Selma Nadya Islamiyanda

Selma Nadya Islamiyanda


Selma Nadya Islamiyanda is bachelor of Demography and Civil Registration from Sebelas Maret University with 1 year of experience in digital creative. She familiar with design, video editing, research for content and marketing communication.

프로필 사진

Selma Nadya Islamiyanda

참여 작품

Gallery of Hearts
Lisa, a painter, and Vino, a photographer, are a deaf couple who have been in a relationship for 6 months. One day at Lisa's painting studio, Vino, who initially only wanted to take pictures of Lisa's paintings, felt that he wanted to capture his lover while painting. However, Lisa's reaction was unexpected. Quarrels are inevitable. Vino who feels his girlfriend doesn't trust him himself to have the photo, was offended until Lisa finally tried to open up about the reasons behind the trauma she had. Vino who feels guilty then convinces Lisa to move forward through her trauma together.