Luise Berndt

Luise Berndt

출생 : 1983-09-28,

프로필 사진

Luise Berndt

참여 작품

클라우즈 오브 실스마리아
Urs' assistant
연상의 상사인 ‘헬레나’를 유혹해 자살로 몰고 가는 젊고 매력적인 캐릭터 ‘시그리드’ 역으로 단숨에 세계적인 스타가 된 마리아 엔더스(줄리엣 비노쉬). 그로부터 20년 후 마리아는 자신을 톱 배우로 만들어 준 연극의 리메이크에 출연 제안을 받지만, 그녀에게 주어진 역할은 주인공이 아닌 나이 든 상사 ‘헬레나’다. 리허설을 위해 알프스의 외딴 지역인 실스마리아를 찾은 마리아는 관객들의 기억 속에 영원히 ‘시그리드’로 남고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히고, 잔인하고 이기적인 ‘시그리드’보다 솔직하고 인간적인 ‘헬레나’가 더 매력적이라 주장하는 매니저 발렌틴(크리스틴 스튜어트)과 끊임없이 충돌하는데... 급기야 ‘시그리드’ 역을 맡게 된 할리우드의 스캔들 메이커 조앤(클로이 모레츠)의 젊음을 동반한 아름다움마저 질투하기 시작한 마리아. 과연 그녀의 무대는 무사히 막을 올릴 수 있을까?
NORDSTRAND tells the story of two brothers, Marten and Volker, who meet in their parents' now empty house on the coast. Older brother Marten would like to pick up together their mother from prison where she has been since the death of their violent father years ago. But Volker seems only to have come in order to sell the house. He apparently can't forgive neither his mother nor his older brother for the fact they didn't protect him from the abuse committed by the head of the family.
Unten Mitte Kinn
Everyone wants to get to the top as fast as possible, but the artistic directors' performance is turning into a desaster. A fierce, improvised comedy about a group of acting students fighting their angst and the school system.
Killerjagd - Schrei wenn du dich traust
Jennifer Mohr
Anna, a leading criminal lawyer, must solve the death of a college student who said she was raped at a party. Surrounded by students, must decide whether the girl committed suicide or was the victim of a murder.
Mein Vogel fliegt schneller
Eleven young people live in a city. It is midsummer. This is the starting point of the escalation of seemingly harmonious relationships. A postmodern urban fairy tale about loneliness of dependency. About the question of what is greater, freedom or love.
Ihr könnt euch niemals sicher sein
Der 17-Jährige Gymnasiast Oliver Rother bringt seine Gedanken, Gefühle und Erlebnisse gern in Hip-Hop-Texten zum Ausdruck. Als ihm seine Lehrerin Selma Vollrath eine Sechs für eine Deutscharbeit über "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" gibt, die er im Stil eines Rappers getextet hat, verlässt er enttäuscht und wutentbrannt die Klasse. Dabei verliert er einen Zettel, auf dem er in einem drastischen Song ankündigt, Frau Vollrath töten zu wollen. Aus Angst, einen potenziellen Amokläufer im Haus zu haben, informiert die Schulleitung die Polizei. Als diese bei der Hausdurchsuchung auf Olivers Computer gewalttätige Videos findet und sich der Jugendliche nicht eindeutig von seinen Sprüchen distanziert, nimmt ein ungeahntes Drama seinen Lauf.
Despite having lived in the East German countryside for several months, teenager Lars and his dad, Henrik, are still treated as unwelcome guests. Henrik is building a “marriage barn,” a proposed bed-and-breakfast for newlywed Berliners.