trilogy, Ursula Karven surprisingly finds an election family as Alicia Charles in Christmas New York. Alicia wants to start her skiing vacation when Will Hillinger, the guardian of the parentless Linus, ends up in prison: Will broke in with the singer Peggy Bloom. Alicia tries everything to save Linus Will from losing custody.
Ein Sommer in Masuren
Jakub Wozniak
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der große Schatz
Helge Quedens
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der Schäfer
Helge Quedens
Hangover in High Heels
Dr. Reinhard Moss
Reiff für die Insel – Katharina und die Dänen
Helge Quedens
Weiter als der Ozean
Real Buddy
Nathan Hopkins
Drei Stunden
For years, Martin has been working on his great play about cloud castles, flying pirates and a feisty princess. His secret role model for the leading character is his good friend Isabel, a cheeky young woman who is waging war on genetically modified seeds around the world. And she is leaving tomorrow to go to the middle of Africa for the next three years.
Utta Danella - Sturm am Ehehimmel
Paul Sommer
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der ganz große Fisch
Helge Quediens
Alles Bestens
Paul Rademacher
Katie Fforde - Ein Teil von dir
Reiff für die Insel - Neubeginn
Helge Quedens
Engel der Gerechtigkeit - Brüder fürs Leben
Klaus Willinger
Komm, schöner Tod
Sebastian von Werding
Berlin sometime in the near future: Due to the demographic change, more and more old people are walking confused through the city. In order to avoid accidents and to protect the elderly, there are special task forces that pick up the pensioners and bring them back to the homes. The entrepreneur Sebastian von Werding recognized the potential of customers and developed a new business model.
Annas Erbe
Christian Ingstrup
The surprising death of her husband hits Anna like a blow: Suddenly she is completely alone and has to take care of the management of the apple orchard. In order to assist her mother in the difficult time, Anna's illegitimate daughter Ines draws her to the estate. The relationship between the two women is difficult, tensions are inevitable. In this emotionally charged atmosphere, Anna learns that her 16-year-old granddaughter Jo is unintentionally pregnant. Ines has no idea of ​​her daughter's secret. However, it is only a matter of time before the hide-and-seek game flies open.
The Perfect Nanny
Gustav Seibold
The ambitious business consultant and single father Edgar Strack is desperately trying to reconcile family and work needs. Alone: ​​He does not succeed. His three adolescent children are frustrated, his new girlfriend Barbara complains, in the company he is betrayed by a competitor. In his distress, Edgar hired the spirited interpreter Ana, whom he had just fired as a colleague, as a new nanny. And lo and behold: Suddenly everything runs like clockwork again.
Männer ticken, Frauen anders
Felix Brugger
Alice Tanner, chief analyst of a rating agency, almost made it to the top in the main metropolis of Frankfurt. Then Michael von Marck is served to her as a competitor. Because one of the company chairpersons expressed doubts about Alice's judgment when it became known that she had a one-night stand with a married customer. Alice gets support from her friend from the bowling club and her half-sister: a secretly hidden bug in the men's washroom in the office complex of the rating agency is supposed to reveal the strategies of the male competitors to the female eavesdropper
After suffering a family tragedy, a young woman leaves her hometown to start a new life in another city. During her long drive, she meets a mysterious man who begins following her. Before she knows it, she has been kidnapped and taken to a basement somewhere in the forest. With no one coming to her rescue, she must rely on herself if she wants to survive.
‎The Cold Sky‎
A desperate woman tries to find help for her son, who has great mathematic ability but a profound problem developing social skills.
Das Haus ihres Vaters
Dr. Menz
The happily married judge Susanne has been carrying a secret with her for many years. As a 17-year-old, she released her baby for adoption. But a letter now confronts them with the past: Paolo, the Italian father of her girl, has died and has inherited his house in Tuscany to the unknown daughter. Despite better knowledge, Susanne sets out in search of her lost daughter - endangering the happiness of two families.
Auf Doktor komm raus
Prof. Petzold
Actually, the young Berlin doctor Jan Büchner wanted to go directly to the Baltic Sea for a week. But a detour forces him to drive over land. And then his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, just behind a small town called Marienhagen. The residents of Marienhagen take care of Jans Wohl and make the stay as pleasant as possible. A comedy about rural doctors and people who fight for their pride and self-respect and take their destiny in their own hands in their own hands.
Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire
Augustine is a two-part, Italian-made mini-series about the influential theologian and church father Augustine of Hippo. The piece tells the story of his life from a teenager to his death at the age of 69.Much of the content for the scenes of him as a young and middle-aged man come from his Confessions, which is probably the earliest extant autobiography.
Heute keine Entlassung
Professor Horst Bredekamp
Vater Dähnert
In Aachen ring the wedding bells. It will be the most beautiful day in the life of Julia and Alex. But Manfred, father of the groom and Kleinganove makes him a nightmare. A dead courier, a dorky mafioso, a neurotic old-68, sparkling diamonds and a waiting bride: A wedding that you do not want his worst enemy.
Joanna Trollope: In Boston liebt man doppelt
William Shaw
Woran dein Herz hängt
Dr. Reumann
The single parent Sandra Lindt lives in the Hamburg harbor district, where she defends herself as the spokesman for a small tenant community against the demolition of their residential street. In order to finally get the residents to give up, the sympathetic lawyer Siegfried Hübner is set on Sandra and her fellow combatants. In fact, Sandra has a very personal reason not to vacate her apartment: The young woman is a messie. As a delicate love between her and Siegfried approaches, Sandra gets into an ever greater conflict
The Secret of Anna
Christian Instrupp
Anna and Christian Instrupp are a happy and childless marriage. They have a farm of apple production. But their lives are disrupted when the Anna's illegitimate daughter, Ines Arnold, writes a letter to her where she tells him that his adoptive parents have died and that she would like to know.
The Swimsuit Issue
A wild bachelor party and an agonizing defeat in floorball awakens Fredrik's passion for male synchronized swimming.
The Visit
Mayor Matthias Büsing
In her teens, Mme. Zachanassian had to flee her home town in disgrace. Now she's old and rich and the town is facing bankruptcy. But she returns with news that she wants to help - as long as the townsfolk kill someone for her.
Putzfrau Undercover
Eckhard Windhorst
Ein Ferienhaus in Marrakesch
Norman Hopkins
Money alone does not make you happy. This is something the newly minted millionaire Kurt Basinski finds painful when his wife leaves him. To cheer up the sad lucky guy, his resolute mother Edda booked a holiday together in a luxury holiday home in Marrakech. Together with her second son Ottfried and his wife Jutta she wants to persuade the lottery millionaire incidentally to invest his money in the shoemaker operation of the Basinskis. Kurt does not care about that. Only when he falls in love with the pretty cook Mona, his spirits awaken.
Ein riskantes Spiel
Schwiegervater Andreas
Die dunkle Seite
Generalmajor Halm
After greengrocer Mehmet Üsker is murdered, police detective Inspector Menemenci is put on the case. At the same time, detective Vera Gemini is on the lookout for a former foreign legionnaire who, however, has been presumed dead for years. It soon turns out that there must be a connection between the two cases.
Sick Pigs
Comedy from Stefan Schwenk
제 2차 세계대전 독일, 가족을 잃은 소년 토마스는 소련과 싸우는 전선에 배치된다. 격렬한 시가전이 끝나자 살아남은 사람은 오직 토마스 뿐. 그에게 손을 내민 사람은 영국인이면서 나치 친위대에 소속된 스톤 중사였다. 친위대와 함께 소련에 무모한 게릴라 공격을 가하던 토마스, 그러나 그를 기다리고 있는 건 패전과 소련군이 조국을 유린하는 모습이었다. 토마스는 주변의 현실에 헛돈다. '이게 전쟁의 결과'란 말인가? 그런 토마스 앞에 소련의 탱크가 멈춰 선다. 곧바로 군사학교로 연행된 토마스는 KGB 첩보원으로 영국에 잠입하라는 명령을 받는다. 목숨을 위해 스파이가 될 것인가, 진심을 위해 저항할 것인가! 토마스는 의외의 결단을 내리는데...
포 미니츠
Pater Vincens
수감자들에게 피아노를 가르치는 노년의 음악 교사. 복역 중인 소녀에게서 천재성을 발견하고 재능을 키워주기 위해 노력을 아끼지 않는다.
Short film.
Emilia - Familienbande
Wolfgang Seiler
Emilia – Die zweite Chance
Wolfgang Seiler
Tote Hose – Kann nicht, gibt’s nicht
Karl-Heinz Möbius
Mama und der Millionär
Karl Schönthal
The single mother Leonie has great worries: Since her ex-boyfriend left her a huge debt mountain, knows the young cosmetics saleswoman hardly how to make a living. In her distress, Leonie decides to catch a millionaire. She is on the verge of falling in love with her new colleague Oliver. What Leonie does not suspect: The alleged temporary worker is in truth no less than the son of her employer - and thus a "real" millionaire
Zwei gegen zwei
Gregor März
Saint Rita
Cascia, 14th century, Rita Liotti falls in love, gets married and has two children. Her dream of love is soon hindered by a masculine and violent society, that Rita faces with peace and forgiveness. When she loses her husband and her children, she understands she has a mission: pursuing her path of peace, that will lead her to take the vows, and then to become Saint. Rita is a Saint of these days, who lived in a very violent age and was so brave to break free from the vengeance chain, through a deep, sincere and christian forgiveness. She is a particular Saint, talking to everybody’s hearts, as she was everything. She was a daugher, a wife, a mother and a nun, she experienced every sort of life, and in all her different lives she was a living model of christian life.
Ritter Robert von Greim
1941년 11월 동 프러시아, 히틀러의 비서가 된 22살 트라우들 융게의 증언으로 시작된다. 히틀러를 통해 서서히 붕괴되어가는 나치의 모습이 적나라하게 카메라에 포착된다. 1944년 히틀러의 생일날 러시아의 폴란드 폭격과 함께 1945년 드디어 독일의 항복으로 이어지는 끝내는 히틀러의 자살로 그들의 역사는 몰락한다. 히틀러의 자살 전 10일 동안의 행적과 그의 심리를 아주 세세히 담고 있다.
Die Stunde der Offiziere
Erich von Manstein
Der Traum vom Süden
Italiener und andere Süßigkeiten
Dr. Harald Berg
Im Zweifel für die Liebe
Dr. Kuckenburg
A widower man wants to cancel the lease of a religious orphanage, but when one of the nuns turns into the babysitter of his children, changes opinion.
Im Namen des Herrn
Ins Leben zurück
Frode Johansson
Cruel Friends
Prof. Arndt
Bingo! Lukas, a twenty-five-year-old law student, is among the chosen few accepted to study under the distinguished Professor Arndt. At the start of the summer semester he switches to Munich University. Lukas is determined to head his class and win the 25,000 valedictorian scholarship – the first step toward a great international career. Among Lukas’s classmates are smart Alexander and his friends Marco, Anton and lovely Evelyn. Fascinated by their charisma, Lukas dreams of joining the clique. Although Alexander is his major rival in the seminar, Lukas courts his friendship. To complicate matters, he falls head over heels in love with Evelyn, the most desirable woman he’s ever seen. Finally a dream comes true: The clique accepts him. But the glamorous lure proves treacherous. Unable to keep up with his new friends’ high-society lifestyle, Lukas gets into ever deeper trouble. Concealing his financial problems, he becomes entangled in a web of lies…
Der Seerosenteich
Carl Trakenberg
Das verräterische Collier
Dr. Wolf Behringer
The Hunt for the Hidden Relic
John Kaun
STEFFEN VOGT, aged around 25, is helping out at a German archeological excavation in Israel when he finds a 2,000-year-old skeleton holding the instructions for a video camera dating from the year 2003. The bones also show traces of the present day. His theory of a time-traveler who made a video of Jesus is laughed at by everyone, however, including SHARON, an attractive Israeli woman he adores. Although no one appears to believe him, his find certainly seems to have generated interest: Steffen is attacked shortly afterwards in his hotel room by strange men; then he discovers that the German embassy and the secret service are after him; and when his friend DAN is murdered, he goes into hiding.
Shattered Glass
Bens Schwiegervater
Therapie und Praxis
Reinhard Arnsberg
The talk therapist Roland Arnsberg falls from the clouds when his longtime girlfriend Chris gives him the passport. An affair with Regine, as it were in acute relationship needs, helps Roland though from his mood depression. However, when he learns that she is the wife of his most affectionate patient, his world gets completely out of joint. The turbulent game of hide and seek finally opens the eyes, which is the right woman for him. Only Chris needs a little longer, until you dawn: There can only be one.
Erkan & Stefan 2
Prof. Johns
A couple of slackers find an antique dagger and manage to free the gorgeous female warrior was imprisoned in it by an evil spell. An evil sorcerer is not happy by this turn of events and determines to possess both the blade and the warrior through a sacrificial ceremony. The two heroes manage to rescue the damsel in distress and defeat the wizard and his minions by employing skills mastered through hours of video game play.
Pest - Die Rückkehr
Dr. Salomon
Geliebte Diebin
Dr. Hartung
Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker
When wealthy college student Richard Oetker is kidnapped and held for a hefty ransom, state police officer Georg Kufbach becomes obsessed with bringing the kidnapper to justice. This film is based on a true story.
Antonia - Zwischen Liebe und Macht
Albrecht Ahrendorff
Stunningly attractive law student Antonia Scherer and her girlfriend Judy are earning vacation money as Paparazze for a slimy gossip columnist named WALZ. Part of the job involves trying to snap photos of famous people on the Cote d'Azur. The two girls promptly catch a snap of the eldest son of a mega rich banking family, in a suggestive situation. Realizing that she has been spotted by him, Antonia runs off with the film but is then involved in an accident and loses consciousness. She wakes up to find herself on Leonhardt's private yacht.
The Hunted Child
Nico, a nine-year-old child witnesses a gruesome murder in an abandoned village and tells his mother. The woman goes to the police, but when officials get to the scene, someone has erased all traces of the crime, including the corpse. The officers then question the version of the child.
Jetzt bin ich dran, Liebling!
Allein unter Männern
Professor Poschinger
The talented, young veterinarian Dr. Tana Fechner falls in love with the riding stable owner Bernhard Bausch. However, love is not a good star, because the doctor is suspected of killing two of Bausch's horses in order to support her work on a rare virus by presenting suitable cases.
Colonel Von Sammern
1939년 독일의 침공을 받은 폴란드를 배경으로, 역사적 사실에 근거한 전쟁 드라마. 1939년 폴란드 바르샤바, 독일이 폴란드를 침공하고 폴란드는 한달도 못가서 항복을 선언한다. 독일군은 바르샤바에 있는 유태인들을 게토로 옮기고 그들을 철저히 격리되고 감시당한다. 배고픔으로 처참한 생활을 하던 유태인들의 분노는 더해가고 젊은이들을 중심으로 혁명의 싹이 트기 시작한다. 유태교 평의회의장 체르니라코브는 유태인들의 생명을 지키고 권익을 찾기 위해 노력하지만 역부족이다. 그의 운전기사를 하고 있는 카직과 팔레스타인으로 탈출하려다가 붙잡혀 다시 게토로 돌아온 다혈질의 모데카이, 그리고 그의 친구 이작은 무기를 모으고 독일에 대항하기로 결심한다.
Die Hässliche
Herr Cohen
Die Traumprinzen
Dr. Wothe
Das Phantom
After the partner of a policeman is killed he is drawn into a mysterious plot of conspiracy and terrorists.
Når mørket er forbi
"Passing Darkness" - Oslo lawyer Josef Omgang returns to his native village on the Finnmark coast, where he finds his father's seafood company in trouble. International buyers have started trawling the market, and Josef realizes that the vital natural resources are in the hands of organized crime.
Heimlicher Tanz
Eberhard Hauck
Long Hello and Short Goodbye
Die Jagd nach dem Tod
Dr. Zehlenberg
Oskar Kollmann
Julia - Kämpfe für deine Träume!
Ultimate Trespass
Christine Wagner is raped by a burglar in her house while her husband Stefan is on a business trip. When she later wants to report the break-in and the sexual assault to the police, her descriptions are believed to be implausible. The officer in charge considers her representations to be exaggerated and made up and decides not to deal with this case any further. Christine is frustrated by this and suppresses what has happened.
Tod im Labor
Dein Tod ist die gerechte Strafe
Kommissar Kübler
Operation Radetzky
Mr. Kraft
A drama directed by Karin Brandauer.
Radio Fever
Günter Braun
Krähensommer - Die geraubten Kinder
Johann Strand