Robert Hawk

참여 작품

점원들 3
심각한 심장마비를 겪은 후, 랜달은 모든 것이 시작된 편의점에서의 삶을 담은 불후의 명작을 찍겠다며 친구이자 동료 점원인 단테, 엘리아스, 제이, 사일런트 밥을 불러 모은다.
Boys On Film 12: Confession
Boys On Film's twelfth collection of gay short films exposes private lives, uncovers secrets and presents a choice — to conceal or to confess? Volume 12: Confession features nine new stories, including: Robert Hawk's "Home From The Gym" starring Jake Robbins; Samuel Leighton-Dore's "Showboy" starring Lucas Pittaway and Malcolm Kennard; Bobby de Groot and Arjan van Meerten's animated "Cruise Patrol"; Denis Theriault's "I Am Syd Stone" starring Gharrett Patrick Paon and Michael Gaty; Dustin Shroff's "Deflated" starring Carson Trinity Haverda and Greg Baglia; Filippo Demarchi's "Age 17" starring Fabio Foiada and Ignazio Oliva; Christophe Prédari's "Human Warmth" starring Thomas Coumans and Adrien Desbons; Dominic Haxton's "Tonight It's Me" starring Jake Robbins, Caleb James, and Christian Patrick; and Peter Knegt and Stephen Dunn's "Good Morning" starring Peter Knegt and Oliver Skinner.
Boys On Film 12: Confession
Boys On Film's twelfth collection of gay short films exposes private lives, uncovers secrets and presents a choice — to conceal or to confess? Volume 12: Confession features nine new stories, including: Robert Hawk's "Home From The Gym" starring Jake Robbins; Samuel Leighton-Dore's "Showboy" starring Lucas Pittaway and Malcolm Kennard; Bobby de Groot and Arjan van Meerten's animated "Cruise Patrol"; Denis Theriault's "I Am Syd Stone" starring Gharrett Patrick Paon and Michael Gaty; Dustin Shroff's "Deflated" starring Carson Trinity Haverda and Greg Baglia; Filippo Demarchi's "Age 17" starring Fabio Foiada and Ignazio Oliva; Christophe Prédari's "Human Warmth" starring Thomas Coumans and Adrien Desbons; Dominic Haxton's "Tonight It's Me" starring Jake Robbins, Caleb James, and Christian Patrick; and Peter Knegt and Stephen Dunn's "Good Morning" starring Peter Knegt and Oliver Skinner.
Boys On Film 12: Confession
Boys On Film's twelfth collection of gay short films exposes private lives, uncovers secrets and presents a choice — to conceal or to confess? Volume 12: Confession features nine new stories, including: Robert Hawk's "Home From The Gym" starring Jake Robbins; Samuel Leighton-Dore's "Showboy" starring Lucas Pittaway and Malcolm Kennard; Bobby de Groot and Arjan van Meerten's animated "Cruise Patrol"; Denis Theriault's "I Am Syd Stone" starring Gharrett Patrick Paon and Michael Gaty; Dustin Shroff's "Deflated" starring Carson Trinity Haverda and Greg Baglia; Filippo Demarchi's "Age 17" starring Fabio Foiada and Ignazio Oliva; Christophe Prédari's "Human Warmth" starring Thomas Coumans and Adrien Desbons; Dominic Haxton's "Tonight It's Me" starring Jake Robbins, Caleb James, and Christian Patrick; and Peter Knegt and Stephen Dunn's "Good Morning" starring Peter Knegt and Oliver Skinner.
Home from the Gym
A young man returns from the gym and undresses.
Home from the Gym
A young man returns from the gym and undresses.
Home from the Gym
A young man returns from the gym and undresses.
Home from the Gym
A young man returns from the gym and undresses.
Interior. Leather Bar.
Story Consultant
Filmmakers James Franco and Travis Mathews re-imagine the lost 40 minutes from "Cruising" as a starting point to a broader exploration of sexual and creative freedom.
Tracing Amy: The Chasing Amy Doc
A documentary about the production, release and reception of Kevin Smith's 1997 Miramax cult classic "Chasing Amy."
Prodigal Sons
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Kimberly Reed returns home for her high school reunion, ready to reintroduce herself to the small town as a transgender woman and hoping for reconciliation with her long-estranged adopted brother Marc. Things are complicated by the shocking revelation that Marc may be the grandson of Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth, forcing Kim and her family to explore questions of sexual orientation, identity, severe trauma and love.
Snowball Effect: The Story of Clerks
A feature-length documentary about the making of Kevin Smith's "Clerks" and the commercial success that followed.
Old Man
Vulgar is about a man who is a children's clown but has not been getting much luck lately. He lives in a cheap apartment which he can't even afford. Bums are constantly sleeping in his run down car and crashing on his lawn. He has a nagging mother who lives in a nursing home, and his best friend is a moocher. One day he comes up with the idea to become a bachelor clown.
브로드웨이 뮤지컬 작가인 가브리엘과 근육질 스트리퍼 마크, 두 남자의 이야기.
체이싱 아미
Associate Producer
만화가이며 오랜 친구사이인 홀든(벤 애플렉)과 벤키는 컬트 코미디 만화 "띨띨이와 중독자"의 성공으로 큰 인기를 누리고 있다. 홀든은 같은 코메디 만화가인 알리스 존스(조이 로렌 아담스)에게 홀딱 반해 알리스의 초대를 받고 설레이는 마음으로 파티에 참석했다가 알리사의 애인이라며 등장한 여자때문에 충격을 받는다. 결국 홀든은 자신의 마음을 표현해보지도 못한 채 알리사와 친구로 지내기로 한다. 한편, 벤키는 홀든이 알리사와 친하게 지내자 자신이 친구를 잃었다는 생각에 괴로워하다 홀든에게 자기와 알리사 중 하나만을 선택하라고 요구하는데..
Sex Is...
Marc Huestis edits interviews with 15 men, including himself, around a set of topics starting with "what is sex?" The men are gay, living in or near San Francisco. They talk about their first sexual experiences, the gay scene in San Francisco in the late 1970s, the pall cast by AIDS, the safe-sex movement, getting into serious relationships, the illness and death of partners, pornography, S/M and pain, race and stereotypes, personal fantasies, and bliss. Huestis has a thesis, that sex is going to be with us, so how best do we embrace it? His 15 subjects, archival footage, clips from porn films, and close-up looks at men loving men flesh out various answers.
하비 밀크의 시대
85년 아카데미 장편다큐멘터리 부문 수상작 하비 밀크는 게이 활동가로서는 최초로 샌프란시스코의 시정 감시관(Supervisor)에 선출된 인물이다. 그러나, 공개적으로 자신이 게이임을 선언했을 뿐만 아니라 지역 사회의 산적한 문제를 진보적인 관점에서 해결하고자 했던 그의 노력은 수많은 편견과 장애물에 부딪치게 되고, 결국 그를 죽음에까지 이르게 한다. 1985년도 아카데미 장편 다큐멘터리 작품상을 수상하기도 한 이 작품은, 80년대 미국의 대표적인 독립 다큐멘터리이다. 감독 로버트 엡스타인은, 게이들에 대한 편견을 지니고 있던 좌파 운동가의 고백으로부터 하비가 살해당한 바로 그 날 조직된 45000 명의 촛불 시위 장면에 이르기까지, 주변 인물의 인터뷰 및 방대한 자료 화면을 동원하며, 새로운 세상을 갈구한 사회 운동과 게이 액티비즘에 대한 면밀한 케이스 스터디와도 같은 작품을 만들어냈다. 개인과 사회의 상호작용이 언제나 구체적인 역사적 계기를 통해서 교차하듯, 은 60년대 이후 동성애운동이 발화하기 시작한 샌프란시스코의 정치적·사회적 분위기를 그려냄과 동시에, 장벽을 돌파하려던 활동가, 그의 조직적 활동, 그리고 그를 가로막은 거대한 편견의 요새를 세부묘사한다. 동성애자는 물론 미국내의 모든 정치적 소수자들과 함께 손잡고 권익옹호를 위해 애썼던 한 활동가의 초상은 진정 시대를 초월한 운동가의 의지를 실감하게 한다.