Alain Tasma

Alain Tasma

프로필 사진

Alain Tasma

참여 작품

Falling for Love
A penniless young man, Kevin is forced to return to live with his parents in the heart of the Picardy countryside. There, he finds a job in a pig farm. Not knowing how to look ahead, Kevin has no real project to defend. Everything shifts the day he meets Alice. This attractive voltigeuse who is not cold to the eyes exercises her talents in a circus of the region. Under the spell, Kevin tries to get closer to her and her way of life very free. To conquer it, he decides to train himself to acrobatic riding. Despite the misunderstanding of his family, he does not intend to give up this crazy bet that finally gives him a reason to live his life as he sees fit ...
Falling for Love
A penniless young man, Kevin is forced to return to live with his parents in the heart of the Picardy countryside. There, he finds a job in a pig farm. Not knowing how to look ahead, Kevin has no real project to defend. Everything shifts the day he meets Alice. This attractive voltigeuse who is not cold to the eyes exercises her talents in a circus of the region. Under the spell, Kevin tries to get closer to her and her way of life very free. To conquer it, he decides to train himself to acrobatic riding. Despite the misunderstanding of his family, he does not intend to give up this crazy bet that finally gives him a reason to live his life as he sees fit ...
Le viol
21 August 1974. In Marseille, two Belgian tourists, Nicole and Malia, are savagely attacked and raped by three men. Their attackers claim that the women consented and are allowed to remain free. Though their friends and family advise them to forget the ordeal, Nicole and Malia instead decide to fight. Helped by their lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, they request that the attackers be judged at the assize court. On 8 May 1978, after a long battle, they finally obtain justice. A trial which made history as until then rape had been considered simply as a misdemeanor, whereas now it became a crime.
Le viol
21 August 1974. In Marseille, two Belgian tourists, Nicole and Malia, are savagely attacked and raped by three men. Their attackers claim that the women consented and are allowed to remain free. Though their friends and family advise them to forget the ordeal, Nicole and Malia instead decide to fight. Helped by their lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, they request that the attackers be judged at the assize court. On 8 May 1978, after a long battle, they finally obtain justice. A trial which made history as until then rape had been considered simply as a misdemeanor, whereas now it became a crime.
Nine Days in Winter
Nine Days in Winter
A young French couple deals with ramifications of world events on their relationship as Saddam Hussein threatens to launch SCUD missiles on Israel.
1972, le sud de la France, en pleine forêt, une famille aux maigres bagages découvre le nouveau camp où elle va vivre. Malgré le paternalisme affiché du chef de camps, les harkis ont la vie dure et aucune liberté réelle. Une vie de misère et de tutelle que Leila, la fille aînée des Benamar, refuse. Elle a l'âge de la révolte, celles du premier amour aussi. Pour elle, son père, marqué par la guerre et l'exil, habitué à plier, ne doit rien aux Français qui ne les ont pas protégés en Algérie...
Opération Turquoise
Out of the Blue
Marion, a 50 year old woman, suddenly ups and leaves the man with whom she has been living for the past 20 years; she has found herself, midlife, in love with her friend Claude, another woman.
Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.
Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.
Mata Hari, la vraie histoire
The Dutch exotic dancer Mata Hari is accused of spying for Germany during the First World War.
Par amour
Nicole Doucet is a gourmet chef. Everything is going well professionally for the young woman. Guillaume, her son, is a former drug addict whom she has lost sight of. The day he returns to her restaurant, she discovers that he is married to a woman much older than him. Nicole is suspicious of this idyll and fears that Guillaume will fall back into the infernal spiral of drugs.
좋은걸 어떡해
신은 위대해...하지만 난 아주 작아 유망한 패션모델인 20살의 아가씨 미셸(오드리 토투)은 사랑하던 남자친구와 헤어지고 세상 모든 일이 혼란스럽기만 하다. 진정한 진리를 찾고싶은 그녀, 누군가를 사랑할 수 없다면 무언가를 믿고 싶다. 카톨릭교를 선택해 보지만 어릴 적 기도가 어긋난 기억이 떠오르고, 불교에 도전해 봐도 지루하기 만하다. 그 후에도 여러 번...그러나 번번히 실패만 하게 된다. 그러던 중 그녀 앞에 나타난 12살 연상의 수의사 프랑소와(에두아르 바에르)는 유태인이다. 잘생기고 매너 좋은 완벽한 남자에게 빠지면서 그녀도 유대교에 빠져들 게 되는데, 약간은 자기중심적이고 어른스러운 프랑소와와 자기 멋대로의 철부지 미셸은 사사건건 부딪히기 일수다. 그녀의 유대교인 생활도 그리 만만하지만은 않은데... 도대체 평범할 수 없는 아가씨의 달콤한 사랑이야기가 예쁘게 펼쳐집니다!
Les brouches
Somewhere in the Drôme Valley, there is a farm where old shepherd Fernand lives with his two sons. A young woman arrives at the farm to learn the farm-work and disturbs the calm.
Assistant Director
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
이웃집 여인
Second Assistant Director
프랑스의 어느 한적한 마을에서 가족과 함께 평화롭게 살고 있던 베르나르(Bernard Coudray: 제랄드 드빠르듀 분)는 자기의 옆집으로 이사 온 사람의 부인을 만난다. 그녀는자신의 옛 애인 마틸드(Mathilde Bauchard: 패니 아댄트 분)였다. 과거에 두 사람은 사랑을 했었지만 서로의 자존심 싸움으로 헤어졌었다. 과거의 사랑을 회상하면서 자주 만나게 된 그들은 다시 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 두 남녀는 죄의식에 대한 심리적 갈등과 불안감에 시달리게 되고 다시 냉정한 마음으로 친구 사이를 유지하려고 노력한다. 그러나 사랑과 질투에 냉정을 잃은 베르나르는 이를 견디지 못하고 여러사람 앞에서 행패를 부리고 마틸드를 데리고 도망치려고 하지만 결국 다시 냉정을 찾고 현실을 받아들인다. 한편, 한 남자에 대한 사랑때문에 목숨까지 던져 버릴려고 했던 오딜 여사(Madame Odile Jouve: 베로니끄 실베르 분)를 존경해 온 마틸드는 진정한 사랑과 냉엄한 현실 사이에서 정신적 고통을 이기지 못하고 신경쇠약증에 걸려 병원에 입원하고 만다. 이제 현실을 받아들인 베르나르는 마틸드의 남편과 함께 그녀를 위로하여 회복하도록 노력한다. 마틸드는 병원에서 퇴원하고 남편과 함께 다른 곳으로 이사를 간다. 그러나 어느날 밤, 그 빈집에서 나는 소리를 듣고 나갔던 베르나르는 자기를 못잊어 찾아온 마틸드를 만나게 되는데...
마지막 지하철
Marc, Jean-Loup's Assistant
나치 치하에서 연극을 지키려는 신인배우 베르나르는 레지스탕스 남편을 둔 극단의 책임자 마리온과 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 연극을 지키려는 예술가들의 치열한 삶과 함께 이뤄질 수 없는 사랑에 빠진 남녀의 사랑을 나치의 추적 속에 긴박하고 스릴있게 전개해 나간다.
La Barricade du Point-du-Jour
Assistant Director
Une leçon d'amour