Dušan Radić
출생 : 1929-04-10, Sombor, Serbia
사망 : 2010-04-03
Original Music Composer
Young teacher first experience in their profession acquired in a remote mountain village, which has no school building. Life of a farmer, a clash between two warring race, then the conflict between the government and farmers for cutting the national forests needed to build new schools and the presence of a young teacher who doubt the search for truth, that will lead to major conflicts and tragedies.
A story about two people who didn't find their way in big city. He came from the countryside and works in steel factory, she's working in factory restaurant. Their lives change when they meet and fall in love.
Original Music Composer
An-ex convict nicknamed Al Capone, who spent six years in jail, tries to adapt in new environment. Members of the two rival gangs try to engage him in their new ventures, but he wants to make a new start with the girl he loves. At the same time, a young criminal who shares the same nickname replaces him in these actions.
Short film directed by Vlatko Gilic and Predrag Golubovic
Original Music Composer
This is the story of the shy Mongol boy Temujin who,during the 13th century, becomes the fearless Mongol leader Genghis Khan that unites all Mongol tribes and conquers India,China,Persia,Korea and parts of Rusia,Europe and Middle-East.
Original Music Composer
난파된 배에서 유일하게 살아남은 롤프(Rolfe: 리차드 위드마크 분)는 항해 중 들었던 금종의 소리에 매료되어 그 종을 찾기 위한 모험을 계획한다. 소리의 신이라는 금종의 전설은 오랫동안 전해져 왔지만 아무도 그 실체를 본 적은 없었다. 공주를 인질로 삼고, 해럴드 왕의 장례식 때 사용할 배를 몰래 탈취하여 항해를 시작한 롤프와 옴(Orm: 러스 탬브린 분) 일행은 가까스로 금종이 있는 곳에 다다르지만 심한 풍랑으로 좌초되고 만다. 그리고 그 곳에서 오래 전 크리스찬 군대가 약탈해 간 금종을 되찾기 위해 모든 것을 걸고 있는 이슬람의 만수왕에게 붙잡히고 마는데...
Original Music Composer
End of the WWII, concentration camp somewhere in Poland. Prisoners have heard that Germans have plans to kill them all, before the Allies come. One of the prisoners escapes, and tries to find the Allies. A manhunt begins.
An office clerk, father of four, takes all responsibilities around the house when his busy wife takes up her job specialization. Now his male cooperatives and tenants of the building where he lives are all worried about their future marital position.
Original Music Composer
A ruthless woman's adulterous affair with a drifter sets in motion a chain-reaction of murder and deception in a remote village in 19th Century Mtsensk.
In October 1941 the Nazis decide to crush a rebellion in Serbia by mass shootings of civilians. In the city of Kragujevac thousands of people, including entire high school classes, were rounded up and shot in one day. The movie follows the fate of one of such classes.
A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.
The story of a famous group of Macedonian terrorists that opposed Ottoman repression at the beginning of 20th century.
Original Music Composer
Farcical comedy about an apartment which is shared by a couple of families plus their relations.
Original Music Composer
Set in Italy, the story takes place in this very country, during WW2, where German occupation army ruled everything, just before the allied forces came, in 1944. Crawford plays here a doctor whose son has been shot by the Germans. Of course he has no more taste in life. He continues his work as a German officers' physician. One day, he throws a bomb just in the middle of German troops. Many soldiers and officers are killed. Some time later, the lead officer of the Nazis troops suspects the doctor to be the responsible of the explosion. He lets him know that he himself knows...