Camilla Bendix

Camilla Bendix

출생 : 1971-02-20,

프로필 사진

Camilla Bendix

참여 작품

On My Mind
Henrik wants to sing a song for his wife. It has to be today, it has to be now. It's a question of life, death and karaoke.
Incident at School
Annette (Voice)
A shooting at a university-played out for 24 terrifying minutes-in a single unbroken close-up of a young woman hiding in an auditorium.
The Casting of an Innocent Woman
Young actress Sara is at the brink of a breakthrough. She has an audition for a potential lead role - the first in her career - in a feature film with a heavy subject matter. The mood in the room is accordingly tense. All eyes on Sara. As the casting takes a turn for the strange, Sara needs to face a dark chapter in her own past.
Where Have All the Good Men Gone
Realizing that her unknown biological father is probably alive, Sofia leaves behind a degrading and humiliating life and embarks on a journey with her naive half-sister Olivia, both girls hoping to find the caring father figure they so desperately need.
Emma og Julemanden - Jagten på Elverdronningens hjerte
The girl Emma and her new friend the elf boy Rod, have to save Santa's newborn baby from the evil elf queen.
Beck 30 - The Hospital Murders
An elderly woman dies in a hospital in Stockholm and it turns out that she suffered from an incurable disease. Her son refuses to believe that it was the disease that was the primary cause of her death.
둠스데이: 지구 최후의 전쟁
조용한 해변마을, 기후변화로 인해 새로운 종이 탄생해 인간들을 공격하기 시작했다. 육식을 하는 이들은 인간을 상대로 무차별 공격을 시도하고 대니와 윌리엄 형제의 부친까지 피해를 입는다. 가까스로 살아남은 형제는 방안을 봉쇄하고 괴물들로 부터 살아남지만 밖에는 엄마가 있는 상황. 이들은 엄마를 구하기 위해 위험천만한 길을 나선다.
인 어 베러 월드
의사인 안톤은 아내 마리안느와 별거 중이고, 덴마크와 아프리카를 오가며 의료봉사를 하며 혼자 살아간다. 10살 난 그의 아들 엘리아스는 학교에서 상습적인 따돌림과 폭력을 당하고 있는데, 어느 날 전학 온 크리스티안의 도움으로 위험에서 벗어나면서 둘은 급속히 친해지게 된다. 최근 암으로 엄마를 잃은 크리스티안은 가족과 세상에 대한 분노와 복수심으로 가득 차 있고, 평소 온순하고 침착한 엘리아스에게 자신만의 분노의 해결법을 가르치게 된다. 한편, 아프리카 캠프의 안톤은 난민을 무자비하게 학살하는 반군지도자의 심각한 부상을 치료하게 된다. 안톤은 의사로서 도덕적 책무와 양심 사이에서 심각한 딜레마에 빠지게 되는데... 폭력적이고 잔인한 현실 앞에서 마주하게 되는 복수와 용서, 결코 선택하기 쉽지 않은 이 두 갈래길 앞에 무력한 인간들은 어떤 선택을 해야 할 것인가...
Det perfekte kup
Sonny, Richael, Steen and Patric dream of doing the perfect heist, but all have very different ideas about how it's done right. The tension rises as they have to spend a night in jail - after yet another failed heist. However, as the night progresses they have to come to terms with each other, in order to plan the perfect heist.
Frode and All the Other Rascals
Three friends are sent out on a quest to get money for a summer fair.
Talented 16-year-old Ruben gets the chance to have what most teenagers want - fame and success. But what are the costs?
True Spirit
Poul is a struggling magician looking for just the right trick to take him to the big time. To get the money to acquire 'The Sawed-in-Half Lady' from Frankfurt he makes a deal with Arne, a shifty insurance agent. Using his magic skills, Poul pretends to be a clairvoyant exorcist, while Arne supplies the clients. Then Poul meets Lærke, the owner of the 'Spiritual Universe' store, and he realises there really is more between heaven and earth and that a whole woman is better than two half ones.
We Are the Champions
Divorced father without custody Torben, a former pro soccer player, concentrates on his talented son David's juniors poorly performing team. When the coach suddenly accepts another position, Torben gets his change 'for the time being'. He becomes a substitute father for several of the boys. He's opposed by many parents, but finds love again with one player's single mother. Yet the greatest reward comes from David, in a twisted way.
Father of Four: Never Gives Up!
Dad loses his job and now the family is in the need for money. Mie and Ole is working on a talent show at their school. Little Per tries to help the family.
Rule No. 1
Caroline is forced to leave her unfaithful boyfriend, and the only place she can crash is with her sister Sarah, with whom she does not get along. Sarah graciously offers Caroline a tiny room in her apartment and decides to help her find Mr. Right. Caroline isn't sure she's cut out for the dating game, but Sarah assures her there's nothing to it. Caroline is sent on a series of grueling and comic dates with everything from nimble pickup artists, to adventure sports freaks and a karaokesinging stockbroker. But in the end what the two sisters really find is themselves.
정육점의 비밀
덴마크의 작은 푸줏간, 고용주의 독선적인 경영 방식을 참아가며 일하던 스벤트과 비야른은 오랜 계획 끝에 독립해 자신들만의 푸줏간을 낸다. 하지만 개업한 지 며칠이 지나도록 손님은 오지 않고 파리만 날릴 뿐이다. 낙담해 있는 그들 앞에 냉동실 안에 들어갔던 전기 수리공이 얼어죽는 사고가 벌어지고, 시험삼아 시체의 다리에 붙은 살을 잘라 손님에게 팔아본 스벤트는 성공으로 가는 지름길을 발견한다. 음울하지만 차분한 톤으로 다듬어진 블랙 유머를 통해 결국 사람에게 필요한 것은 인정과 사랑이라는 사실을 담담하게 그려내는 덴마크의 ‘인육 드라마’. 사람 고기를 팔아 성공하는 정육점의 이야기는 예전에도 많았지만, 에서는 인육이라는 소재가 공포나 잔혹한 코미디의 소재가 되는 대신 조금 더 철학적(?)으로 사용된다. 손님들로 북새통을 이룬 정육점의 카운터 뒤에서 모두의 주목을 받는 일이 최상의 행복이라고 생각하는 스벤트에게 인육은 결핍되어 있던 사랑과 인정, 나아가 권력을 제공해 주는 도구가 된다. 또한 교통사고에서 혼자 살아남아 정신이상이 된 후 동물 인형을 들고 다니며 유난히 동물에 집착하는 동생을 둔 비야른은, 소시지로 만들어버린 후 그다지 동물과 차이가 없어 보이는 인간의 육체를 보면서 자신이 혐오하던 동물성에 대한 새로운 결론을 내리게 된다. 과장 없는 웃음과 인간에 대한 섬뜩한 깨달음을 동시에 주는 작품. (부천 판타스틱 영화제)
This Charming Man
Lars applies for job training, but his papers are mixed with an immigrant and he's sent instead to Danish class. When he learns that the attractive teacher, Ida, will lose her job if the immigrant isn't in attendance, he decides to go through with the erroneous assignment posing as the other guy. The short film is a comedy of errors, but works in some poignant and scathing observations about xenophobia.
Slim Slam Slum
The film is about Slim, Slam and Slum from the Danish cartoon series, three young boys at twenty-something who lives in an apartment in Nordvest in Denmark. They are the kind of guys which is using a lot time sitting on the toilet, playing Playstation and smoking pot. But suddenly they all quit their bad salary jobs, and start on fresh with something new. They get a big weird idea on gaining money, power and respect. First of all they start a popular web site that their conman partner Dahlgård which after a little time betrays them and sell the site. Then the three boys start Boomin Crew, a music group of hip hop. They all suddenly get in love with the three honeys, Dit, Dat and Dut, and their new goals are to try snap up with them.
Kira's Reason: A Love Story
Kira and Mads try to work out their marriage, after Kira has been two years in a mental institution, but is she really ready for the real world?
Baby Doom
Max is a programmer, Nicoline is a chef, and they are both young, in love, and ambitious. Then lightning strikes: they have a baby. From that day on, nothing is ever the same again. Max, who has just been promoted, is certain he has everything well in hand. He has just invented the LifeOrganizer interactive personal scheduler designed to make life easier. But having to endure a baby with colic, piled-up washing and missed deadlines, Max and Nicoline's bachelor lifestyle is put to the test. There are only 24 hours in a day, or are there? With many wacky smiles and lashings of gallows-humour Peter Gren Larsen depicts the stressed out situation young couples face when baby throws a spanner in your career. Max and Nicoline go through an awful lot, including a trial separation, before they accept that kids change your life.
Danes Without a Clue
Solveig, tankpasser
Two comedians set out to make their own exploitation video.