Erwin Leder
출생 : 1951-07-30, St. Pölten, Austria
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Erwin Alois Robert Leder (born 30 July 1951 in St. Pölten, Lower Austria, Austria) is an Austrian actor. He is best known for his role as Chief Mechanic Johann in Das Boot, a 1981 feature film directed by Wolfgang Petersen about a mission of one World War II U-boat and its crew.
In 2003, Leder appeared as the lycan scientist Singe in the gothic horror/action film Underworld. He reprised his role in the sequel in a brief cameo as a corpse.
Self - Das Boot Actor
In 1981, a film about the misadventures of a German U-boat crew in 1941 becomes a worldwide hit almost four decades after the end of the World War II. Millions of viewers worldwide make Das Boot the most internationally successful German film of all time. But due to disputes over the script, accidents on the set, and voices accusing the makers of glorifying the war, the project was many times on the verge of being cancelled.
A documentary about Malga Kubiak and her team. It's not only a movie about her, but also about the situation of independent, lesbian and queer cinema in Poland, Europe and all over the world. Malga is a director, activist, mother, daughter and grandmother. Her family is constantly engaged in her work. She made over 40 movies about such queer icons as Pasolini, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, F.G. Lorca, Andy Warhol or Lizzie Siddal, the muse of Pre-Raphaelites.
Inspector Faber
In her desperate longing for sympathy and understanding, a single mother tries to get back in touch with her grown-up son, who locked himself up in his room since two years. She doesn't sense that she runs the risk of loosing him forever.
"Disobedience" - tells of the loss of illusions and utopias. Growing up in a Viennese family, marked by the father's vivacious dominance and public fame as editor-in-chief of the 'press', as well as by the mother's puzzling grief for husband and children, Terese seeks another life and joins the commune of action artist Otto Mühl. However, the initially seemingly free love and life experiment fails increasingly.
The 14th of June 1941, Soviet-occupied Latvia: Without warning, the authorities break into the house of Melanie and her husband Aleksandr and force them to leave everything behind. Together with more than 15 000 Latvians, Melanie and her son get deported to Siberia. In her fight against cold, famine and cruelty, she only gains new strength through the letters she writes to Aleksandr, full of hope for a free Latvia and a better tomorrow.
Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden bowl. No-one knows what the bowl contains, not even Princess Leonora. When the queen's ring goes missing, suspicion falls on Endres.
Depicts Carl Andersens uncommon art and life. Born in Vienna, the capital of Austria in 1958, he participated in the development of Viennas subculture through his bar called "Fun Factory". It was a unique place to have some cheap drinks, see strange movies and join concerts in the cellar. He also influenced the Viennese film community by bringing art house and underground movies, like "Liquid Sky" (1982), or "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1973) in uncut versions to the theaters. As he was a film maniac he started to direct movies by himself. His first two movies "I was a Teenage Zabbadoing" (1988) and "Mondo Weirdo - a Trip to Paranoia Paradise"(1990) became underground classics. In the late 80's Andersen went to Berlin. There he directed and produced more than 10 No-Budget movies. Diffic ult relationships and the process of filmmaking itself were his main themes. He got lost in alcoholism and committed suicide in August 2012.
This film shows the last days of Pasolini’s life that he spent in Stockholm. He was invited to visit the Institute of Culture and give an interview in the Swedish Film Institute. Together with his boyfriend Ninetto they stayed in Diplomat Hotel. Where he was murdered at 1.30 a.m. on 2nd November; 1975.
director of orchestra
Opera countertenor Alex Gottfarb is not alone – his inner self is crowded. Some other personae live within him – shy Alexander, sexy Sandra, teenager Lex and a seven-year-old prodigy Xandi. Each one of them has different ideas of what life should look like and yet they are all extremely dependent on each other. With the help of Helene, who loves him, Alex succeeds to get in touch with his cohabitants. Cascades of turbulent events and tragicomic misunderstandings accompany Alex’ struggle for identity, love and freedom.
KAFKA'S THE BURROW tells the story of a man's "metamorphosis" (as Kafka would put it) in a rapidly changing and increasingly isolated world. A man (Axel Prahl), who has seemingly achieved everything, ensconces himself in his burrow, a fortress-like apartment complex. But no matter how hard he tries to keep the outside world at a distance, he gets more and more entangled in his own web of fear and paranoia: those outside know he is there, they want him, they want his wealth, and they are inevitably going to get him ...
Diener Hettenheim
Michel must go to dangerous lengths to save his wife and newborn child from the intrigues of the king’s mistress in this historical drama.
Ernas Vater
The Austrian musician and author Reinhold Bilgeri produced and directed the film, which is based on his 2005 historic novel of the same name. The events in the movie are based on the worst avalanche catastrophe in Alpine history.
Postler Louis
Postler Lois
Kutscher (voice)
Three robbers pilfer from the countryside until they are charmed by a young orphan girl.
Postler Lois
Postler Lois
Male Nurse
세기말의 흥분과 긴장감이 감돌던 1900년. 화려하고 관능적인 아르누보 스타일을 상징하는 클림트의 그림은 고국인 오스트리아 빈에서는 퇴폐적이라는 이유로 혹독한 야유를 받지만 파리는 환호와 찬사를 보낸다. 파리에서 열린 만국박람회에서 철학 이라는 작품으로 금메달을 수상한 클림트는 축하파티에서 프랑스 무희이자 여배우인 레아를 소개 받고 이때부터 그에게 터질듯한 영감과 고통을 동시에 안겨준 레아에 대한 열정이 시작된다. 환상의 뮤즈이자 에로틱한 이상, 육체적 욕망의 현신으로서 그녀는 클림트의 작품 속에 거울처럼 투영되고, 그녀의 아름다움과 여성성은 클림트로 하여금 사랑에 대한 영원한 탐색을 가능케 한다. 하지만 레아와 똑같이 생긴 또다른 레아가 등장하고 의문의 사나이가 자신을 그림자처럼 쫓자 클림트는 점차 환영에 시달리고 그의 정신적, 예술적 방황은 최고조에 이르게 되는데...
In a German town, teacher Irene leads an inconspicuous, boring, lonely life. One day, a man rings at her door and slips in. It's an armed convict from the prison next door, escaped with a leg wound. He now makes her a prisoner in her own home. Almost without a word, as if she secretly enjoys the excitement or just mesmerized, she obeys Vassily, every single command, even sexual services, submissively or after a symbolic struggle. Somehow that seems to change, but can force initiate love?
우리가 모르는 수 백년동안 인간 사회의 저편에서는 두 종족간에 세력다툼이 한창이다. 귀족적이고 세련된 뱀파이어와 거칠고 야생적인 라이칸(늑대인간), 이들은 하나의 종족이 살아남을 때까지 끊임없는 암흑의 전쟁을 치르고 있다. 늑대인간을 사냥해 온 아름다운 뱀파이어 여전사 '셀린느'(케이트 베킨세일)는 어느날 '마이클'(스캇 피드만)이란 인간이 라이칸에게 쫓기고 있음을 알고 지하철에서 총격전을 벌이게 된다. 싸움도중 마이클은 라이칸의 지배자인 루시안에게 어깨를 물리게 되고 그 뒤로부터 이상한 환상에 시달리게 된다. 늑대인간의 바이러스를 지닌 마이클의 피를 라이칸이 수혈하면 막강한 힘을 가지게 된다는 사실을 알게 된 셀린느는 뱀파이어의 권력자 크라벤에게 말하지만 오히려 그녀의 말을 일축하고 만다. 불길한 예감을 떨치지 못한 셀린느는 어둠의 지배자 '빅터'를 불러내고, 사건은 더욱 커져 오히려 두 종족으로부터 쫓기게 되는데.... 그녀는 과연 어느 편에 설 것인가?
Honest cop Rudi is a new member of a police unit commanded by his brother-in-law Otto which deals with foreigners. Rudi falls in love with Alena, a young Czech living illegally in Austria
TV drama about a young girl who is sexually abused inside her own family
Happy End is a black comedy by Jochen Alexander Freydank.
German Policeman
Simon Granderath has been found dead in his appartment. His only daughter, Monika Besse, who lives in Luxembourg, arrives to arrange the funeral and settle his estate. She wishes to get back to Luxembourg and to her normal life as quickly as possible.
However, she quickly realizes that in fact, she hardly knew her father, and tries to trace the various stages and encounters that made up his life.
Much later, she realizes that the search for the identity of her father has actually become a search of her own identity – though still she believes she can get closer to her father after his death.
Gendarm Hermann
Sophie "inherits" her uncle's preserved whale and finds out that whoever sleeps in the whale's belly with her will be granted one wish, causing chaos and hatred in the village.
A crime comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer.
Rudolfo Conté
What are the Knickerbocker Band doing at midnight in the cemetery? Is a spirit really speaking form the sinister grave? Why does Melissa, daughter of the dead sorcerer, receive threats? Has it all to do with the mysterious legacy of the magician?
In Garcia Lorca's mother tongue, death is a woman: "la muerte". Daniel slips into the role of "death as a female" and speaks before a video camera on the life and death of the famous Spanish poet. Then the story begins.
SS Waffen Officer
2차 세계대전 당시 독일군이 점령한 폴란드. 시류에 맞춰 자신의 성공을 추구하는 기회주의자 쉰들러는 유태인이 경영하는 그릇 공장을 인수한다. 그는 공장을 인수하기 위해 나찌 당원이 되고 독일군에게 뇌물을 바치는 등 갖은 방법을 동원한다. 그러나 냉혹한 기회주의자였던 쉰들러는 유태인 회계사인 스턴과 친분을 맺으면서 냉혹한 유태인 학살에 대한 양심의 소리를 듣기 시작한다. 마침내 그는 강제 수용소로 끌려가 죽음을 맞게될 유태인들을 구해내기로 결심하고, 독일군 장교에게 빼내는 사람 숫자대로 뇌물을 주는 방법으로 유태인들을 구해내려는 계획을 세우는데...
성질 급한 젊은 청년 달타냥(D'Artagnan: 크리스 오도넬 분)은 왕을 지키는 특수부대인 총사대에 들어가려고 파리로 갔다. 그러나 권력을 노리는 악당들의 음모때문에 총사대는 공식적으로 해산되었고, 그가 만난 것은 충성심 가득한 삼총사 아라미스(Aramis: 찰리 쉰 분), 아토스(Athos: 키퍼 서덜랜드 분), 포르도스(Porthos: 올리버 플랫 분)였다. 나이 어린 루이 왕(King Louis: 휴 오코너 분)과 안느 왕비(Queen Anne: 가브리엘 앤워 분)는 이제 왕좌에서 쫓겨날 위기에 처하고, 그들의 유일한 희망은 삼총사 뿐이었다. 권좌를 노리는 악당들인 리슐류 추기경(Cardinal Richelieu: 팀 커리 분)과 미모로 위장한 밀라디(Lady DeWinter: 레베카 드모레이 분), 그리고 무서운 로슈포르 백작(Rochefort: 마이클 윈콧 분)에 맞선 삼총사와 달타냥은 콘스탄스(Constance: 줄리 델피 분)와의 로맨스와 갖가지 모험을 펼친다.
On the basis of the hardy perennial "boss-assistant" relation, "The Mortal Fortune" depicts the passion of worldly existence.
The anonymous hero of the story, to which the spectator is introduced, attempts at freeing himself from his enslaved life. He finally has to realize the transience of the creature man and whithdraws from the constraints of worldly existence.
Katharina and Sonja meet by chance on a train journey to Klagenfurt. Sonja, who wants to prepare for an exam, invites Katharina to live with her. The two different girls get to know the equally opposing men Thomas and Peter. Beyond the little holiday flirtations, Sonja and Katharina discover that they fell in love with the same man in Vienna...
Sterbender Soldat
A man reads a book. Ordinary enough, except that he is sentenced to death and scheduled to be shot in ten minutes. Obviously, he will not get to the end of the story. Based on an unfinished short story by Arthur Schnitzler.
노부인을 살해한 죄로 10년간 복역하고 출소한다. 그는 또다시 살인을 저지르려고한다. 택시 드라이버를 죽이는데 실패하고 도망가던 그는 한적한 곳에 자리한 집을 발견하고 침입 하려고 하는데..
Die Letzte Rache narrates the eventful tale of Worldly-Wise, an adventurer who enters the service of an aging ruler in order to seek for him a successor. Unable to find a worthy heir, Worldly-Wise succumbs to the temptation to seize power himself.
Johann 'Das Gespenst'
{1941년 9월 프랑스 라 로셀(La Rochelle). 히틀러가 영국 봉쇄를 위해 편성한 잠수함대가 열세를 보이기 시작했다. 영국 상선을 호위하는 구축함은 갈 수록 무장을 강화하여 독일 잠수함에 타격을 가했다. 그래도 독일군 최고사령부는 잠수함을 포기하지 않아 시간이 지날 수록 오히려 어린 수병들을 태워 점령지 프랑스로부터 출격시켰다. 결국 대서양을 지배하려는 싸움은 독일을 외면했다. 2차대전 중 4만 명의 수병이 유보트(U-Boats)라 불리는 잠수함에 투입되었다. 그리고 3만 명이 돌아오지 못했다.} 독일군의 패전 기미가 감돌던 1941년. 대부분 전쟁을 경험하지 못한 젊은 신참 병사들이 승선한 잠수함 U-96. 영화는 먹고 마시고 춤추는, 마치 내일이 없는 듯한 병사들의 모습에서부터 시작된다. 그러나 시간이 흐를 수록 잠수함이라는 한정된 공간에서 오는 답답함과 우울함이 이들을 엄습하기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날 처음으로 적군의 군수물자운반선을 호위하는 영군군함과의 교전이 벌어지고, 아수라장의 싸움을 간신히 승리로 이끈 이들은 비로소 전쟁의 진실과 맞닥뜨리게 되고 공포에 사로잡힌다. 크리스마스가 다가올 무렵 그들에게 또 하나의 명령이 떨어진다. 그들로서는 도저히 불가능할 것만 같은 작전. 영군군의 본거지인 지브롤터 해협을 통과해야 하는 것이다. 자살 명령이나 다름없는 작전을 수행하기 위해 적지한 가운데로 향하는 U-96. 그러나 마음의 준비도 되어있지 않은 상태에서 적군(영국군)은 공중에서 폭탄을 투하하기 시작하고, U-96은 크게 파손되고 만다. 설상가상으로 기계는 고장이 나 심해 깊은 곳으로 처박히고 마는데.
A historical drama about the revolution of 1848/1849 in the Austrian empire.
Fritz Berger
A young ex-convict returns to his home village. But he soon realizes that nothing is the same for him as before.