Marino Masé

Marino Masé

출생 : 1939-03-21, Triestre, Italy


Marino Masé (born 21 March 1939) is an Italian actor. He has appeared in more than 70 films since 1961. Masé was born in Trieste. While still a teenager, he joined the laboratory for young actors of the production company Vides by Franco Cristaldi and studied acting under Alessandro Fersen. He made his stage debut in 1960 in L'arialda, directed by Luchino Visconti, and his film debut in the 1961 adventure Romulus and the Sabines by Richard Pottier. He had several leading roles in the first half of the 1960s, including Marco Bellocchio's Fists in the Pocket and Jean-Luc Godard's Les Carabiniers, then he was mainly cast in supporting roles. Masé is also active in the adaptation of the dialogues for dubbing. Description above from the Wikipedia article Marino Masé, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Marino Masé

참여 작품

Lt. Tony Aris (archive footage)
A feature-length documentary about the life and career of Italian director Luigi Cozzi and his obsession with Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Matteo's father
Three stories that provide an irony-laden analysis of the Neapolitan bourgeoisie and of small-time intellectualism and aspiration.
Nicholas’ Gift
Fact based drama about an American couple on vacation in Italy in 1994 with their two children who are attacked and shot by highway bandits. Shortly they discover that their son is brain dead. The parents are then faced with the hard decision to donate the boy's organs which ultimately led to saving the lives of seven seriously ill Italian patients.
Doublecross on Costa's Island
Paolo Bigetti
Six years after stopping a multi-national arms deal that would have wiped out Los Angeles, Agent Enrico Costa (Franco Columbu) is tracked down at his home halfway around the world. Through revenge and deception, from Sardinia to Beverly Hills, Costa must ready for a final showdown by finding his way through an intricate web of double crosses, while meeting up with old friends and enemies. If Costa wants to survive and save his home, and island, he will have to fight his way out!
The Eighteenth Angel
Local Doctor
Mythology and religious dogma are slowly revealed when an attractive young woman is approached by a modeling agency that pulls her into an underworld of priests that are not Christian but rather want to resurrect Satan by collecting the souls of 18 beautiful children.
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
Venti dal Sud
Paul Legrand
A romantic adventure directed by Enzo Doria.
라 리파
padre di Francesca
미모의 프란체스카는 상류 사회의 남성과 결혼하여 행복한 삶을 꿈꾸지만 어느날 갑작스런 남편의 죽음을 맞이하게 된다. 게다가 그녀는 남편이 자기 몰래 무리하게 사업을 벌여 엄청난 빛까지 남겼음을 알게 된다. 그러나 그녀는 희망을 잃지 않고 가기의 물건을 처분해 빛을 갚는다. 그뒤 본격적으로 생활전선에 뛰어들기 시작한 프란체스카. 그런데 그녀를 고용한 사장이 자신을 성적으로 희롱하려 하자 모욕감을 참지 못하고 그 일을 그만둔다. 직장을 잃은 프란체스카는 하는 수 없이 남편의 친구들에게 도움을 청하게 된다. 하지만 그들이 원하는 것은 그녀의 육체뿐이었다. 이에 환멸을 느낀 프란체스카는 자신이 부자가 될 수 있는 게임을 고안하기에 이른다. 그것은 표면적으로는 자신을 상품으로 내걸고 하는 복권 추첨의 형태였으나 사실은 그 추첨이 불법임을 이용하여 합법적으로 복권에 걸려진 거액을 챙기기 위한 것이다. 추첨을 앞둔 어느날 익명의 제보를 받고 검찰이 조사에 착수하자 프란체스카는 복권에 걸린 돈은 자신과 딸을 도우려는 사람들이 내놓은 자선금이라고 진술한다. 결국 그녀는 합법적으로 미래를 보장해줄 수 있는 돈을 얻었고 대부분 남편 친구였던 복권 매입자들은 육욕에 눈먼 거액을 친구의 아름다운 미망인에게 희사한 셈이 된 것이다.
대부 3
이제는 60대의 노인이 되어버린 마이클(알 파치노)은 거대해진 패밀리의 강력한 자금력을 바탕으로 합법적인 사업으로 전환하는데 힘쓴다. 이 과정에서 특히 그는 바티칸 은행의 책임을 맡고 있는 대주교와 거래하므로써 이러한 합법적인 사업을 행할 수 있었고 바티칸의 대주교 역시 마이클의 사업에 참여하여 이익을 얻고 있었다. 이러한 그의 계획에 젊은 보스 조이 자자(죠 맨테그나)가 정면으로 도전해오고, 마이클 자신도 습격을 받는다. 그러나 일단 도전을 받은 이상 응하지 않을 수가 없고, 자자의 뒤에는 그의 계획을 방해하는 거대한 조직의 음모가 도사리고 있었는데...
Senza scrupoli 2
The Palermo Connection
Portiere dell'hotel
Carmine Bonavia wins election as the mayor of New York on a promise to legalize drugs. After the election, he marries Carrie and goes to his ancestral home of Sicily for their honeymoon. In his hotel, he meets Il Principe, a Sicilian prince who has spent years confined to the hotel because he crossed the Mafia. Amid the beauties of Sicily Carmine discovers that men of power will stop at nothing to prevent the legalization of drugs, which threatens their business.
Summer Temptations
In a villa on an island (St. Peter) a little out of season, inhabit Vanessa, a young widow, and stepdaughters Kikki and alive. Vanessa had married their father above all because it was very rich. After her husband's death, Vanessa decided to keep him Alive and Kikki and also call Roberto, her former lover, now a professor with the aim of preparing the two girls to the maturity examination. Shortly after his arrival, he establishes an atmosphere heavy with half-empty Island the villa that seems almost a luxury prison do understand immediately that the stepmother and stepdaughters will hate and despise each other.
Phantom of Death
Aging Expert
Police Comissioner Datti is investigating the murder of a female doctor whose murderer seems to be a thirty-fivish year old man. Soon another murder follows: Pianist Robert Dominici's girlfriend is found killed. The killer also challenges Datti on the phone and says he can't be caught since he has a secret which makes him invulnerable. In the meantime the clues seems to point in strange directions...
건축가의 배
미국인 건축가가 이탈리아에 도착한다. 그는 타원형 구조물로 유명한 프랑스 건축가 불리를 지도하게 된다. 9개월의 코스를 거치는 동안, 그는 복통으로 괴로워하고 아내와 아직 태어나지 않은 아이를 잃는데...
Top Model
Nadine is a breathtaking and astonishingly sensual fashion photographer who gets lured into accepting a lingerie photo-shoot in the villa of the mysterious Victor Schneider. After the models and the crew leave the villa, only Nadine and Victor stay behind. As the night shrouds the villa with its thick shadows, Victor offers Nadine a weird proposal. Would she dare to put her own life at stake in a chess game? If he wins, she loses every right over her body and life. If Nadine does, Victor will kill himself. Thus begins a long night of sex, lust, desire, fear and. death.
The Professor
Il faccendiere Sapienza
Vaguely inspired to the real story of boss of the Camorra's bosses Raffaele Cutolo, this is the story of the criminal career of "Il professore" (the professor). He is in prison, and by there he is able to build, step by step, an empire founded on murders and drugs. He starts a war to destroy all the old Camorra bosses and becoming the new "boss of the bosses". With his sister's help he manages to evade from prison and escape in New York. Here he starts immediately a new relationship with "Cosa Nostra" (Italian American Mafia). He is going to seat on the peak of the most powerful criminal organization, and the Italian authorities are almost impotent.
A distinguished surgeon, married to a beautiful woman, has the habit of watching his wife in secret. The man decides to grant his wife to the owner of a refined brothel to be able to observe her from behind a mirror.
The Repenter
Tenente dei carabinieri
A judge on crusade to take down the Italian Mafia uses a gangster turned state's witness (a so-called "repenter") and a New York banker to do it. But things aren't quite what they seem.
Inspector Casalli
US ambassador in Rome must protect US interests and secrets from mob, spies and curious girlfriends who may be more than what they seem.
Mussolini and I
Don Pancino
A compelling drama/documentary chronicling the life and death of Il Duce himself, from his days as a terrorist to his alliance with Hitler to the betrayal of his son-in-law and untimely demise.
다윗 대왕
하느님이 예언자 사무엘(Samuel: 데니스 퀼리 분)을 통해서 사울(Saul: 에드워드 우드워드 분)에게 기름 부어 그를 왕으로 세우셨은 사울은 하느님께 순종치 않아 하느님은 그를 버리시고 이삭의 막내 아들 다윗(David: 리차드 기어 분)을 왕으로 뽑으셨다. 사무엘의 예언대로 양을 지키던 다윗을 사울 왕의 아들 요나단(Jonathan: 잭 크라프 분)이 궁으로 데려간다. 하느님께 버림받고 악몽에 시달리던 사울 왕의 발작을 다윗의 노래로 잠재우기 위해서였다. 다윗은 블레셋의 거인 장수 골리앗을 물리친 후로 왕의 신임을 받아 집으로 돌아가지 않고 왕이 구대의 사령관직에까지 오른다. 그리고 사울왕의 딸 미가라과 결혼해 부마가 된다. 그러나 사울은 백성들이 자신보다 다윗을 더 신임하는데 질투를 느겨 드디어는 다윗을 없애버릴 결심을 한다. 다윗은 형제간 이상의 우정을 나누던 요나단 왕자의 도움으로 도마가 광야에서 살면서 사람들을 규합한다. 그러다가 사울 왕이 블레셋과의 전투에서 전사하자 이스라엘의 왕위에 오른다. 하느님은 그에게 부귀 영화를 누리게 하시고 그에게 부족함이 해주셨으나 그는 하느님의 분노를 살 큰 죄을 범한다. 즉 군대 장교 우리야의 아내 바쎄바를 빼앗아 자기의 아내로 맞기 위해 일부러 치열한 전쟁에서 그를 선봉에 내보내 죽게 한 것이다. 그래서 왕실에 칼부림이 그치지 않으리라는 저주를 받는다. 그 저주 때문인지 맏아들 압논이 이복 여동생인 다마라을 범하여 다말의 친오빠 압살롬의 칼에 죽고 압살롬은 헤브론으로 귀양을 떠난다. 압살롬은 사람들을 모아 반역을 일으켰다가 다윗의 신하의 칼에 죽는다. 그후로 다윗은 다시는 죄를 짓지 않게 되어 다시 하느님의 축복을 받는다. 그래서 이스라엘 민족에게 등불과 같은 존재로 나라를 다스리다가 평온히 죽는데...
세계적인 미스테리 작가 피터 닐의 신작 ‘어둠속의 기도’의 뜻을 오해한 범인에 의해 연쇄살인이 발생한다. 타락한 인간들을 없애겠다는 범인의 예고대로 동성연예자, 매춘부 등이 끔찍하게 죽어간다. 피터는 자신의 추리로 범인을 잡아내지만 그 범인이 죽은 후에도 살인은 멈추지 않는다. 제르마니 경감이 인터폴의 도움을 받아 진범을 찾아내는데 그 진범은 다름 아닌...
The Secret Nights of Lucrezia Borgia
The Duke
On the way to Rome, a thief captures the Duke of Riviera y Fuentes and decides to take advantage of the opportunity to impersonate him. The thief makes his way to Rome in the duke’s place and seduces the mysterious Lucrecia Borgia who always wears a mask. He’s in for an erotic time at Lucrecia’s palace.
Looking for Jesus
Giovanni is a young man who has been used by a catholic publishing house to advertise, with his face, a publication by installments concerning Jesus life. Francesca is a mysterious girl he met on the street and who's being sought by the police. They leave together, but will their troubles catch up with them ?
Captain Rigoli
이탈리아 경찰은 탁월한 지위의 사람들과 관련된 일련의 살인 사건을 조사합니다. 각각의 살인 장면 뒤에는 도롱뇽이 그려져 있습니다. 경찰은이 살인 사건이 정부 통제권을 잡는 음모와 관련이있는 것으로 의심하기 시작했다. (구글번역)
Lieutenant Tony Aris, NYPD
A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.
L'ultimo spettacolo di Nora Helmer in Casa di bambola di Henrik Ibsen
Torvad Helmer
Assassination on the Tiber
A black-out occurs during the meeting of a gang of criminals. When the light is back one of them is found killed with a stab on his back and all the clues point to a penniless man who had an argument with the victim a short time before the murder.
Play Motel
Max Liguori
The motel has a special room designed for sexual activities. It also has a habit of photographing sex act engines and extorting the parties concerned. One day a mysterious killer with black gloves up and the situation is changing.
Mother and Daughter
In a wealthy Italian home, the daughter of the family is trying to cut her mother's apron strings. Not only is she having difficulty with this, for her mother is extremely protective, but she cannot even cut vegetables skillfully. Despite that, she wants to go out and party, mother or no mother.
Emanuelle Around the World
Famous undercover journalist Emanuelle teams with her friend Cora Norman to uncover a white slave ring.
A Matter of Time
Hotel Forum Porter
During a press conference, international star Nina remembers simpler times, flashing back to her days as a maid in a run-down Italian hotel. As a young woman, Nina befriends Contessa Sanziani, an elderly woman who entertains Nina with memories of her vibrant, wealthy life with Count Sanziani. Inspired by her tales of success, young Nina fantasizes about her own adventures and seeks to find the same excitement in her life.
A Sold Life
Two members of the fascist legion GOD WANTS IT, Michele and Luigi, both from Sicily, met in Malaga and became friends in the course of the 1936-39 counter revolution. Based upon the short story by Leonardo Sciascia.
Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man
Rick Conti
Fred and Tony are members of an elite 'special squad' of police in Rome, Italy who are licensed-to-kill, undercover cops and who love to live dangerously.
A Virgin Named Mary
A second coming? This time our savior chose a shantytown outside Turin, in the north of Italy, overcrowded by poor families coming from the south in search of a job in a factory, or less legal ways to survive. Young Maria (Cinzia De Carolis) can predict the future during her epileptic seizures, or at least that's what everyone believes, and her mother (Clelia Matania) sells her predictions and responses to the superstitious neighbors, after inducing her "trance" with electricity. One night the shock is too strong, and Maria seems to die: when she wakes up, she is found pregnant. And being a honest unmarried girl from the south, she is obviously still virgin... Notwithstanding the opposition of the local priest (Turi Ferro), everyone, including her, believes in the miracle, and prepares for a second coming, in a crescendo of fanaticism that is soon noticed by the press, and by the official church..
Calling All Police Cars
Franz Hekker - 'Francesco Pagano'
Story about a young girl, the daughter a prominent doctor. When the girl goes missing her father gets the police to jump into action because of his class status and wealth.
Kidnap Syndicate
After his son is kidnapped, a millionaire industrialist seeks revenge, in spite of the potential danger that his rash actions will bring about for his child and another kidnapped boy, the son of a poor mechanic.
Miguel de la Serna
검의 달인 디에고는 여관에서 옛 친구 미겔와 재회한다. 미겔은 스페인 령 누오바 아라곤(Nuova Aragon)의 새로운 총독으로 임명 된 것, 그리고 그 땅의 사람들을 자신의 힘으로 돕고 싶다는 이상을 말한다. 디에고는 이상만 말하는 그에게 쓴 소리를 하지만 그날 밤 여인숙에 도적이 나타나 미겔은 목숨을 빼앗기고 맙니다. 디에고는 죽가 직전의 미겔에게 그의 이상을 인수 할 것을 맹세하지만, 그는 그것뿐만 아니라 “검으로 사람을 죽이지 않는다”는 것도 디에고에게 맹세하게 한다. 이렇게 디에고는 미겔의 이름을 빌려 Nuova Aragon 땅에 총독으로 부임 하지만 그 땅은 Huerta 대령이 이끄는 스페인 군에 의해 지배되고, 가난한 농민들은 부당하게 억압했다. 그 현상을 보고 분노에 가진 디에고는 정의의 영웅 ‘조로’가 되고 악한들을 퇴치 해 나가기 시작한다.
Donna è bello
Ottavia is left completely alone this summer, but not for long. Walter, who is to change her entire life, now come into it. He is very young, very good looking and cruel.
Lorenzi, Traffic Policeman
Lise, a mentally unbalanced middle-aged woman, travels from her home in London to Rome, Italy where she embarks on a fatal destiny that she had helped to arrange for herself — a premeditated search for someone, anyone, with whom she could form a dangerous liaison.
비엔나 호텔의 야간 배달부
1957년의 비엔나. 비엔나에 모여 사는 나치 친위대 출신 장교들은 자신들의 죄상이 탄로나지 않도록 하기위해 나치 전범 기록문서나 증인을 찾아내 증거 인멸 작전을 펴고 있다. 유태인 수용소 의무관 출신으로 죄의식 때문에 햇빛을 볼 수 없어 야간 근무만 하는 맥스는 어느날 호텔에 투숙한 여자 손님을 보고 깜짝 놀란다. 그녀는 바로 수용소에서 자신이 그토록 사랑하고 보호했던 루치아였다. 지휘자인 남편의 연주여행에 따라온 루치아도 역시 맥스를 보자 심장이 멎는듯하다. 지옥과 같았던 수용소에서 자기를 보호하고 사랑해준 맥스는 곧 그녀에겐 구세주였다. 남편을 먼저 떠나보내고 뒤에 남은 루치아는 맥스의 아파트로 가서 수십년만에 감격의 재회를 하다. 수용소의 여자 증인인 하나가 비엔나에 나타났다는 소문은 이미 퍼지고 있었다. 루치아를 알아본 증인은 수용소에서 주방일을 하던 마리오. 맥스는 친위대 그룹이 루치아의 존재를 알게 되면 당장에 해칠것 같아 마리오를 낚시터로 데리고 가서 물에 빠뜨려 죽게 한다. 과거의 친위대원들은 맥스에게 증인을 내놓으라고 위협을 한다. 그러나 맥스는 젊은 시절에 자신이 천사처럼 아꼈던 루치아를 목숨을 걸고 지키려 한다. 맥스는 호텔도 그만두고 루치아와 함께 아파트에 숨어산다. 하지만 친위대원들의 공작으로 먹을것은 물론 전기와 수도도 모두 끊겨버린다. 결국 은둔 생활에 한계를 느낀 맥스는 나치 장교복으로 갈아입고 루치아에게는 유태인 신부옷을 입혀 합께 다뉴브강 다리로 간다. 차에서 내려 다리를 건너던 이들에게 몇발의 총성이 울리고 두 사람은 동시에 쓰러지고 만다.
Massacre in Rome
Third partisan in Via rasella's window
In the Nazi occupied city of Rome, an assault on an SS brigade draws retaliation from the military governship. "Massacre in Rome" is the true story of how this partisan attack led to the mass execution of Italian nationals under the orders of SS-Lieutenant Colonel Kappler.
The Bloody Hands of the Law
Giuseppe di Leo
When a crime boss is murdered while in hospital, a young woman sees the killers, but her room mate convinces her not to tell the police, fearing the consequences. Unfortunately the murderers realize that they have been seen, and kill both women. Catching the killers proves difficult as anyone who knows anything dies in unexplained circumstances. It becomes evident that a large and powerful criminal organization is behind the murders, and that they have links within the police force. It is up to Lt. Carmine to see that justice prevails, using any means necessary.
Family Killer
Luciano Ferrante
Stefano, son of the Mafia Don Angelino Ferrante, is killed by Gaspare Ardizzone (John Saxon) for refusing to sell some valuable land. The old don sends for Ferrante Santino Billeci from America, in the hope that he'll be able to help in getting revenge. But Gaspar, meanwhile, is becoming the most powerful and ruthless boss of the area...
The Boss
A bomb attack in a cinema in Palermo kills all the fellows of Attardi's clan a part from Cocchi. He immediately understands that the author of the bomb attack is Daniello from Don Corrasco's clan. Cocchi is determined to revenge. His actions, including the Corrasco's daughter kidnap, in a Palermo in which also the police is corrupted, will soon destroy the old equilibrium giving the way to an escalation of violence that won't save anyone. If Cocchi will survive to the mafia war he will be the new boss for sure.
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
Police Inspector
After the death of their grandfather, two sisters inherit their family castle, which is said to be haunted by the Red Queen, whom legend says claims seven lives every hundred years. When a mysterious woman in a red cloak starts targeting their circle of friends, the sisters begin to suspect there might be some truth to the legend.
Lady Frankenstein
Dr. Frankensteins' daughter, who is in love with the aging lab assistant Marshall, continues with her fathers experiments and attempts to transplant Marshall's brain into a new body to prolong his life.
The Year of the Cannibals
Ismene's Fiancé
On the streets of a damp metropolis lie the corpses of hundreds and hundreds of boys and girls. No one can give them a resting place because of a law enacted by a repressive State. But the young Antigone, with the help of a foreigner, Tiresias, violates this rule in the name of pietas, undermining the established order.
푸시캣, 푸시캣, 아이 러브 유
An American playwright living in Rome consults a quack psychiatrist to combat his fears of balding and save his failing marriage.
The Five Man Army
Railroad Man
At the behest of local revolutionaries, a mercenary enlists four specialists in various combat styles to help him rob a Mexican Army train carrying $500,000 in gold.
Detective Belli
Romanis (uncredited)
A crooked detective begins investigating a situation on behalf of a friend and gets involved in murder, deception and double-cross.
설리반 작전
1942년, 10월 사막의 오아시스를 사이에 두고 연합군인 독일 기갑부대와 이탈리아 군이 대치하고 있었다. 대위 밸리(Captain Valli: 잭 켈리 분)와 하사 삼밴스는 부대를 이끌고 이탈리아 군 진영을 소탕한다.
The Vatican Affair
A blind professor masterminds the theft of treasure from St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
The Spy Who Loved Flowers
Three enemy agents lead a government security man on a perilous trail as the hunter becomes the hunted.
Fists in the Pocket
Ale, a deeply disturbed young man subject to seizures, benignly decides to murder members of his dysfunctional family for altruistic reasons.
The Gendarme in New York
The second installment of Gendarmes series, tells the story of Sergeant Cruchot, who, together with his faithful comrades, has been sent to the International Congress of Gendarmerie in N.Y.
Nightmare Castle
Dr. Dereck Joyce
A sadistic count tortures and murders his unfaithful wife and her lover, then removes their hearts from their bodies. Years later, the count remarries and the new wife experiences nightmares and hauntings. The ghosts of the slain return to exact their bloody revenge, until their hearts are destroyed.
Goliath at the Conquest of Damascus
Goliath (Peter Lupus) comes to the aid of the former King Selim in order to regain his throne and rescue his daughter (Anna Maria Polani).
One Million Dollars
Don Giuliano Niccolini Borges, Roman prince and member of the Pontifical Noble Guard, is very much attracted to Jane, an English girl he has met that is accompanying him on a pleasure trip to Switzerland. He has some plans for hanky-panky on their various stops along the route, but Jane has other plans as she is only with him because his car has a special-identification license plate and can go through customs without inspection. The car clears customs as does the stolen million dollars she is smuggling. Sandro, her former boyfriend is following and plans to hi-jack the loot, leaving Jane empty handed.
Love and Marriage
(segment "Basta un attimo")
An anthology comedy with segments about love and marriage.
The Monsters
The Lover (segment "L'Oppio dei Popoli")
The myths of the sixties are satirized in 20 episodes.
A Sentimental Attempt
두 명의 시골 소작농이 군에 입대하여 전쟁에 참가한다. 그들은 전쟁수행 기간동안 무엇을 해도 좋다는 자유와 부를 누릴 수 있다는 생각으로 강간, 살인, 약탈에 탐닉한다. 그러나 예견했던 승리는 점점 멀어져가고...
통일 전쟁이 한창인 이탈리아, 가리발디가 이끄는 혁명군이 시칠리아에 상륙하자 유서 깊은 귀족 가문의 공작 살리나는 동요하는 가족을 달랜다. 그 와중에 귀족 신분으로 혁명군에 가담한 조카가 전쟁 영웅이 되어 고향으로 돌아오고 살리나는 조카를 마을 시장의 딸인 안젤리카와 결혼시키려 하는데... 19세기 주세페 가리발디가 이탈리아를 통일했던 시기의 시칠리아를 배경으로 쇠락해가는 귀족들의 모습을 오페라처럼 그려낸 웅장하고 우아한 시대극. 버트 랭카스터, 알랭 들롱의 탁월한 연기와 귀족들의 화려한 의상, 고급스런 실내장식 등 미장센에 대한 치밀한 연출이 돋보이는 이 작품은 시칠리아 3부작의 마지막 작품으로 1963년 칸 영화제에서 황금종려상을 받았다.
Romulus and the Sabines
The classic story from the early days of Rome where there are no women. Romulus, the founder of Rome, finds women to be wives from Sabina where there are a lot of women. The Sabine men, of course, attack Rome to get their wives and daughters back.