Self (archive footage)
This feature documentary by Jean-Claude Labrecque recounts the bold and astounding enterprise of French filmmaker Julien Duvivier, who shot a film adaptation of Louis Hémon’s classic novel Maria Chapdelaine in Péribonka, a village in Quebec’s Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, in 1934. What was the impact of the original film’s production on the life of the community? What memories remain? What town secrets lie hidden in those memories?
줄리앙 뒤비비에 감독은 마르셀 까르네, 장 르노와르, 줄리앙 뒤비비에, 자끄 페데르 등과 더불어 프랑스 시적 리얼리즘 영화 흐름의 대표적인 감독이었다. 사실적이면서 연극적이고 아방가르드 무성영화의 전통 속에 놓여 있던 그의 작품들은 초기 영화사에 있어 큰 반향을 불러일으켰다. 이후 2차 대전 시기 미국에서의 활동, 그리고 다시 프랑스로의 복귀 등을 거치며 그의 작품세계는 좀 더 확장된다. 그의 유작인 은 시종일관 팽팽하게 진행되는 사이코 스릴러 영화다. 아방가르드 성향의 몽환적인 분위기는 여전한 가운데, 중심인물들 사이를 오가는 밀도감과 세밀한 묘사는 뒤비비에 감독의 원숙한 솜씨를 엿볼 수 있게 한다. 스릴러 장르의 구도 아래에서 그가 후기 이후 큰 관심을 가져왔던 인간의 원초적인 악마성이 작품 전반을 지배하고 있다. 프랑스 식민지 인도차이나에서 얼마 전 돌아온 죠르쥬 캉포는 교통사고로 한동안 병원 신세를 진 뒤 그의 대저택으로 돌아온다. 그러나 사고 후유증으로 기억상실증에 걸린 그는 부인 크리스티안도, 주치의인 프레데릭 로네도, 인도차이나에서 데려온 하인 키엠도 알아보지 못한다. 이들 모두 그를 지극 정성으로 돌보지만 날이 갈수록 그의 정신 상태는 호전되기는 커녕 걷잡을 수 없이 악화된다. 그를 둘러싼 모든 것이 낯설기만 하고, 하루 하루가 감옥에서 보내는 것처럼 답답하기만 하다. 전화 사용은 금지되어 외부와의 접촉이 차단되어 있고, 부인 크리스티안은 지금은 병의 완쾌가 무엇보다 시급하다며 그와 잠자리를 하기를 거부한다. 게다가 그의 대저택을 지키는 개는 주인을 알아보지 못하고 사납게 으르렁 대기만 한다. 최근 그에게 일어난 몇몇 아찔한 사건에서 가까스로 화를 모면하긴 하였으나 모두 우연치고는 어딘지 수상하다. 밤이면 혼란스러움이 가중되어 그의 무의식 깊은 곳에서 누군가의 목소리가 들리는 것만 같다. 그리고 그의 머리 속 한 귀퉁이에서는 피에르 라그랑쥬라는 이름 그리고 근원을 알 수 없는 기억들이 떠올라 하염없이 맴돈다.
줄리앙 뒤비비에 감독은 마르셀 까르네, 장 르노와르, 줄리앙 뒤비비에, 자끄 페데르 등과 더불어 프랑스 시적 리얼리즘 영화 흐름의 대표적인 감독이었다. 사실적이면서 연극적이고 아방가르드 무성영화의 전통 속에 놓여 있던 그의 작품들은 초기 영화사에 있어 큰 반향을 불러일으켰다. 이후 2차 대전 시기 미국에서의 활동, 그리고 다시 프랑스로의 복귀 등을 거치며 그의 작품세계는 좀 더 확장된다. 그의 유작인 은 시종일관 팽팽하게 진행되는 사이코 스릴러 영화다. 아방가르드 성향의 몽환적인 분위기는 여전한 가운데, 중심인물들 사이를 오가는 밀도감과 세밀한 묘사는 뒤비비에 감독의 원숙한 솜씨를 엿볼 수 있게 한다. 스릴러 장르의 구도 아래에서 그가 후기 이후 큰 관심을 가져왔던 인간의 원초적인 악마성이 작품 전반을 지배하고 있다. 프랑스 식민지 인도차이나에서 얼마 전 돌아온 죠르쥬 캉포는 교통사고로 한동안 병원 신세를 진 뒤 그의 대저택으로 돌아온다. 그러나 사고 후유증으로 기억상실증에 걸린 그는 부인 크리스티안도, 주치의인 프레데릭 로네도, 인도차이나에서 데려온 하인 키엠도 알아보지 못한다. 이들 모두 그를 지극 정성으로 돌보지만 날이 갈수록 그의 정신 상태는 호전되기는 커녕 걷잡을 수 없이 악화된다. 그를 둘러싼 모든 것이 낯설기만 하고, 하루 하루가 감옥에서 보내는 것처럼 답답하기만 하다. 전화 사용은 금지되어 외부와의 접촉이 차단되어 있고, 부인 크리스티안은 지금은 병의 완쾌가 무엇보다 시급하다며 그와 잠자리를 하기를 거부한다. 게다가 그의 대저택을 지키는 개는 주인을 알아보지 못하고 사납게 으르렁 대기만 한다. 최근 그에게 일어난 몇몇 아찔한 사건에서 가까스로 화를 모면하긴 하였으나 모두 우연치고는 어딘지 수상하다. 밤이면 혼란스러움이 가중되어 그의 무의식 깊은 곳에서 누군가의 목소리가 들리는 것만 같다. 그리고 그의 머리 속 한 귀퉁이에서는 피에르 라그랑쥬라는 이름 그리고 근원을 알 수 없는 기억들이 떠올라 하염없이 맴돈다.
헐리우드 영화 제작자 알렉산더 메이어헤이머는 술고래인 시나리오 작가 리차드 벤슨(월리암 홀든 분)을 고용한다. 벤슨은 원고 작업을 위해 몇 달 간 파이 한 아파트에서 은둔생활을 시작한다. 방탕한 생활을 하여 놀고 지내는데 시간을 허비해버린 그는 지금 데드라인을 이틀 남겨둔 상태. 다급해진 그는 자신의 원고 작업을 제시간에 끝내기 위햇 입시 비서 가브리엘 심슨(오드리 헵번 분)을 고용하는데.......
파리의 비오는 밤, 고급 주택의 금고를 털다가 실패한 자물쇠 수리공 두 친구, 폴과 다니엘 그중 다니엘 만이 총을 맞고 체포된다. 그는 호송 중 탈출하여 깊은 산골로 도피하다가 늙은 남편과 젊은 아내가 운영하는 외딴 주유소 겸 휴게소에 몸을 맡기게 되는데, 그곳에는... 인간 군상들의 욕망과 탐욕... 그 결말은?
파리의 비오는 밤, 고급 주택의 금고를 털다가 실패한 자물쇠 수리공 두 친구, 폴과 다니엘 그중 다니엘 만이 총을 맞고 체포된다. 그는 호송 중 탈출하여 깊은 산골로 도피하다가 늙은 남편과 젊은 아내가 운영하는 외딴 주유소 겸 휴게소에 몸을 맡기게 되는데, 그곳에는... 인간 군상들의 욕망과 탐욕... 그 결말은?
백만장자인 필립 알랑은 파리에서 가장 아름다운 여자 미슐린을 정부로 두고 있다. 하지만 그녀에게 싫증이 나기 시작한 필립은 결별선물로 다이아몬드 목걸이를 사주기 위해 보석상에 가게 된다, 그곳에서 필립은 미슐린의 친구 프랑수아즈를 만나게 되는데, 빛을 보지 못한 작가와 결혼한 프랑수아즈는 그녀가 가질 수 없는 커다란 다이아몬드 목걸이 앞에 넋을 잃고 만다. 그 기회를 놓칠세라 필립은 자신의 "화려한 보석 파티"에 프랑수아즈를 초대하고 다이아몬드 목걸이를 선물한다. 이렇게 둘은 또 다른 관계로 발전하게 되고, 미슐린과 프랑수아즈, 그리고 그녀의 남편은 새로운 사건들에 얽히는데...
백만장자인 필립 알랑은 파리에서 가장 아름다운 여자 미슐린을 정부로 두고 있다. 하지만 그녀에게 싫증이 나기 시작한 필립은 결별선물로 다이아몬드 목걸이를 사주기 위해 보석상에 가게 된다, 그곳에서 필립은 미슐린의 친구 프랑수아즈를 만나게 되는데, 빛을 보지 못한 작가와 결혼한 프랑수아즈는 그녀가 가질 수 없는 커다란 다이아몬드 목걸이 앞에 넋을 잃고 만다. 그 기회를 놓칠세라 필립은 자신의 "화려한 보석 파티"에 프랑수아즈를 초대하고 다이아몬드 목걸이를 선물한다. 이렇게 둘은 또 다른 관계로 발전하게 되고, 미슐린과 프랑수아즈, 그리고 그녀의 남편은 새로운 사건들에 얽히는데...
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
Boulevard focuses on Georges 'Jojo' Castagnier, an adolescent who lives in a poor room under the roof of a block of apartments in the Pigalle section of Paris. He ran away from home when he realized that his step-mother hated him from day-one. Among Jojo's many neighbors is the gorgeous Jenny Dorr , a nightclub dancer, whose lover he dreams of being. But, to Jojo's disappointment, Jenny becomes the lover of Dicky, a former boxer, who spends his time loafing about the Pigalle cafés. Jojo lacks for steady work, but manages to meet his financial obligations with a series of odd jobs. He tries selling magazines, which is a success for a while, though posing as Narcissus for two gay artists proves to be something of a disaster. Eventually, he woos Marietta, one of his other neighbors and a girl more suited to his age. But when things go really awry, Jojo becomes desperate and tries to commit suicide by jumping off the roof of his building
A group of ex-resistance fighters are brought together by Marie-Octobre, the code name of Marie-Helene Dumoulin. The former members of the network have carried on with their lives after the war, but this evening they are going to have to live again a fateful night – the night their leader was killed. He had been betrayed, his name given to the Germans. The search for the traitor puts each personality in the spotlight – and also that of the killed leader, Castille.
A group of ex-resistance fighters are brought together by Marie-Octobre, the code name of Marie-Helene Dumoulin. The former members of the network have carried on with their lives after the war, but this evening they are going to have to live again a fateful night – the night their leader was killed. He had been betrayed, his name given to the Germans. The search for the traitor puts each personality in the spotlight – and also that of the killed leader, Castille.
Handsome and rich Spanish gentleman abandons his wife and riches for his love of a young girl of poor stock who taunts and degrades him.
Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital.
Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital.
In the absence of his wife, a clarinet player is induced by a friend to meet a call girl, but arrived after a crime. Perceived by some people leaving the scene of the crime covered by his raincoat, he became the only suspect for the police. His only hope is to discover the murderer before is name is mentionned publicly, specially in front of his wife.
In the absence of his wife, a clarinet player is induced by a friend to meet a call girl, but arrived after a crime. Perceived by some people leaving the scene of the crime covered by his raincoat, he became the only suspect for the police. His only hope is to discover the murderer before is name is mentionned publicly, specially in front of his wife.
이름난 요리사 앙드레 샤틀랭은 파리의 분주한 시장 구역에서 고급 레스토랑을 운영하고 있다. 어느 날, 전부인 가브리엘의 딸 카트린느가 예기치 않게 찾아오는데, 앙드레는 가브리엘이 죽었다는 말을 듣고 카트린느를 집에 머물게 한다. 이날부터 카트린느는 앙드레의 애정을 얻기 위해 갖은 노력을 하며 앙드레의 양아들 제라르를 탐탁치 않게 여긴다. 하지만 오히려 제라르는 카트린느를 사랑하게 되는데, 앙드레와 제라르 모두 카트린느의 본심이 무엇인지는 전혀 알아차리지 못한다. 그녀는 오로지 레스토랑을 상속받는 데에만 관심이 있을 뿐이며, 그것을 위해서는 어떤 수단이라도 취할 작정이다. 심지어 살인까지도...
이름난 요리사 앙드레 샤틀랭은 파리의 분주한 시장 구역에서 고급 레스토랑을 운영하고 있다. 어느 날, 전부인 가브리엘의 딸 카트린느가 예기치 않게 찾아오는데, 앙드레는 가브리엘이 죽었다는 말을 듣고 카트린느를 집에 머물게 한다. 이날부터 카트린느는 앙드레의 애정을 얻기 위해 갖은 노력을 하며 앙드레의 양아들 제라르를 탐탁치 않게 여긴다. 하지만 오히려 제라르는 카트린느를 사랑하게 되는데, 앙드레와 제라르 모두 카트린느의 본심이 무엇인지는 전혀 알아차리지 못한다. 그녀는 오로지 레스토랑을 상속받는 데에만 관심이 있을 뿐이며, 그것을 위해서는 어떤 수단이라도 취할 작정이다. 심지어 살인까지도...
호반에 위치한 기숙학교에 뱅상이 전학 온다. 친구들의 장난으로 고성에 갇힌 뱅상은 소녀 마리안느를 만나고, 둘은 사랑에 빠진다. 마리안느는 노인과의 강요된 결혼으로 갇힌 자기를 구해 달라고 호소한다. 피터 드 멘델슨의 동명소설을 각색한 작품으로, 안개 낀 성과 호수를 배경으로 젊은 날의 순수한 사랑과 방황을 극도로 절제되고 아름다운 화면을 통해 표현하였다.
Prosecutor Etzel discovers that his father has sentenced a man, Leonardo Maurizius, on mere presumptions. He then makes it a point of honor to trace the sources of the case to uncover the truth.
Prosecutor Etzel discovers that his father has sentenced a man, Leonardo Maurizius, on mere presumptions. He then makes it a point of honor to trace the sources of the case to uncover the truth.
Energetic priest Don Camillo returns to the town of Brescello for more political and personal duels with Communist mayor Peppone.
Energetic priest Don Camillo returns to the town of Brescello for more political and personal duels with Communist mayor Peppone.
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.
In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.
파리에 사는 여러 계층의 사람들의 어느날의 사건이 그려진다. 주인공은 좀 이상스런 얘기이지만 '파리'라고 보아야 할 것이다. 펜팔 애인을 만나러 파리 시내까지 찾아온 시골처녀가 편지의 내용이 거짓말이었다는 것을 알고 실망한 채 걷고 있는데 그만 정신 이상이 된 조각가에게 살해되며 조각가는 경찰관에게 사살된다. 패션모델은 애인인 의과 대학생이 금년에도 국가시험에 실패했으므로 실망하게 된다. 미치광이 조각가를 쏜 경찰관의 유탄(流彈)으로 중상을 입게 된 공원(工員)은 시험담력(試驗膽力)이 없는 의과 대학생의 대수술로 연명을 한다. 이 공원은 동맹파업으로 일을 쉬고 있었으므로 결혼기념일의 축하 술에 취해서 들떠 있을 때였다. 무작정 고양이를 좋아하는 늙은 처녀는 고양이의 먹이를 찾아 헤매며 어느날 하루종일 파리 시내를 걸어 다닌다. 공부를 몹시 싫어하는 계집아이는 집으로 돌아가지 않고 사내아이와 센강에서 보트 놀이를 하다가 날이 저물어서 미아가 되었는데, 미치광이 조각가의 도움으로 자기 집으로 무사히 돌아간다.
A man who lost everything in the war now smuggles contraband into and out of Spain, but the law's closing in.
A man who lost everything in the war now smuggles contraband into and out of Spain, but the law's closing in.
A man who lost everything in the war now smuggles contraband into and out of Spain, but the law's closing in.
Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
Stefan and Dolly Oblonsky have had a spat and Stefan has asked his sister, Anna Karenina, to come down to Moscow to help mend the rift. Anna's companion on the train from St. Petersburg is Countess Vronsky who is met at the Moscow station by her son. Col. Vronsky looks very dashing in his uniform and it's love at first sight when he looks at Anna and their eyes meet.
Stefan and Dolly Oblonsky have had a spat and Stefan has asked his sister, Anna Karenina, to come down to Moscow to help mend the rift. Anna's companion on the train from St. Petersburg is Countess Vronsky who is met at the Moscow station by her son. Col. Vronsky looks very dashing in his uniform and it's love at first sight when he looks at Anna and their eyes meet.
세상과 어울리지 못한 채 혼자 지내는 중년의 이르. 한편, 동네에서 한 여인이 살해당하는 사건이 발생하고, 모든 사람들이 여인의 죽음에 대해 떠들어대지만, 이르만은 침묵한다. 그날 저녁, 연인을 대신해 감옥에 갔던 알리스가 막 출소해 마을에 도착하고, 그녀는 연인 알프레드와 재회한다. 이르가 사는 집 건너편에서 살게 된 알리스. 창 너머로 우연히 알리스를 본 이르는 마음의 동요를 느끼고, 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 그런데 살인사건을 조사하던 경찰은 사람들과 어울리지 못하는 이르를 의심하기 시작하고, 진실을 알게 된 이르는 어떤 이유에선지 침묵을 선택한다. 심리추리소설의 대가 조르주 심농의 소설을 각색한 작품. 살인사건을 둘러싼 이야기 속에서 인간 내면의 추악함과 함께 깊은 고독과 뒤틀린 사랑을 동시에 담아내고 있다.
세상과 어울리지 못한 채 혼자 지내는 중년의 이르. 한편, 동네에서 한 여인이 살해당하는 사건이 발생하고, 모든 사람들이 여인의 죽음에 대해 떠들어대지만, 이르만은 침묵한다. 그날 저녁, 연인을 대신해 감옥에 갔던 알리스가 막 출소해 마을에 도착하고, 그녀는 연인 알프레드와 재회한다. 이르가 사는 집 건너편에서 살게 된 알리스. 창 너머로 우연히 알리스를 본 이르는 마음의 동요를 느끼고, 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 그런데 살인사건을 조사하던 경찰은 사람들과 어울리지 못하는 이르를 의심하기 시작하고, 진실을 알게 된 이르는 어떤 이유에선지 침묵을 선택한다. 심리추리소설의 대가 조르주 심농의 소설을 각색한 작품. 살인사건을 둘러싼 이야기 속에서 인간 내면의 추악함과 함께 깊은 고독과 뒤틀린 사랑을 동시에 담아내고 있다.
The story concerns a condemned murderer named Clement (Jean Gabin), who is "liberated" when the Nazis bomb the French jail that holds him. During his escape, Clement comes across the body of a French soldier; he steals the dead man's uniform and identification papers, then hides from the law by joining the Resistance movement. Clement's new identity and purpose in life reforms him, and in due time he has sacrificed himself in service of his country.
The story concerns a condemned murderer named Clement (Jean Gabin), who is "liberated" when the Nazis bomb the French jail that holds him. During his escape, Clement comes across the body of a French soldier; he steals the dead man's uniform and identification papers, then hides from the law by joining the Resistance movement. Clement's new identity and purpose in life reforms him, and in due time he has sacrificed himself in service of his country.
Anthology film of three tales of the supernatural. The first story is set at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The second involves a psychic who predicts murder. The third is about a man who literally meets the girl of his dreams.
Anthology film of three tales of the supernatural. The first story is set at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The second involves a psychic who predicts murder. The third is about a man who literally meets the girl of his dreams.
The story of how the people of Paris cope with the strains and struggles of war, from the siege of the city by the Prussians during the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 to the invasion by the Germans in World War II.
The story of how the people of Paris cope with the strains and struggles of war, from the siege of the city by the Prussians during the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 to the invasion by the Germans in World War II.
Ten screenwriters collaborated on this series of tales concerning the effect a tailcoat cursed by its tailor has on those who wear it. The video release features a W.C. Fields segment not included in the original theatrical release.
Lydia MacMillan, a wealthy woman who has never married, invites several men her own age to her home to reminisce about the times when they were young and courted her. In memory, each romance seemed splendid and destined for happiness, but in each case, Lydia realizes, the truth was less romantic, and ill-starred.
Lydia MacMillan, a wealthy woman who has never married, invites several men her own age to her home to reminisce about the times when they were young and courted her. In memory, each romance seemed splendid and destined for happiness, but in each case, Lydia realizes, the truth was less romantic, and ill-starred.
French version of the Selma Lagerlof story, most famously filmed in 1921 by Victor Sjostrom, about a poor sinner who only realizes what misery he's wrought when he dies on New Year's Eve and is collected by Death in his carriage.
French version of the Selma Lagerlof story, most famously filmed in 1921 by Victor Sjostrom, about a poor sinner who only realizes what misery he's wrought when he dies on New Year's Eve and is collected by Death in his carriage.
늙고 가난한 배우들이 양로원에 모여서 살고 있다. 그들은 항상 자신들의 화려했던 과거들을 이야기 하면서 살아가고 있는데 어느 날 상 크레르가 나타난다. 그는 유명한 배우였으며 많은 연인이 있었던 배우로써 화려한 과거를 가지고 있다. 과거의 많은 화려함과 영광이 있었지만 이제는 늙고 힘없는 배우들의 슬픈 현실과 연예계의 슬픈 뒷모습을 잘 보여주는 영화이다.
늙고 가난한 배우들이 양로원에 모여서 살고 있다. 그들은 항상 자신들의 화려했던 과거들을 이야기 하면서 살아가고 있는데 어느 날 상 크레르가 나타난다. 그는 유명한 배우였으며 많은 연인이 있었던 배우로써 화려한 과거를 가지고 있다. 과거의 많은 화려함과 영광이 있었지만 이제는 늙고 힘없는 배우들의 슬픈 현실과 연예계의 슬픈 뒷모습을 잘 보여주는 영화이다.
Composer Johann Strauss risks his marriage over his infatuation with a beautiful singer.
The young Austrian princess Marie Antoinette is arranged to marry Louis XVI, future king of France, in a politically advantageous marriage for the rival countries. The opulent Marie indulges in various whims and flirtations. When Louis XV passes and Louis XVI ascends the French throne, his queen's extravagant lifestyle earns the hatred of the French people, who despise her Austrian heritage.
After the death of her husband, Christine realizes she has possibly wasted her life by marrying him instead of the man towards whom, in her youth, she had a stronger inclination. To overcome these dreary thoughts, she decides to find out about him and the other men who danced with her during a ball that was a turning point in her life, many years ago. She pays a visit to those forgotten acquaintances one after the other; Christine is not only surprised to see how they have fared, but also discovers the impact she had, unknowingly, on the feelings and the destiny of these persons. Duvivier's American film Lydia (1941) is, to some extent, a remake of this one.
프랑스령인 카스바에서 은둔하고 있는 도둑들의 우두머리인 페페는 그 지역 사람들에게 두터운 신망을 받고 있다. 경찰은 도둑질을 하고 카스바로 숨어드는 그의 일당들을 잡아보려고 하지만 매번 페페를 도와주는 주민들에 의해 실패한다. 그러던 어느 날 밤, 페페는 경찰의 기습을 피해 달아나다가 마침 그곳을 여행 중이던 미모의 여자와 마주치게 되는데...
프랑스령인 카스바에서 은둔하고 있는 도둑들의 우두머리인 페페는 그 지역 사람들에게 두터운 신망을 받고 있다. 경찰은 도둑질을 하고 카스바로 숨어드는 그의 일당들을 잡아보려고 하지만 매번 페페를 도와주는 주민들에 의해 실패한다. 그러던 어느 날 밤, 페페는 경찰의 기습을 피해 달아나다가 마침 그곳을 여행 중이던 미모의 여자와 마주치게 되는데...
Alfred Boulard, a good-natured electrician, gives his blood to save Mona Thalia, a great theater actress. Mona Thalia survives and Boulard becomes the man of the hour. Grateful to him, Mona helps Alfred to become a singing star. But his fame will be short-lived.
Alfred Boulard, a good-natured electrician, gives his blood to save Mona Thalia, a great theater actress. Mona Thalia survives and Boulard becomes the man of the hour. Grateful to him, Mona helps Alfred to become a singing star. But his fame will be short-lived.
Alfred Boulard, a good-natured electrician, gives his blood to save Mona Thalia, a great theater actress. Mona Thalia survives and Boulard becomes the man of the hour. Grateful to him, Mona helps Alfred to become a singing star. But his fame will be short-lived.
친구 사이인 자노, 샤를로, 탱탱, 자크, 마리오는 일자리를 찾고 있는 가난한 노동자들이다. 그런데 다섯 명이 함께 산 복권이 운 좋게도 당첨되어 매우 큰돈을 얻게 된다. 머리를 맞댄 끝에 친구들은 함께 강가의 허름한 건물을 사서 노천카페를 열기로 한다. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 친구들 사이에 균열이 생기기 시작한다. 뒤비비에가 각본에 참여했으며, 당대 사회적 위기 속에서도 희망을 잃지 않는 사람들과 삶에의 의지를 그리고 있다. 직접적인 정치적 언급이 없음에도 인민 전선을 상징하는 작품으로 여겨진다.
친구 사이인 자노, 샤를로, 탱탱, 자크, 마리오는 일자리를 찾고 있는 가난한 노동자들이다. 그런데 다섯 명이 함께 산 복권이 운 좋게도 당첨되어 매우 큰돈을 얻게 된다. 머리를 맞댄 끝에 친구들은 함께 강가의 허름한 건물을 사서 노천카페를 열기로 한다. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 친구들 사이에 균열이 생기기 시작한다. 뒤비비에가 각본에 참여했으며, 당대 사회적 위기 속에서도 희망을 잃지 않는 사람들과 삶에의 의지를 그리고 있다. 직접적인 정치적 언급이 없음에도 인민 전선을 상징하는 작품으로 여겨진다.
The Golem, a giant creature created out of clay by a rabbi, comes to life in a time of trouble to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
The Golem, a giant creature created out of clay by a rabbi, comes to life in a time of trouble to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
Pierre Gilieth has committed a murder in Paris. He flees to Barcelona, where he runs out of money. So he joins the Spanish Foreign Legion. He meets there two fellow countrymen, Mulot and Lucas. He tries to forget his fault... but Lucas's friendship soon appears to be less unselfish...
Pierre Gilieth has committed a murder in Paris. He flees to Barcelona, where he runs out of money. So he joins the Spanish Foreign Legion. He meets there two fellow countrymen, Mulot and Lucas. He tries to forget his fault... but Lucas's friendship soon appears to be less unselfish...
Mister Darnétal is invited by his nephew Georges to the premiere of his extravaganza in Paris;but his partner (he did not marry her,even after all those years)is not prepared to accept it and he uses his best friend as an alibi ;the two pals intend to live a wild life in the capital where there are plenty of lovely girls.But the uncle discovers that his dear nephew has a fiancee ,actually an unwed mother for she's got a little kid.The young man has fallen for the star of his variety show,a coquette fickle Chanteuse who ,in the end ,only has eyes for her co-star in the show .Uncle gets angry ,threatens to disinherit this infamous nephew and marries the young mom ,unbeknown to his fifty-something partner who has come to meet him in Paris.
The final days of Jesus from the time he enters the city of Jerusalem. Viewed as a threat, it is decided that he must be captured, tried, and executed as a criminal, a plan aided and abetted by disciple Judas Iscariot.
The final days of Jesus from the time he enters the city of Jerusalem. Viewed as a threat, it is decided that he must be captured, tried, and executed as a criminal, a plan aided and abetted by disciple Judas Iscariot.
A young woman has three suitors on her father's logging ranch on the Quebec frontier.
A young woman has three suitors on her father's logging ranch on the Quebec frontier.
Bastien and Ségard decide to leave France for Canada. They buy tickets aboard a rickety craft, the Tenacity, that never quite seems able to leave port. While stuck there they both fall for the innkeeper's daughter, which causes them to rethink their Canadian notions.
Bastien and Ségard decide to leave France for Canada. They buy tickets aboard a rickety craft, the Tenacity, that never quite seems able to leave port. While stuck there they both fall for the innkeeper's daughter, which causes them to rethink their Canadian notions.
King Michel VIII is still a child, but when revolution threatens, the young monarch's entourage lies to him and even tries to get rid of him.
King Michel VIII is still a child, but when revolution threatens, the young monarch's entourage lies to him and even tries to get rid of him.
Willy Ferriere is dead broke and his mistress costs a lot. One day, he says in a pub that he would give 100,000 francs to get rid of his wealthy aunt. Someone lets him know it's a deal. The aunt is murdered, and a poor chap is manipulated to be the perfect suspect. But Superintendant Maigret feels something is wrong.
Willy Ferriere is dead broke and his mistress costs a lot. One day, he says in a pub that he would give 100,000 francs to get rid of his wealthy aunt. Someone lets him know it's a deal. The aunt is murdered, and a poor chap is manipulated to be the perfect suspect. But Superintendant Maigret feels something is wrong.
A brief history of the development of cinema, primarily focusing on French contributions to the art form.
A red-haired boy is his mother's punching bag; only his father's presence is a great comfort to him, but this weak man is under the shrew's thumb. His pain is so great he feels suicidal.
A red-haired boy is his mother's punching bag; only his father's presence is a great comfort to him, but this weak man is under the shrew's thumb. His pain is so great he feels suicidal.
European tourists on holiday in Morocco are threatened by a native sorcerer who predicts five of them will die, one by one, before the full moon.
European tourists on holiday in Morocco are threatened by a native sorcerer who predicts five of them will die, one by one, before the full moon.
Story of a rendezvous in Paris which is prepared through telephone calls between a Berlin telephonist and his female colleague in Paris.
Story of a rendezvous in Paris which is prepared through telephone calls between a Berlin telephonist and his female colleague in Paris.
When one of their number tries to tear away the veil from the face of a woman of Morocco, five French tourists find themselves cursed by an Arabic sorcerer to die in a specified order before the next new moon appears - and one by one, in different ways, they begin to die as predicted...
When one of their number tries to tear away the veil from the face of a woman of Morocco, five French tourists find themselves cursed by an Arabic sorcerer to die in a specified order before the next new moon appears - and one by one, in different ways, they begin to die as predicted...
David is a poor but ambitious Polish Jew who reinvents himself as a powerful New York business magnate. After gaining wealth, he relocates to Paris, only to have his selfish and demanding wife squander his fortune.
David is a poor but ambitious Polish Jew who reinvents himself as a powerful New York business magnate. After gaining wealth, he relocates to Paris, only to have his selfish and demanding wife squander his fortune.
Denise, an orphaned girl, moves to Paris where she hopes to find work at her uncle's store. But the glamorous department store 'Aux Bonheur des Dames' across the street crunches all the little businesses around. She finds a position there.
A chronicling of the life of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, a Catholic nun who died of tuberculosis at age 24.
A chronicling of the life of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, a Catholic nun who died of tuberculosis at age 24.
A neglected Baroness falls in love with her oldest son's military officer friend, their adulterous romance leading the two to flee to Algeria.
A neglected Baroness falls in love with her oldest son's military officer friend, their adulterous romance leading the two to flee to Algeria.
Scenario Writer
A girl in search of sailors lost in the Pacific.
A girl in search of sailors lost in the Pacific.
Story of a woman who thinks she prefers a life of glory on stage in Paris to life with her Scottish lord of a husband in his castle.
Story of a woman who thinks she prefers a life of glory on stage in Paris to life with her Scottish lord of a husband in his castle.
The Mironton Brothers are part of a fairground attraction. One of them comes into a large inheritance, but the Friends of the Antenna association try to keep him from accessing the money. This formidable brotherhood, whose headquarters are in the Eiffel Tower, send the Mironton Brothers on impossible adventures and countless traps.
Set in Brussels, where Suzanne Beulemans, the daughter of a rich brewer is promised to marry Séraphin Meulemeester, the son of a rival brewer. The young man and his father both seem particularly motivated by the dowry of the young fiancée. But Séraphin has a rival in Albert Delpierre, a young Frenchman who is learning brewery from Ferdinand Beulemans and who is discreetly enamoured with the young woman. Albert learns Séraphin's secret that he is having an affair with a worker and that they have had a child. He promises Séraphin that he will never reveal any of it to Suzanne, but she is told by Isabelle, her maid.
Set in Brussels, where Suzanne Beulemans, the daughter of a rich brewer is promised to marry Séraphin Meulemeester, the son of a rival brewer. The young man and his father both seem particularly motivated by the dowry of the young fiancée. But Séraphin has a rival in Albert Delpierre, a young Frenchman who is learning brewery from Ferdinand Beulemans and who is discreetly enamoured with the young woman. Albert learns Séraphin's secret that he is having an affair with a worker and that they have had a child. He promises Séraphin that he will never reveal any of it to Suzanne, but she is told by Isabelle, her maid.
A former professor and devout Catholic living in Jerusalem is unaware that his son supposedly studying in Paris has actually become the leader of an anarchist network under the codename Sirias.
A former professor and devout Catholic living in Jerusalem is unaware that his son supposedly studying in Paris has actually become the leader of an anarchist network under the codename Sirias.
The almost financial ruined gentleman Georges Dewalter spends several days in Biarritz before going off in the Hispano-Suiza, a luxe car which was a present from friends. George becomes the lover of Stéphane Oswill pretending he is wealthy. Then Stéphane spends the remaining funds with which the now desperate George hoped to rebuild his fortune in Senegal.
The suffering and rebellion of 12-year-old François Lepic, nicknamed "Poil de Carotte" by his mother, who hates him. Occupied with the council elections, his father appears unaware that the young boy is increasingly tempted by suicide.
The suffering and rebellion of 12-year-old François Lepic, nicknamed "Poil de Carotte" by his mother, who hates him. Occupied with the council elections, his father appears unaware that the young boy is increasingly tempted by suicide.
Poor abbé Contantin, he is devastated at the news: to think that two American ladies have bought the local manor where he has always been welcome! Worse, Mrs. Scott and her cousin Bettina are protestant. But the good priest soon realizes there is no cause for alarm. The two ladies are charming and open-minded. They insist on Constantin sticking to his old habits and he gladly resumes his visits to the manor. Paul,his nephew, will even fall in love with Bettina and the priest will unite the two young people in the village of mirth.
Poor abbé Contantin, he is devastated at the news: to think that two American ladies have bought the local manor where he has always been welcome! Worse, Mrs. Scott and her cousin Bettina are protestant. But the good priest soon realizes there is no cause for alarm. The two ladies are charming and open-minded. They insist on Constantin sticking to his old habits and he gladly resumes his visits to the manor. Paul,his nephew, will even fall in love with Bettina and the priest will unite the two young people in the village of mirth.
The atheism of a French doctor is tested when he sees for himself the miraculous healing powers of the shrine at Lourdes.
The atheism of a French doctor is tested when he sees for himself the miraculous healing powers of the shrine at Lourdes.
A man overloaded by work accepts the offer of an identical double to perform some of those responsibilities for him, leading to deadly consequences.
A family of strict magistrates holds firm in protecting one of their members,who commits an error which provokes a storm of outrage.
A family of strict magistrates holds firm in protecting one of their members,who commits an error which provokes a storm of outrage.
After the death of Napoleon, colonel Montaner plots to restore the Empire, but falls in love with Lise, a beautiful dancer.
A couple on their honeymoon in the French Riviera are cursed by an old woman in black.
Assistant Director
As Jean is walking across the countryside in search of work, he helps and befriends a young woman, Françoise, who is having trouble controlling the cow that she is leading. Jean finds work at a local farm, but he soon finds himself caught in the middle of the conflicts in Françoise's family.
Mr. Landry Smith, a secretive man, lives in Corrèze with his ward Minnie. Two strangers arrive to Smith's country estate-- each of them with a possibly sinister plot in mind.
Mr. Landry Smith, a secretive man, lives in Corrèze with his ward Minnie. Two strangers arrive to Smith's country estate-- each of them with a possibly sinister plot in mind.
Mr. Landry Smith, a secretive man, lives in Corrèze with his ward Minnie. Two strangers arrive to Smith's country estate-- each of them with a possibly sinister plot in mind.
Mr. Landry Smith, a secretive man, lives in Corrèze with his ward Minnie. Two strangers arrive to Smith's country estate-- each of them with a possibly sinister plot in mind.
Mr. Landry Smith, a secretive man, lives in Corrèze with his ward Minnie. Two strangers arrive to Smith's country estate-- each of them with a possibly sinister plot in mind.
Assistant Director
Jacques d'Athys, a French adventurer, returns to his home in Nice after an expedition to Indochina where he has picked up a Eurasian fiancée and a book that, unbeknownst to him, contains a coded message revealing the whereabouts of both secret treasures and sensitive government intelligence. This makes him the target of foreign spies, including a Marquise of mysterious Latin origin, a Hindu hypnotist and an evil German doctor, who will stop at nothing to obtain the book.
Assistant Director
Adapted from Hugo's eponym novel, the story concerns a Guernseyman named Gilliatt, a social outcast who falls in love with Deruchette, the niece of a local shipowner, Mess Lethierry. When Lethierry's ship is wrecked on the Roches Douvres, a perilous reef, Deruchette promises to marry whomever can salvage the ship's steam engine. Gilliatt eagerly volunteers, and the story follows both his physical trials and tribulations.
Assistant Director
At trial the prosecuting attorney makes a startling confession: the defendant is his son whose pitiful fate led him to murder. The attorney left the young man's pregnant mother, and the unwed poor thing had to fight against a hostile world.