Dean Jones
출생 : 1931-01-25, Decatur, Alabama, USA
사망 : 2015-09-01
Dean Jones (1931–2015) was an American actor. Jones is best known for his leading roles in several Walt Disney movies between 1965 and 1977, most notably The Love Bug.
Self (archive footage)
This intimate documentary explores the life and career of the stage legend Stephen Sondheim through six of his best-known songs.
Jason Bond
In 1899, Mandie's life changes when her Cherokee friends help her escape to a mansion that holds the hidden secrets of her past and the key to her future.
Dean Arbagast (voice)
When Mr. Freeze kidnaps Barbara Gordon, as an involuntary organ donor to save his dying wife, Batman and Robin must find her before the operation can begin.
professor Mortimer
The back-in-time misadventures of Walter and Ascanio are not finished. The defective time-travel machine will bring them from prehistory all the way to outer space, in a funny, light-hearted trip across the time.
Jim Douglas
The inimitable VW Beetle is losing all his races and destined for the scrap heap until mechanic Hank takes him over and gives him a new lease of life. Soon, Herbie is winning again, to the fury of his previous owner, who builds a menacing black bug to challenge Herbie to the ultimate race.
Mr. Flint
에지필드라는 따분한 마을에서 시시한 일상을 반복하고 있는 16세 소녀 패티 랜달(Patti: 크리스티나 리치 분)은 그녀의 애완 고양이 디씨(Darn Cat)만이 관심 대상이다. 디씨는 상상을 초월할만큼 주인의 뜻을 잘 따라서 패티를 따분한 마을 생활에서 해방시켜준다. 그러던 어느 날, 디씨가 목에 시계를 하나 걸고 나타났고, 에지필드에는 의문의 실종 사건이 발생한다. 디씨에게서 뭔가 결정적인 단서를 찾을 수 있을 것이라 확신한 패티는 부모님께 자신의 생각을 말하지만 먹히지 않는다. 결국 패티는 FBI에 전화를 걸어 지원을 요청한다. 곧 FBI 요원 지키 켈소가 사건의 진상을 파악하기 위해 에지필드로 파견된다.
Professor Mortimer
While visiting Universal Studios in Hollywood along with their respective families, two Italian tourists get on a real time machine and got lost in time. Professor Mortimer effort to rescue them result in trips through various ages of ancient Italy.
Dr. Scott Berlin
When the world's first spaceship is close to its goal (Mars), the TV-network GNN begins its live coverage of the last two hours of the mission and then the problems start. The landing-computer malfunctions, the captain Eugene Slader gets very sick and back on Earth it is discovered that big financial corporations have an interest in the failure of the mission - and we, the viewers, can see it all live on television.
Webster Carlson
By accident, the content of a computer encyclopedia is transferred into the brain of Dexter Riley, a less than average college boy. Because of his newly acquired knowledge he competes in a quiz show between various universities, where he sweeps all the points. A wiz kid from another university finds out about his cheated wisdom and does everything to discredit Dexter.
The Visual Bible: Acts is a 1994 Christian film that depicts the events of the Acts of the Apostles from the Bible's New Testament. All of the dialogue is word-for-word scripture, taken directly from the New International Version of the Bible.
Judge Moore
CIA 분석가 잭 라이언 박사(Jack Ryan : 해리슨 포드 분)는 그리어 국장(Admiral James Greer : 제임스 얼 존스 분) 밑에서 일하고 있다. 어느날 한 요트에서 하든이란 사람의 일가족과 승무원이 살해되는 사건이 일어나고 대통령과 친분이 있는 하든에 대한 수사는 점점 열을 더해가게 된다. 이때 그리어 국장이 암 선고를 받게 되어 병원에 입원하자, 라이언은 이 사건의 수사에 뛰어들게 된다. 라이언은 하든에게 거액의 돈이 해외로부터 입금되어 있는 것을 알게 된다. 이를 계기로 라이언은 하든이 마약 조직인 칼텔 조직과 연계하여 그들의 돈 세탁에 관여했고, 대통령은 하든이 자신의 친구였다는 사실과 하든의 구좌에 들은 돈을 국고로 돌릴 셈으로 일을 추진한 것을 알게 된다. 카르텔에 대한 무력 보복이 조용히 시작되고, 이에 화가 난 카르텔의 보스인 애스케베도(Ernesto Escobedo : 미구엘 샌도발 분)는 다른 보스들의 짓이 아닌가 의심하게 되는데...
Harry Bannister
Kelly's grandpa invites the whole clique to his little hotel "The Hideaway" in Hawaii for summer vacation. They expect a marvelous time at the beach - without Belding. Upon arriving, they quickly learn that not only is Belding there, but they also have to help Kelly's grandpa from losing his hotel. Meanwhile Zack meets (again) the love of his live, Jessie and Slater bet with Lisa that they won't fight and Screech gets kidnapped by the Pupuku clan.
Herman Varnick
강아지 가게에 개도둑이 침입해 개들을 훔쳐 달아나던 중 그중에 있던 버나드종 강아지 한마리가 탈출에 성공한다. 방황하던 강아지는 길거리에서 우연히 만난 죠지를 따라 그의 집에 몰래 들어가게 되고 강아지를 발견한 아이들은 기뻐하지만 개를 무척이나 싫어하는 조지는 반대한다. 하지만 아이들의 의견을 꺽지 못한 죠지는 강아지를 키우게 되지만 강아지를 더욱 더 혐오하게 된다. 이들은 개 이름을 `베토벤`이라 지어주고 함께 살며 강아지에서 커다란 개로 성장한다. 한편, 개도둑의 배후 인물인 수의사 바닉은 베토벤을 보고 자신의 동물실험대상으로 쓸 생각을 하게 되는데...
Bill Coles
로렌스 가필드(Lawrence Garfield : 대니 드비토 분)는 돈을 매우 좋아하는 월스트리트에서 '분쇄기 래리'라고 불리워지는 인물이다. 그는 막강한 실력을 뽐내며 능력을 발휘하여 먹음직스러운 기업이라면 무슨 수를 써서라도 싼 값에 사들이는 기업 킬러이다. 다음번 타켓으로는 81년의 역사를 가진 전선을 생산 공급하는 멋진 공장이다. 그러나 이 회사의 이사장 앤드류(Andrew Jorgenson : 그레고리 펙 분)는 워낙 겁이 없이 당당하고 자신만만한데다 고집불통인 인물이다. 로렌스 가필드는 돈을 사랑한다. 특히 남의 돈을 그는 투자회사 사장으로 어려운 상황에 처한 기업을 인수, 분해, 판매하여 엄청난 이익을 모은 대부호이다. 그러던 중 그는 뉴잉글랜드 전선이라는 회사를 노리고 있으나 그 회사의 회장과 가족적인 분위기를 유지해왔던 직원들은 펄펄뛴다. 결국 이회사 회장의 비서인 비(Bea Sullivan : 파이퍼 로리 분)의 딸인 변호사 케이트 설리반(Kate Sullivan : 페네로프 앤 밀러 분)에게 문제를 해결해 줄 것을 부탁한다. 가필드는 미모의 케이트에게 한눈에 빠지나 그녀는 그저 일만 성사시킬 한다.
Jack Ayers
This movie is based on the actual events on the tragic day of August 2nd, 1985. Delta Airlines flight 191 en route to Los Angeles Via Dallas Ft Worth took off from Ft Lauderdale, Fl. When the plane was landing in Ft Worth wind-shear from a strong thunderstorm caused the plane to crash.
Dean Jones is Saint John in this intimate, inspiring one-man presentation of John in exile on Patmos. Full of humor, strong in spirit, and resolutely committed to Christ, John shares his account of the events that changed the course of human history---and challenges us with his last words before his death: "Little children, love one another."
An historical and patriotic film focusing on the conservative moral and religious view of American life. The documentary was based on the original stage production by Life Ministries. It portrays the steady erosion of American moral values.
Ed Cooper
In this sequel to his 1978 "When Every Day Was the Fourth of July" (and a pilot to a prospective series), producer/director Dan Curtis recalls more of his youth during the late '30, and follows a fictionalized family where the father has jeopardized a promising law career to defend a Jewish immigrant against the prejudices of a staid New England town.
Charles W. Colson
Having been imprisoned for his part in the Watergate scandal, Charles Colson undergoes a religious conversion.
Ed Cooper
A little girl convinces her attorney father to defend a mute war veteran accused of murdering a store owner.
Jacob Grimm
While traveling to meet with the Hessian King, the famed Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, travel through an enchanted forest where they find themselves trapped in the world of their fairy tales.
Jim Douglas
몬테카를로 랠리에 카레이서인 하비와 짐이 경주에 참가하는 중 다이아몬드를 훔친 도둑과 소동을 벌이고 우승 경쟁을 하는 내용의 코미디 액션 영화
Wilby Daniels
Wilby Daniels, a successful lawyer running for District Attorney, suddenly finds himself being transformed into an English sheepdog. Somehow he has to keep his change a secret and find just what is causing it, all the while eluding the local dog catcher.
Mitzi Gaynor in a song and dance hour with an all-male, star-studded ensemble featuring her main guests Michael Landon (Little House on the Prairie) and Jack Albertson (Chico and the Man), plus 28 celebrities as her "Million Dollar Chorus." Songs performed include: "I Got the Music in Me," "The Most Beautiful Guy in the World," and "You Are the Sunshine of My Life."
Policeman at Football Game (uncredited)
텍사스 교도소에 수감되어 있는 클로비스에게 아내인 루 진이 면회를 온다. 루 진은 클로비스에게 자신들이 가난하고 돈벌이가 마땅치 않다는 이유로 정부에서 아이를 부잣집에 입양하려 한다는 소식을 전한다. 클로비스는 형기를 거의 마치고 4개월 후면 출소할 상황이라 탈옥할 이유가 없었지만 이대로 있으면 아이를 영영 찾지 못한다는 진의 절박한 설득에 못 이겨 탈옥을 감행한 후 아이를 찾아 슈가랜드로 여정을 떠난다. 그런 와중에 이들 부부는 자신들을 추적하는 경찰을 인질로 잡아서 아이들만 찾으면 경찰관을 풀어주겠다는 협정을 맺는다. 어설픈 현상금 사냥꾼이 나타나고 매스컴의 주목을 끌면서 슈가랜드로 향하는 여정은 점점 시끌벅적해진다. 반면에 이들을 지지하는 사람들도 하나 둘 생기고 인질로 붙잡힌 경찰관과 이들 부부사이에 ‘스톡홀름 신드롬’이라 일컬어지는 묘한 동질감이 생겨나는데...
George Gregory
A divorcee wakes up one morning to find her penniless ex-husband, his new wife and baby and their big dog camped out on her doorstep, looking for a place to stay.
Johnny Baxter
When John Baxter inherits a ski resort in the Rocky Mountains, he quits his job in New York and moves the family west to run it. Only to find that the place is a wreck. But together they decide to try to fix it up and run it. But Martin Ridgeway, who wants the property, does everything he can to ensure it will fail.
James E. Cooper
A young girl writes to President Abraham Lincoln to advise him to grow a beard.
Professeur Albert Dooley
아들을 위한 장난감으로 연구실에서 오리를 가져온 돌리 교수는 그 오리가 황금알을 낳는다는 것을 알게되는데...
Self / Bobby
In 1970, right after the triumphant premiere of Stephen Sondheim’s groundbreaking concept musical Company, the renowned composer and lyricist, his director Harold Prince, the show’s stars, and a large pit orchestra all went into a Manhattan recording studio as part of a time-honored Broadway tradition: the making of the original cast album. What ensued was a marathon session in which, with the pressures of posterity and the coolly exacting Sondheim’s perfectionism hanging over them, all involved pushed themselves to the limit.
Peter Denwell
A superhero becomes invisible after he swallows an Indian potion.
Jim Douglas
Down-on-his-luck race car driver Jim Douglas teams up with a little VW Bug that has a mind of its own, not realizing Herbie's worth until a sneaky rival plots to steal him.
Fredrick 'Fred' Bolton
Frederick Bolton has to solve two problems. First, his boss has instructed him to come up with a reasonable campaign to promote a new product, a stomach pill named "Aspercel" - by tomorrow. The second problem is Fred's daugther, Helen. She is absolutely fond of horses, takes riding classes and has already had decent success in some competitions. Her biggest wish is to own a horse herself, a dream her father cannot afford at all. Now Fred tries to solve both problems at once by simply combining them: A horse named "Aspercel", ridden by his daugther should bring the name of the pill into the papers and make Helen happy, too. But there's still one more obstacle: Helen and Aspercel of course have to win a few prices to make this idea work...
Steve Walker
The eponymous wraith returns to Earth to aid his descendant, elderly Emily Stowecroft. The villains want to kick Emily and her friends out of their group home so that they can build a crooked casino. Good guy Steve Walker gets caught in the middle of the squabble after evoking Blackbeard's ghost.
Hank Dussard
Henry Dussard, a young American, inherits a picturesque but badly neglected olive farm in southern France and is determined to make it operational again despite cautionary advice from the local priest and a pretty villager. Desperate for laborers, the inventive Dussard turns to the zaniest crew of olive pickers ever recruited - four mischievous monkeys! As former members of an Air Force space team, these intelligent chimps quickly pick up on their new responsibilities - but prove to have a turbulent effect on the local townspeople.
Cass Henderson
Ellen Gordon, a New York executive's mistress falls for the executive's young business associate when the young man is accidentally sent to use the apartment where the executive and his mistress get together every Wednesday. More complications arise when the executive's wife shows up with plans to redecorate the apartment.
Mark Garrison
The Garrisons are the "proud parents" of three adorable dachshund pups - and one overgrown Great Dane named Brutus, who nevertheless thinks of himself as a dainty dachsie. His identity crisis results in an uproarious series of household crises that reduce the Garrisons' house to shambles - and viewers to howls of laughter!
Zeke Kelso
A young woman suspects foul play when her cat comes home wearing a wristwatch. Convincing the FBI, though, and catching the bad guys is tougher than she imagined.
Val Henderson
The daughter of a dead magician who accidentally killed his wife, her mother, while performing a guillotine trick must spend the night in his house in order to collect her inheritance. Is the house haunted or is it all magic?
Dr. Lew Worship
Young doctors mix romance with their careers in a big-city hospital.
Dave Manning
A love-struck landlord tries to convince a pretty tanant to dump her fiancé and give him a chance.
Phil Winslow
Amos Burke is an L.A. cop who's inherited millions and usually arrives at crime scenes in a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce. Investigating the death of actress Julie Greer, he finds lots of suspects - but the killer's identity surprises him.
Sgt. Jim Norby
A U.S. military troop takes command of a band of Burmese guerillas during World War II.
Lexington Nelson
A POW marries a woman he meets in Mexico. Controversy erupts when people find out that she's one-quarter black.
Lt. Jake 'Fuzz' Foley
A submarine commander is on a relentless pursuit of a Japanese aircraft carrier in the South Seas during World War II.
Cpl. Terry Sellers
An officer poses as a general after the death of his commanding officer and inspires his troops to victory.
Zachary Davis
A law student working on a class project discovers a real-life crime.
Teddy Talbot
After serving time for manslaughter, young Vince Everett becomes a teenage rock star.
Assistant Stage Manager (uncredited)
스포츠 저널리스트인 마이크와 디자이너인 마릴라는 휴양지에서 만나 순식간에 사랑에 빠져 그곳에서 곧바로 결혼식을 치룬다. 집으로 돌아온 두 사람을 기다리는 현실은, 그들의 생활이 그동안 얼마나 달랐으며 서로에 대해 아는 것이 거의 없다는 것. 게다가 마이크는 아내 마릴라가 자신의 분야에서 굉장히 성공한 여성이라는 것을 알게 되면서 심한 스트레스를 받게 된다. 결국 그는 자신의 가치를 증명하기 위해 위험한 모험을 시도하는데... 에서 낭만적인 연기를 보여줬던 그레고리 펙과, 험프리 보가트의 아내이자 수차례 토니상을 수상한 바 있는 매력적인 여배우 로렌 바콜 주연의 상큼한 로맨틱 코미디. , 등으로 유명한 빈센트 미넬리가 메가폰을 잡은 이 작품은, 그해 아카데미 각본상을 수상하기도 했다. (DVD) 1950~60년대 할리우드의 유명 여배우라면 입어보지 않은 이가 없을 만큼 유명했던 의상 디자이너 헬렌 로즈의 개인적 체험에서 영감을 얻었다고 한다. 두말할 필요 없는 두 배우, 그레고리 펙과 로렌 바콜 주연의 고전적이면서도 상큼한 로맨틱 코미디. (시네마테크부산)
In this musical-comedy, Dean Martin plays an American hotel mogul who becomes smitten with a young Italian woman (Anna Maria Alberghetti) when buying a hotel in Rome. To marry this gal, he has to get her three older sisters married off.
Buck Rivers
Bruce Hallerton becomes coach of the Panthers, a little league baseball team. The fact that an attractive widow has her son in the team causes problems with his wife.
Assistant Stage Manager (uncredited)
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
Tom Lee is more interested in the arts than in sports, something that sits uneasily with both his father and his classmates. Tom's school housemaster Bill Reynolds even gives him a hard time for his "effeminate" interests. However, Bill's wife Laura sympathizes with Tom and tries to help him with her own overtures.
Hardware Clerk
A man tries to find a son he gave up for adoption years ago.
Private in Rocky's Tent (uncredited)
주인공 폴 뉴먼은 뒷골목 건달에서 권투를 배워 세계 챔피언까지 올라가는 사나이이다. 그는 밝고 낙천적인 성격이어서, 항상 모든 일에 잘 될 것이라는 자신감을 가지고 적극적으로 노력한다. 그 이유는 그가 영화의 제목과 같이 생각하기 때문이다. "저 위에 있는 어떤 분이 나를 좋아한다" 여기서 "저 위에 있는 어떤 분"이란 바로 하나님을 말한다.