Saki Suzuki

Saki Suzuki

프로필 사진

Saki Suzuki

참여 작품

희미한 산하엽
여고생 쿠니키다 요우(시다 사라)는 어릴 적 어머니 사치요(이시다 히카루)가 집을 나간 후 아버지 스나오(이우라 아라타)와 둘이서 살고 있었다. 그러나 아버지의 재혼으로 평온한 일상은 완전히 바뀌고, 새로운 어머니 요시코(키쿠치 아키코)와 그의 의붓딸로 4살 난 히나타와의 새로운 생활이 시작된다. 그런 가정환경에 당혹감을 요우는 자신과 같이 가족에게 고민하는 동급생 키요하라 리쿠(스즈카 오지)에게 밝힌다. 한편으로 친어머니에 대한 생각을 억제할 수 없게 된 요우는 리쿠와 함께 화가인 사치요의 개인전을 방문하기로 한다.
Set in the near future, Rina lives a wandering life and she meets Ema. Ema becomes a mentor for Rina and Rina begins to work for Ema. Her job is called body works, which is to plasticize dead bodies for people who lost loved ones. Meanwhile, Ema’s younger brother Amane develops technology that is finally able to achieve immortality. Rina becomes the first recipient of the technology. She can now live forever, while having a 30-year-old appearance, but ...
생명의 정거장
Sawako worked as an emergency physician at a university hospital. Due to to a situation, she returns to her father Tatsuro's home in Ishikawa Prefecture. She then begins to work at the local Mahoroba Clinic. She works with the clinic director Toru, Nurse Mayo and staff Seiji. Seiji, who worked with Sawako at the university hospital, followed her and works with her again. Mahoroba Clinic provides home healthcare to patients. Sawako visits the patients' homes and provides treatment there. At first, she has a hard time due to the different system. She becomes acclimated to the different system and finds a way to deal with the patients, their lives, and their families. --asianwiki