Anton Algrang

Anton Algrang

출생 : 1965-01-01,

프로필 사진

Anton Algrang

참여 작품

Eine Almhütte für Zwei
영혼의 산 마나슬루
Josef Kammerlander, der Vater von Hans
부처의 깨달음의 경지를 담아냈다는 만다라는 가장 완벽한 균형과 정형을 이루지만 티베트 승려들은 그 완성의 순간 손바닥으로 쓸어버리며 결국 이 또한 마음이 만들어낸 허구였음을 이야기한다. 8,000m 14개를 오르는 일은 산악인이라면 누구나 한 번쯤 이루고 싶어 하는 목표다. 하지만 그중 13개를 오르고 나머지 하나, 마나슬루는 절대 오르지 않겠다고 선언한 사람이 있다. 한스 캄머란더, 한때 메스너의 파트너로 세상의 스포트라이트를 받고 일약 스타덤에 올랐던 그가 마나슬루의 번쩍이는 섬광 속에 본 것은, 그리고 깨달은 것은 무엇이었을까. (2019년 제4회 울주세계산악영화제/이영준)
Shillings from Heaven
Dr. Hollitscher
Tyrol, 1932: The world economic crisis is at its peak, radical political movements emerge. In a small Austrian community, the engine driver Michael Unterguggenberger accepts the mayor's office against better knowledge. But how is he supposed to save Wörgl? The power of despair and the support of his wife Rosa form the breeding ground for a daring experiment: Unterguggenberger wants to print his own money without further ado - so-called work confirmation notes. For this he not only has to convince the community of his city, but above all to rebel against the mighty banking.
담배 가게의 프로이트
Cafe Waiter
오스트리아 시골 마을의 열일곱 살 소년 프란츠는 가계를 돕기 위해 빈으로 와 담배 가게에 취직한다. 나치 점령 하의 빈은 폭압과 유대인에 대한 반감으로 불안감이 고조되지만, 담배 가게만은 신문과 담배를 찾는 손님들에게 작은 성지로 남아있다. 댄서인 아네츠카와 사랑에 빠진 프란츠는 담배가게의 단골 중 저명한 정신분석가 지그문트 프로이트에게 상담을 요청하면서 점점 친분을 쌓아나간다. 전운이 짙어가는 중 뚜렷한 정치의식을 가진 담배 가게 주인 오토가 나치에 의해 연행되고, 프란츠와 프로이트는 각자 생존을 위한 선택의 갈림길에 선다. 오스트리아 작가 로버트 시탈러의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 는 나치 치하의 빈이라는 정치적 무대를 배경으로 전개되는 한 소년의 비극적인 성장기다. 이야기 속의 프로이트는 프란츠의 성장을 돕는 조력자인 동시에 소년에서 남성으로 성장하는 프란츠의 변화를 꿈과 현실, 리비도와 죽음 같은 흐름 안에서 바라보게끔 하는 특정한 컨텍스트로 제시되기도 한다. 프로이트 역을 맡은 의 브루노 간츠의 모습이 반갑다. (박진형/2018년 제23회 부산국제영화제)
나와 너, 그리고 고양이
Mina’s family has introduced her to few potential husbands in Iran. She has rejected them all until she meets Kian, a surgeon who has travelled from Germany in search of a wife.
The Carlos Benede Story
Carlos Benede is in his thirties, single and helps minors cope with the after-effects of crime. Alexander is a strong-willed and precocious eleven-year-old, who witnesses the horrific death of his mother by his own father. Benede mentors Alexander and the two develop a bond. But when the trial of Alexander’s father is over, it’s time for the two to part. Alexander has been placed in the care of his aunt, but when she is no longer able, a new caregiver must be found. An unconventional counselor from the youth welfare office learns of Alexander’s trust in Benede, who himself grew up in a home, and reunites the two. Although not always easy, the relationship grows and deepens into one of father and son.
The Eremites
Brucharbeiter 5
Albert grew up on an isolated mountain farm in the middle of nowhere in the Alps. Although he’s already in his 30s, his omnipresent mother Marianne still pulls the strings in his life. Not intentionally and only because of his mother’s pressure, Albert went to live in the nearby valley to make his living in a marble quarry. Marianne wants to protect him from the poor and lonesome life on the mountain and is even willing to denounce their bonds to the tradition of the farm, that has existed over centuries. Like an abandoned animal that keeps coming back to its territory, the introverted farmers son keeps sneaking back to the mountain as often as possible. When his father dies accidently whilst repairing the roof, Marianne fears, that Albert will take over the role of his father and return to the farm. Instead, she decides to hide the death from Albert and the outside world—and buries his corpse on the mountain.
Los Paul
A kidnapping, a ransom, a bank manager, and a plan that goes wrong
Zarensturz - Das Ende der Romanows
Zar Nicolai 2.
루 살로메
독일의 작가이자 정신분석학자인 루 살로메가 독일의 젊은 학자 에른스트 파이퍼 뿐 아니라 니체, 릴케, 프로이트 등 당시의 지성인들과 사랑에 빠지며 창조적 영감을 나누는 과정을 담은 일대기이자 평생 동안 신앙을 고민한 이야기이다. 올해 베를린영화제에 진출했고 한국에서는 사랑영화제를 통해서 처음 소개되는 작품이다. (2017년 제14회 서울국제사랑영화제)
Ellas Entscheidung
Dr. Weinhardt
Ein Sommer auf Sizilien
The Children of Villa Emma
According to true events, the moving drama "The Children of Villa Emma" tells of a dangerous escape that took place during the Second World War. In 1942/1943, the Italian village of Nonantola was indeed a refuge for 73 Jewish children who wanted to escape the merciless access of the National Socialists on their way to the "Promised Land" of Palestine. Director Nikolaus Leytner describes the dangerous journey as an exciting test, presented by a talented young cast.
Outside the Box
Frederick Schopner, a young management consultant, has been invited to participate in a special kind of team-building event. He and his colleagues will be chased across an outdoor obstacle course while being assessed on leadership qualities and their capacity for teamwork via video surveillance. Special highlight: the company has hired two over-the-hill actors to kidnap the consultants with unloaded weapons, keep them hostage, and to demand a high ransom from the company. A realistic role play with fun factor! But things don't go according to plan: the actors find the make-believe scenario so convincing that they decide to put the plan into action for real, using real weapons. Meanwhile, Human Resources manager Vanessa is observing what's happening via video surveillance and has to find a way to keep the hostage situation from escalating…
The Misplaced World
By chance Paul Kromberger discovers on the internet a photograph of the US opera diva Caterina Fabiani who is the spitting image of Evelyn, his dead wife. His unease and growing sense of alarm are transferred to his daughter, Sophie. Filled with curiosity, she leaves Germany and journeys across the Atlantic to make contact with this stranger.
13 미닛츠
Dr. Hübner
히틀러는 매년 동일한 시간에 이 연설을 해 왔으나 폭탄은 히틀러가 떠난 13분 후 터졌고, 폭발로 인해 그 자리에 있던 8명이 사망하고 수십 명이 부상을 입었습니다. 또한 히틀러가 서 있던 자리 바로 위에 위치한 천장이 무너져 내린다.
Für eine Nacht... und immer?
Dr Weinzierl
On a business trip, Eva meets 21-year-old Tom. After a one-night stand, Eva would like to leave her with this "slip-up". But Tom fascinates her too much, and so the successful scientist lets herself into an affair with him. While for Tom neither age difference nor any conventions are an issue, Eva remains doubtful.
Das Glück der Anderen
Gregor Steiger
Heimat Südtirol - La missione di Michael Gamper
Nazi Officer
Tears of the Sexten Dolomites
Tenente Fiedler
In 1915, the First World War is in full swing and young men are called to military service in rows - including Franz and Peter. Both are sent to the Dolomite front, in order to fend off a threatened Italian attack. Comradeship and loyalty are needed in the fight, but Franz and Peter are ever enemies. Since Peter's romance with Anna, the competition between the two flares up more. But the circumstances of the war and the harsh weather in the mountains soon end those hostilities.
Almuth und Rita
Dr. Heiko Noack
Familie inklusive
Der Tote im Eis
Homecoming with Obstacles
Florian Hackl
German/Austrian-TV-movie with Hansi Hinterseer.
Die sechs Schwäne
On her 18th birthday, Constanze encounters a highly guarded secret. She discovers in amazement that she has six brothers, who have been transformed into snow-white swans by a careless word from their father on the day of Constanze's birth. Constanze is stunned when suddenly the six swans appear. They explain to her sister that only she alone can curse the curse: for six years Constanze could not speak a single word and has to sew shirts made of stinging nettles. The shirts will be able to turn the swans back into people.
나의 가족 나의 도시
The interpreter
터키에서 독일로 온 ‘후세인’은 백만 첫 번째 독일 이주 노동자이다. 이주 45년 만에 시민권을 얻은 ‘후세인’은 손자, 손녀들이 모인 가족식사 자리에서 모든 가족이 휴가 때 터키로 여행을 가자고 제안한다. 터키로 향하는 차 안에서 심심해 하던 ‘후세인’의 막내 손자 ‘첸크’에게 사촌 누나 ‘캐넌’은 파란만장 가족의 옛날 이야기 보따리를 하나, 둘 꺼내 놓는다. 과거와 현재를 오가며 펼쳐지는 가족의 사랑스러운 이야기와 함께 터키행 여행은 가족들에게 소중한 추억을 선물하는데…
The Holy Land of Tyrol
Hermann Egger
Set in the 1800s when Napoleon’s French ruled Europe, the film follows young Austrian carpenter Franz and his Bavarian wife, Katharina as an unforeseen event forces them to flee from Augsburg, Bavaria for Franz’s family home in Tyrol, Austria. Tyrolian sentiment is rising strongly against Napoleon and trouble is stirring. In no time it sweeps up Franz and his brothers along with the whole town.
Being Killed
Der gelbe Satin
Jan Berger
작전명 발키리
Albert Speer
아프리카의 전투에서 심한 부상을 당한 클라우스 본 스타우펜버그 대령(톰 크루즈)은 자신의 조국을 대량학살의 끔찍한 처지로 몰아가려는 강력한 독재정권을 전복시키기 위한 비밀 음모에 가담하게 된다. 독재정권의 비밀경찰이 그 어느 때보다도 위협적이고 적의 침투에 강력한 방어체계를 이룬 상황에서 음모의 주동자들은 아돌프 히틀러를 암살하는 것 이외에는 다른 방도를 찾을 수 없게 된다. 스타우펜버그 대령은 히틀러 암살후의 독재정권을 대치할 복잡한 발키리 작전을 세우는 것에 협조하지만 그들의 운명은 상황은 꼬여가기만 하고, 작전은 발각되고야 마는데...
Die Jahrhundertlawine
Skilehrer Hinzinger
In the Austrian Alps have found the body of a young woman who died in a skiing accident eight years earlier. Dr. Marc Pelletier decides to return to the scene, as it is the brother of his ex-girlfriend. When he reach the ski resort, a dreadful avalanche buries all the people.
Die Verwegene - Kämpfe um deinen Traum
Bauarbeiter Rosarot