Adam Pawlikowski
출생 : 1925-11-21, Warsaw, Poland
사망 : 1976-01-17
University student Anna and her boyfriend Tomek use a precious photograph to trace and unveil the complex wartime and post-war past of their parents.
Wajda's homage to Zbigniew Cybulski, the "Polish James Dean" who starred in the director's ASHES AND DIAMONDS and died young. The movie follows the tribulations of a director attempting to make a movie with a Cybulski-like star who never shows up.
sługa szejka (nie występuje w czołówce)
Short TV film upon the story of Ludwik Niemojski of the same title, which was a part of his "Incredible Stories". It tells about Bartolomeo, brilliant chess player, who had ruined his private life because of his passion for chess.
cwaniak Nurkiewicz
Polish musical comedy. The film focuses on two friends who spend their vacation in the beautiful countryside of Mazury. They buy a very nice car (Syrenka), but in order to pay for it the men need to start working as solicitors for a notable art impresario named Koszajtis. Soon they get thrown right in the middle of a hilarious war between two rivaling music-and-dance groups.
komisarz Didot z Interpolu
A classic criminal story set between Poland and South America.
kelner; nie występuje w napisach
한 무리의 청년들이 이상한 의식을 시도하며 사회의 낡은 관습과 기성 세대를 비판한다. 이 중 한 명인 주인공은 마치 연극 무대처럼 텅빈 거리로 나와 이곳저곳을 돌아다닌다. 그러는 동안 주류 사회의 위선과 경직성, 사람들의 공허와 외로움이 초현실적인 분위기 속에서 드러난다. 현실의 문제를 다루면서도 핍진성의 요소를 의도적으로 빗겨가는 실험적 연출이 돋보이는 작품.
A macabre film about the experiences of a client who is shaved by a hairdresser-psychopath.
Three idealists - a communist secretary, a former RAF pilot and a female political activist - need to face the hardships and accusations of postwar Stalinist years before being finally rehabilitated.
Don Pedro Uzeda
나폴레옹 전쟁 시대, 스페인의 사라고사에서 전투가 벌어진다. 허름한 여인숙에 들어갔던 한 군인이 기괴한 그림이 그려진 커다란 책을 발견한다. 그를 붙잡으려던 적군의 대위는 이 책이 바로 자신의 할아버지에 대한 이야기임을 알게 된다. 두 사람은 현실을 잊은 채 책에 빠져든다. 이야기를 따라 주인공은 스페인 곳곳을 떠돌며 무어인 공주들, 술탄, 집시 등 기이한 인물들과 조우한다.
다재다능한 폴란드의 귀족 얀 포토키가 쓴 소설을 바탕으로 했다. 예측을 뒤엎는 상상력과 모험으로 현실과 환상을 오가는 작품으로 폴란드 컬트 영화의 걸작으로 꼽힌다.
urzędnik USC [epizod 2 i 3]
Three short segments about love.
The young and beautiful wife of a prominent diplomat complains of boredom. To change her monotonous life, she has an affair, through which she gets entangled in intrigues and espionage affairs. (
Henryk Zawadzki, złodziej hotelowy
A modest and plain young Małgorzata leads a very boring life as a cashier. One day a robber riddles her bank car with bullets, kills driver and two security guards and takes the money. The police finds out that the stolen banknotes are being spent at a fashionable spa resort. The only way to find the criminal is to favor Małgorzata with a seaside holiday in the company of a handsome Captain as her "brother"...
After WWII a soldier returns to his Polish homeland from Scotland.
Viceroy Saradella / citizen of Golden City
Twin brothers, Jacek and Placek, are the town's troublemakers. They're lazy, greedy and also cruel. They despise hard work, so they cook up a plan to make easy money that would make them rich for the rest of their lives: steal the moon and sell it. They set on a journey to find a place where the moon would be low enough for them to steal. Before they leave, they take the last loaf of bread from their poor hardworking mother. After numerous adventures the boys manage to catch the moon in a fishing net. But it is only the beginning of their troubles.
Przyjaciel Piotra
The inability of a truck driver to relate to normal life after an accident for which he feels himself responsible.
A boy awaits the return of his long-absent emigre father but is disappointed when they finally meet.
Herold zapowiadający króla
Set in the Middle Ages the film tells the story of a wonder child, the little sculptor Wawrzek, who goes to work for a great master, Wit Stwosz. The story culminates in the unveiling of Stwosz's greatest masterpiece, the Altar of St. Mary's Church in Cracow.
In the last days of the war an old train driver and his young assistant carry weapons to Polish soldiers on the western front.
An actress visits her hometown to attend the funeral of her grandfather. She realizes that the places and people from her past differ from her cherished memories.
Jerzy Biesiada
Based on real events story of stealing methyl alcohol causing mass poisoning in town.
Widz w teatrze "Tik Tak" [brak w napisach]
Jacek is a handsome, charming young Pole who belongs to a drama company. One day, in the streets of Gdansk, he meets Marguerite, a beautiful, charming French girl. He falls for her but the young lady is whimsical...
Ens. Osewski
To convince the prison warden against releasing him, a middle-aged Polish man recounts his life, one he considers to have been characterized by exceptionally bad luck.
Zygmunt Stukonis
A subjective adaptation of a well-known autobiographical novel by Zbigniew Unilowski (screenplay by Wojciech Jerzy Has with dialogues by Stanislaw Dygat). The adventures of the tenants of a sublet room in a Warsaw townhouse inhabited mostly by students and novice writers, presented against the social context of the 1930s.
Major Rudolf von Henneberg
A Jewish man who escapes a Nazi transport hides in a Polish ski resort town by posing for photos with tourists dressed as a polar bear.
porucznik Wodnicki
Set in the beginning of Wold War II, when the Polish cavalry still fought with lances against German troops. LOTNA is about a white thoroughbred horse that passed through various hands in a military outfit.
Andrzej Kossecki
2차대전이 끝날 무렵, 폴란드는 좌익과 우익의 이념 갈등과 정치적 대립으로 혼란에 빠진다. 민족주의 진영의 무장조직 대원인 안제이와 마치엑은 폴란드의 한 지방 도시를 방문하는 공산당 고위 간부 슈츠카를 암살하라는 지령을 받고 그 도시로 들어온다. 잘못된 정보로 슈츠카가 아닌 지역의 두 노동자를 사살하게 된 둘은 그 사실을 모른 채 숙박을 위해 한 호텔로 가지만, 이내 자신들의 실수를 알게 된 둘은 다시 한 번 자신들의 임무를 완수하기 위한 기회를 노리는데...
Music Supervisor
A subtle, almost quasi-documentary tale of a confrontation between two lonely people — one from which true understanding cannot seemingly result.
Niemiec przy wylocie kanału
1944년, 독일군은 바르샤바를 포위하고 폴란드인들은 처절한 저항을 이어간다. 폴란드군의 자드라 중위는 부하들과 함께 수로를 이용해 후퇴하라는 명령을 받지만 전우들과 함께 마지막까지 싸울 생각이었던 그는 심각한 고민에 빠진다.
1950년대, 감독 안제이 바이다의 주된 관심사는 독일에 의해 파괴된 조국의 고통스러운 현실을 치열한 역사의식으로 재구성하는 것이었다. <카날>은 전쟁의 포화로 초토화된 지상의 상황과, 국가적 이념과 인간적 가치 사이에서 갈등하는 지하의 고립된 인물들을 교차 편집하며 역사와 인간성이라는 두가지 화두를 심도 있게 탐구한 걸작이다. 1957년 칸영화제 심사위원 특별상을 수상하면서 바이다를 전세계에 알린 작품이기도 하다.