Farida Rahouadj

Farida Rahouadj

프로필 사진

Farida Rahouadj

참여 작품

Le nounou
Et toi, c’est pour quand ?
Mme Barkhane
When her mother, her friends and her gynecologist ask her about her desire to have a child, Charlotte prefers to drown the fish. When Emily, a future client, confides in her about her infertility problems, Charlotte claims without thinking that she can't procreate either.
Forever Young
At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.
You Will Not Have My Hate
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love for his almost three-year-old son. And yet he seems to lose his footing in his grief.
노바디즈 히어로
Mme El Alaoui
메데릭이 거리에서 우연히 만난 이사도라에게 열렬한 구애를 펼치는 동안 테러리스트의 공격이 클레르몽페랑 시를 강타한다. 아파트 입구에서 노숙하는 아랍인 청년을 본 메데릭은 그가 특공대원일지도 모른다는 의심을 하면서도 그를 본인의 집에서 재워주기로 한다. 의심, 과대망상증, 여러 욕망이 한데 겹치는 가운데, 메데릭과 그의 주변 사람 모두가 광란의 소용돌이에 휘말린다.
Mince Alors 2!
La mère de Karim
Isabelle and her niece Nina open a "fasting and detox" cure in the heart of Provence, with the help of Baptiste, a yogi and handyman, Jessica, a tantric masseuse, and Maxime, a seductive equine therapist. Among the first curists, four overweight teenagers sent by the town hall; Marion and Lio, her skinny sister who imposes the cure on her "for her own good"; and their friend Émilie who, having shed her extra kilos, discovers as soon as she arrives that her beloved husband is swooning in the arms of a man... who is clearly overweight!
Jugé sans justice
La juge Belloua
A father is arrested for murder and a kidnap attempt three years ago. Through the police station's one-way mirror, 16-year-old Claire is sure she recognizes Gustavo as the man who tried to kidnap her and killed her father while fleeing.
파리의 별빛 아래
홈리스와 난민 소년, 소외된 그들이 만든 파리의 기적! 남모를 상처와 사연으로 홈리스의 삶을 살게 된 '크리스틴' 세상의 외면과 냉대 속에서 삶을 이어가던 크리스틴 앞에 머물 곳도 엄마도 잃은 아프리카 난민 소년 '술리'가 나타난다. 서로 말도 통하지 않는 두 사람은 술리의 엄마를 찾기 위해 사람들의 차가운 시선을 견디며 여행을 시작하는데…
가가린 옥상에서 하늘을 보며 우주비행사를 꿈꾸던 10대 소년, 유리. 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 꿈을 키운 공간이었던 가가린 주택단지의 철거가 결정되고, 유리는 가가린을 지키기 위해 고군분투한다. 유리는 자신의 우상이자 우주, 그리고 집이었던 가가린 주택단지를 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Wide Load
This is the story of a guy who goes too fast and a big guy who is too slow. Foster meets Taupin. All this would be trivial if one of them had a scary scenario, the scenario of their lives and their deaths. Just open the pages and shake.
Algiers, 1994, in the middle of the civil war. Yasmine, a housekeeper, must take leave to visit her aunt. But on this particular day, Madame, her boss, loses her beloved dog, Touiza. Unable to be left alone, Madame is determined to prevent Yasmine from leaving her.
After the Night
The day before she is due to arrive in a closed educational facility where she must serve out her sentence, sixteen-year-old Anastasia escapes from her tutor. While she's on the run, she encounters a woman who suggests that Anastasia stays at her place for the night. At break of day, Anastasia must choose.
The Last Hammer Blow
L'assistante de Rovinski
When he first enters the Montpellier Opera House, Victor knows nothing about music. Nor does he know his father, Samuel Rovinski, who is there to conduct Mahler’s 6th symphony. To change the course of his suddenly uncertain future, for Nadia his mother, for Luna whom he has fallen in love with, Victor has decided to step out of the shadows. He’ll go as far as he needs to.
Farid, a young 26-year-old Frenchman, must travel to Algeria to save his father's house. While discovering this country in which he had never before set foot, he succumbs to the charms of a host of astonishing characters whose humour and simplicity affect him deeply. Amongst these is his cousin, a bright and lively young man who has the dream of one day going to France...
The Clink of Ice
l'agent immobilier
An alcoholic writer is visited by an incarnation of his cancer.
Silent Voice
An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
Musée haut, musée bas
Un conservateur terrorisé par les plantes vertes, une mère plastifiée pour être exposée, un ballet de Saintes Vierges, des gardiens épuisés par Rodin, un ministre perdu dans une exposition de sexes, une voiture disparue au parking Rembrandt, des provinciaux amoureux des Impressionnistes, touristes galopins galopant d'une salle à l'autre, passager clandestin dans l'art premier, Picasso, Gauguin, Warhol, ils sont tous là dans ce petit monde qui ressemble au grand, dans ce musée pas si imaginaire que ça, valsant la comédie humaine jusqu'au burlesque.
Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
The story of Ali Baba, who takes on forty thieves to save the Caliph of Baghdad and prevent a war between the Orient and the Occident.
사랑도 흥정이 되나요?
La Voisine
모든 남자들이 탐하는 매혹적인 그녀, 그녀로부터 거부할 수 없는 거래가 시작된다! 벗겨진 대머리에 볼 것 없는 외모를 지닌 평범한 월급쟁이 프랑수아. 지금 막 거액의 복권에 당첨된 그는 이 세상 누구라도 반해버릴 뇌쇄적인 아름다움의 소유자 다니엘라를 만나 한가지 제안을 한다. 한 달에 10만 유로씩을 줄 테니, 대신에 400만 유로의 복권 당첨금이 다 떨어질 때까지 자신과 함께 지내자는 것이 바로 그것! 돈을 준다는 말에 선뜻 제안을 받아들인 다니엘라는 자신을 정중하고 부드럽게 대해주는 프랑수아에게 점차 마음을 빼앗기게 된다. 하지만 그녀의 숨막힐 듯 관능적인 육체는 정신적으로 충격을 받거나 신체적으로 무리를 하면 곧 멎을지도 모르는 약한 심장을 지닌 프랑수아에겐 너무나 가혹한 유혹. 그런 그 역시도 다니엘라를 향한 열정적인 사랑으로 심장을 치유해간다. 그러던 어느 날, 샤를리라는 심상치 않은 남자가 찾아와 자연스럽게 다니엘라를 품에 안는다. 사실 그녀는 암흑가 보스인 샤를리의 여자였던 것. 당황해하는 프랑수아에게 그는 다니엘라를 가질 수 있는 거래의 조건을 제시하기 시작하는데…
Permis d'aimer
A cafeteria worker of Arab origin falls in love with a French co-worker, much to everyone else's chagrin.
The Chops
A father arrives at his son's house one evening. They begin talking about women, love, relationships and things turn awkward fast.
Living in Paradise
Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants trying to find a place in the social system of Western Europe.
Franck shows up in a gossip magazine photo behind a brawling TV star at a football match.
Les Amoureux
In a rural French town, a 15-year-old closeted gay boy breaks free from his idolization of his older and ostensibly free-wheeling half-sister, learning to trust himself and become independent.
La nuit sacrée
A rich Moroccan who belongs to the better circles has seven daughters. Whatever happens, the eighth offspring must be a son. It is a girl again, but she is given a male name, Ahmed and grows up like a boy. When Ahmed is 21, he is in an identity crisis: he wants to shave, leave a mustache and take his niece to wife. In the meantime, Ahmed's father is dying and wants to sail to heaven. He calls to Ahmed and calls her a female name Zahra and gives her freedom so that she can go out.
Rue du Bac
Simon lives in an affluent intellectual environment, headed by his mother Alice. Raphael, his cousin, belongs to the poor branch of the family, but Simon adores him. So he decides to help him become a writer.
Lucky Ravi
Le Rodba
Aya's mother
La Vierge à l'enfant